Papers by Abdurrahman Sönmezler
Anaesthesia & critical care medicine journal, 2019
PRES is a clinic radiological syndrome characterized by neurologic findings with edema predominan... more PRES is a clinic radiological syndrome characterized by neurologic findings with edema predominantly in the posterior region of the brain. Pathophysiology is not clear but the final problem is thought to be cerebral vasogenic edema. It usually occurs with seizures, unconsciousness, headache, visual abnormalities, nausea / vomiting and more rarely with hemiparesis or aphasia. MRI is vital for diagnosis. MRI findings are characterized by hyper intense signals in fluidattenuated inversion recovery sequences .PRES is usually reversible due to vasogenic edema. Therefore, PRES has a relatively good prognosis. MRI findings and clinical symptoms are reversible, especially if the syndrome is treated early and appropriately.
Anaesthesia & critical care medicine journal, 2019
A high BMI (body mass index) has been associated with higher rates of survival in patients with c... more A high BMI (body mass index) has been associated with higher rates of survival in patients with cardiovascular disease including patients with cerebrovascular disease, which is referred to as the obesity paradox. But the back of the coin explains the subject. In fact, body mass index does not fully reflect visceral adiposity, which is the cause of risk. In conclusion, it should be used with other parameters that show visceral adiposity to reveal the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and cerebrovascular disease.

Background: This study investigated the relationship of mortality to mean platelet volume (MPV) a... more Background: This study investigated the relationship of mortality to mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW) in acute ischemic stroke patients. Materials and Methods: A total of 68 patients with acute ischemic stroke were enrolled in this retrospective study, of whom 36 (52.9%) and 32 (47.1%) were survived and died, respectively. Demographical properties and complete blood counts of all patients were recorded. MPV and PDW values were compared. Results: A total of 68 elderly patients (n: 68) with acute ischemic stroke who were admitted to the study received follow-up care in our hospital neurology intensive care unit (NICU). The mean PDW value of the patients who died (17.7 ± 1.7) was significantly higher than that of the living patients (15.2 ± 2.2) (P < 0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between the MPV values of the dead patients (8.9 ± 2.1) and the living patients (8.5 ± 1.9) (P = 0.435). Conclusion: This study indicates that MPV is not associated with mortality in elderly patients with acute ischemic stroke while PDW is.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Aug 1, 2012
Elektronöromiyografi (ENMG) nörofizyolojik durumun ortaya konmasında çok önemli bir incelemedir. ... more Elektronöromiyografi (ENMG) nörofizyolojik durumun ortaya konmasında çok önemli bir incelemedir. Bu çalışmada bölgemizde polinöropati ön tanılı olgularda ENMG tanılarının dağılımını incelemek istedik. Materyal ve metod: Polinöropati tanısı ile ENMG laboratuarımıza gelen 921 hastanın sonuçları incelendi. Bulgular: İki yıllık süreçte polinöropati ön tanılı 921 hastanın yaş ortalaması 40,77±22,23 idi. Bunların 451'i erkek (%49) ve yaş ortalaması 39,64±22,89; 470'i kadın (%51) ve yaş ortalaması 41,85±21,54 idi. Hastaların 560'ında (%60,8) normal ENMG bulguları elde edilirken 361'inde (%39,2) patolojik ENMG bulguları vardı. Hasta grubu içinde, sekonder gelişen polinöropatiler (301 olgu, %83,4, Diyabet, KOAH, nefropati vb.), Guillain Barre Sendromu (50 olgu, %13,9), Multifokal Motor Nöropati (5 olgu-%1,4) ve Herediter Basınca Duyarlılık Nöropatisi (5 olgu-%1,4) yer aldı. Sonuç: Hasta grubunda en sık gözlenen sistemik hastalıklara sekonder gelişen polinöropatilerdi. Hastaların %39,2'sinde istemde belirtilen ön tanı ile ENMG'ye dayalı tanı arasında uyum vardı. Bu sonuçlara göre, ENMG'ye yönlendirilen hastaların yeterli sürede ve daha dikkatli değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.
Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine Journal, 2020
Diabetic neuropathy is a microvascular complication that is one of the causes of mortality and mo... more Diabetic neuropathy is a microvascular complication that is one of the causes of mortality and morbidity. An increasing number of studies point to the association of mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW) with microvascular complications in diabetic neuropathy patients. MPV, PDW can therefore be used as simple and cost-effective predictive parameters of platelet activation to monitor and predict the risk of vascular complications. Early diagnosis of neuropathy will ensure significant success in preventing complications.
Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine Journal, 2019
A high BMI (body mass index) has been associated with higher rates of survival in patients with c... more A high BMI (body mass index) has been associated with higher rates of survival in patients with cardiovascular disease including patients with cerebrovascular disease, which is referred to as the obesity paradox. But the back of the coin explains the subject. In fact, body mass index does not fully reflect visceral adiposity, which is the cause of risk. In conclusion, it should be used with other parameters that show visceral adiposity to reveal the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and cerebrovascular disease.
Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine Journal, 2019
Hemiballismus-hemichorea associated with lesions related to the subthalamic nucleus or its connec... more Hemiballismus-hemichorea associated with lesions related to the subthalamic nucleus or its connections. Hemiballismushemichorea have also been reported in pallidus, caudate core, putamen, thalamus, corona radiata, substantia nigra, premotor and motor cortex lesions. Ballismus is a very large amplitude korean movement that involves the proximal part of the extremities.It is usually unilateral.This condition, which is defined as hemiballismus, is associated with lesions related to the subtalamic nucleus or connections of the contralateral side .Choreic and ballistic movements have been reported in the lesions that cut the afferent and efferent subtalamopallidal pathways of the basal ganglil. In this article we report a 54-year-old woman with hemiballismus-hemichorea who developed after acute ischemia in the globus pallidus.
Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine Journal, 2019
PRES is a clinic radiological syndrome characterized by neurologic findings with edema predominan... more PRES is a clinic radiological syndrome characterized by neurologic findings with edema predominantly in the posterior region of the brain. Pathophysiology is not clear but the final problem is thought to be cerebral vasogenic edema. It usually occurs with seizures, unconsciousness, headache, visual abnormalities, nausea / vomiting and more rarely with hemiparesis or aphasia. MRI is vital for diagnosis. MRI findings are characterized by hyper intense signals in fluidattenuated inversion recovery sequences .PRES is usually reversible due to vasogenic edema. Therefore, PRES has a relatively good prognosis. MRI findings and clinical symptoms are reversible, especially if the syndrome is treated early and appropriately.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2013
Purpose: Electroneuromyography (ENMG) is an essential method for demonstrating the neurophysiolog... more Purpose: Electroneuromyography (ENMG) is an essential method for demonstrating the neurophysiological status. We performed this trial to reflect the variety of the ENMG diagnoses and the compliance between the preliminary diagnosis and the ENMG result in pediatric cases in our region. Material and Method: The ENMG diagnoses of the pediatric patients presenting to our electroneurophysiology laboratory during a 2-year period were investigated. Results: The mean age of the 789 pediatric patients was 6.56± 4.81. Among them, there were 415 males (52.6%) with a mean age of 6.57±4.72, and 374 females (47.4%) with a mean age of 6.54±4.91. The ENMG diagnoses were as follows: 141 patients (17.9%) with brachial plexus lesion, 65 patients (8.2%) with peripheral nerve injury due to sharp object injury, gunshot injury and various accidents (traffic accidents, falling down from height etc), 48 patients (6.1%) with polyneuropathy (non-acute onset), 39 patients (4.9%) with myopathy, 37 patients (4.7%) with injection neuropathy, 34 patients (4.3%) with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS). 329 cases (41.7%) had normal ENMG findings despite the presence of a preliminary diagnosis. 460 had (58.3%) pathological ENMG findings. Conclusion: In the pediatric age group, the most common diagnosis was the brachial plexus lesion. The fact that more than 30% of the cases had traumatic nerve injury revealed that preventive measures should be taken against accidents and in relation to medical procedures for non-adults. The preliminary diagnosis-ENMG compliance rate of 58.3% indicates the necessity to reduce the off-label ENMG request.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Oct 1, 2015

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, Aug 1, 2012
Özet Amaç: Elektronöromiyografi (ENMG) nörofizyolojik durumun ortaya konmasında çok önemli bir in... more Özet Amaç: Elektronöromiyografi (ENMG) nörofizyolojik durumun ortaya konmasında çok önemli bir incelemedir. Bu çalışmada bölgemizde polinöropati ön tanılı olgularda ENMG tanılarının dağılımını incelemek istedik. Materyal ve metod: Polinöropati tanısı ile ENMG laboratuarımıza gelen 921 hastanın sonuçları incelendi. Bulgular: İki yıllık süreçte polinöropati ön tanılı 921 hastanın yaş ortalaması 40,77±22,23 idi. Bunların 451'i erkek (%49) ve yaş ortalaması 39,64±22,89; 470'i kadın (%51) ve yaş ortalaması 41,85±21,54 idi. Hastaların 560'ında (%60,8) normal ENMG bulguları elde edilirken 361'inde (%39,2) patolojik ENMG bulguları vardı. Hasta grubu içinde, sekonder gelişen polinöropatiler (301 olgu, %83,4, Diyabet, KOAH, nefropati vb.), Guillain Barre Sendromu (50 olgu, %13,9), Multifokal Motor Nöropati (5 olgu-%1,4) ve Herediter Basınca Duyarlılık Nöropatisi (5 olgu-%1,4) yer aldı. Sonuç: Hasta grubunda en sık gözlenen sistemik hastalıklara sekonder gelişen polinöropatilerdi. Hastaların %39,2'sinde istemde belirtilen ön tanı ile ENMG'ye dayalı tanı arasında uyum vardı. Bu sonuçlara göre, ENMG'ye yönlendirilen hastaların yeterli sürede ve daha dikkatli değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2015
Journal of Intensive and Critical Care, 2019
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the mortality and se... more Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the mortality and serum phosphorus levels in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Methods: The data of 86 patients admitted to the study were analysed retrospectively. Results: A total of 86 patients (n:86) with acute ischemic stroke who were followed up in our hospital Neurology Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Fifty of 86 patients were survived and transferred to our service, then discharged. The number of patients who died was 36. The mean level of serum phosphorus of patients who died (2.77 ± 0.39) was significantly lower than that of the living patients (3.14 ± 0.20) (p<0.001). Conclusions: This study supports that low serum phosphorus level is associated with mortality in patients with acute ischemic stroke.

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Research, 2019
Background: Lexical meaning of leukoaraiosis is the decrease of density in white matter. Conceptu... more Background: Lexical meaning of leukoaraiosis is the decrease of density in white matter. Conceptually, the term leukoaraiosis does not reflect a clinical presentation but a radiological one. Proliferation of the clinical use of computed tomography (CT) scan of the head and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) helps the easy diagnosis of leukoaraiosis In this study, we aimed to investigate the frequency of leukoaraiosis in the geriatric population in our region. Methods: Retrospective study in the Harran University Medical Faculty Neurology Department between 2011 and 2013. 339 out of 379 geriatric cases treated as outpatients were taken. Results: The average age of 155 male and 224 female subjects is 68.3 ± 6.3. There was no leukoaraiosis in 57 cases. In 282 cases leukoaraiosis was observed. Those with leukoaraiosis; 74 cases (26.2%) stage 1, 52 cases (18.4%) stage 2, 54 cases (19.1%) stage 3, 45 cases (16.0%) stage 4. There was a significant correlation between age and leukoaraiosis phase. As age increased, the stage increased (p<0.0001). There was a significant correlation between cerebrovascular disease and leukoaraiosis phase (p=0.0067). Conclusıons: As a result, it is noteworthy that leukoaraiosis increases in the geriatric population. There was a significant correlation between leukoaraiosis phase with mild atrophy, severe atrophy and cerebrovascular disease.

Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2015
The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of dysphagia in acute ischemic stroke and ... more The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of dysphagia in acute ischemic stroke and relation with Glasgow Coma Score (GCS). The data of 54 patients with acute ischemic stroke were retrospectively analyzed. Glasgow Coma Scores were recorded. Modified Massey Bedside Swallow Screen (MBSS) was used for the diagnosis of dysphagia. For statistical evaluation MedCalc 15.8 software program (MedCalcBelgium) was used. Results: Fifty-four patients (n: 54) with acute ischemic stroke who were admitted to the study were followed up in our hospital Neurology Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Fortynine of the patients were alive, transferred to our service, then discharged. Twenty-six patients had dysphagia (48.1%) while 28 patients did not have dysphagia (51.9%). Glasgow Coma Scores were lower in patients with dysphagia (r=-0.628, p<0.0001. Moreover, survival was inversely correlated with dysphagia (r=-0.331, p= 0.014). Swallowing disorders can be associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke in intensive care unit. It is also associated with survival and GCS. Dysphagia is common in ICU patients and should be carefully diagnosed since it can be an independent predictor of death.

Tuberkuloz ve Toraks, 2015
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, that has been more frequently diagnosed lately and whose import... more Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, that has been more frequently diagnosed lately and whose importance has been gradually understood better, is a widespread health problem. This syndrome has been accompanied by obesity frequently. In the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, it has been known that hypoxia and sometimes hypercarbia additionally has been observed, nevertheless cardiovascular problems have been observed more frequently in the aforementioned patient group in comparison with other individuals. Anesthetic substituents applied during the invasive operations and some medicine used for analgesia may cause the increase of the aforesaid hypoxia and cardiovascular problems in the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Nowadays, with the improvements in accessing to health agencies and consequently with the increase in the number of surgical applications, this review has been prepared with the thought of helping to clinicians about the approach and the pre-anesthetic and post-anesthetic precautions required to be taken within the mentioned patient group.
Neurology India, 2006
T h i s P D F i s a v a i l a b l e f o r f r e e d o w n l o a d f r o m a s i t e h o s t e d b... more T h i s P D F i s a v a i l a b l e f o r f r e e d o w n l o a d f r o m a s i t e h o s t e d b y M e d k n o w P u b l i c a t i o n s ( w w w . m e d k n o w . c o m ) .
Seizure, 2013
The study groups consisted of 19 patients (12 females, 7 males) with TLE and a control group of S... more The study groups consisted of 19 patients (12 females, 7 males) with TLE and a control group of Seizure 22 (2013) 99-102

Purpose: Migraine and tension type headache (TTH) are common chronic clinical entities. This stud... more Purpose: Migraine and tension type headache (TTH) are common chronic clinical entities. This study is aimed to evaluate the impacts of the migraine and TTH on health related quality of life (HRQoL). Material and Methods: International Headache Society (IHS) 2004 criteria were used for classification of headache and 30 migraine, 30 tension-type headache including total 60 cases as well as 30 healthy volunteers were included in the study.Short Form-36 (SF-36) quality of life questionnaire applied to all three groups. participants to evaluate the health related quality of life. Results: Control group consisted of 15 men and 15 women, the average age of the group was 33,30±(8,29). Migraine group consisted of 10 men and 20 women, the average age of the group was 33,93±(11,16). TTH group consisted of 8 men and 22 women, the average age of the group was 35,70±(11,62). Both migraine and TTH groups, in all dimensions of SF-36, had lower scores than the control group. Migraine and TTH groups ...

Purpose: Our aim is to retrospectively explicate the results of the carpal tunnel syndrome electr... more Purpose: Our aim is to retrospectively explicate the results of the carpal tunnel syndrome electroneuromyography, which is the most common entrapment neuropathy. Materials and Methods: 1196 patients were admitted with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) diagnosis to our EMG laboratory in 24 months. Results: As a result of electrophysiological examination 520 (43.5%) cases were considered normal, 676 (56.5%) of cases have supporting findings of carpal tunnel syndrome (n: 296-mild, n:285-medium, and n :295-severe). Conclusion: 43.5% of all cases referred to electrophysiology laboratory with CTS diagnosis have normal electrophysiological findings suggesting more detailed clinical evaluation should be performed before referring patients to electrophysiology laboratory. ÖZET Giriş: En sık görülen tuzak nöropati olan karpal tünel sendromu elektronöromiyografi (ENMG) sonuçlarının retrospektif taranarak sonuçların irdelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metod: 24 aylık süreçte EMG laboaratuarına Ka...
Papers by Abdurrahman Sönmezler