Papers by Abdullahil Baque
Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) helps to enhance the germination behavior ... more Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) helps to enhance the germination behavior of seed. So, a lab experiment was conducted to find out the effect of various Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) concentrations on the germination behavior of wheat. Wheat seeds of BARI Gom 27 and BARI Gom 28 were pre-soaked in 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% PEG solution and untreated seeds were served as control. Results revealed that seed priming enhanced germination percentage (GP), vigor index (VI) and germination index (GI) of wheat seed. The highest GP (95.55%), VI (201.00) and GI (43.73) were obtained from seeds of BARI Gom 27 pre-treated with 10% PEG solution compared to BARI Gom 28 (75.55%, 128.71 and 27.12 of GP, VI and GI, respectively) and then decreased gradually with increasing PEG concentration. Therefore, seed priming helps to enhance the germination behavior of wheat seed.
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Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science
The effect of FYM, poultry litter, livestock manure, biogas slurry, vermi-compost and municipal s... more The effect of FYM, poultry litter, livestock manure, biogas slurry, vermi-compost and municipal solid waste (MSW) combined with NPK.was assessed on emission of CH4 and yield of rice. The highest amount of CH4 emission (815.04) kg ha-1 season'1 was from MSW followed by (702.96 kg CH4 ha'1 season'1) from livestock manure. The lowest (365.14 kg CH4 ha'1 season'1) was produced in control treatment. The increasing trend of seasonal CH4 emission was 55.20, 48.06, 35.71, 33.88, 21.13 and 17.57% respectively due to organic amenments against the control. The highest number of panicle hill'1 (14.38), grain panicle'1 (160.67), yield of grain (5.47tha'1) and straw weight (4.56 t ha'1) was observed due to application of FYM, vermicompost and poultry litter respectively. The highest percentage of harvest index and ripened grains (55.363 and 93.41) was found in biogas slurry and poultry litter treated plots and the lowest percentage (52.878 and 85.88) was with v...

An experiment on virus free in vitro banana plantlets production by the meristem cultured from vi... more An experiment on virus free in vitro banana plantlets production by the meristem cultured from virus infected four month old banana suckers cv. Amritasagar were used as explants. Four levels of BAP (0, 3, 4 and 5 mg/l), 5 levels of NAA (0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 mg/l) were used as treatment for shoot proliferation in experiment-I and Four levels of IBA (0, 1, 2 and 3 mg/l), 4 levels of NAA (0, 2, 3 and 4 mg/l) were used for root formation in experiment-II. ELISA test was conducted for the confirmation of virus eradication rate of regenerated plants and survival rate of regenerated plants in experiment-III. A significant variation was found among the treatments. Studies on the different concentrations of BAP + NAA on shoot proliferation and differentiation, reveals that 4 mg/l BAP + 1.5 mg/l NAA produced the greater number of shoots (4.58/ explant), the longest shoot (3.56 cm) and the highest numbers of leaves (3.11/explant). On the contrary, plantlets were cultured on half strength...

Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) assumed to be a potential priming agent to... more Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) assumed to be a potential priming agent to increase the germination behavior of seed. For this regard, a lab investigation was carried out to find out the suitable pre-sowing priming time on the germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of four wheat genotypes viz., BARI Gom 28, ESWYT-5, ESWYT -6 and ESWYT-7. The seeds of wheat genotypes were primed with 10% PEG solution for 3 h, 6 h, 9 h, 12 h and 15 h. The results of the experiment revealed that, among 4 wheat genotypes ESWYT-5 wheat genotype performed best in most of the germination, seedling growth and water relation behaviors of wheat under all priming times followed by ESWYT-6 and BARI Gom 28 and ESWYT7 showed consistently poor performance. The germination, seedling growth and water relation behaviors’ value of wheat genotypes increased with increasing priming time up to 9 h and then gradually decreased. All the parameters of wheat genotypes gave the best re...
Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) helps to enhance the germination behavior ... more Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) helps to enhance the germination behavior of wheat seed. So, a lab experiment was conducted to find out the optimization of pre-sowing priming time on the germination behavior of BARI Gom 27. BARI Gom 27 was primed in 0 to 18 hours under 10% PEG solution and distilled water. The highest germination percentage (GP) (87.77%), vigor index (VI) (142.31) and germination index (GI) (41.23) were obtained from seeds pre-soaked in 12 hours with 10% PEG solution compared to hydro-priming (84.44%, 133.83 and 36.62 of GP, VI and GI, respectively) and untreated control (57.77%, 84.85 and 29.75 of GP, VI and GI, respectively), and then decreased gradually with increasing priming time. Therefore, seed priming helps to enhance the germination behavior of wheat seed.

An experiment was conducted at the farm of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), My... more An experiment was conducted at the farm of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh to evaluate the effect of levels of urea super granules and depth of placement on the growth and yield of transplant aman rice. The experiment consisted of two varieties namely, BINA Dhan 4 and BRRI Dhan 32, three levels of urea super granules and three depth of placement of urea super granules. The results revealed that the effect of variety was significant in respect of yield and most of the plant characters. The higher grain yield (6.06 t ha ) was obtained from BRRI Dhan 32 mainly contributed by its higher numbers of effective tillers 1 hill and grains panicle . The lowest grain yield (3.85 t ha ) was observed in BINA Dhan 4. Effect of levels 1 1 1 of urea super granules significantly influenced all the yield attributes and growth characters, except plant height, total grains panicle , 1000-grain weight, straw yield and harvest index. The highest grain yield (5.22 t 1 ha ) wa...

Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 2017
To screen salt tolerance wheat genotypes, germination and seedling growth characters were used as... more To screen salt tolerance wheat genotypes, germination and seedling growth characters were used as screening criteria. 33 wheat genotypes were tested under 5 different salt concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dSm-1) at central laboratory, Sher-e-bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, during February to March, 2016. The experiment was conducted with a complete randomize design (CRD) with 5 replications. The results of the experiment revealed that, various germination and seedling growth parameters of the wheat genotypes varied significantly under salt stress. A marked reduction of germination rate, shoot and root length, shoot and root dry weight, relative water content, water retention capacity and vigor index was observed with the increasing of salt concentration for most of the wheat genotypes except ESWYT-5, ESWYT-6 and BARI GOM 28. ESWYT-5, ESWYT-6 and BARI GOM 28 showed consistently better performance against salt stress and there were slow linear reduction was observed wit...

Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2011
Many Asian orchids are threatened by extinction because of over-collection, habitat destruction a... more Many Asian orchids are threatened by extinction because of over-collection, habitat destruction and poor germination percentage (2%) in nature. In an attempt to develop a suitable protocol for the asymbiotic germination of Calanthe hybrid seeds, modified Hyponex medium supplemented with different concentrations of activated charcoal (0, 0.01, 0.1 g l-1), α-napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mg l-1) were tested. Addition of 0.1 g l-1 activated charcoal without NAA or BA in the modified Hyponex medium significantly accelerated the rate of seed germination. Whereas, the effect of NAA or BA without activated charcoal on the rate of seed germination was shown to be non-effective. However, addition of 0.1 mg l-1 NAA or 0.5 mg l-1 BA in combination with 0.1 g l-1 activated charcoal in the germination medium was proven effective to enhance rate of seed germination compared to other treatments. Meanwhile, the rate of seed germination and number of protoco...

Universal Journal of Agricultural Research
The effect of eight Trichoderma based substrates viz. rice bran, wheat bran, lentil bran, gram br... more The effect of eight Trichoderma based substrates viz. rice bran, wheat bran, lentil bran, gram bran, black gram bran, mustard oil cake, grass pea bran and saw dust in mixing with peat soil and water were used in the formulation, these were evaluated for sporulations of Trichoderma harzianum and acting against Sclerotium rolfsii for the management of damping off of eggplant seedlings with control. The effect of the treatments varied significantly in terms of production of Trichoderma spore and reducing damping off and tip over increasing germination percentage, plant height, seedling vigor and fresh weight of eggplant seedlings in comparison to control. Among the treatments soil application with T 5 (Trichoderma + Black gram bran + Peat soil + Water), T 7 (Trichoderma + Grass Pea bran + Peat soil + Water) and T 4 (Trichoderma + Gram bran + Peat soil + Water) showed the promising effect in controlling pre-emergence damping off, post-emergence damping off, tip over and increasing germination percentage, plant height, vigor index and fresh weight of seedlings. The highest germination percentage (78.00%) was observed in treatment T 5 at 16 days after sowing (DAS). The lowest percentage (6.33%) post-emergence damping off was observed in T 5 in eggplant seedling at 16 DAS. The lowest pre-emergence damping off and tip over were observed in T 5 in eggplant (2.33% and 1.33%).

Universal Journal of Plant Science
Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) assumed to be a potential priming agent to... more Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) assumed to be a potential priming agent to increase the germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of grain. With this view, a lab investigation was carried out to find out the effect of various PEG concentrations on the germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of wheat. Seeds of ESWYT-5, ESWYT -6 and ESWYT-7 wheat genotypes and BARI Gom 28 were pre-soaked in water with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% PEG solutions. Results of the study revealed that seed priming enhanced germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of wheat genotypes. Among four wheat genotypes, ESWYT-5 performed the best regarding germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior where wheat genotypes ESWYT-6 and BARI Gom 28 performed moderately and ESWYT-7 showed consistently poor performance. All the characters showed the best results when wheat seeds treated with 10% PEG solution compared to nonprime and hydro primed seeds and the value decreased gradually with increasing PEG concentration. These results suggest that seed priming had significant effect to boost the germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of wheat genotypes.

Annual Research & Review in Biology, Apr 7, 2020
Sixteen advance genotypes of mungbeans under 5 different concentrations of Polyethylene Glycol (P... more Sixteen advance genotypes of mungbeans under 5 different concentrations of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) were studied to find out the better cultivar against drought stress condition. The experiment results revealed that germination, seedling production and water-related behavior of mungbean genotypes differed significantly under different PEG (drought inducer) concentrations. The mungbean genotype BINA Mung-6 (V 8) is proved as highly tolerant against drought stress condition among all other tested genotypes. The results of the investigation revealed that BINA Mung-6 (V 8) genotype consistently scored the highest value for all parameters except for the root shoot ratio and water retention capacity that was statistically comparable to genotypes BARI Mung-4 (V 2) and BINA Mung-5 (V 7). Consistently poor performance were recorded from IPM-02-03 (V 16) genotype which is Original Research Article

Universal Journal of Plant Science
Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) believed to be a potential priming agent t... more Pre-sowing seed treated with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) believed to be a potential priming agent to increase the germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of crop plants under salt stress condition. With this view, a lab investigation was carried out to find out the effect of PEG on the germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of wheat under different salt levels. Seeds of ESWYT 5, ESWYT 6 wheat genotypes and BARI Gom 28 were pre-soaked in 10%PEG solutions for 9 h and allowed to grow under 5 levels of salt concentrations viz.,0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dSm-1 .Findings of the research work showed that seed priming with 10% PEG solution for 9 h had significant effect on germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of wheat genotypes under salt stress condition. Among three wheat genotypes, ESWYT 5 performed the best regarding germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior where wheat genotypes ESWYT-6 performed moderately and BARI Gom 28 showed poor performance. With increasing the salinity level the decreasing of germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior was normal phenomena but in this experiment, priming helped to reduce the magnitude of reduction. These results suggest that seed priming had significant effect to trigger the germination, seedling growth and water relation behavior of wheat genotypes under salt stress condition.

Trends in Horticulture
A three-factor experiment was set at the Horticulture Laboratory, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science a... more A three-factor experiment was set at the Horticulture Laboratory, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur to study the effects of the controlled deterioration (CD) on the pea seeds at the constant temperature of 350C. The 3 factors considered were: 3 pea seed sources (Rangpur Local/RL, Dinajpur Local/DL and Thakurgaon Local/TL); 3 ageing periods (0, 8 and 16 days); and 3 seed moisture contents (12, 16 and 20% MC). The 27 treatment combinations compared in the CRD with the 3 repetitions for the 8 arenas were: % germination, % abnormal seedlings, % dead seeds, % soil emergence and seedling evaluation test for the root and shoot lengths as well as their dry matter contents. Identical prototypes of notable (5-1% level) degradations were recorded everywhere. But the disparities were lucid under the extreme stresses. Moreover, highly noteworthy (1% level) relations were traced amid all the traits ranging from -0.9847 (soil emergence × abnormal seedling) to 0.9623...
Papers by Abdullahil Baque