Papers by Abdul Munir

The purpose of this research is to produce a comprehensive and in-depth information about the exi... more The purpose of this research is to produce a comprehensive and in-depth information about the existence and quality of the student handbook available today, as well as the level of needs of English teacher of Junior High School in Banyuwangi to the student handbook of English subjects that integrative, constructive, and character. For this purpose, the researcher used Research and Development (R & D) method, which included three phases, namely the exploration phase, model development phase and model testing phase. As a preliminary step in the framework of the Research of the Beginner Lecturer, so this research is limited to the exploration phase. At the exploration phase researchers examined the presence and quality of textbooks of English subject of Junior High School class VII in the Bnayuwangi District existing today, as the basis for preparing a prototype or draft textbook English subjects that integrative, constructive, and character. This research were conducted in Junior High School in Banyuwangi regency.

More and more the condition of ethnic or local languages referred to as mother tongues becomes wo... more More and more the condition of ethnic or local languages referred to as mother tongues becomes worse. Empirical facts show that their existences are at stake; the number of users decreased and many lexicons lost or not be used anymore. Since language is not only a thinking device, but also a device for cultural nourishment then the decreasing in the number of users and lexicons of a language can be the main cause of the interruption of cultural values inheritance to the next generation. The same condition happens to Osing language in Banyuwangi Regency. As an ethnic group with agricultural tradition thus various norms and values of Osing people neatly stored in a language enriched by names of flora and fauna. The norms and values are represented through thousands of traditional expressions. This article is especially based on a research the objectives of which are to reveal those traditional expressions containing flora and fauna, to identify the ethnobiological categories of those lexicons and, further, to identify their figurative forms and meanings using ethnobiosemantic approach.
Keywords: Flora, Fauna, Traditional Expressions, Osing People, Ethnobiosemantic Approach

Jurnal PATRAWIDYA, Volume 17 no. 1, 2016
Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran serta relasi gend... more ABSTRAK
Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran serta relasi gender dalam pandangan dunia masyarakat adat Using Kemiren sebagaimana terepresentasikan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren dengan analisis struktural-feminis. Pengumpulan data diawali dengan studi pustaka dan selanjutnya studi lapangan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, perekaman, pencatatan, dan pengarsipan. Hasil analisis yang berhubungan dengan peran dan relasi gender dalam lakon Barong Kemiren memperlihatkan adanya perlawanan tokoh perempuan terhadap dominasi tokoh laki-laki, seperti ditunjukkan dalam keberanian dan kebebasan tokoh-tokoh perempuan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren untuk menentukan pilihan hidupnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tema kesetaraan gender telah ada pada kultur masyarakat Using sejak dahulu seperti terefleksikan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren.
Kata Kunci: peran gender, relasi gender, Barong Kemiren, masyarakat Using, analisis struktural-feminis
The descriptive qualitative research aims at analyzing gender roles and relations in the Using Kemiren people world vision as represented in Barong Kemiren traditional art performance by using structural and feminist approaches. Data are collected through library study and then followed by field study using interview, observation, recording and filing techniques. The research results that most of female characters in the performance showing resistance to the domination of patriarchy as seen clearly in their bravery and freedom in making their own life choices. These phenomena mean that gender equity theme has been there in Using culture of Kemiren people.
Keyword: gender roles, gender relations, Barong Kemiren, Using people, structural-feminist approaches,
Conference Presentations by Abdul Munir

— Rural tourism is one of the sectors having potency and opportunity to develop as the optimizati... more — Rural tourism is one of the sectors having potency and opportunity to develop as the optimization of rural resources in the fighting against poverty. One of the approaches which can be used to develop rural tourism activities is Community-based Ecotourism (CBE) concept in the form of tourism village. Different from conventional tourism, CBE gives direct impact to the area conservation, takes role in the local community economic empowerment efforts and enhances both sustainable conservation and development. This research-based article aims at 1. identifying and assessing rural potencies and tourist attractions in Osing culture-based village in Tourism Development Zone 1 (TDZ 1) of Banyuwangi regency; 2. analyzing the readiness of both CBE implementation and the community; and 3. designing guidelines of tourism village development strategy with CBE concept. The research takes place in Kemiren Village of Glagah District Banyuwangi because Kemiren is considered as the most representative of Osing culture-based indigeneous villages. The tourist attraction assessment is based on 5 aspects: attractions, accessibility, condition of socioeconomic environments, accommodation and supporting facilities. The readiness assessment of CBE development is based on 4 scoring aspects: socioeconomic , environmental, and management aspects. The community readiness assessment in the tourism village development with CBE concept is based on the community characteristics, perception, participation and wishes. Each of the assessment result will be analyzed and ranked in 5 scoring classes: very good, good, medium, bad and very bad.) Keywords— tourism village; CBE; development strategy
Papers by Abdul Munir
Keywords: Flora, Fauna, Traditional Expressions, Osing People, Ethnobiosemantic Approach
Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran serta relasi gender dalam pandangan dunia masyarakat adat Using Kemiren sebagaimana terepresentasikan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren dengan analisis struktural-feminis. Pengumpulan data diawali dengan studi pustaka dan selanjutnya studi lapangan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, perekaman, pencatatan, dan pengarsipan. Hasil analisis yang berhubungan dengan peran dan relasi gender dalam lakon Barong Kemiren memperlihatkan adanya perlawanan tokoh perempuan terhadap dominasi tokoh laki-laki, seperti ditunjukkan dalam keberanian dan kebebasan tokoh-tokoh perempuan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren untuk menentukan pilihan hidupnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tema kesetaraan gender telah ada pada kultur masyarakat Using sejak dahulu seperti terefleksikan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren.
Kata Kunci: peran gender, relasi gender, Barong Kemiren, masyarakat Using, analisis struktural-feminis
The descriptive qualitative research aims at analyzing gender roles and relations in the Using Kemiren people world vision as represented in Barong Kemiren traditional art performance by using structural and feminist approaches. Data are collected through library study and then followed by field study using interview, observation, recording and filing techniques. The research results that most of female characters in the performance showing resistance to the domination of patriarchy as seen clearly in their bravery and freedom in making their own life choices. These phenomena mean that gender equity theme has been there in Using culture of Kemiren people.
Keyword: gender roles, gender relations, Barong Kemiren, Using people, structural-feminist approaches,
Conference Presentations by Abdul Munir
Keywords: Flora, Fauna, Traditional Expressions, Osing People, Ethnobiosemantic Approach
Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran serta relasi gender dalam pandangan dunia masyarakat adat Using Kemiren sebagaimana terepresentasikan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren dengan analisis struktural-feminis. Pengumpulan data diawali dengan studi pustaka dan selanjutnya studi lapangan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, perekaman, pencatatan, dan pengarsipan. Hasil analisis yang berhubungan dengan peran dan relasi gender dalam lakon Barong Kemiren memperlihatkan adanya perlawanan tokoh perempuan terhadap dominasi tokoh laki-laki, seperti ditunjukkan dalam keberanian dan kebebasan tokoh-tokoh perempuan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren untuk menentukan pilihan hidupnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tema kesetaraan gender telah ada pada kultur masyarakat Using sejak dahulu seperti terefleksikan dalam lakon Barong Kemiren.
Kata Kunci: peran gender, relasi gender, Barong Kemiren, masyarakat Using, analisis struktural-feminis
The descriptive qualitative research aims at analyzing gender roles and relations in the Using Kemiren people world vision as represented in Barong Kemiren traditional art performance by using structural and feminist approaches. Data are collected through library study and then followed by field study using interview, observation, recording and filing techniques. The research results that most of female characters in the performance showing resistance to the domination of patriarchy as seen clearly in their bravery and freedom in making their own life choices. These phenomena mean that gender equity theme has been there in Using culture of Kemiren people.
Keyword: gender roles, gender relations, Barong Kemiren, Using people, structural-feminist approaches,