Papers by Saule Abdramanova
This paper explores the ways Kazakhstani young people define themselves ethnically. For this purp... more This paper explores the ways Kazakhstani young people define themselves ethnically. For this purpose, the survey was conducted among bachelor students of a Kazakhstani university to find out personalinformation about respondents, their linguistic competence, their religious and ethnical belonging, andtheir choice of ethnicity in case they had a chance to choose at birth. The results of the survey showedthat participants mostly refer themselves to ethnicity of their parents in ethnically homogeneous families,and to ethnicity of fathers – in ethnically mixed families. The study did not reveal any dependence ofethnical identification on place of birth, language competence and religious attachment. The goal ofthis paper is to contribute to understanding of the situation in Kazakhstan and to proper elaboration ofadequate national programs.

This paper provides a brief overview of theorizing in the field of Second Language Acquisition (S... more This paper provides a brief overview of theorizing in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and Second Language Writing (SLW) regarding how writing can provide insight into how language is learned by outlining contemporary, interdisciplinary research that has emerged in this area. What proponents of integrating these two areas (SLA and SLW) argue is that research adopting more traditional ways of looking at language acquisition often fail to take into account the dynamic nature of the linguistic repertoires of multilingual speakers and developing a more nuanced understanding of the multilingual speakers themselves. Adopting assumptions related to ‘adaptive transfer’, this paper assumes that interactions between a multilingual language user’s language resources are dynamic, idiosyncratic, and culturally fluid. [3] This paper provides the theoretical framework for a corresponding paper looking at a corpus of marked forms generated from the final papers of multilingual Central...

SAGE Open, Apr 1, 2017
The article addresses the issue of basic color terms and reviews the existing publications on col... more The article addresses the issue of basic color terms and reviews the existing publications on color terms, including in the Kazakh language. The literature in Kazakhstani linguistics on basic color terms in Kazakh has mostly an empirical character, and it relies on the authors' personal perceptions and examples from language-fiction, dictionaries, proverbs, and idioms. Most scholars identified the following inventory of basic color terms in Kazakh: ақ "white," қара "black," қызыл "red," көк "blue," сары "yellow," and ала "multicolored." The aim of the present article is to elaborate a list of basic color terms in the Kazakh language through conducting an experiment among Kazakh native speakers. The experiment was held among Kazakh young people to find out which color terms they name and how they order them. The results of the experiment showed that there is some difference in the way Kazakh scholars define and contemporary young Kazakhs name basic color terms. The young native speakers of Kazakh named eleven colors, such as Ақ (white), Қара (black), Сары (yellow), Жасыл (green), Қызыл (red), Көк (blue), Қоңыр (brown), Сүр (gray), Көгілдір (pale blue), Қызғылт (pink), and Күлгін (purple).

Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 2019
The present research aims at identifying the concepts that structure the category of time in Kaza... more The present research aims at identifying the concepts that structure the category of time in Kazakh idioms, which have a reference to temporality, to parameters of duration, speed, age, and events. A linguistic analysis of Kazakh idioms showed that time is conceptualized as a cyclical process where days turn into nights, and autumns turn into winters, etc. Also, a life span is traditionally divided into three phases: birth, life, and death; moreover, the analysis showed that concepts of time are represented through temporally situated events, which are culturally motivated, and also through the parameters of age which are ethnographically stipulated. Қазақ тіліндегі идиомалардың мерзімдік концептіленуі Бұл зерттеудің мақсаты уақытқа бағдарлы, әрекеттің созылмалы параметрлеріне, жылдамдыққа, жастық және оқиғалық көрсеткіштерге қатысты қазақ тіліндегі идиомалардың мерзімдік категориясын анықтау. Талдау көрсеткендей, табиғи құбылыстағы циклды үдеріс сияқты адамзат өмірінде де уақыт концептіленеді. Сол сияқты қазақ идиомаларында мерзімдік концептің мәдени және этнографиялық негізделуі талдаудан байқалды. Түйін сөздер: уақыт, концептер, идиомалар, қазақ тілі. Абдраманова С.А. PhD, ассистент профессор Университета КИМЭП, Казахстан, г. Алматы, Концептуализация времени в идиомах казахского языка Целью данного исследования является разработка концептов, которые определяют категорию времени в идиомах казахского языка, имеющих отношение к временной орнентации, параметрам длительности действия, скоростным, возрастным и событийным показателям. Анализ показал, что время концептуализируется как циклический процесс как в природных явлениях, так и в человеческой жизни, а также анализ показал культурную и этнографическую мотивированность концепта времени в казахских идиомах. Ключевые слова: время, концепты, идиомы, казахский язык.

S.A. Abdramanova. Conceptualization of South Ossetia conflict by Russian bloggers. The present
st... more S.A. Abdramanova. Conceptualization of South Ossetia conflict by Russian bloggers. The present
study analyzes the narratives by Russian bloggers on the 2008 South-Ossetia conflict. This analysis of
political discourse is underpinned by the principles of cognitive linguistics, developed on the basis of bodily
experience of human beings. The combination of different approaches leads to a more comprehensive
analysis and concise interpretation of events taking place in society. This cognitive-discursive perspective
differs from traditional studies of mass media narratives which mostly base on Discourse Analysis (DA)
and/or Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), i.e., language in use is studied from the perspective of meaning
on/ above the level of sentences and through the relationship between language and society, as well as
language and power. Methodologically, this study was conducted on the basis of integrative speech analysis, critical discourse analysis, and cognitive linguistics. From the cognitive point of view, bloggers’ discourse is
based on concepts evaluated positively (BENEFIT, FAIRNESS/HONORABLE CASE), negatively
(CONQUER, PROBLEM, VANDALISM, NEGOTIATED MATCH), and neutrally (DEMONSTRATION, TEST). From the linguistic point of view, in their discourse, bloggers extensively use metaphors, which
belong to the most effective ways of expressing opinions and are widely used by the media to create vivid
images of the events described. A qualitative generalization of the data of content analysis proves that the
attitude of Russian bloggers to the conflict is quite diverse, there is no consensus about how the war was
fought, about its results, about the current situation and future prospects for the region. Keywords: concepts, conflict, metaphors, Russia, Russian bloggers, South Ossetia.

Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 2017
This paper explores the ways Kazakhstani young people define themselves ethnically. For this purp... more This paper explores the ways Kazakhstani young people define themselves ethnically. For this purpose , the survey was conducted among bachelor students of a Kazakhstani university to find out personal information about respondents, their linguistic competence, their religious and ethnical belonging, and their choice of ethnicity in case they had a chance to choose at birth. The results of the survey showed that participants mostly refer themselves to ethnicity of their parents in ethnically homogeneous families, and to ethnicity of fathers-in ethnically mixed families. The study did not reveal any dependence of ethnical identification on place of birth, language competence and religious attachment. The goal of this paper is to contribute to understanding of the situation in Kazakhstan and to proper elaboration of adequate national programs. Әбдіраманова С.Ә. Қазақстан жастарынын тілге этникалық тұрғыдан қатысы Мақалада Қазақстан жастарының этникалық тұрғыдан өздерін қай топқа жатқызатыны жайында талқыланады. Респонденттердің жеке мәліметі мен лингвистикалық құзыреттілігі, діни мен этникалық тұрғыдан қатысын анықтау мақсатында Қазақстан университеттерінің бірінде бакалавриат бөлімінде оқитын студенттері арасында сауалнама жүргізілді. Сауалнама нәтижелері бойынша ата-анасы бір ұлтты жастардың көпшілігі ата-анасының ұлтын, ал аралас ұлтты отбасында туып өскен жастар әкесінің ұлтын таңдайтыны анықталды. Зерттеу жастардың этникалық таңдауына-туылған жері мен тілдік құзыреті, діни ұстанымдары әсер етпейтінін анықтады. Зерттеудің мақсаты-Қазақстанда аталған мәселенің ахуалдың дәрежесін түсіну мен алынған нәтижеге қарай тиісті ұлттық бағдарламаларды әзірлеу болып табылады. Түйін сөздер: Қазақстан, этникалық, ұқсастық, тіл, білім, дін. Абдраманова С.А. Этническая принадлежность казахстанской молодежи по отношению к языку В данной статье рассматривается вопрос о том, как казахстанская молодежь определяет себя этнически. С этой целью был проведен опрос среди студентов бакалавриата казахстанского университета, чтобы получить личную информацию о респондентах, их лингвистическую компетентность, их религиозную и этническую принадлежность. Результаты опроса показали, что участники, в основном, относят себя к этнической принадлежности своих родителей в этнически однородных семьях и к этнической принадлежности отцов-в этнически смешанных семьях. Исследование не выявило зависимости этнической идентификации от места рождения, языковой компетенции и религиозной привязанности. Цель данного исследования-способствовать пониманию ситуации в Казахстане и надлежащей разработке соответствующих национальных программ.

S.A. Abdramanova. Conceptualization of HAPPINESS by young native speakers of Kazakh. The present ... more S.A. Abdramanova. Conceptualization of HAPPINESS by young native speakers of Kazakh. The present study analyses the way HAPPINESS is contextualized by young native speakers of the Kazakh language who were asked to write an essay on " What is happiness? " The object of the research is definitions given to 'happiness' by participants of the experiment in their essays. The analysis showed that the basic criteria of HAPPINESS are related to participants' families and their close environment. The analysis also revealed that conceptualization of HAPPINESS by respondents is constructed on the basis of conceptual metaphors, conceptual metonymies, and related concepts. As a result, prototypical cognitive models have been derived as " happiness is being glad " and " happiness is making glad ". С.А. Абдраманова. Концептуалізація ЩАСТЯ у сприйнятті молодих носіїв казахської мови. Cтаття аналізує концепт ЩАСТЯ в сприйнятті молодих носіїв казахської мови. Об'єктом дослідження є визначення щастя, дані учасниками експерименту в написаних ними творах на тему «Що таке щастя?» Аналіз показав, що основними критеріями ЩАСТЯ є сім'я і близькі їм люди. Аналіз також показав, що концептуалізація ЩАСТЯ учасниками експерименту грунтується на використанні метафор, метонімії та інших схожих поняттях. В результаті були виявлені прототипи когнітивних моделей концепту ЩАСТЯ, такі як «ЩАСТЯ – ЦЕ РАДІСТЬ» і «ЩАСТЯ – ЦЕ РАДУВАТИ ІНШИХ ЛЮДЕЙ». Ключові слова: концепт, метафора, метонімія, носії казахської мови, сприйняття, щастя. С.А. Абдраманова. Концептуализация СЧАСТЬЯ в восприятии молодых носителей казахского языка. Данная статья анализирует концепт СЧАСТЬЕ в восприятии молодых носителей казахского языка. Объектом исследования являются определения счастья, данные участниками эксперимента в написанных ими сочинениях на тему «Что такое счастье?» Анализ показал, что основными критериями СЧАСТЬЯ являются семья и близкие им люди. Анализ также показал, что концептуализация СЧАСТЬЕ участниками эксперимента основывается на использовании метафор, метонимии и других схожих понятиях. В результате были выявлены прототипы когнитивных моделей концепта СЧАСТЬЕ, такие как «СЧАСТЬЕ – ЭТО РАДОСТЬ» и «СЧАСТЬЕ – ЭТО РАДОВАТЬ ДРУГИХ ЛЮДЕЙ».

The article addresses the issue of basic color terms and reviews the existing publications on col... more The article addresses the issue of basic color terms and reviews the existing publications on color terms, including in the Kazakh language. The literature in Kazakhstani linguistics on basic color terms in Kazakh has mostly an empirical character, and it relies on the authors' personal perceptions and examples from language-fiction, dictionaries, proverbs, and idioms. Most scholars identified the following inventory of basic color terms in Kazakh: ақ "white," қара "black," қызыл "red," көк "blue," сары "yellow," and ала "multicolored." The aim of the present article is to elaborate a list of basic color terms in the Kazakh language through conducting an experiment among Kazakh native speakers. The experiment was held among Kazakh young people to find out which color terms they name and how they order them. The results of the experiment showed that there is some difference in the way Kazakh scholars define and contemporary young Kazakhs name basic color terms. The young native speakers of Kazakh named eleven colors, such as Ақ (white), Қара (black), Сары (yellow), Жасыл (green), Қызыл (red), Көк (blue), Қоңыр (brown), Сүр (gray), Көгілдір (pale blue), Қызғылт (pink), and Күлгін (purple).
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2015

The research is mainly based on the assumptions of the theory of Conceptual metaphors (Lakoff, 19... more The research is mainly based on the assumptions of the theory of Conceptual metaphors (Lakoff, 1987; Lakoff & Johnson, 2003) which emphasizes an extensive role of metaphors in humans’ life. The article examines the conceptualization of body parts as components of English and Turkish idioms. For this purpose idioms were taken from the sites with English and Turkish idioms, and were compared and analyzed on their conceptual and image-schematic base. The comparative analysis of the conceptual base showed that Turkish and English idioms generally share similar concepts; and the only difference exists among idioms with ‘head’ baş component. On the image-schematic base the analysis revealed both similarities (with components of Eyes (Göz), Hand (El), Head (Baş/ Kafa), Mouth (Ağız) and Foot/ Leg (Ayak), and differences (with components of Ear (Kulak), Heart (Yürek/ Kalp), Nose (Burun), Stomach (Karın/ Mide), and Tongue (Dil) in English and Turkish idioms. It showed that the similarities and differences in the image-schemata of English and Turkish metaphors do not necessarily correspond to the notions of body parts in two languages on the conceptual level.
Key words: English, Turkish, idioms, concepts, body parts.
The aim of the present research is to find out ways native speakers of Turkish learning English u... more The aim of the present research is to find out ways native speakers of Turkish learning English use while processing English idioms with body part components in their structure. The experiment was conducted among first year students who study in different departments of Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey). The results of the experiment showed that Turkish students mostly provide definitions of English idioms based on word associations, the second preference is universals, and the third option is reliance on concepts.
Key words: idioms, English, Turkish, body parts, processing
Papers by Saule Abdramanova
study analyzes the narratives by Russian bloggers on the 2008 South-Ossetia conflict. This analysis of
political discourse is underpinned by the principles of cognitive linguistics, developed on the basis of bodily
experience of human beings. The combination of different approaches leads to a more comprehensive
analysis and concise interpretation of events taking place in society. This cognitive-discursive perspective
differs from traditional studies of mass media narratives which mostly base on Discourse Analysis (DA)
and/or Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), i.e., language in use is studied from the perspective of meaning
on/ above the level of sentences and through the relationship between language and society, as well as
language and power. Methodologically, this study was conducted on the basis of integrative speech analysis, critical discourse analysis, and cognitive linguistics. From the cognitive point of view, bloggers’ discourse is
based on concepts evaluated positively (BENEFIT, FAIRNESS/HONORABLE CASE), negatively
(CONQUER, PROBLEM, VANDALISM, NEGOTIATED MATCH), and neutrally (DEMONSTRATION, TEST). From the linguistic point of view, in their discourse, bloggers extensively use metaphors, which
belong to the most effective ways of expressing opinions and are widely used by the media to create vivid
images of the events described. A qualitative generalization of the data of content analysis proves that the
attitude of Russian bloggers to the conflict is quite diverse, there is no consensus about how the war was
fought, about its results, about the current situation and future prospects for the region. Keywords: concepts, conflict, metaphors, Russia, Russian bloggers, South Ossetia.
Key words: English, Turkish, idioms, concepts, body parts.
Key words: idioms, English, Turkish, body parts, processing
study analyzes the narratives by Russian bloggers on the 2008 South-Ossetia conflict. This analysis of
political discourse is underpinned by the principles of cognitive linguistics, developed on the basis of bodily
experience of human beings. The combination of different approaches leads to a more comprehensive
analysis and concise interpretation of events taking place in society. This cognitive-discursive perspective
differs from traditional studies of mass media narratives which mostly base on Discourse Analysis (DA)
and/or Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), i.e., language in use is studied from the perspective of meaning
on/ above the level of sentences and through the relationship between language and society, as well as
language and power. Methodologically, this study was conducted on the basis of integrative speech analysis, critical discourse analysis, and cognitive linguistics. From the cognitive point of view, bloggers’ discourse is
based on concepts evaluated positively (BENEFIT, FAIRNESS/HONORABLE CASE), negatively
(CONQUER, PROBLEM, VANDALISM, NEGOTIATED MATCH), and neutrally (DEMONSTRATION, TEST). From the linguistic point of view, in their discourse, bloggers extensively use metaphors, which
belong to the most effective ways of expressing opinions and are widely used by the media to create vivid
images of the events described. A qualitative generalization of the data of content analysis proves that the
attitude of Russian bloggers to the conflict is quite diverse, there is no consensus about how the war was
fought, about its results, about the current situation and future prospects for the region. Keywords: concepts, conflict, metaphors, Russia, Russian bloggers, South Ossetia.
Key words: English, Turkish, idioms, concepts, body parts.
Key words: idioms, English, Turkish, body parts, processing