Papers by Abdoulaye CAMARA
Quaternary Science Reviews
Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne, Jun 11, 2021

Mollusk shell δ¹⁸O in the past 1600 years in the Saloum Delta, Senegal, supplement to: Carré, Matthieu; Azzoug, Moufok; Zaharias, Paul; Camara, Abdoulaye; Cheddadi, Rachid; Chevalier, Manuel; Fiorillo, Denis; Gaye, Amadou T; Janicot, Serge; Khodri, Myriam; Lazar, Alban; Lazareth, Claire E; Mignot... As climate model uncertainties remain very large for future rainfall in the Sahel, a multi-centen... more As climate model uncertainties remain very large for future rainfall in the Sahel, a multi-centennial perspective is required to assess the situation of current Sahel climate in the context of global warming. We present here the first record of hydroclimatic variability over the past 1600 years in Senegal, obtained from stable oxygen isotope analyses (δ18O) in archaeological shell middens from the Saloum Delta. During the preindustrial period, the region was relatively humid, with maximum humidity reached during the period from AD 1500 to AD 1800, referred to as the Little Ice Age. A significant negative link is observed at the centennial scale between global temperature and humidity in the Sahel that is at odds with the expected effects of latitudinal shifts of the intertropical convergence zone during the last millennium. In the context of the past 1600 years, the Western Sahel appears to be experiencing today unprecedented drought conditions. The rapid aridification that started ...
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2021
This paper aims to study the impact of financial development and the institutional environment on... more This paper aims to study the impact of financial development and the institutional environment on economic growth in the countries of the WAEMU (West Africa Economic and Monetary Union) zone. We used a standard growth model like Eggoh (2010) with a cointegration technique on panel data. We used the 2017 World Bank database (World Bank data, 2017). The results showed that money supply to GDP (M2/GDP), domestic bank credit to GDP (CB/GDP) and regulatory quality (QR) have a positive and significant impact on long-term economic growth. However, the positive effect of respect for law and order is not significant.
Avec la collaboration de: Luis Giraldes 1 et David Glauser 1 , techniciens nous ayant appuyé dans... more Avec la collaboration de: Luis Giraldes 1 et David Glauser 1 , techniciens nous ayant appuyé dans notre travail, tant au Sénégal qu'en Suisse, et les étudiants européens et africains

1.1. Objectifs et problématique scientifique de la campagne menée au Sénégal oriental en 2014 Si ... more 1.1. Objectifs et problématique scientifique de la campagne menée au Sénégal oriental en 2014 Si la mission menée en 2014 visait notamment l’extension de plusieurs fouilles initiées l’année précédente, son objectif principal était d’ouvrir de nouveaux chantiers sur plusieurs des sites détectés lors des prospections effectuées en 2012 et 2013 (Huysecom et al. 2013a, 2013b). En effet, certains d’entre eux étaient susceptibles d’apporter des données nouvelles sur l’histoire humaine et environnementale du Sénégal oriental, complétant celles déjà obtenues à la suite des séjours de terrain passés. Ainsi, suite aux importantes découvertes d’industries lithiques in situ, toutes attribuables au Paléolithique moyen et final, nous avons décidé de consacrer une part importante de nos activités de la campagne 2014 à l’élargissement des fouilles de Fatandi V et à l’ouverture des sites stratifiés repérés à Toumboura-camp et à Missira, tous prometteurs en termes de données chronostratigraphiques no...
World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases, 2021
The sub-mitral annular aneurysm is a rare cardiac pathology. The etiologies are diverse, ranging ... more The sub-mitral annular aneurysm is a rare cardiac pathology. The etiologies are diverse, ranging from the congenital form to the idiopathic form, including the acquired form. The clinical case we report is that of a 27-year-old young man, with no particular history, admitted with a picture of global heart failure. A cardiac ultrasound diagnosed a ruptured mitral sub-annular aneurysm in the pericardium. The difficulty lies in the surgical management of this condition, due to the lack of an adequate cardiac surgery service in most of the countries in Africa south of the Sahara.

PLOS ONE, 2020
The end of the Palaeolithic represents one of the least-known periods in the history of western A... more The end of the Palaeolithic represents one of the least-known periods in the history of western Africa, both in terms of its chronology and the identification of cultural assemblages entities based on the typo-technical analyses of its industries. In this context, the site of Fatandi V offers new data to discuss the cultural pattern during the Late Stone Age in western Africa. Stratigraphic, taphonomical and sedimentological analyses show the succession of three sedimentary units. Several concentrations with rich lithic material were recognized. An in situ occupation, composed of bladelets, segments, and bladelet and flake cores, is confirmed while others concentrations of lithic materials have been more or less disturbed by erosion and pedogenic post-depositional processes. The sequence is well-dated from 12 convergent OSL dates. Thanks to the dating of the stratigraphic units and an OSL date from the layer (11,300–9,200 BCE [13.3–11.2 ka at 68%, 14.3–10.3 ka at 95%]), the artefact...

World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases, 2020
Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis is a frequent disease, its origin is most often multifactorial... more Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis is a frequent disease, its origin is most often multifactorial. Venous thromboembolic disease (MVTE) and cancer are two frequently entangled pathologies. Here we report the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis that discovered prostate cancer in an 88-year-old Guinean man. On clinical examination, there was a painful and hot swelling of the right leg, an absence of sloshing of the calf, a positive sign of Homans. The digital rectal examination revealed an enlarged prostate with an irregular surface. Cardiopulmonary auscultation was normal. The electrocardiogram showed a regular sinus rhythm at 65 cycles/min, with no sign of enlarged cavities or conduction disturbance. Venous Doppler ultrasound of the lower limbs showed the presence of an extensive acute deep venous thrombosis of the right sural vein extended to the popliteal and to the homolateral deep femoral. The reino-vesico-prostatic ultrasound concluded in a heterogeneous prostatic hypertrophy with projection of a median lobe associated with a bladder of fight with an important post voiding residue evaluated at 170 ml; the rate of specific antigen of the prostate PSA was at 84.87 ng/ml. The pathology analysis made after a prostate biopsy puncture concluded with an adenocarcinoma with a Gleason score of 3. Conclusion: The

Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2018
Objective: To report the experience of Gynecology Department of the University Hospital of Treich... more Objective: To report the experience of Gynecology Department of the University Hospital of Treichville in the management of the inflammatory breast cancers. Methodology: We conducted a retrospective and descriptive study on cases of the inflammatory breast cancers managed in the Gynecology Department of the University Hospital of Treichville, from January 2011 to December 2015. Results: We collected 44 cases of inflammatory breast cancer representing 17.9% of all breast cancers. The average age of patients was 46.5 years (32-70 years) and among them, the majority had inadequate socioeconomic level (90.9%). The risk factor for cancer found in the majority of patients was the age of first menstrual periods before the age of 12 years (52.3%). The average consultation time was long (10 months) and several patients had extensive inflammatory signs (38.6%), with lymph node involvement (84.1%) and metastases (36.4%). At the histological analysis, the most common type was invasive ductal carcinoma (81.8%), SBR grade III (54.5%). Regarding treatment, mastectomy according to Patey associated with a chemotherapy was performed in 22.7% cases. The evolution has been marked by an overall 5-year survival of 20%. Conclusion: The management of inflammatory breast cancers was late and incomplete in our service making poor prognosis.
Quaternaire, 2020
Les etudes menees le long de la Faleme, affluent du Senegal, dans le secteur Sansande‑Missira, pe... more Les etudes menees le long de la Faleme, affluent du Senegal, dans le secteur Sansande‑Missira, permettent de se faire une idee assez precise de la stratigraphie des formations sedimentaires qui se devoilent a la faveur de l’incision recente du cours d’eau. Les datations par le radiocarbone et par luminescence optiquement stimulee calent l’essentiel de ces depots du dernier cycle climatique, avec une tres bonne representation de la periode 45-5 ka pour les sediments fins deposes lors des crues regulieres. Dans ces depots, la recurrence des sites archeologiques montre qu’il y avait, meme pendant la phase du dernier maximum aride, un ecoulement sud-nord suffisant pour attirer les populations.

Internal Medicine Inside, 2019
The objective of this study was to describe the cardiac manifestations during systemic scleroderm... more The objective of this study was to describe the cardiac manifestations during systemic scleroderma in Conakry and the therapeutic management. Observation: 49-year-old female patient, admitted to the Medico-Surgical Emergency Department of Donka Hospital and University for chest pain, dry cough, osteo-articular pain, physical asthenia; evolution of symptoms for two weeks, no history of known cardiovascular disease and no cardiovascular risk factor. On physical examination, we have: TA=130/80 mmHg, heart rate at 110 beats/minute, height 1.78 cm, weight 65 kg (BMI: 20.56 kg/m 2). There was also a decrease in heart sounds, no rhythm disorder or deformation of the chest, no scar on the thorax, temperature at 37.6°C, axial deformation of the fingers of both hands with hypochromia, hard, localized at the level of small joints. Conclusion: Systemic scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that is more common in women than in men. His diagnosis is clinical, immunological and completed by the classification criteria. The functional or vital prognosis can be put into play especially in case of heart attack as was the case in our patient. Corticotherapy opens a window of hope despite the fact that treatment is difficult.

Climate Dynamics, 2018
As climate model uncertainties remain very large for future rainfall in the Sahel, a multicentenn... more As climate model uncertainties remain very large for future rainfall in the Sahel, a multicentennial perspective is required to assess the situation of current Sahel climate in the context of global warming. We present here the first record of hydroclimatic variability over the past 1600 years in Senegal, obtained from stable oxygen isotope analyses (δ 18 O) in archaeological shell middens from the Saloum Delta. During the preindustrial period, the region was relatively humid, with maximum humidity reached during the period from AD 1500 to AD 1800, referred to as the Little Ice Age. A significant negative link is observed at the centennial scale between global temperature and humidity in the Sahel that is at odds with the expected effects of latitudinal shifts of the intertropical convergence zone during the last millennium. In the context of the past 1600 years, the Western Sahel appears to be experiencing today unprecedented drought conditions. The rapid aridification that started ca. AD 1800 and the recent emergence of Sahel drought from the natural variability point to an anthropogenic forcing of Sahel drying trend. This new long-term perspective suggests that the recovery of Sahel rainfall in the last decade may only result from short-term internal variability, and supports climate models that predict an increase of Sahel drought under future greenhouse climate.

Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 2019
The objective of this study was to describe Thrombotic manifestations and therapeutic management ... more The objective of this study was to describe Thrombotic manifestations and therapeutic management during HIV infection and tuberculosis in a 19-year-old male student. The objective of this study was to describe Thrombotic manifestations and therapeutic management during HIV infection and tuberculosis in a 19-year-old student. Observation: It is Mr. S. C., aged 19, admitted for pain and swelling of the right lower limb, physical asthenia and notion of fever. Evolution 5 days, with no particular history of cardiovascular disease, anti-retroviral treatment for 1 year and anti-tuberculosis treatment for 3 months. On clinical examination heart sounds are irregular with a heart rate at 115 bpm, blood pressure at 110/70 mmhg. A febrile red painful swelling at right lower limb with positive Homans sign. 0˚C (Temperature 37.7˚C), Weight at 58 Kg. The rest of the clinical examination is without particularity. Venous Doppler echo of the lower limbs: shows the presence of acute deep vein thrombosis of the right lateral vein. Mr. S. C. to benefit the following Medical Treatment: lovenox 0.6 UI subcutaneously morning and evening, Sintrom 4 mg 1 comprimed at night, Tramadol 50 mg morning and evening; with a good clinical evolution. CONCLUSION: TB and HIV are chronic infections that result in widespread inflammation predisposing patients to a MTVE (Venous thromboembolic disease) table as well as rifampicin and anti-proteases.
Physical Review A, 2014
We investigate the scaling behavior of a very large magneto-optical trap (VLMOT) containing up to... more We investigate the scaling behavior of a very large magneto-optical trap (VLMOT) containing up to 1.4 × 10 11 Rb 87 atoms. By varying the diameter of the trapping beams, we are able to change the number of trapped atoms by more than 5 orders of magnitude. We then study the scaling laws of the loading and size of the VLMOT, and analyze the shape of the density profile in this regime where the Coulomb-like, light-mediated repulsive interaction between atoms is expected to play an important role.
L'Anthropologie, 2017
Depuis 2011, le programme de recherche international Peuplement Humain et Paléoenvironnement en A... more Depuis 2011, le programme de recherche international Peuplement Humain et Paléoenvironnement en Afrique (dir. Pr. É. Huysecom) concentre une partie de ses recherches sur la Vallée de la Falémé, à l'est du Sénégal. Plusieurs séries de vestiges provenant d'industries associées à l'Early, au Middle et au Later Stone Age y ont en effet été identifiées. Cet article présente les premiers éléments de chronologie numérique obtenus pour la vallée à l'aide de la méthode de datation par luminescence stimulée optiquement (OSL). Les datations obtenues couvrent tout le Pléistocène supérieur, soulignant l'importance de la Vallée de la Falémé dans l'étude des dynamiques de peuplement et d'évolution culturelle de l'Homme préhistorique en Afrique de l'Ouest, région souvent délaissée des recherches en Préhistoire africaine.
Papers by Abdoulaye CAMARA