International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Background: Gestational diabetes is an intolerance of glucose with the first appearance during th... more Background: Gestational diabetes is an intolerance of glucose with the first appearance during the pregnancy. This hyperglycaemia status, because of the pre-existing insulin-resistance, constitute a favourable land of arterial stiffness. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of non obese gestational diabetes on arterial stiffness by measuring the pulse wave velocity (PWV).Methods: We recruited 60 pregnant women aged from 20 to 35 years old. They were between twentieth four and thirtieth five weeks of gestational age. Subjects were divided into two groups: the first group (G1), considered as control group, included 25 normoglycemic pregnant subjects without any history of illness or risk factors of gestational diabetes; the second group (G2) included 35 women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). All pregnant women had not history of smoking, were not taking decoction or medicine, which could disturb pregnancy evolution. Anthropo-physiological and biochemical parameter...
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2015
En vue d'estimer les consommations excessives d'alcool (binge drinking) en Côte d'Ivoire, une enq... more En vue d'estimer les consommations excessives d'alcool (binge drinking) en Côte d'Ivoire, une enquête mettant en parallèle les types d'alcool et les différents modes de consommation (léger, modéré et excessif) a été menée dans la ville d'Abidjan. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire a été soumis à 8652 sujets dont 4758 hommes et 3894 femmes. Les résultats indiquent que la consommation excessive, estimée à 42,9%, est plus élevée chez les hommes (60,3%) que chez les femmes (12,7%). En fonction de l'âge, les tranches d'âge de 26 à 35 ans (58,8%) et de 36 à 45 ans (60,2%) sont les plus concernés. Par classe sociale, les étudiants (49,7%) et les employés subalternes (43,4%) sont plus touchés par ce phénomène de binge drinking. Par ailleurs, avec une consommation de 52,5%, le "Koutoukou" (boisson frelatée) est en deuxième position juste après la bière (91,4%) qui reste la boisson alcoolique la plus en usage abusif par les consommateurs excessifs. Ce comportement serait lié au prix de vente des différents alcools. C'est pourquoi, la publicité sur les boissons alcooliques doit être interdite et, pour augmenter leur prix, de nouvelles taxes doivent leur être imposées. Cependant, avant ces actions, il faudra s'assurer des capacités à réduire la distribution des alcools frelatés en Côte d'Ivoire.
The functional development of the central nervous system (CNS) in the rat was studied from the 10... more The functional development of the central nervous system (CNS) in the rat was studied from the 10th to the 45th postnatal day, through the ontogeny of psychomotor and sensory functions, by a battery of behavioral tests. The ontogenetic development of 10 different functions was described. The results showed that novelty-induced functions matured progressively in an adult-like pattern of functioning in the 3rd postnatal week. Indeed, exploratory activity was low at the 10th day, increased significantly to reach highest values from 20th to 30th postnatal day, then declined at the 45th postnatal day. No habituation was exhibited by 10- and 15-day-old rats; it appeared at the age of 20 days. Emotional reactivity induced by the novelty of surroundings clearly appeared from the 20th postnatal day, when the features of adult animal were reached. It appeared also that reflex and automatic motor functions came to maturity by the age of 3 wk, while voluntary motor functions continued to improve until the 30th day. Thus, the latency of the hind paw lifting reflex occurrence significantly decreased from the 10th to the 20th postnatal day, when the most improved values were reached. The wire-grasping times increased from the 10th to the 25th postnatal day in an exponential fashion. Locomotor activity developed significantly from the 10th to the 15th day, when the mature locomotion pattern was exhibited. The coordination of complex movements and motor initiative appeared only after the 20th postnatal day. The latencies of execution of crawling along the wire and of leap onto the ground decreased significantly from the 20th to the 45th day. These studies reveal the presence of the caudal to rostral sequence of CNS development, predicting a spatio-temporal functional maturation of nuclei and centers in the rat's CNS. The building of the time-sequence of regional maturation of the brain integrated activities was attempted.
The pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathic pain is due to primarily metabolic and vascular facto... more The pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathic pain is due to primarily metabolic and vascular factors. There is an increase in sorbitol and fructose, glycated end products, reactive oxygen species and activation of protein kinase C in the diabetic state. All these factors lead to direct damage to the nerves. Taking effective clinical management of neuropathic pain is based on a pharmacological treatment that has shown their limits and many side effects. The hypothesis of central sensitization inhibited by Clerodendrum formicarum, an African pharmacopoeia plant used to treat headaches, arthritis, epilepsy and chronic pain could act on astrocytes and microglial cells. The objective of this work is to study the effect of Clerodendrum formicarum (100, 150 and 200 mg/kg body weight) on astrocytes and microglial cells in a model of diabetic neuropathic pain induced by alloxan monohydrate (150 mg/kg). We noted a suppression of mechanical allodynia and mechanical hyperalgesia respectively by the Von Frey filaments test and the pressure test on the paw by the Clerodendrum formicarum extracts (ECF) at different doses from 2 h at the first injection of the ECF. After 5 days of treatment, we expressed by Western Blot bands of different proteins and by quantitative RT-PCR, we determined inhibition of the expression of GFAP, CD11b and isoforms 1 and 2 of cyclooxygenase. These results suggest that ECF inhibits the activation of astrocytes, microglial cells and cyclooxygenase signaling pathway.
Cardiac tumours are rare and are dominated by left atrial myxoma. The authors report 2 cases of l... more Cardiac tumours are rare and are dominated by left atrial myxoma. The authors report 2 cases of left atrial myxoma operated in the Cardiology department of Dakar (Senegal). Clinical signs were heart failure, cardiac sounds mimicking mitral valve disease and alteration of general state. The electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm in 1 case and atrial flutter in the second case. The chest-x-ray show cardiac enlargement. Diagnosis was suggested by echocardiography and confirmed by anatomy. Evolution was favourable in one case and the other patient died.
The fast of Ramadan submits body to transient metabolic modifications; and decrease of glycaemia ... more The fast of Ramadan submits body to transient metabolic modifications; and decrease of glycaemia can be one of results. Physical exercise modifies rate of plasmatic hormones responsible for its regulation. The purpose of this study is to appreciate the influence of the fast on this biologic parameter in sportsmen and sedentaries. Thirty (30) healthy subjects (15 sportsmen of stamina and 15 sedentaries), with 25 years of average age were recruited. They have all a comparable diet. We excluded subjects having practised a physical exercise the day of the test. Capillary glycaemia was measured after weighed and physical exam, in 2 periods: in second Ramadan's fortnight, 15 minutes before food intake, two (2) months after Ramadan at least 4 hours at distance of the last meal. Comparisons were remitted in the test of Student, significant for p value lower than 0.05. During Ramadan, the glycaemia of the sportsmen at rest, is at one exception always superior or equal to that of the sede...
The aim of this study is to show that the socioeconomic situation in Africa influences the treatm... more The aim of this study is to show that the socioeconomic situation in Africa influences the treatment of dental trauma. This retrospective study on the treatment of dental trauma was carried out in the department of stomatology in the Universitary Teaching Hospital Aristide Le Dantec (HALD). It concerned 568 patient's records on an 11-year-period, with 1759 teeth. The therapeutic attitude consisted almost exclusively in avulsion of traumatised primary teeth (95.9%), and privileged conservative treatment of traumatised permanent teeth (67.8%), while taking in consideration the socio-economic conditions responsible of delayed consultation, few treatment options and difficult follow up. The systematic avulsion of the traumatised primary teeth is justified and the conservative treatment of the traumatised permanent teeth must always be tried in first intention.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 2009
Volume and issue Author name Manuscript No. (if applicable) AUTHOR: The following queries have ar... more Volume and issue Author name Manuscript No. (if applicable) AUTHOR: The following queries have arisen during the editing of your manuscript. Please answer the queries by making the necessary corrections on the CATS online corrections form. Once you have added all your corrections, please press the SUBMIT button. _A_361145 1 Please check whether the change made to the title is OK as given. 2 A declaration of interest statement reporting no conflict of interest has been inserted. Please confirm the statement is accurate. 3 Please check quality of Figure.
Objectif : Cette étude a eu pour but d'évaluer la proportion des femmes enceintes consommatrices ... more Objectif : Cette étude a eu pour but d'évaluer la proportion des femmes enceintes consommatrices d'alcool en Côte d'Ivoire. Méthodologie et résultats : Une enquête sur les consommations d'alcool a recensé 834 femmes enceintes dans des centres de santé des dix communes de la ville d'Abidjan. Les résultats montrent que 37,8% des femmes ont consommé de l'alcool pendant la période de grossesse et, parmi elles, 11,4% en consomment dangereusement. Par ailleurs, 86,9% des femmes enquêtées sont mal informées sur les effets de l'alcool sur le foetus. Aussi, les tranches d'âge les plus consommatrices sont celles allant de 26 ans à 35 ans (42,7%) et celles de 36 ans à 44 ans (43,9%) et les bières sont les boissons alcoolique les plus consommées. Conclusion et application des résultats : Pour ces raisons, l'État devrait lancer une campagne pour sensibiliser les femmes ayant le potentiel d'avoir des enfants, sur les effets nocifs de l'alcool pendant la grossesse et pendant l'allaitement. Mots-clés : femmes enceintes, alcool, consommation, Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). Epidemiology of alcohol consumption by pregnant women in Côte d'Ivoire: survey of 834 cases in Abidjan. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the proportion of pregnant women who consume alcohol in Côte d'Ivoire. Methodology and results: A survey was conducted in health centers in the city of Abidjan. This survey recorded 834 pregnant women in the ten communes of Abidjan. This study shows that 37.8% of these women drank alcohol during pregnancy, and among the latter, 11.4% consumed it dangerously. In addition, 86.9% of the women who participated in the survey, were misinformed about the harmful effects of alcohol on the fetus. Furthermore, pregnant women who are age 26 to 35 and 36 to 44 were the biggest alcohol consumers and the beer was the most consumed. Conclusion and application of results: On these grounds, the state should start a campaign to raise awareness among women of childbearing potential on the harmful effects of alcohol during pregnancy and during lactation.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2002
Anthelmintic treatment of sick preschool-age children at health facilities is a potentially effec... more Anthelmintic treatment of sick preschool-age children at health facilities is a potentially effective strategy for intestinal helminth control in this age-group. We conducted a study from July 1998 to February 1999 in western Kenya to determine whether the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) guidelines' clinical assessment can be used to identify helminth-infected children, and to evaluate the nutritional benefit of treating sick children without pallor with an anthelmintic (mebendazole is already part of IMCI treatment for sick children aged 2-4 years with palmar pallor in areas where hookworm and Trichuris trichiura infections are endemic). Sick children aged 2-4 years seen at 3 rural health facilities were clinically evaluated and tested for haemoglobin concentration, malaria parasites, and intestinal helminths. Children without pallor were randomly assigned to receive a single dose of 500 mg of mebendazole or a placebo and reexamined 6 months later. Among the 574 children enroIled, 11% had one or more intestinal helminths. Most infections were of light intensity. Selected clinical signs and symptoms available from the IMCI assessment, including palmar pallor and low weight-forage , were not associated with helminth infection. Six months after enrolment, no differences in growth of children without pallor were observed between the mebendazole (n = 166) and placebo (n = 181) groups. However, there was a significantly greater mean increase in weight, height, and weight-forage 2 score among the helminth-infected children in the mebendazole group (n = 22) as compared with helminthinfected children in the placebo group (n = 20). We conclude that even lightly infected preschool-age children without palmar pallor benefit from anthelmintic treatment; however, in this study setting of low helminth prevalence and intensity, helminth-infected children could not be identified using the IMCI guidelines. Cost-effectiveness studies are needed to help define helminth prevalence thresholds for routine anthelmintic treatment of sick preschool-age children seen at first-level health facilities.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 2012
Please check these proofs carefully. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to chec... more Please check these proofs carefully. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to check against the original manuscript and approve or amend these proofs. A second proof is not normally provided. Informa Healthcare cannot be held responsible for uncorrected errors, even if introduced during the composition process. The journal reserves the right to charge for excessive author alterations, or for changes requested after the proofing stage has concluded. A version of your manuscript showing the language edits as tracked changes is appended to the typeset proofs. This document is provided for reference purposes only. Please mark all your corrections to the typeset pages at the front of the PDF. Corrections marked to the tracked changes section will not be incorporated in the published document. The following queries have arisen during the editing of your manuscript and are marked in the margins of the proofs. Unless advised otherwise, submit all corrections using the CATS online correction form. Once you have added all your corrections, please ensure you press the "Submit All Corrections" button. AQ1. Please review the table of contributors below and confirm that the first and last names are structured correctly and that the authors are listed in the correct order of contribution. AQ2. Please provide a declaration of interest statement. All articles in Informa Healthcare journals should acknowledge any support/funding received by the authors to carry out the study, or any other commercial relationships relevant to the article's subject matter. If no funding has been received, a statement explicitly declaring no conflict of interest is required. RID Given Names Surname Suffix 1.
PHYSIOL BEHAV 54(2) 403-405, 1993.-The functional development of central nervous system (CNS) in ... more PHYSIOL BEHAV 54(2) 403-405, 1993.-The functional development of central nervous system (CNS) in the rat has been studied from the 10th to the 45th postnatal day, through a sensory function: nociception. Baseline pain responsiveness has been assessed with the tail-flick procedure. The mean tail-flick latency clearly decreases from the 10th to the 25th day, and remains stationary from this age to 45 days. The maturational processes underlying these reductions of tail-flick latencies in developing rats are discussed. Nociceptive thresholds Developing rat Tail flick
The present study compared the changes in blood viscosity, hydration status, body temperature and... more The present study compared the changes in blood viscosity, hydration status, body temperature and heart rate between a group of sickle cell trait (SCT) carriers and a control (Cont) group before and after a soccer game performed in two conditions: one with water offered ad libitum (hydration condition; Hyd) and the other one without water (dehydration condition; Dehyd). Blood viscosity and haematocrit per blood viscosity ratio (HVR; an index of red blood cell oxygen transport effectiveness) were measured before and at the end of each game. Resting blood viscosity was greater in the SCT carriers than in the Cont group. The increase of blood viscosity over baseline at the end of the game in the Cont group was similar in the two conditions. In contrast, the change in blood viscosity occurring in SCT carriers during soccer games was dependant on the experimental condition: (1) in Dehyd condition, blood viscosity rose over baseline; (2) in Hyd condition, blood viscosity decreased below resting level reaching Cont values. The Cont group had higher HVR than SCT carriers at rest. HVR remained unchanged in the Cont group at the end of the games, whatever the experimental condition. Although HVR of SCT carriers decreased below baseline at the end of the game performed in Dehyd condition, it increased over resting level in Hyd condition reaching the values of the Cont group. Our study demonstrated that ad libitum hydration in exercising SCT carriers normalises the blood hyperviscosity.
ABSTRACT Objective To establish determinants of lactatemia after race on 200 m and 400 m in Afric... more ABSTRACT Objective To establish determinants of lactatemia after race on 200 m and 400 m in African athletes specialized in these distances. Methods Seven male athletes participated in the study. Their mean age was 24.57 ± 3.41 years. Measured anthropometric parameters were weight, height, body mass index (BMI), fatty mass by the cutaneous folds’ method and thin mass. Athletes performed 200 m race and 400 m 24 hours after. Lactatemia was measured on samples obtained by micro puncture from fingertip after warm up and at 5th minute recovery [LA]R5. Results Significant difference (P < 0,001) was found between 200 m and 400 m concerning velocity v, recovery lactatemia ([LA]R5), lactate productions ΔLA (difference between post-warming lactatemia and [LA]R5) and when ΔLA are divided by velocity (ΔLA/v). Significant positive correlation was found only for the 200 m, between BMI and ΔLA (R = 0,75; P = 0,047) and remain better when we have considered ΔLA/v (R = 0,9; P = 0,0048). Conclusion Our study suggests that BMI and velocity represent the most determining parameters in lactate production in 200 m race more than in 400 m.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Background: Gestational diabetes is an intolerance of glucose with the first appearance during th... more Background: Gestational diabetes is an intolerance of glucose with the first appearance during the pregnancy. This hyperglycaemia status, because of the pre-existing insulin-resistance, constitute a favourable land of arterial stiffness. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of non obese gestational diabetes on arterial stiffness by measuring the pulse wave velocity (PWV).Methods: We recruited 60 pregnant women aged from 20 to 35 years old. They were between twentieth four and thirtieth five weeks of gestational age. Subjects were divided into two groups: the first group (G1), considered as control group, included 25 normoglycemic pregnant subjects without any history of illness or risk factors of gestational diabetes; the second group (G2) included 35 women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). All pregnant women had not history of smoking, were not taking decoction or medicine, which could disturb pregnancy evolution. Anthropo-physiological and biochemical parameter...
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2015
En vue d'estimer les consommations excessives d'alcool (binge drinking) en Côte d'Ivoire, une enq... more En vue d'estimer les consommations excessives d'alcool (binge drinking) en Côte d'Ivoire, une enquête mettant en parallèle les types d'alcool et les différents modes de consommation (léger, modéré et excessif) a été menée dans la ville d'Abidjan. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire a été soumis à 8652 sujets dont 4758 hommes et 3894 femmes. Les résultats indiquent que la consommation excessive, estimée à 42,9%, est plus élevée chez les hommes (60,3%) que chez les femmes (12,7%). En fonction de l'âge, les tranches d'âge de 26 à 35 ans (58,8%) et de 36 à 45 ans (60,2%) sont les plus concernés. Par classe sociale, les étudiants (49,7%) et les employés subalternes (43,4%) sont plus touchés par ce phénomène de binge drinking. Par ailleurs, avec une consommation de 52,5%, le "Koutoukou" (boisson frelatée) est en deuxième position juste après la bière (91,4%) qui reste la boisson alcoolique la plus en usage abusif par les consommateurs excessifs. Ce comportement serait lié au prix de vente des différents alcools. C'est pourquoi, la publicité sur les boissons alcooliques doit être interdite et, pour augmenter leur prix, de nouvelles taxes doivent leur être imposées. Cependant, avant ces actions, il faudra s'assurer des capacités à réduire la distribution des alcools frelatés en Côte d'Ivoire.
The functional development of the central nervous system (CNS) in the rat was studied from the 10... more The functional development of the central nervous system (CNS) in the rat was studied from the 10th to the 45th postnatal day, through the ontogeny of psychomotor and sensory functions, by a battery of behavioral tests. The ontogenetic development of 10 different functions was described. The results showed that novelty-induced functions matured progressively in an adult-like pattern of functioning in the 3rd postnatal week. Indeed, exploratory activity was low at the 10th day, increased significantly to reach highest values from 20th to 30th postnatal day, then declined at the 45th postnatal day. No habituation was exhibited by 10- and 15-day-old rats; it appeared at the age of 20 days. Emotional reactivity induced by the novelty of surroundings clearly appeared from the 20th postnatal day, when the features of adult animal were reached. It appeared also that reflex and automatic motor functions came to maturity by the age of 3 wk, while voluntary motor functions continued to improve until the 30th day. Thus, the latency of the hind paw lifting reflex occurrence significantly decreased from the 10th to the 20th postnatal day, when the most improved values were reached. The wire-grasping times increased from the 10th to the 25th postnatal day in an exponential fashion. Locomotor activity developed significantly from the 10th to the 15th day, when the mature locomotion pattern was exhibited. The coordination of complex movements and motor initiative appeared only after the 20th postnatal day. The latencies of execution of crawling along the wire and of leap onto the ground decreased significantly from the 20th to the 45th day. These studies reveal the presence of the caudal to rostral sequence of CNS development, predicting a spatio-temporal functional maturation of nuclei and centers in the rat's CNS. The building of the time-sequence of regional maturation of the brain integrated activities was attempted.
The pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathic pain is due to primarily metabolic and vascular facto... more The pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathic pain is due to primarily metabolic and vascular factors. There is an increase in sorbitol and fructose, glycated end products, reactive oxygen species and activation of protein kinase C in the diabetic state. All these factors lead to direct damage to the nerves. Taking effective clinical management of neuropathic pain is based on a pharmacological treatment that has shown their limits and many side effects. The hypothesis of central sensitization inhibited by Clerodendrum formicarum, an African pharmacopoeia plant used to treat headaches, arthritis, epilepsy and chronic pain could act on astrocytes and microglial cells. The objective of this work is to study the effect of Clerodendrum formicarum (100, 150 and 200 mg/kg body weight) on astrocytes and microglial cells in a model of diabetic neuropathic pain induced by alloxan monohydrate (150 mg/kg). We noted a suppression of mechanical allodynia and mechanical hyperalgesia respectively by the Von Frey filaments test and the pressure test on the paw by the Clerodendrum formicarum extracts (ECF) at different doses from 2 h at the first injection of the ECF. After 5 days of treatment, we expressed by Western Blot bands of different proteins and by quantitative RT-PCR, we determined inhibition of the expression of GFAP, CD11b and isoforms 1 and 2 of cyclooxygenase. These results suggest that ECF inhibits the activation of astrocytes, microglial cells and cyclooxygenase signaling pathway.
Cardiac tumours are rare and are dominated by left atrial myxoma. The authors report 2 cases of l... more Cardiac tumours are rare and are dominated by left atrial myxoma. The authors report 2 cases of left atrial myxoma operated in the Cardiology department of Dakar (Senegal). Clinical signs were heart failure, cardiac sounds mimicking mitral valve disease and alteration of general state. The electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm in 1 case and atrial flutter in the second case. The chest-x-ray show cardiac enlargement. Diagnosis was suggested by echocardiography and confirmed by anatomy. Evolution was favourable in one case and the other patient died.
The fast of Ramadan submits body to transient metabolic modifications; and decrease of glycaemia ... more The fast of Ramadan submits body to transient metabolic modifications; and decrease of glycaemia can be one of results. Physical exercise modifies rate of plasmatic hormones responsible for its regulation. The purpose of this study is to appreciate the influence of the fast on this biologic parameter in sportsmen and sedentaries. Thirty (30) healthy subjects (15 sportsmen of stamina and 15 sedentaries), with 25 years of average age were recruited. They have all a comparable diet. We excluded subjects having practised a physical exercise the day of the test. Capillary glycaemia was measured after weighed and physical exam, in 2 periods: in second Ramadan's fortnight, 15 minutes before food intake, two (2) months after Ramadan at least 4 hours at distance of the last meal. Comparisons were remitted in the test of Student, significant for p value lower than 0.05. During Ramadan, the glycaemia of the sportsmen at rest, is at one exception always superior or equal to that of the sede...
The aim of this study is to show that the socioeconomic situation in Africa influences the treatm... more The aim of this study is to show that the socioeconomic situation in Africa influences the treatment of dental trauma. This retrospective study on the treatment of dental trauma was carried out in the department of stomatology in the Universitary Teaching Hospital Aristide Le Dantec (HALD). It concerned 568 patient's records on an 11-year-period, with 1759 teeth. The therapeutic attitude consisted almost exclusively in avulsion of traumatised primary teeth (95.9%), and privileged conservative treatment of traumatised permanent teeth (67.8%), while taking in consideration the socio-economic conditions responsible of delayed consultation, few treatment options and difficult follow up. The systematic avulsion of the traumatised primary teeth is justified and the conservative treatment of the traumatised permanent teeth must always be tried in first intention.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 2009
Volume and issue Author name Manuscript No. (if applicable) AUTHOR: The following queries have ar... more Volume and issue Author name Manuscript No. (if applicable) AUTHOR: The following queries have arisen during the editing of your manuscript. Please answer the queries by making the necessary corrections on the CATS online corrections form. Once you have added all your corrections, please press the SUBMIT button. _A_361145 1 Please check whether the change made to the title is OK as given. 2 A declaration of interest statement reporting no conflict of interest has been inserted. Please confirm the statement is accurate. 3 Please check quality of Figure.
Objectif : Cette étude a eu pour but d'évaluer la proportion des femmes enceintes consommatrices ... more Objectif : Cette étude a eu pour but d'évaluer la proportion des femmes enceintes consommatrices d'alcool en Côte d'Ivoire. Méthodologie et résultats : Une enquête sur les consommations d'alcool a recensé 834 femmes enceintes dans des centres de santé des dix communes de la ville d'Abidjan. Les résultats montrent que 37,8% des femmes ont consommé de l'alcool pendant la période de grossesse et, parmi elles, 11,4% en consomment dangereusement. Par ailleurs, 86,9% des femmes enquêtées sont mal informées sur les effets de l'alcool sur le foetus. Aussi, les tranches d'âge les plus consommatrices sont celles allant de 26 ans à 35 ans (42,7%) et celles de 36 ans à 44 ans (43,9%) et les bières sont les boissons alcoolique les plus consommées. Conclusion et application des résultats : Pour ces raisons, l'État devrait lancer une campagne pour sensibiliser les femmes ayant le potentiel d'avoir des enfants, sur les effets nocifs de l'alcool pendant la grossesse et pendant l'allaitement. Mots-clés : femmes enceintes, alcool, consommation, Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). Epidemiology of alcohol consumption by pregnant women in Côte d'Ivoire: survey of 834 cases in Abidjan. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the proportion of pregnant women who consume alcohol in Côte d'Ivoire. Methodology and results: A survey was conducted in health centers in the city of Abidjan. This survey recorded 834 pregnant women in the ten communes of Abidjan. This study shows that 37.8% of these women drank alcohol during pregnancy, and among the latter, 11.4% consumed it dangerously. In addition, 86.9% of the women who participated in the survey, were misinformed about the harmful effects of alcohol on the fetus. Furthermore, pregnant women who are age 26 to 35 and 36 to 44 were the biggest alcohol consumers and the beer was the most consumed. Conclusion and application of results: On these grounds, the state should start a campaign to raise awareness among women of childbearing potential on the harmful effects of alcohol during pregnancy and during lactation.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2002
Anthelmintic treatment of sick preschool-age children at health facilities is a potentially effec... more Anthelmintic treatment of sick preschool-age children at health facilities is a potentially effective strategy for intestinal helminth control in this age-group. We conducted a study from July 1998 to February 1999 in western Kenya to determine whether the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) guidelines' clinical assessment can be used to identify helminth-infected children, and to evaluate the nutritional benefit of treating sick children without pallor with an anthelmintic (mebendazole is already part of IMCI treatment for sick children aged 2-4 years with palmar pallor in areas where hookworm and Trichuris trichiura infections are endemic). Sick children aged 2-4 years seen at 3 rural health facilities were clinically evaluated and tested for haemoglobin concentration, malaria parasites, and intestinal helminths. Children without pallor were randomly assigned to receive a single dose of 500 mg of mebendazole or a placebo and reexamined 6 months later. Among the 574 children enroIled, 11% had one or more intestinal helminths. Most infections were of light intensity. Selected clinical signs and symptoms available from the IMCI assessment, including palmar pallor and low weight-forage , were not associated with helminth infection. Six months after enrolment, no differences in growth of children without pallor were observed between the mebendazole (n = 166) and placebo (n = 181) groups. However, there was a significantly greater mean increase in weight, height, and weight-forage 2 score among the helminth-infected children in the mebendazole group (n = 22) as compared with helminthinfected children in the placebo group (n = 20). We conclude that even lightly infected preschool-age children without palmar pallor benefit from anthelmintic treatment; however, in this study setting of low helminth prevalence and intensity, helminth-infected children could not be identified using the IMCI guidelines. Cost-effectiveness studies are needed to help define helminth prevalence thresholds for routine anthelmintic treatment of sick preschool-age children seen at first-level health facilities.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 2012
Please check these proofs carefully. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to chec... more Please check these proofs carefully. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to check against the original manuscript and approve or amend these proofs. A second proof is not normally provided. Informa Healthcare cannot be held responsible for uncorrected errors, even if introduced during the composition process. The journal reserves the right to charge for excessive author alterations, or for changes requested after the proofing stage has concluded. A version of your manuscript showing the language edits as tracked changes is appended to the typeset proofs. This document is provided for reference purposes only. Please mark all your corrections to the typeset pages at the front of the PDF. Corrections marked to the tracked changes section will not be incorporated in the published document. The following queries have arisen during the editing of your manuscript and are marked in the margins of the proofs. Unless advised otherwise, submit all corrections using the CATS online correction form. Once you have added all your corrections, please ensure you press the "Submit All Corrections" button. AQ1. Please review the table of contributors below and confirm that the first and last names are structured correctly and that the authors are listed in the correct order of contribution. AQ2. Please provide a declaration of interest statement. All articles in Informa Healthcare journals should acknowledge any support/funding received by the authors to carry out the study, or any other commercial relationships relevant to the article's subject matter. If no funding has been received, a statement explicitly declaring no conflict of interest is required. RID Given Names Surname Suffix 1.
PHYSIOL BEHAV 54(2) 403-405, 1993.-The functional development of central nervous system (CNS) in ... more PHYSIOL BEHAV 54(2) 403-405, 1993.-The functional development of central nervous system (CNS) in the rat has been studied from the 10th to the 45th postnatal day, through a sensory function: nociception. Baseline pain responsiveness has been assessed with the tail-flick procedure. The mean tail-flick latency clearly decreases from the 10th to the 25th day, and remains stationary from this age to 45 days. The maturational processes underlying these reductions of tail-flick latencies in developing rats are discussed. Nociceptive thresholds Developing rat Tail flick
The present study compared the changes in blood viscosity, hydration status, body temperature and... more The present study compared the changes in blood viscosity, hydration status, body temperature and heart rate between a group of sickle cell trait (SCT) carriers and a control (Cont) group before and after a soccer game performed in two conditions: one with water offered ad libitum (hydration condition; Hyd) and the other one without water (dehydration condition; Dehyd). Blood viscosity and haematocrit per blood viscosity ratio (HVR; an index of red blood cell oxygen transport effectiveness) were measured before and at the end of each game. Resting blood viscosity was greater in the SCT carriers than in the Cont group. The increase of blood viscosity over baseline at the end of the game in the Cont group was similar in the two conditions. In contrast, the change in blood viscosity occurring in SCT carriers during soccer games was dependant on the experimental condition: (1) in Dehyd condition, blood viscosity rose over baseline; (2) in Hyd condition, blood viscosity decreased below resting level reaching Cont values. The Cont group had higher HVR than SCT carriers at rest. HVR remained unchanged in the Cont group at the end of the games, whatever the experimental condition. Although HVR of SCT carriers decreased below baseline at the end of the game performed in Dehyd condition, it increased over resting level in Hyd condition reaching the values of the Cont group. Our study demonstrated that ad libitum hydration in exercising SCT carriers normalises the blood hyperviscosity.
ABSTRACT Objective To establish determinants of lactatemia after race on 200 m and 400 m in Afric... more ABSTRACT Objective To establish determinants of lactatemia after race on 200 m and 400 m in African athletes specialized in these distances. Methods Seven male athletes participated in the study. Their mean age was 24.57 ± 3.41 years. Measured anthropometric parameters were weight, height, body mass index (BMI), fatty mass by the cutaneous folds’ method and thin mass. Athletes performed 200 m race and 400 m 24 hours after. Lactatemia was measured on samples obtained by micro puncture from fingertip after warm up and at 5th minute recovery [LA]R5. Results Significant difference (P < 0,001) was found between 200 m and 400 m concerning velocity v, recovery lactatemia ([LA]R5), lactate productions ΔLA (difference between post-warming lactatemia and [LA]R5) and when ΔLA are divided by velocity (ΔLA/v). Significant positive correlation was found only for the 200 m, between BMI and ΔLA (R = 0,75; P = 0,047) and remain better when we have considered ΔLA/v (R = 0,9; P = 0,0048). Conclusion Our study suggests that BMI and velocity represent the most determining parameters in lactate production in 200 m race more than in 400 m.
Papers by Abdoulaye Ba