Papers by Abdirahman Hussein Guleid

Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2022
The educational sector in Cambodia has experienced significant growth over the years, featuring i... more The educational sector in Cambodia has experienced significant growth over the years, featuring increased number of higher institutions as well as greater turn out of graduates from educational institutions of learning in the country. However, what remains an ongoing concern is the inability of students to enroll for courses which are highly demanded in the market. The absence of a requisite agency to conduct effective restructuring and enforcement of higher education policies, among other factors has significantly contributed to the restriction of Master's degree students in choosing between research-based and coursework programs. Previous studies used theoretical frameworks such as social change as a unifying model for explaining the choice for more engaging and rigorous programs like research courses as opposed to coursework-based programs. Therefore, this study aims at obtaining the motivations or de-motivation amongst master's degree students for either choosing research or coursework-based approach to their program. Using a quantitative study design featuring the use of a structured questionnaire, 187 students were enrolled for this study and data collected was subjected to statistical analysis. 58% of participants are enrolled in coursework-based type of masters while 42% are enrolled in thesis-based masters' degrees, and 59.5% of respondents answered that their reason for choosing coursework over thesis was to balance between family and education constraints. Results from this study show that lack of research skills, time constraints, family factors, quality of education offered by institutions, and lack of knowledgeable advisors leads to the choice of coursework over thesis amongst the students.

Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2022
The educational sector in Cambodia has experienced significant growth over the years, featuring i... more The educational sector in Cambodia has experienced significant growth over the years, featuring increased number of higher institutions as well as greater turn out of graduates from educational institutions of learning in the country. However, what remains an ongoing concern is the inability of students to enroll for courses which are highly demanded in the market. The absence of a requisite agency to conduct effective restructuring and enforcement of higher education policies, among other factors has significantly contributed to the restriction of Master's degree students in choosing between research-based and coursework programs. Previous studies used theoretical frameworks such as social change as a unifying model for explaining the choice for more engaging and rigorous programs like research courses as opposed to coursework-based programs. Therefore, this study aims at obtaining the motivations or de-motivation amongst master's degree students for either choosing research or coursework-based approach to their program. Using a quantitative study design featuring the use of a structured questionnaire, 187 students were enrolled for this study and data collected was subjected to statistical analysis. 58% of participants are enrolled in coursework-based type of masters while 42% are enrolled in thesis-based masters' degrees, and 59.5% of respondents answered that their reason for choosing coursework over thesis was to balance between family and education constraints. Results from this study show that lack of research skills, time constraints, family factors, quality of education offered by institutions, and lack of knowledgeable advisors leads to the choice of coursework over thesis amongst the students.

This article seeks to create a basic understanding of social enterprises, outlines how they oper... more This article seeks to create a basic understanding of social enterprises, outlines how they operate, identifies some of its examples, determines various benefits that can be obtained from a social enterprise, identifies various skills required to run it, with an intention of identifying the possible challenges that can affect their operations and various managerial skills required to illustrate how social managers can optimize or make use of these factors to attain sustainability within a social enterprise. It later on develops a conceptual framework to indicate how these various factors that challenge the functioning of a social enterprise are interrelated and their effects on social enterprise sustainability. บทความฉบบน เปนความพยายามในการทำความเขาใจเบองตนเกยวกบองคกรธรกจสงคม โดยไดบรรยายถงการดำเนนกจการ ระบตวอยางกจการ ประโยชนทไดรบจากองคกรธรกจสงคม คณสมบตทจำเปนในการดำเนนกจการ ปญหาและอปสรรคในการดำเนนการ รวมทงทกษะในการบรหารทผบรหารกจการจะตองมเพอใหในการบรหารเกดความยงยนในองคกรธรกจสงคม บทคว...
Kasem Bundit Journal, 2014
This article seeks to create a basic understanding of social enterprises, outlines how they opera... more This article seeks to create a basic understanding of social enterprises, outlines how they operate, identifies some of its examples, determines various benefits that can be obtained from a social enterprise, identifies various skills required to run it, with an intention of identifying the possible challenges that can affect their operations and various managerial skills required to illustrate how social managers can optimize or make use of these factors to attain sustainability within a social enterprise. It later on develops a conceptual framework to indicate how these various factors that challenge the functioning of a social enterprise are interrelated and their effects on social enterprise sustainability.
Papers by Abdirahman Hussein Guleid