Papers by Abd Razif Ahmad
In this paper, recurrence relations for conditional moment generating functions and conditional m... more In this paper, recurrence relations for conditional moment generating functions and conditional moments of order statistics and record values based on random samples drawn from members of a class of doubly truncated distributions =d are obtained.

Journal of Statistical Research of Iran, 2010
In this paper, we derived recurrence relations for joint moment generating functions of nonadjace... more In this paper, we derived recurrence relations for joint moment generating functions of nonadjacent generalized order statistics (GOS) of random samples drawn from doubly truncated class of continuous distributions. Recurrence relations for joint moments of nonadjacent GOS (ordinary order statistics (OOS) and k-upper records (k-RVs) as special cases) are obtained. Single and product moment generating functions (moments) of nonadjacent GOS are derived. Doubly truncated new modified Weibull (Weibull, Extreme-value, exponential and Rayleigh), three Burr type XII (Lomax) and inverse Weibull distributions, among others, arise as special cases of this doubly truncated class. Two applications are introduced, the first is the characterizations for members of the class based on recurrence relations for moments of GOS, OOS and k-RVs. As the second application we found Tables of single and product moments of OOS from doubly truncated Lomax distribution.

Kebajikan merupakan aspek terpenting dalam mengurus kehidupan anak tak sah taraf.Hukum Syarak tel... more Kebajikan merupakan aspek terpenting dalam mengurus kehidupan anak tak sah taraf.Hukum Syarak telah meletakkan garis panduan tentang keperluan menjaga kebajikan anak tak sah taraf orang Islam setanding dengan anak yang sah taraf.Begitu juga dalam undang-undang di negara kita khasnya undang-undang keluarga Islam turut diperuntukan fasal-fasal kebajikan demi menjamin aspek kebajikan tidak diabaikan oleh individu yang dikaitkan dengan anak tak sah taraf mahupun pihak berkuasa. Ternyata pelaksanaan kebajikan anak tak sah taraf orang Islam masih kurang memuaskan meskipun Hukum Syarak dan undang-undang telah memperuntukan dengan jelas.Objektif penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauhmanakah aspek kebajikan anak tak sah taraf orang Islam dilaksanakan menurut perspektif Hukum Syarak dan peruntukan undang-undang di Malaysia.Kaedah penulisan ini berbentuk kualitatif sosial dan undang-undang berdasarkan data primer dan sekunder berkaitan kebajikan anak tak sah taraf orang Islam.Kaedah kepustakaan adalah asas utama dalam penulisan ini yang menganalisa secara perbandingan merujuk dalil-dalil usul fiqh Islam dan undang-undang sehingga mencapai satu kesimpulan yang kukuh dalam mengenal pasti pelaksanaan kebajikan terhadap anak tak sah taraf.Hasil penulisan ini mendapati bahawa pihak berkuasa terutamanya Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM), Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) dan NGO memainkan peranan penting dalam menjaga kebajikan anak tak sah taraf.Meskipun ibu dan waris ibu merupakan pihak utama yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan kebajikan terhadap anak tak sah taraf orang Islam tetapi ramai di kalangan mereka yang menyerahkan tanggungjawab tersebut kepada pihak berkuasa dengan alasan terdapat peruntukan kewangan yang cukup dan prasarana yang selesa.
Kajian yang dijalankan disini berfokus kepada implementasi pengecaman suara melalui kaedah autopo... more Kajian yang dijalankan disini berfokus kepada implementasi pengecaman suara melalui kaedah autopoiesis. Hasil daripada kerja yang dilaksanakan itu telah membawa satu rangkaian neural yang dinamakan Homunculus Network. Rangkaian ini telah digunakan dalam pembangunan satu sistem pengecaman suara untuk Bahasa Melayu. Sistem pengecaman suara ini adalah berdasarkan ayat-terasing dan pada paras suku-kata. Sistem ini juga bebas dari pentutur dan mempunyai 15 patah perkataan. Kajian yang dijalankan juga telah mengenalpasti beberapa isu yang memerlukan perhatian seterusnya. Isu-isu ini yang telah dijadikan tapak bagi rekaan dan pembangunan satu sistem pengecaman suara autopoiesis baru.

The purpose of this concept paper is to have a better understand on knowledge sharing literature ... more The purpose of this concept paper is to have a better understand on knowledge sharing literature in general and subsequently will focus on the process and the model of knowledge sharing. Knowledge or knowing is personal, and thus is impossible to totally disembody from people into a fully explicit form. Here, knowledge is culturally surrounded within the organization as it is never totally neutral and unbiased and to some extent; it is inseparable from the values of those who produced it. Learning, face-to-face communication, meetings, forums, knowledge sharing and mentoring systems are examples of socially constructed knowledge intensive organization activities. Since the practices-based epistemology conceptualizes knowledge as embodied in action, which is highly contextual and socially constructed, it is easy to sum-up this terminology into one concept called knowledge sharing. Indeed, knowledge sharing practices are always based on practices, for example, practices of interviewing, practices aimed at building commitment and practices of communication. Finally, knowledge sharing has been allocated in three different perspectives named objectives perspectives, practice-based perspectives and mixed perspectives (the later combining the two former perspectives).
Open Journal of Statistics, 2013
The main purpose of this paper is to obtain estimates of parameters, reliability and hazard rate ... more The main purpose of this paper is to obtain estimates of parameters, reliability and hazard rate functions of a heterogeneous population represented by finite mixture of two general components. The doubly Type II censoring of generalized order statistics scheme is used. Maximum likelihood and Bayes methods of estimation are used for this purpose. The two methods of estimation are compared via a Monte Carlo Simulation study.
Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 2015
In this paper, maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates of the parameters for Burr type X distribut... more In this paper, maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates of the parameters for Burr type X distribution based on doubly type II censored sample of dual generalized order statistics are obtained. Two different cases are considered. In the first case, the shape parameter is estimated when the scale parameter is known while in the second case the estimators for scale and shape parameters are obtained when both parameters are assumed to be unknown. For Bayesian estimation, Monte Carlo Integration is used to improve the approximation of resulting integrals. Simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods through two special cases.
Statistics, 2013
In this paper, estimation of the parameters of a truncated type-I generalized logistic distributi... more In this paper, estimation of the parameters of a truncated type-I generalized logistic distribution TTIGL(β,α, τ) when β=0 is obtained based on a doubly truncated sample of generalized order statistics. This model is introduced by AL-Angary [Truncated logistic distributions as lifetime models, M.Sc. thesis, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1997] and
Statistics, 2011
Based on a one-sample scheme, general Bayesian prediction intervals (BPI) for future generalized-... more Based on a one-sample scheme, general Bayesian prediction intervals (BPI) for future generalized-order statistics are obtained when the previous and future samples are assumed to follow a general class of continuous distributions. The prior belief of the experimenter is ...

Monthly Review, 1998
One can say without fear of refutation that the Manifes. 0 has been more consequential in the act... more One can say without fear of refutation that the Manifes. 0 has been more consequential in the actual making of thm odem world than any other piece of political writing, be t Rousseau's Social Contract, the American Constitution and thB ill of Rights, or the French "Declaration of the Rights of Mai l and the Citizen." The first reason is, of course, the power of it; political message, which has reverberated throughout the worl«l and determined the destinies of a large cross-section of humanity over the past one hundred fifty years. Then there is the styliĩ tself: no call to arms has ever been phrased in a language 0s uch zest, beauty, and purity. Third, there is the stunning combination of diagnosis am prediction. Marx describes the capitalism of his own times am predicts its trajectories into the indefinite future with such force and accuracy that every subsequent generation, in various pan.
Metrika, 2003
Bayesian predictive densities and survival functions of generalized order statistics are obtained... more Bayesian predictive densities and survival functions of generalized order statistics are obtained when the underlying population is assumed to have a general class which includes several important distributions. The prior belief of the experimenter is measured by a general class of distributions, suggested by AL-Hussaini (1999) b , which covers most prior distributions used in literature. Specializations to predictive densities and survival functions of ordinary order statistics and records are obtained and compared with existing results. Applications to the Weibullða; bÞ model are illustrated when a is the only unknown parameter and when both ða; bÞ are unknown.
The Journal of Urology, 2011
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2003
[Kamps 1995a] introduced the concept of generalized order statistics (gOSs). Ordinary order stati... more [Kamps 1995a] introduced the concept of generalized order statistics (gOSs). Ordinary order statistics (oOSs), k-records (ordinary record values (oRVs) when k=1), sequential order statistics, ordering via truncated distributions and censoring schemes can be discussed ...
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2008
This article is concerned with the linear exponential distribution (exponential and Rayleigh dist... more This article is concerned with the linear exponential distribution (exponential and Rayleigh distributions). Recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics have been derived. Single and product moments of ordinary order statistics and upper k-...
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 2005
This paper computes the generators of diagram group from the direct product of two free semigroup... more This paper computes the generators of diagram group from the direct product of two free semigroups that is the presentation S=[X, Y| xy= yx (x∈ X, y∈ Y)]. The form of the graph of all pictures contain in this direct product is considered. The graph obtained is connected ...
The periodic solutions of the restricted three-body problem representing analytic continuations o... more The periodic solutions of the restricted three-body problem representing analytic continuations of Keplerian rectilinear periodic motions are well known (Kurcheeva, 1973). Here the stability of these solutions are examined by applying Poincar6's characteristic equation for periodic solutions. It is found that the isoperiodic solutions are stable and all other solutions are unstable.
Papers by Abd Razif Ahmad