Papers by Abakpa Augustine

This research plans to investigate how digital tools influence the performance of small and mediu... more This research plans to investigate how digital tools influence the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Benue State, Nigeria. This is a snapshot of the study's methodological considerations. The research will employ the Structural Equation Model (SEM) as the analysis technique to test the relationship between digital tool adoption and SMEs' performance, utilizing the SPSS statistical software. The study will ensure internal consistency within the constructs of the study through Cronbach's alpha reliability assessment. Through the path coefficients, the SEM examination will be aided in this research, and this will eventually lead to the establishment of direct and indirect relationships among the constructs. The study will theoretically contribute by confirming the measurement scale's reliability, employing the Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlations for discriminant validity, and dynamic challenges in model fit assessment. The practical insights to be derived will serve as a roadmap for owners/managers and SMEs' performance.
Politická ekonomie, 2023
This article studies the environmental and societal impacts of a polluting monopoly when a societ... more This article studies the environmental and societal impacts of a polluting monopoly when a society
strives for a clean environment. Two scenarios are considered: (1) the government levies an
environmental tax to induce investment in emission-reducing technology, and (2) the monopolist
engages in environmental corporate social responsibility (CSR). It is shown that taxation has
a lower environmental impact, but the monopolist undertakes CSR activities only if the abatement
Technology is efficient. Social welfare is always higher under CSR; therefore, when the technology is
not adequately efficient, the government should implement a second-best environmental tax policy
to avoid the worst welfare outcome.

The core problem that necessitated this study is the total negligence of the informal economy in ... more The core problem that necessitated this study is the total negligence of the informal economy in policy development, National income estimates despite the significant role it plays in terms of job creation, income to the teaming population and the poorest households. The study aims to establish the predictive and long run relationship between informal sector and unemployment rate in Nigeria and to determine the effect of the credit to private sector on employment rate in Nigeria. The research employed the use of descriptive statistic, Unit Root test, Co-Integration test, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and the Granger Causality. The descriptive statistic revealed the variables were positively skewed and normally distributed. The Unit root test showed that UMRT, LFPR,DCPS,FDI and MVA were all stationary at first difference i.e I(1) at 5% significance level, the Co-Integration test which shows there is a long run relationship among the variables and VECM test showed the model is ...

The study is based on the analysis of the determinants of money supply in Nigeria between 1981-20... more The study is based on the analysis of the determinants of money supply in Nigeria between 1981-2015. The study employed six (6) macroeconomic variables; money supply, consumer price index, gross domestic product, interest rate, exchange rate and foreign direct investment. The annual times series data for the variables were obtained from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin of Nigeria for the 2016. The study made use of descriptive statistics, the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test was conducted for the unit root and the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). The ARDL revealed the short run coefficients of the model and also the long run through the bound test, the Error Correction Mechanism was also employed to correct the deviation of the variables to equilibrium in the long run with the speed of adjustment at-0.39. Pairwise Granger Causality test was also conducted. The result showed that both short-run and long run relationship exist among the variables under study and a unidirectional causation from GDP to M2 and bidirectional causation between INRT and M2. The views of this study concludes that money supply is endogenously determined in Nigeria supported the Post Keynesian Endogeneity of money supply. The study recommends that Nigerian government should employ step by step approach in coordinating the country's monetary policy, channel(s)of the country's money supply to productive venture and not on meeting huge payments of salary and other recurrent expenditure.

This study was necessitated as a result of the existing yield gap between rice production and con... more This study was necessitated as a result of the existing yield gap between rice production and consumption in Nigeria. This research aimed to determine the instantaneous and compound growth rates of rice consumption and production in Nigeria over the period of 1994 to 2019 and its empowerment impact. Time series data on the aggregate rice consumption and production obtained from the database of United State Department for Agriculture (USDA) foreign agricultural service were employed in this study. A semi-log growth rate model was employed to analyze the time series data using E-views 8.5 and the result of the analysis showed that the instantaneous and compound growth rates(5% and 5.13%) of rice consumption were higher than that of rice production (4.5% and 4.6%) and this indicates that the incidence of consumption-production gap for rice in Nigeria has been an existing trend over the years and the trend would continue if appropriate measures are not put in place. The implication of this finding is that the untapped potentials of Nigeria for rice production should be exploited for the empowerment of Nigerian youths in the area of rice production and women in the area of rice processing. This research work hereby recommends that government should provide comprehensive farmer education and technical assistant, continued engagement between the federal government and the states governments and the provision of value-chain training to rice farmers in Nigeria.
Papers by Abakpa Augustine
strives for a clean environment. Two scenarios are considered: (1) the government levies an
environmental tax to induce investment in emission-reducing technology, and (2) the monopolist
engages in environmental corporate social responsibility (CSR). It is shown that taxation has
a lower environmental impact, but the monopolist undertakes CSR activities only if the abatement
Technology is efficient. Social welfare is always higher under CSR; therefore, when the technology is
not adequately efficient, the government should implement a second-best environmental tax policy
to avoid the worst welfare outcome.
strives for a clean environment. Two scenarios are considered: (1) the government levies an
environmental tax to induce investment in emission-reducing technology, and (2) the monopolist
engages in environmental corporate social responsibility (CSR). It is shown that taxation has
a lower environmental impact, but the monopolist undertakes CSR activities only if the abatement
Technology is efficient. Social welfare is always higher under CSR; therefore, when the technology is
not adequately efficient, the government should implement a second-best environmental tax policy
to avoid the worst welfare outcome.