This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collectiv... more This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collective memory and personal memory with regard to WWI in their plays Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching towards the Somme (1985) and Walking the Road (2007). I began with an overview of earlier Irish plays dealing with WWI in comparison with the English ones, explaining why memory has come to be of particular concern in Ireland. With Observe the Sons of Ulster, I focused on Part 3, in which four diff erent conversations conducted by four pairs of soldiers on leave in Ulster merge into one concerted call to march back to the front. This, as I argued, was the way McGuinness symbolically represented the formation of the collective memory of Ulstermen at the Somme, which ironically becomes fi xed into a myth to deepen sectarian division. Bolger depicts the process in which the ghost of Francis Ledwidge recreates the memory of his life to make it whole and accept his death. This is what every person does, it is suggested, by having all the ghosts of soldiers marching to their respective home with Ledwidge joining in. I concluded by saying that this is a new type of WWI play in which the audience commemorate the dead soldiers through the performance, the personal memories thereby becoming collective memory without losing their individuality.
Many plant species show masting, intermittent and synchronized reproduction at population level. ... more Many plant species show masting, intermittent and synchronized reproduction at population level. In the present paper, we review the resource‐based model providing a theoretically plausible physiological mechanism underlying masting. In the model, a non‐linear allocation of energy reserves is considered: plants accumulate photosynthate every year, produce flowers when the energy reserve level exceeds a threshold, and set seeds at a rate limited by pollen availability. The model predicted that individual plants alter their reproductive dynamics from annual to intermittent depending on how heavily the plant invests resource in reproduction. When fruit production is limited by the availability of outcross pollen, a plant population showed diverse reproductive behavior such as completely synchronized or desynchronized reproduction. Spatial scale of reproductive synchrony tended to be a few times larger than the range of direct pollen exchange. Impact of climatic fluctuation correlated a...
Trees in mature forests often show intermittent reproduction. Intensive flowering and seed produc... more Trees in mature forests often show intermittent reproduction. Intensive flowering and seed production occur only once in several years (mast seeding), often synchronized over a long distance. Recently, coupled map models for the dynamics of individual energy reserves have been adopted to explain the phenomena. Even in a constant environment, the trees show a large between-year fluctuation in seed crops and the reproduction can be synchronized over the whole forest if the fruit production is limited by the availability of outcross pollen (pollen coupling). The model with local coupling in which trees are coupled by pollen exchange only with the neighbors shows that a strong synchronization of tree reproduction can develop over the whole forest that may be orders of magnitude larger than the distance of direct pollen exchange between trees. However, their fluctuation is close to the period-two oscillation, and is unable to explain observed intermittent reproduction of a longer interval between mast years. Finally the effect of common environmental fluctuation experienced by different individuals is studied, when the annual productivity and the reproductive threshold of trees fluctuate between years. In the absence of pollen limitation, environmental fluctuation correlated strongly between individuals (Moran effect) failed to produce a high positive correlation in seed production between individuals. If both pollen limitation and correlated environmental fluctuation are at work, a significantly large correlation was maintained. Hence, both pollen coupling and common environmental fluctuation are needed to explain synchronized reproduction with intervals longer than 2 years.
This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collectiv... more This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collective memory and personal memory with regard to WWI in their plays Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching towards the Somme (1985) and Walking the Road (2007). I began with an overview of earlier Irish plays dealing with WWI in comparison with the English ones, explaining why memory has come to be of particular concern in Ireland. With Observe the Sons of Ulster, I focused on Part 3, in which four diff erent conversations conducted by four pairs of soldiers on leave in Ulster merge into one concerted call to march back to the front. This, as I argued, was the way McGuinness symbolically represented the formation of the collective memory of Ulstermen at the Somme, which ironically becomes fi xed into a myth to deepen sectarian division. Bolger depicts the process in which the ghost of Francis Ledwidge recreates the memory of his life to make it whole and accept his death. This is what every person does, it is suggested, by having all the ghosts of soldiers marching to their respective home with Ledwidge joining in. I concluded by saying that this is a new type of WWI play in which the audience commemorate the dead soldiers through the performance, the personal memories thereby becoming collective memory without losing their individuality.
Het Landbouw-Economisch Bericht 2001 biedt een verklarend overzicht van de gang van zaken in de N... more Het Landbouw-Economisch Bericht 2001 biedt een verklarend overzicht van de gang van zaken in de Nederlandse land-en tuinbouw. Tegen de achtergrond van de internationale en nationale economische en politieke ontwikkelingen, wordt ingegaan op de landbouwontwikkeling in respectievelijk de wereld en de Europese Unie. Vervolgens staat de Nederlandse agrosector centraal, waarna bijzondere aandacht wordt besteed aan het landelijk gebied, de landbouw-milieuproblematiek en de structuur van de land-en tuinbouw. De publicatie wordt afgerond met beschouwingen over de markt-en inkomensontwikkelingen in respectievelijk de glastuinbouw en champignonteelt, opengrondstuinbouw, akkerbouw, grondgebonden veehouderij en intensieve veehouderij. Foto's omslag: Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij Vormgeving en productie: The KEY Agency, Amsterdam Met het Landbouw-Economisch Bericht (LEB) biedt het LEI, in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij (LNV), jaarlijks een breed verklarend overzicht van de gang van zaken in en rond de Nederlandse land-en tuinbouw. De opzet van deze nieuwe editie komt grotendeels overeen met die van vorig jaar. Wel zijn de twaalf hoofdstukken sterker dan voorheen gericht op de vraagkant van de productie. Zo begint het hoofdstuk over de EU-landbouw met het voedselveiligheidsbeleid en het hoofdstuk over de Nederlandse agrosector met de consumptie van voedings-en genotmiddelen. Verder worden in de sectorale hoofdstukken eerst de (internationale) markten behandeld en daarna de structuur van de sector en de bedrijfsresultaten. Overigens is de volgorde van de drie hoofdstukken over de plantaardige sectoren gewijzigd. Om recht te doen aan de verschuivingen in de relatieve economische betekenis van de betreffende sectoren, wordt begonnen met de glastuinbouw en champignonteelt (hoofdstuk 8). Aansluitend komen de opengrondstuinbouwsectoren (hoofdstuk 9) en de akkerbouw (hoofdstuk 10) aan bod. De productie van deze publicatie is begeleid door de Redactieadviesraad onder voorzitterschap van ir. L.C. Smits (LNV, Directie IZ). Andere externe leden van deze adviesraad zijn: G. Meester (LNV, IZ), drs. E.M. van Ditzhuijzen (LNV, Stafbureau Algemene Leiding), dr. H.K. Wierenga (LNV, Directie Landbouw), drs. M. Sonnema (LNV, Directie Industrie en Handel), drs. G.A.M. van der Grind (LTO-Nederland), drs. R.D. Diamant (VNO-NCW, VAI), drs. A.M. Dierick (Rabobank-Nederland) en prof. dr. ir. A.J. Oskam (Wageningen Universiteit). Behalve aan deze personen is ook veel dank verschuldigd aan drs. G.G. van Leeuwen (LNV, Directie Landbouw). Aan de behandeling van de onderwerpen is door veel LEI-medewerkers bijgedragen. De coördinatie van de werkzaamheden werd verzorgd door H.
This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collectiv... more This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collective memory and personal memory with regard to WWI in their plays Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching towards the Somme (1985) and Walking the Road (2007). I began with an overview of earlier Irish plays dealing with WWI in comparison with the English ones, explaining why memory has come to be of particular concern in Ireland. With Observe the Sons of Ulster, I focused on Part 3, in which four diff erent conversations conducted by four pairs of soldiers on leave in Ulster merge into one concerted call to march back to the front. This, as I argued, was the way McGuinness symbolically represented the formation of the collective memory of Ulstermen at the Somme, which ironically becomes fi xed into a myth to deepen sectarian division. Bolger depicts the process in which the ghost of Francis Ledwidge recreates the memory of his life to make it whole and accept his death. This is what every person does, it is suggested, by having all the ghosts of soldiers marching to their respective home with Ledwidge joining in. I concluded by saying that this is a new type of WWI play in which the audience commemorate the dead soldiers through the performance, the personal memories thereby becoming collective memory without losing their individuality.
Many plant species show masting, intermittent and synchronized reproduction at population level. ... more Many plant species show masting, intermittent and synchronized reproduction at population level. In the present paper, we review the resource‐based model providing a theoretically plausible physiological mechanism underlying masting. In the model, a non‐linear allocation of energy reserves is considered: plants accumulate photosynthate every year, produce flowers when the energy reserve level exceeds a threshold, and set seeds at a rate limited by pollen availability. The model predicted that individual plants alter their reproductive dynamics from annual to intermittent depending on how heavily the plant invests resource in reproduction. When fruit production is limited by the availability of outcross pollen, a plant population showed diverse reproductive behavior such as completely synchronized or desynchronized reproduction. Spatial scale of reproductive synchrony tended to be a few times larger than the range of direct pollen exchange. Impact of climatic fluctuation correlated a...
Trees in mature forests often show intermittent reproduction. Intensive flowering and seed produc... more Trees in mature forests often show intermittent reproduction. Intensive flowering and seed production occur only once in several years (mast seeding), often synchronized over a long distance. Recently, coupled map models for the dynamics of individual energy reserves have been adopted to explain the phenomena. Even in a constant environment, the trees show a large between-year fluctuation in seed crops and the reproduction can be synchronized over the whole forest if the fruit production is limited by the availability of outcross pollen (pollen coupling). The model with local coupling in which trees are coupled by pollen exchange only with the neighbors shows that a strong synchronization of tree reproduction can develop over the whole forest that may be orders of magnitude larger than the distance of direct pollen exchange between trees. However, their fluctuation is close to the period-two oscillation, and is unable to explain observed intermittent reproduction of a longer interval between mast years. Finally the effect of common environmental fluctuation experienced by different individuals is studied, when the annual productivity and the reproductive threshold of trees fluctuate between years. In the absence of pollen limitation, environmental fluctuation correlated strongly between individuals (Moran effect) failed to produce a high positive correlation in seed production between individuals. If both pollen limitation and correlated environmental fluctuation are at work, a significantly large correlation was maintained. Hence, both pollen coupling and common environmental fluctuation are needed to explain synchronized reproduction with intervals longer than 2 years.
This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collectiv... more This paper examines how Frank McGuinness and Dermot Bolger represented the formation of collective memory and personal memory with regard to WWI in their plays Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching towards the Somme (1985) and Walking the Road (2007). I began with an overview of earlier Irish plays dealing with WWI in comparison with the English ones, explaining why memory has come to be of particular concern in Ireland. With Observe the Sons of Ulster, I focused on Part 3, in which four diff erent conversations conducted by four pairs of soldiers on leave in Ulster merge into one concerted call to march back to the front. This, as I argued, was the way McGuinness symbolically represented the formation of the collective memory of Ulstermen at the Somme, which ironically becomes fi xed into a myth to deepen sectarian division. Bolger depicts the process in which the ghost of Francis Ledwidge recreates the memory of his life to make it whole and accept his death. This is what every person does, it is suggested, by having all the ghosts of soldiers marching to their respective home with Ledwidge joining in. I concluded by saying that this is a new type of WWI play in which the audience commemorate the dead soldiers through the performance, the personal memories thereby becoming collective memory without losing their individuality.
Het Landbouw-Economisch Bericht 2001 biedt een verklarend overzicht van de gang van zaken in de N... more Het Landbouw-Economisch Bericht 2001 biedt een verklarend overzicht van de gang van zaken in de Nederlandse land-en tuinbouw. Tegen de achtergrond van de internationale en nationale economische en politieke ontwikkelingen, wordt ingegaan op de landbouwontwikkeling in respectievelijk de wereld en de Europese Unie. Vervolgens staat de Nederlandse agrosector centraal, waarna bijzondere aandacht wordt besteed aan het landelijk gebied, de landbouw-milieuproblematiek en de structuur van de land-en tuinbouw. De publicatie wordt afgerond met beschouwingen over de markt-en inkomensontwikkelingen in respectievelijk de glastuinbouw en champignonteelt, opengrondstuinbouw, akkerbouw, grondgebonden veehouderij en intensieve veehouderij. Foto's omslag: Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij Vormgeving en productie: The KEY Agency, Amsterdam Met het Landbouw-Economisch Bericht (LEB) biedt het LEI, in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij (LNV), jaarlijks een breed verklarend overzicht van de gang van zaken in en rond de Nederlandse land-en tuinbouw. De opzet van deze nieuwe editie komt grotendeels overeen met die van vorig jaar. Wel zijn de twaalf hoofdstukken sterker dan voorheen gericht op de vraagkant van de productie. Zo begint het hoofdstuk over de EU-landbouw met het voedselveiligheidsbeleid en het hoofdstuk over de Nederlandse agrosector met de consumptie van voedings-en genotmiddelen. Verder worden in de sectorale hoofdstukken eerst de (internationale) markten behandeld en daarna de structuur van de sector en de bedrijfsresultaten. Overigens is de volgorde van de drie hoofdstukken over de plantaardige sectoren gewijzigd. Om recht te doen aan de verschuivingen in de relatieve economische betekenis van de betreffende sectoren, wordt begonnen met de glastuinbouw en champignonteelt (hoofdstuk 8). Aansluitend komen de opengrondstuinbouwsectoren (hoofdstuk 9) en de akkerbouw (hoofdstuk 10) aan bod. De productie van deze publicatie is begeleid door de Redactieadviesraad onder voorzitterschap van ir. L.C. Smits (LNV, Directie IZ). Andere externe leden van deze adviesraad zijn: G. Meester (LNV, IZ), drs. E.M. van Ditzhuijzen (LNV, Stafbureau Algemene Leiding), dr. H.K. Wierenga (LNV, Directie Landbouw), drs. M. Sonnema (LNV, Directie Industrie en Handel), drs. G.A.M. van der Grind (LTO-Nederland), drs. R.D. Diamant (VNO-NCW, VAI), drs. A.M. Dierick (Rabobank-Nederland) en prof. dr. ir. A.J. Oskam (Wageningen Universiteit). Behalve aan deze personen is ook veel dank verschuldigd aan drs. G.G. van Leeuwen (LNV, Directie Landbouw). Aan de behandeling van de onderwerpen is door veel LEI-medewerkers bijgedragen. De coördinatie van de werkzaamheden werd verzorgd door H.