Tsakure: Fannin kamannin Sauti fanni ne da ke lura da yadda sautin magana ke tafiya daga bakin wa... more Tsakure: Fannin kamannin Sauti fanni ne da ke lura da yadda sautin magana ke tafiya daga bakin wanda ya furta zuwa ga mai sauraro. Don haka fanni ne da ke ƙalailaice igiyar silalin sauti tare da awon amo da ƙarajin sauti da kuma tsawon lokacin da sautin ke ɗauka a lokacin da aka furta shi. Bugu da ƙari, yana fayyace maginan sauti (Formants) da ke ƙunshe cikin kowace ƙwayar sauti da aka furta. Ana kuma nuna kadadar sauti ta amfani da na'urar taswirar sauti (Soundwave and Spectogram). Kasancewar kowane harshe da nasa tsarin sauti, wannan ya sa ake jin wasu Yarbawa mazauna garin Gusau na furta baƙaƙen Hausa masu ƙugiya ba daidai ba. An yi amfani da manhajar Praat wajen ƙalailaice aiki, an kuma naɗi muryar masu bayar da bayani shida, maza uku mata uku. Binciken ya gano cewa Yarbawa mazauna garin Gusau ba sa iya furta baƙaƙen /ɓ/, da /ɗ/, da /'ya/ sukan musanyan su da /b/, da /d/, da /y/. Wannan kuma bai rasa nasaba da rashin waɗancan ƙwayoyin a harshen Yarbanci. Bugu da ƙari, an gano cewa suna iya furta baƙin /ƙ/ da kyau. An yi la'akari da wannan ta hanyar ƙalailaice kamannin sautin kowane baƙi daga cikin jerin kalmomin da ke ɗauke da baƙaƙe masu ƙugiya waɗanda masu bayar da bayani suka furta.

This research addresses the issues surrounding Hausa minimal pairs, aiming to separate fact from ... more This research addresses the issues surrounding Hausa minimal pairs, aiming to separate fact from fiction in existing literature and provide a solid foundation for phonological analysis. By consulting trustworthy dictionaries and engaging with native speakers, we validate and refine our analysis of minimal pairs. Our study identifies and analyzes valid minimal pairs, highlighting the fundamental phonemes and their impact on meaning. We also eliminate inaccurate pairs and explore expanded minimal sets and suprasegmental pairs to further enrich our understanding of sound and tone in Hausa. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the interplay between phonemes and meaning in the Hausa language. In light of our research, we propose a corrected table of Hausa minimal pairs, addressing inaccuracies and inconsistencies found in previous studies. We also emphasize the need for meticulous analysis and careful interpretation when identifying and interpreting minimal pairs, as ambiguities may arise. This calls for collaboration with experts and transparent documentation of revisions to ensure uncompromising accuracy. The dissemination of reliable examples of minimal pairs is crucial for their proper use in research, education, and technological applications. We advocate for the promotion of these examples and the awareness of their importance in understanding the sound patterns and internal structure of the Hausa language.

Tsakure: Mafi yawan jaridun ƙasar nan sukan buga labaran da suka shafi tsaro a jihar zamfara amma... more Tsakure: Mafi yawan jaridun ƙasar nan sukan buga labaran da suka shafi tsaro a jihar zamfara amma ba kasafai akan fito da irin waɗannan rahotanni ta fuskar nazari ba. Dalilin wannan bincike shi ne, domin a cike wani giɓi da aka bari danagane da tattaro irin waɗannan rahotanni da suka shafi tsaro daga Jaridar Hausa ta Aminiya. A wannan maƙala, an yi amfani da hanyar gudanar da bincike ta hanyar ziyartar ofishin jaridar Aminiya da ke Kano da Kaduna, a inda aka yi nazari a kan jaridun Aminiya na Hausa, sannan an ziyarci ɗakunan karatu, inda aka duba bugaggun littattafai da ƙamus-ƙamus da kundayen bincike da mujallu da kuma maƙalun da masana suka gabatar, musamman waɗanda suka shafi tsaro a jihar Zamfara. Haka kuma, an yi hira da masana da ma ƙwararru a harkokin tsaro da aikin jarida a kan abin da ya shafi tsaro a jihar zamfara. Wannan bincike ya yi duba ne a kan irin rahotannin da shahararriyar Jaridar nan ta Hausa (Aminiya) take kawowa dangane da abin da ya shafi tashintashinar da ake fama da ita a jihar Zamfara da ke yankin Arewacin Nijeriya daga shekarar 2015-2019. A cikin waɗannan rahotanni an gano yadda masana da malamai da sarakuna da hukumomi da ƙungiyoyi da kuma sauran al'ummomi suka rinƙa bayar da shawarwari ga gwamnatoci don shawo kan matsalar tsaro tun tana cikin zanen goyo kafin ta gagari Kundila. A ƙarshen wannan maƙala an bayar da shawarwari a kan irin matakan da ya kamata a bi don ganin an magance wannan matsala ta tsaro.

This article investigates the applicability and efficiency of the X-SAMPA phonetic transcription ... more This article investigates the applicability and efficiency of the X-SAMPA phonetic transcription system for African languages, with a particular focus on the Hausa language. The study aims to assess the familiarity and proficiency of final-year Hausa language students in using X-SAMPA to transcribe Hausa speech sounds accurately. Data for the study was collected through electronic questionnaires distributed to final-year Hausa language students at different universities in Nigeria. The study findings indicate that X-SAMPA is a valuable tool for transcribing the Hausa language, as it provides a standardized and simplified transcription system that can be used across different research works. However, many Hausa language students were unfamiliar with X-SAMPA and required more training to become proficient in its use. Lack of time and practice opportunities were identified as the primary barriers to learning X-SAMPA. The study concludes that X-SAMPA has the potential for wider usage in phonetic transcription of African languages, but more resources such as written or video tutorials and practice exercises are needed to help learners become proficient in its use. Based on the research findings, the article recommends organizing training workshops or courses to enhance the knowledge of Hausa language students interested in learning X-SAMPA.

This research investigates the employment of simile as a figurative device in the poetry of the r... more This research investigates the employment of simile as a figurative device in the poetry of the renowned Arabic poet Al-Mutanabbi and the celebrated Hausa poet Saidu Faru. By examining shared imagery and stylistic choices across these distinct linguistic and cultural contexts, this study aims to illuminate the universal nature of simile as a poetic tool. Through a comparative analysis of their works, the research explores the underlying principles of simile, its role in evoking emotional responses, and its contribution to poetic expression. The methodology involves a close reading of Al-Mutanabbi's poetry and transcription of Saidu Faru's songs, complemented by secondary sources. Comparative analysis reveals that while both poets extensively utilize similes for vivid imagery and emotional resonance, cultural context significantly influences the choice of comparative elements. Al-Mutanabbi's similes often reference desert landscapes and Arabian horses, while Saidu Faru draws inspiration from nature, agriculture, and local folklore. This study contributes to understanding the power of simile in shaping poetic expression across different cultural and linguistic traditions.

This study examines the songs of Sa'idu Faru, a prominent Hausa court singer, to explore their po... more This study examines the songs of Sa'idu Faru, a prominent Hausa court singer, to explore their potential for promoting gender parity. Focusing on Faru's compositions for Queen Mother Hajiya Asabe, particularly "Waƙar Mai Babban Ɗaki" (Song of the Queen Mother), the research utilizes Feminist Theory to explore how the song challenges the patriarchal power structure and advocates for gender equality. Through close reading and thematic analysis of the lyrics, the focus is on the Queen Mother's portrayal and how it disrupts traditional gender norms. The paper argues that Faru's songs challenge traditional gender roles by celebrating the Queen Mother's power and authority. By portraying her as a wise leader and philanthropist, Faru subtly subverts expectations of masculinity and proposes an alternative based on respect and collaboration. This analysis highlights the potential of music to promote social change and contribute to a more equitable gender dynamic within Hausa society.

This study investigates healthcare communication at Yariman Bakura Specialist Hospital (YBSH) Gus... more This study investigates healthcare communication at Yariman Bakura Specialist Hospital (YBSH) Gusau in Zamfara state, focusing on the use of the Hausa language. A quantitative approach was employed through a self-administered survey questionnaire distributed to both patients and staff (n=200) at YBSH. The survey explored language preferences, dialect variations, challenges, and communication strategies. Purposive sampling ensured a representative sample of staff (doctors, nurses, etc.) and patients with diverse backgrounds. Data analysis focused on the prevalence of Hausa use, dialect variations, and staff perspectives on communication strategies and medical terminology. The study found Hausa as the dominant language (77% of staff, 64% of patients). However, dialect variations within Hausa (particularly Zamfarci) pose the challenges. The study identified a gap in using Hausa medical terminology. While staff primarily rely on interpreters (50%) and simplified explanations (45%), limited resources and knowledge restrict the use of medical terms in Hausa (5%). To improve communication, the study recommends developing a Hausa medical dictionary (focusing on Standard Hausa and Zamfarci dialects) and staff training programs on medical terminology. Additionally, a multi-pronged approach that includes interpreters, simplified explanations, and Hausa medical terminology is recommended for effective communication.

This article investigates the applicability and efficiency of the X-SAMPA phonetic transcription ... more This article investigates the applicability and efficiency of the X-SAMPA phonetic transcription system for African languages, with a particular focus on the Hausa language. The study aims to assess the familiarity and proficiency of final-year Hausa language students in using X-SAMPA to transcribe Hausa speech sounds accurately. Data for the study was collected through electronic questionnaires distributed to final-year Hausa language students at different universities in Nigeria. The study findings indicate that X-SAMPA is a valuable tool for transcribing the Hausa language, as it provides a standardized and simplified transcription system that can be used across different research works. However, many Hausa language students were unfamiliar with X-SAMPA and required more training to become proficient in its use. Lack of time and practice opportunities were identified as the primary barriers to learning X-SAMPA. The study concludes that X-SAMPA has the potential for wider usage in phonetic transcription of African languages, but more resources such as written or video tutorials and practice exercises are needed to help learners become proficient in its use. Based on the research findings, the article recommends organizing training workshops or courses to enhance the knowledge of Hausa language students interested in learning X-SAMPA.

Samar da hanyar kawo zaman lafiya da lumana da kawo hanyoyin magance matsalar tsaro da ta ƙi ci t... more Samar da hanyar kawo zaman lafiya da lumana da kawo hanyoyin magance matsalar tsaro da ta ƙi ci ta ƙi canyewa a jahar Zamfara, su suka fi ɗaukar hankulan masana da manazarta fannoni daban-daban na ilimi. Wannan maƙala ta dubi yadda sadarwa take gudana da 'Yan ta'adda a Zamfara ta hanyar musayar waya a matakai daban-daban. Binciken ya gano cewa a kan samu yarjejeniya ta waya don neman masalaha ko sulhu ko kuma don neman kuɗin fansa. Bugu da ƙari an fahimci cewa daba ita ce mafakar ɓarayi kuma a can ne suke yin musayar waya tare da taimakon 'yan rahoton ɓarayi. An saurari musayar waya tsakanin 'yan ta'adda da jami'an gwamnati da kuma sarakuna wanda aka naɗa ta waya. An fitar da mafarin ta'addanci da zantukan barazana da ƙabilun 'yan ta'adda da kashe-kashe da hijira da ƙorafeƙorafen 'yan ta'adda. Sakamakon bincikiken ya tabbatar da cewa nazarin musayar waya da 'yan ta'adda zai taimakawa mahukunta da jami'an tsaro wajen kawo ƙarshen ta'addanci a Zamfara. Har wa yau, an ba da shawarar a yi amfani da hanyar binciken laifuka ta kimiyar harshe.
Starting a translation career a few decades ago could be considered relatively easy. All you need... more Starting a translation career a few decades ago could be considered relatively easy. All you needed was appropriate language skills of the working languages which serves as the source as well as the target languages. However, given the rapid development in communication technology in the 21st century, new communication technological tools have been invented including Computer Assisted Translation Tools, otherwise known as CAT tools just to mention a few. Xbench is one of the latest CAT tools in translation technology. It has been specifically designed to ensure accurate high quality translations. It is pertinent, however, to note that each technology has its merit and demerit. Hence this paper brings to the fore, some identified benefits as well as the limitations of Xbench tool in relation to English-Hausa translation.

South Asian research journal of arts, language and literature, Oct 26, 2022
Imperialism is substantially a global, historical, cultural, economic, and political phenomenon. ... more Imperialism is substantially a global, historical, cultural, economic, and political phenomenon. In Africa, how European imperialism has affected people continues to be subjected to debate with varying viewpoints. However, most of the literature on imperialism places greater emphasis on its political and economic dimensions, with passing discussion on its cultural aspect. This study intends to examine the impact of cultural imperialism on the Hausa people. Over the years, from pre-colonial through the colonial and post-colonial periods, Hausa cultures have been subjected to different changes due to different factors, imperialism included. Using primary and secondary sources, this study shows that the major areas of Hausa culture mostly affected by British cultural imperialism include language, culinary habits, attire, traditional sports, lifestyles, and festivities. Given the complexity of the current scholarly debate on the topic, a compilation of multiple viewpoints would be useful. In addition, the linked concepts, such as cultural imperialism and the concept of culture will be examined in depth.