Papers by Andreas Ottitsch

The paper describes a theoretical framework for financial instruments of forest policy, especiall... more The paper describes a theoretical framework for financial instruments of forest policy, especially as regards their categorisation and evaluation. First a general approach towards a theoretical justification of financial governmental intervention under the conditions of a market economy is introduced. Building upon this the paper then tries to identify different forms of financial policy instruments in the specific field of forest policy. In this context a wide approach is taken, looking both at public as well as private ownership types and taking into account not only direct but also more indirect contributions, especially “in-kind”-contributions by governmental forest services in the form of management assistance and extension services. Following this basic framework the paper then describes then methods for the evaluation of public intervention policies, which have been developed based upon a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. This combination allows to assess t...
This booklet aims to help land managers be as carbon efficient as possible within the boundaries ... more This booklet aims to help land managers be as carbon efficient as possible within the boundaries of their own farming system. Developed in the Lake District National Park (LDNP), it summarises information on carbon in a range of habitats, and suggests management practices to favour and those to avoid. For each habitat, it provides a table for you to complete to help you estimate how much carbon is stored in the soil and vegetation on your farm. Thinking about managing land for carbon across the whole farm will help you determine which options best suit your farming system and provide the most carbon benefits. While some areas of the farm will be used more intensively, you can still improve your carbon footprint by managing some areas really well for carbon and making small alterations across the farm wherever they are possible. Some alterations increase productivity too.
Forest cover in Europe and Russia 65-72 (2) 50-64 (2) 44-49 (7) 33-43 (6) 28-32 (9)

Revue de géographie de Lyon, 1996
francaisLe projet "Land Use Potential Analysis Achenkirch" devait permettre de trouver ... more francaisLe projet "Land Use Potential Analysis Achenkirch" devait permettre de trouver des solutions aux conflits entre les differentes formes d'utilisation de l'espace dans une region alpine de l'Autriche. Le S.I.S. mis en �uvre pour ce projet est fonde sur trois modules qui sont : la creation d'une banque de donnees, la methode et la technologie S.I.G. Le S.I.G. est concu plus comme un outil que comme une methode. L'approche modulaire a ete choisie dans le but de serier la difference entre le developpement de nouvelles approches pour l'analyse de l'occupation de terres, qui sont bien sur inspirees par les possibilites des nouvelles technologies, et les fonctionnalites proposees par les vendeurs de logiciels. Une banque de donnees integree a ete mise en �uvre pour faire des analyses sur les potentiels relatifs de production de bois, chasse, pâturage et conservation de la nature et loisirs sur l'aire concernee. Des lieux de conflits potentiels ont ete identifies par la localisation des terres ou un fort potentiel d'utilisation des terres par des formes concurrentes existait. La comparaison avec les conflits reels similaires sur ce territoire apportait l'information sur la "tendance conflictuelle" liee a l'utilisation des terres de la zone. Une combinaison d'allocations prioritaires a l'echelle des petites et moyennes surfaces et d'adaptation d'intensite a l'echelle des grandes surfaces fut choisie dans le but de fournir une trame a l'emploi du nouveau concept d'utilisation des sols. EnglishThe project "Land Use Potential Analysis Achenkirch" was to enable the development of solutions for conflicts between various forms of land use in an alpine region of Austria. The spatial information system developed for this project is based on three modules. These are data, methods and G.I.S. -technology. G.I.S. technology is seen as a tool rather than a method. The modular approach was chosen in order to stress the difference between the development of new approaches in land use analysis and land use planning, which are of course inspired by new technological possibilities, and the functionalities, an individual software vendor is providing. Integrated data were used to perform assessments on the relative potentials for timber production, hunting, grazing, nature conservation and recreation in the project area. Potential conflict areas were identified by locating areas, where high land use potentials for competing forms of land use existed. The comparison with actual land use conflicts in the area provided information on the conflict-tendency of the land use intensities in the area. A combination of small to medium area priority land use allocations and large area intensity-adaptation was chosen as the guideline in the suggested new land use concept.

Land Use Policy, 2000
Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used to study the possibilities for employment and inc... more Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used to study the possibilities for employment and income generation in the border regions of Europe. Based on quantitative analysis, regional variation in forest resource and socioeconomic structures in EU countries was considered wide. However, on the basis of national-level data, country groups that have similar characteristics in forestry, forestproducts trade and socio-economics could be identi"ed. These groups prove a valuable aid in arriving at suggestions for a more general applicability of the results of regional-level analyses. Qualitative comparative analysis was used in looking for support for the hypotheses on regional development. In conclusion of the qualitative analysis, the development e!orts should be put on the approaches that utilise the local characteristics the best, and special attention should be paid to the human resources.

Energy Policy, 2012
In this paper we explore the willingness of Cumbrian farmers to switch land use from food product... more In this paper we explore the willingness of Cumbrian farmers to switch land use from food production to biomass production in a landscape where food production is both heavily subsidised and the area is a centre for tourism. This is against a policy background of a switch of subsidies from food production to environmental benefits, increased concerns about emissions from farming and an increased demand for renewable energy. We identified an awareness of new markets for renewable energy, alongside increasing volatility of other crops (against a background of increasing demand for food). From this, our conclusions are that the main short-term opportunities for increasing biomass production in this region are through intensifying management of existing woodlands. In the medium term, as the financial case for biomass crops becomes more certain, we can envisage a 'tipping point' which would favour a switch from marginal agricultural land to biomass.
Forest Policy and Economics, 2005
... These factors are: institutional framework; economic characteristics (rivalry andexcludabilit... more ... These factors are: institutional framework; economic characteristics (rivalry andexcludability); demography and forest resources; and attitudes, values and customs. ... There are only minor restrictions. 2.2.2. Rivalry and excludability. ...

Land Use Policy, 2000
Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used to study the possibilities for employment and inc... more Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used to study the possibilities for employment and income generation in the border regions of Europe. Based on quantitative analysis, regional variation in forest resource and socio-economic structures in EU countries was considered wide. However, on the basis of national-level data, country groups that have similar characteristics in forestry, forest-products trade and socio-economics could be identified. These groups prove a valuable aid in arriving at suggestions for a more general applicability of the results of regional-level analyses. Qualitative comparative analysis was used in looking for support for the hypotheses on regional development. In conclusion of the qualitative analysis, the development efforts should be put on the approaches that utilise the local characteristics the best, and special attention should be paid to the human resources.

Land Use Policy, 2000
The forest industries are among the more important industrial sectors in Europe. They are the cus... more The forest industries are among the more important industrial sectors in Europe. They are the customers for the bulk of the wood produced in Europe's forests. The sale of wood to them is the source of the major part of the revenue that forest owners derive from their forests. Even though the non-wood goods and services of the forest are of increasing importance, it is inevitable that wood production will continue to "gure prominently in most management plans. Consequently, the maintenance of a healthy forest industry is a key element in achieving the economic, social and environmental sustainability of Europe's forests. This paper is in two parts. The "rst describes in broad terms the role of the forest as source of industrial raw material, the use of the raw material by the wood-processing industries and their place in national economies. This will serve to highlight the inter-dependency between the forest resource and the wood-processing industries. The second part will consider the policy implications of this inter-dependency, particularly from the point of view of the relative importance of the wood-producing function of the forest and in the context of the economic, social and environmental sustainability of forest management under European conditions. The hypothesis will be explored that in a region such as Europe, with a high density and economically advanced population, the maintenance of a healthy forest}industries sector is a key element in achieving sustainability of Europe's forests.
Papers by Andreas Ottitsch