Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1988
Fems Microbiology Ecology, 1996

Hydrobiologia, 1998
Summer phytoplankton assemblages are described and characterised according to their prevalence in... more Summer phytoplankton assemblages are described and characterised according to their prevalence in a series of hard-water reservoirs of eastern Spain that had been classified in trophic categories on OECD criteria. Distribution patterns of phytoplankton species were ordinated statistically by principal components analysis (PCA). The first component was strongly related to trophic gradient and it particularly discriminated the eutrophic and hypertrophic reservoirs. The second component segregated life-forms, so that (1), on the oligo-mesotrophic side, large dinoflagellates were separated from small centric diatoms, unicellular chrysophytes and filamentous ullotrichales and, on the eu-hypertrophic side (2), colonial greens and large desmids were separated from unicellular volvocales and small centric diatoms. The large differences between eutrophic and hypertrophic reservoirs were also clearly identified in a second PCA, in which physical and chemical factors were used with the principal components solved from the phytoplankton data. From these results, a new trophic category was discerned, for which we propose the name ‘holotrophic’. This category applies to water bodies having the following main features: (1) concentrations of chorophyll, total P and total N in the range of the hypertrophic systems, but with much higher concentrations of dissolved phosphorus and ammonia and (2) phytoplankton predominantly composed by unicellular green flagellates (Pteromonas, Chlamydomonas) and chlorococcales (Scenedesmus), without cyanobacterial blooms.
Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 2003
Theory and Decision, 1979
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a cardinal utility function on a set X a... more Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a cardinal utility function on a set X are presented.

Theory and Decision, 1980
In a previous article (see [3]) a system of axioms is proposed stating conditions which are neces... more In a previous article (see [3]) a system of axioms is proposed stating conditions which are necessary and sufficient to determine a cardinal utility function on any set, finite or infinite, of outcomes X. The present paper discusses and interprets the meaning of those axioms, and compares this new approach to cardinal utility with the utility differences approach proposed by Alt and Frisch, among others, and with the expected utility approach of von-Neuman and Morgenstern. The notion of repetition of the same choice situation is presented and its interpretation discussed. It is then argued that this notion leads naturally to the system of axioms presented in ‘On Cardinal Utility’. It is also argued that this notion must be used if we want to have a more clear understanding of the meaning of the axioms proposed by Alt and Frisch. Finally, it is remarked that since uncertainty is not present in the new approach, it is free of the paradoxes that have plagued the expected utility hypothesis.