Latar Belakang: Islam telah mengajarkan tentang bagaimana konsep bersyukur dalam kehidupan sehari... more Latar Belakang: Islam telah mengajarkan tentang bagaimana konsep bersyukur dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Syukur dapat membantu dalam mengatasi setiap masalah sulit seperti di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini. Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak kesehatan mental yang rendah di masyarakat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode narrative review atau studi literatur. Artikel dalam penelitian ini dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian konteks penelitian yang sedang dilakukan. Artikel dipilih melalui proses penentuan pertanyaan penelitian, pencarian literatur, analisis referensi, dan merumuskan hasil. Tujuan: Studi literatur ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implikasi syukur terhadap kesehatan di masa pandemi. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa rasa syukur yang tinggi membuat kesehatan mental yang positif. Kemudian syukur memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan emosi negatif (stres dan depresi) dan meningkatkan emosi positif (mampu meningkatkan kepuasan hidup, hubungan sosial, dan...
The exegesis product in Indonesia and its scientific development have not ever been lasted. An ef... more The exegesis product in Indonesia and its scientific development have not ever been lasted. An effort to find out method,approach, and model of study has been running. The additional sciences beside the basic science (`ulum al-Qur’ân) in interpreting the Qur’an such as hermeneutic, linguistics, semantics, and semiotics are used by Qur’anic commentators in Indonesia. The present paper will focus on studying the development of exegesis study in reformation era through intellectual history approach. The exegesis type in reformation era as a thought product is positioned as other thought product which has relative, non-absolute, and non-sacred. It is because making a sacred matter will keep a check on a freedom and creativity to find out the holy book massage based on dynamic of life. Hence, the old exegesis book probably tends to be criticized by commentators in reformation era in accordance with the current need. In brief, new purpose of exegesis development in reformation era in Indo...
Latar Belakang: Islam telah mengajarkan tentang bagaimana konsep bersyukur dalam kehidupan sehari... more Latar Belakang: Islam telah mengajarkan tentang bagaimana konsep bersyukur dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Syukur dapat membantu dalam mengatasi setiap masalah sulit seperti di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini. Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak kesehatan mental yang rendah di masyarakat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode narrative review atau studi literatur. Artikel dalam penelitian ini dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian konteks penelitian yang sedang dilakukan. Artikel dipilih melalui proses penentuan pertanyaan penelitian, pencarian literatur, analisis referensi, dan merumuskan hasil. Tujuan: Studi literatur ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implikasi syukur terhadap kesehatan di masa pandemi. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa rasa syukur yang tinggi membuat kesehatan mental yang positif. Kemudian syukur memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan emosi negatif (stres dan depresi) dan meningkatkan emosi positif (mampu meningkatkan kepuasan hidup, hubungan sosial, dan...
The exegesis product in Indonesia and its scientific development have not ever been lasted. An ef... more The exegesis product in Indonesia and its scientific development have not ever been lasted. An effort to find out method,approach, and model of study has been running. The additional sciences beside the basic science (`ulum al-Qur’ân) in interpreting the Qur’an such as hermeneutic, linguistics, semantics, and semiotics are used by Qur’anic commentators in Indonesia. The present paper will focus on studying the development of exegesis study in reformation era through intellectual history approach. The exegesis type in reformation era as a thought product is positioned as other thought product which has relative, non-absolute, and non-sacred. It is because making a sacred matter will keep a check on a freedom and creativity to find out the holy book massage based on dynamic of life. Hence, the old exegesis book probably tends to be criticized by commentators in reformation era in accordance with the current need. In brief, new purpose of exegesis development in reformation era in Indo...
Papers by ANIQ AZHAN