Papers by ANCA ROVENA Lacatusu

Environmental Entomology
Although natural peatlands have been recognized as an important type of wetlands because they sup... more Although natural peatlands have been recognized as an important type of wetlands because they support high biodiversity and provide important ecosystem services, the value of peatlands both in biodiversity research and conservation is still largely underestimated. Our study characterizes the biodiversity and conservation value of Peşteana peat bog, an upland mesotrophic peat bog, located in the Southern Carpathians, Romania. More specifically, we: (1) characterized the invertebrate (i.e., top soil, surface litter, and plant-dwelling) and plant communities along a humidity gradient in Peşteana peat bog and nearby habitats (i.e., treeline, ecotone, lowland and highland meadow, and forest), (2) assessed the main environmental factors driving the invertebrate community diversity and composition, and (3) determined the relationship between invertebrate community diversity and vegetation, focusing on the top soil invertebrates. Our study revealed a high diversity of invertebrates spanning...

Environmental Entomology, 2023
Although natural peatlands have been recognized as an important type of wetlands because they sup... more Although natural peatlands have been recognized as an important type of wetlands because they support high biodiversity and provide important ecosystem services, the value of peatlands both in biodiversity research and conservation is still largely underestimated. Our study characterizes the biodiversity and conservation value of Peşteana peat bog, an upland mesotrophic peat bog, located in the Southern Carpathians, Romania. More specifically, we: (1) characterized the invertebrate (i.e., top soil, surface litter, and plant-dwelling) and plant communities along a humidity gradient in Peşteana peat bog and nearby habitats (i.e., treeline, ecotone, lowland and highland meadow, and forest), (2) assessed the main environmental factors driving the invertebrate community diversity and composition, and (3) determined the relationship between invertebrate community diversity and vegetation, focusing on the top soil invertebrates. Our study revealed a high diversity of invertebrates spanning over 43 taxonomic groups and a high number of plant indicator species, emphasizing the role of natural peatlands in preserving diverse communities in a small area. The results showed that the composition of top soil invertebrate community was determined by depth of organic layer, vegetation cover, and soil compaction. We found that the diversity of top soil invertebrate community was strongly influenced by habitat type and soil attributes and weakly by vegetation. Overall, the invertebrate and plant communities showed different responses to habitat conditions along the humidity gradient. This highlights the importance of using a multi-community approach to support the design of effective conservation and management actions beneficial for a wide range of taxa.
Agriculture, vol 11, issue 10, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

The research objective was to demonstrate the use of soil fauna groups as a tool for monitoring o... more The research objective was to demonstrate the use of soil fauna groups as a tool for monitoring of the “Springs Complex of Corbii Ciungi” protected area (the IUCN category 4), Dâmboviţa County, Romania. Some ecological indicators were quantified: taxonomic diversity, numerical abundance, dominance, evenness, equitability, Acari/Collembola ratio; Oribatida+Mesostigmata/Prostigmata+Astigmata ratio; correlations between the investigated communities and environmental factors (soil layer thickness, air temperature and humidity, soil temperature and moisture, soil pH, soil penetration resistance, exposure, slope, amount of organic carbon, total N, soil nutrients and the vegetation cover). Transects located near the water sources, were characterised by biological indicators with higher values. There was a significant interdependence between environmental variables. They influenced the abundance and distribution of the edaphic taxonomic groups. Statistical multivariate analysis showed that ...
Journal of Agricultural …, 2010
英文摘要 Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated/polluted soils has been recognized as ... more 英文摘要 Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated/polluted soils has been recognized as an efficient, economic, versatile and environmentally good treatment. This method is limited by the microorganisms activity in degrading the spills hydrocarbons. Low ...

Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences
The paper presents the results of bioremediation experiment conducted in order to determine the e... more The paper presents the results of bioremediation experiment conducted in order to determine the effectiveness of this method for the decontamination of a soil historically contaminated with heavy metals and artificially controlled with two of the most aggressive group of organic pollutants: hydrocarbons from crude petroleum and polychlorinated biphenyls from transformer oil. The experiment followed how a heavy metals polluted soil respond to innoculation with heterotrophyc bacteria selected for their ability to metabolize the petroleum hydrocarbons and / or polychlorinated biphenyls, the effects exerted by heavy metal pollution on soil capacity to initiate and supports its own decontamination mechanisms. To implement full-scale bioremediation, the soil from Copşa Mică, historically contaminated with heavy metals, after it has been excavated was transported and disposed on a waterproofed platform in 0.2 m thickness layers, which were controlled contaminated with crude oil and transfo...

Abstract: A field experiment for bioremediation of a crude oil polluted soil was limited on a Sta... more Abstract: A field experiment for bioremediation of a crude oil polluted soil was limited on a Stagnic Vertic Luvosols to the Albota - Arges County. The bioremediation in situ experiment included agronomical and microbiological techniques. For this has been set a controlled pollution of soil from the experimental site, up to 5% volume of crude oil in the volume of soil, on the 20 cm depth. Experimental factors were: treating the crude oil-polluted soil with limestone amendments to reduce the acidity level (6 t/ha CaCO3); deep scarification of soil up to a 40 cm depth in order to improve the regime of ear and water circulation in soil; organic fertilization with 150, and 300 tons/ha of stable manure fermented, chemical fertilization with NPK and, soil inoculation with selected microorganisms. The results presented further relates the importance of mineral fertilization with different doses of NPK ratio on the decontamination of crude oil polluted soil, exclusively referring to variant...

Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 2011
The most poignant global crisis is the one triggered by the conflict between the environment, the... more The most poignant global crisis is the one triggered by the conflict between the environment, the agriculture and the society. The continuous loss of humus and of the biodiversity combined with the decrease of the soil’s fertility, with losing its capacity to produce nourishment, energy and raw stocks lead to the impoverishment of the population. Dobroudja is the most barren region, the draught being an endemic phenomenon, desertification also being present, currently in the soil there is a maximum 2,65 t/ha of active biological substance and 109 t/ha of humus, which represents a 56% decrease compared to 80 years ago. We have set off to create an adequate plan to ecologically and biologically reconstruct the soil based on the research done in the Valu Traian area of Dobroudja. Firstly, we have stock-listed the current biological state of the soil in the Dobroudja ecosystem and then, by using laystall and Biovin bioactivators, we will try to feed into the soil as much micro-organisms...

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture
Bioremediation of crude oil contaminated soil is an effective process to clean petroleum pollutan... more Bioremediation of crude oil contaminated soil is an effective process to clean petroleum pollutants from the environment. Crude oil bioremediation of soils is limited by the bacteria activity in degrading the spills hydrocarbons. Native crude oil degrading bacteria were isolated from different crude oil polluted soils. The isolated bacteria belong to the genera Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Arthrobacter and Bacillus. A natural biodegradable product and bacterial inoculum were used for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) removal from an artificial polluted soil. For soil polluted with 5% crude oil, the bacterial top, including those placed in the soil by inoculation was 30 days after impact, respectively 7 days after inoculum application, while in soil polluted with 10% crude oil, multiplication top of bacteria was observed in the determination made at 45 days after impact and 21 days after inoculum application, showing once again how necessary is for microorganisms habituation and adap...

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 2010
Selenium is a trace element with multiple functions in animal and human nutrition. Deficiency in ... more Selenium is a trace element with multiple functions in animal and human nutrition. Deficiency in selenium reported for sheep bred in Central Dobrogea, required to initiate a comprehensive study on the abundance of total Se in parental rocks, in soil and wheat plants (the whole plant, on 5-6 stage by Feeks scale, and the grain at maturity) from the southeastern Romanian Plain and Central and South Dobrogea. 17 samples of rocks and parental materials, 101 soil samples, 83 samples of wheat during the vegetation period, and 49 samples of wheat at maturity stage, were analyzed in terms of total and mobile selenium content in rocks and soils, and the total selenium in plants. Also, other chemical properties of the collected samples were determined. Analytical results obtained, compared with similar results from literature, have shown that both in rocks and soils, the selenium content in our country is lower than in other areas of the world, unaffected by the phenomenon of deficiency or to...

Soil samples were taken from the three soil profiles excessively polluted, fromwithin each soil g... more Soil samples were taken from the three soil profiles excessively polluted, fromwithin each soil genetic horizon, and soil auger samples from 36 points within the territoryadjacent to the highly polluted area.The highest contents of petroleum hydrocarbons (PH) were determined in a soil profilewhere, the soil surface, 56 468 mg / kg total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) weredetermined, which represents the alert exceedence for sensitive uses, being anagricultural land, of 188 times higher, and the intervention threshold of 113 times. In thecase of the first soil profile of Calcaric Chernozem type, the oil pollution was observedthroughout the whole depth (0-170 cm) of the soil.In the case of second soil profile (Calcaric Chernozem type) the effervescent with HClbegan from the depth of 100 cm, the depth where the oil has also reached. In the first 100cm of soil depth, the effervescence does not take place because the soil structuralaggregates are covered by crude oil impermeable film, whic...

The paper present dates concerning the macro- (N, P, K) and microelements (Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Co... more The paper present dates concerning the macro- (N, P, K) and microelements (Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Co, Ni, Pb) in some urban soils from three large Romanian cities: Bucharest, Iasi and Baia-Mare. The soil samples from different locations as park areas, along the streets areas, and gardens for vegetables and fruits were collected. The chemical elements contents varied in a large range, from a low up to excessive pollution level. The majority of investigated urban soils are soils with carbonates, sometimes with soluble salts and alkaline reaction. Also, are rich in phosphorus and calcium. The soils located along the streets areas with intense cars traffic and/or in influence zones of some industrial objective with chemical or non- ferrous processing activities recorded heavy metals loading. In these soils the heavy metals concentration outrun by 3-4 times the maximum allowable limits. In urban soils located in Baia- Mare area, 70-80% from the total heavy metals content (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn...
Crude oil pollution accidents are nowadays become a common phenomenon andhave caused ecological a... more Crude oil pollution accidents are nowadays become a common phenomenon andhave caused ecological and social catastrophes. Crude oil bioremediation of soils islimited by the bacteria activity in degrading the spills hydrocarbons.The aim of this study is to enhance the bioremediation of soils polluted with crudeoil by adding the natural biodegradable product and bacterial inoculum. Biodegradationwas quantified by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) analyses.The paper presents data obtained in biodegradation process of an artificial pollutedsoil with 5% and 10% crude oil, treated with a natural biodegradable product and bacterialinoculum. Biodegradation process takes time to reuse the soil in agricultural scopes.
Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, 2014
The aim of this research was to improve the bioremediation technology for soils that are polluted... more The aim of this research was to improve the bioremediation technology for soils that are polluted with crude oil through biostimulation, bioaugmentation and phytoremediation. The soil artificial polluted with crude oil have been treated with a natural biodegradable product and bacterial inoculum. The plant used in the greenhouse experiment is maize. In this paper is presented the influence of different treatments on plant biomass. It will be shown the influence of crude oil on plant growth (plant number/pot, plant length, leaves number and plant biomass) in a soil treated with a natural biodegradable product and inoculated with bacterial inoculum. According with the results obtained, this method could be used in field for rehabilitation and reuse in agriculture of polluted soils with crude oil.

Crude oil pollution is a world-wide threat to environment and the remediation of crude oil pollut... more Crude oil pollution is a world-wide threat to environment and the remediation of crude oil polluted soil is a challenge for environmental protection research. Bioremediation is a useful method for soil remediation without second effect on soil quality and it is not an expensive technology from economical point of view. Biodegradation is the process by which organic substances are broken down by the enzymes produced by living organisms. Although biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons may be successfully achieved under controlled conditions, the bioremediation of polluted soils still remains a challenge. The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of a natural biodegradable product on petroleum hydrocarbons degradation in a crude oil polluted soil. It is a laboratory experiment achieved during two years in Green House. Soil was artificially polluted with 5% and 10% crude oil and treatment applied consisted in a natural biodegradable product and bacterial inoculu...

Făgăras Depression soil cover consists of a mosaic of soils where are prevalentProtisols represen... more Făgăras Depression soil cover consists of a mosaic of soils where are prevalentProtisols represented by Fluvisols (39.2%), Luvisols represented by Luvisols and HaplicLuvisols (38.8%), Cambisols represented by Distric Cambisols and Eutric Cambisols (12.5%)and Hydrisols represented by Gleysols, Stagnosols and Histosols (7.5%). FăgărasDepression soils, predominantly acid, with low content of humus and total nitrogen and a poorsupply with phosphorus and potassium mobile forms present total contents of Fe, Mn, Pb andZn lower than normal contents values in soils, except Ni that exceeded this indicator. Thehighest amounts of heavy metals have been found in Cambisols and in Hydrisols and thelowest, in Luvisols. Area distribution of the five analyzed heavy metals highlighted zones ofconcentration, either for each element and/or for multiple elements. Thus, from east to westhave been separated Mândra-Şercaia areas for higher levels of the Fe, Mn, Ni, on the westsouthwestof the Fagaras, zones ...

This paper presents quantitative and qualitative evaluation of heterotrophic bacterialcommunities... more This paper presents quantitative and qualitative evaluation of heterotrophic bacterialcommunities in agricultural soil (Calcaric Chernozems) accidentally polluted with oil whichis located in Poarta Albă, Constanţa County. Microbiological analyses of soil samplestaken from three soil profiles within the maximum pollution zone and from 36 samplingpoints within the land area surrounding the maximum polluted land area drawn on cardinaldirections up to the limits where the visible pollution signs showed a relatively largevariability of dimension of heterotrophic bacteria population, expressed by an interval ofvalues of the total numbers of heterotrophic bacteria between 353.75 x 10 6 cfu/g dry soiland 1.25x 10 6 cfu/g dry soil. Strains of the Pseudomonas and Arthrobacter genera,among the most renowned species with metabolic abilities for biodegradation of petroleumhydrocarbons, especially in the case of the excessively polluted profiles, have beenisolated. Given the excessive level of so...
Papers by ANCA ROVENA Lacatusu