The development of a fully autonomous pipelines inspection system requires design of a robot equi... more The development of a fully autonomous pipelines inspection system requires design of a robot equipped with the required sensors. In this paper, it is designed a robot with suitable four bar mechanism that can give two linear motions one forward and another backward and carry a camera to capture the picture of defects if any in pipe lines. This self configurable robot has six powered wheels (rollers) chains with three belts and each wheel chain is operated by a micro DC motor. The new wheel chain mechanism is foldable by using a threaded rod. Using this foldable mechanism, a small-sized robot whose external diameter is 180 mm is designed. The velocity and acceleration analysis of each link is calculated for four bar mechanism. Validity of this new foldable wheel chain mechanism is proved through dynamic simulation. Based on this, the stiffness of the torsion threaded rod and the actuator size of DC motors are decided and a prototype of the pipeline inspection robot system is developed. It consists of a main body made from aluminum material and main DC motor and 6 micro DC motors to give motion to six rollers.
Analysis and control of Mobile Robot for pipeline inspection requires design of a robot equipped ... more Analysis and control of Mobile Robot for pipeline inspection requires design of a robot equipped with the required sensors. In this work the velocity and acceleration analysis of four bar mechanism used to operate the robot has been investigated. The robot is controlled with micro control 8051 which has two part the transmitter section and receiver section. The transmitter section consist of four switch to give four order and receiver section connected with global system mobile to operated mobile robot after receive order to starting work and sending message if mobile robot detected any obstacle. The receiver section also contains infra sensor IR it work beside (GSM) global system mobile to detected obstacle. The use of GSM helped in building interactive capabilities thereby decrease the time taken for addressing the problem.

Positioning system like global position system (GPS) and Local position system (LPS) have become ... more Positioning system like global position system (GPS) and Local position system (LPS) have become very important in a large number of applications such as monitoring and tracking, etc. Because of the limitations of GPS in indoor environments due to the lack of line of sight (LoS), the use of LPS has become a true necessary to estimate user"s or object position with a good accuracy. In order to choose the best LPS system, a compromise between accuracy, precision, power consumption, coverage and cost should be taken into account. This paper introduces an overview of LPS performance parameters, current technologies, techniques and methods used by LPS. On the other hand, the comparison between LPS technologies and techniques used based on those technologies are also discussed. Furthermore, the LPS"s applications that have been done by previous researches such as human tracking, object tracking, animal tracking and automatic guide vehicle (AGV) tracking will be discussed. We believe this paper would catalyze further investigation by the researcher which is interested on the LPS field.