Revista de Ciencia e Investigación en Defensa - CAEN
In a previous article named "Walking towards the first Ecopolitics of the Global village&quo... more In a previous article named "Walking towards the first Ecopolitics of the Global village" (Alfaro Castellanos 2022), when we refer to Basic Income, with a modern and social vision of the economy, we speak of a Basic Income that provides economic security to the vulnerable people, who in our case study are our brothers included in the PENSION 65 program, and we propose an alternative that does not impose more taxes on citizens, that does not take resources from the fiscal coffers, on the contrary, it proposes an alternative viable forour country, in an immediate future scenario, having Renewable Energies (RE) as the main actor, with the central idea of taking from that inexhaustible source, which comes out every day, particularly in the south of our country, "Radiation Solar”, (table N° 1), and generate from it the economic resources that initially allow us to attend to the aforementioned program, but if we look carefully, the horizon is more broader, closer, we must l...

Revista de Ciencia e Investigación en Defensa - CAEN
From one day to the next everything changed; a “Virus” did it. Nature took a break and we had to ... more From one day to the next everything changed; a “Virus” did it. Nature took a break and we had to walk into the future, but the future made us quickly adapt to it and evolve. The Digital Transformation (DT) showed its true face, technologies are constantly evolving, here is Artificial Intelligence (AI), accompanied by the “cloud”, mobility, Blockchain, Big data analytics, etc., Companies They are constantly improving; Face-to-face banking is yesterday, digital banking is today, they work 365 times around thesun, processing transactions made from a cell phone, with fast, efficient connections, programs that chat with us, and all this to improve and “personalize” their services. achieving loyal and captive clients by “managing risk”. The methodology we have carried out focused on a documentary review of literature with scientific bases such as Scopus, Scielo, among others, that frame the “Modern Public Management of the Peruvian State” who observed the change in their environment and a...

Revista de Ciencia e Investigación en Defensa - CAEN
El presente artículo obedece a una investigación que tiene como objetivo mostrar que el Perú, en ... more El presente artículo obedece a una investigación que tiene como objetivo mostrar que el Perú, en su zona Sur, cuenta con ingentes cantidades de Radiación Solar, la misma que pertenece a las Energías Renovables, lo que nos permite ver el futuro inmediato con optimismo, para la generación de riqueza, iniciar el cambio de la Matriz Energética Nacional y la reducción de la pobreza priorizando las atenciones de la Política Nacional de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, en su eje estratégico “Pensión 65”, el mismo que se vería favorecido con una Renta Básica que será producto de un porcentaje de la generación de esta fuente inagotable, diaria y permanente. Haremos un análisis rápido, de la Renta básica, de los modelos aplicados en el mundo y sus resultados y veremos así un nuevo modelo, una nueva Política, la que denominamos, la “Primera EcoPolítica de la Aldea Global”.