We present JWST Early Release Science (ERS) coronagraphic observations of the super-Jupiter exopl... more We present JWST Early Release Science (ERS) coronagraphic observations of the super-Jupiter exoplanet, HIP 65426 b, with the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) from 2−5 µm, and with the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) from 11−16 µm. At a separation of ∼0.82 (87 +108 −31 au), HIP 65426 b is clearly detected in all seven of our observational filters, representing the first images of an exoplanet to be obtained by JWST, and the first ever direct detection of an exoplanet beyond 5 µm. These observations demonstrate that JWST is exceeding its nominal predicted performance by up to a factor of 10, with measured 5σ contrast limits of ∼4×10 −6 (∼2.4 µJy) and ∼2×10 −4 (∼10 µJy) at 1 for NIRCam at 3.6 µm and MIRI at 11.3 µm, respectively. These contrast limits provide sensitivity to sub-Jupiter companions with masses as low as 0.3M Jup beyond separations of ∼100 au. Together with existing ground-based near-infrared data, the JWST photometry are well fit by a BT-SETTL atmospheric model from 1−16 µm, and span ∼97% of HIP 65426 b's luminous range. Independent of the choice of forward model atmosphere we measure an empirical bolometric luminosity that is tightly constrained between log(L bol /L)=−4.35 to −4.21, which in turn provides a robust mass constraint of 7.1±1.1 M Jup. In totality, these observations confirm that JWST presents a powerful and exciting opportunity to characterise the population of exoplanets amenable to direct imaging in greater detail.
GJ 229B was the first T dwarf to be discovered in 1995, and its spectrum has been more thoroughly... more GJ 229B was the first T dwarf to be discovered in 1995, and its spectrum has been more thoroughly observed than that of most other brown dwarfs. Yet a full spectroscopic analysis of its atmosphere has not been done with modern techniques. This spectrum has several peculiar features, and recent dynamical estimates of GJ 229B’s mass and orbit have disagreed widely, both of which warrant closer investigation. With a separation of tens of astronomical units from its host star, GJ 229B falls near the border of the planet and stellar population formation regimes, so its atmosphere could provide clues to formation processes for intermediate objects of this type. In an effort to resolve these questions, we performed retrievals on published spectra of GJ 229B over a wide range of wavelengths (0.5–5.1 μm) using the open-source APOLLO code. Based on these retrievals, we present a more precise mass estimate of 41.6 ± 3.3 M J and an effective temperature estimate of 869 − 7 + 5 K, which are more...
The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose th... more The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose that its properties can be constrained by studying a population of dust grains produced in collisions of comets in the outer Solar System. We explore the dynamics of µm-size grains outside the heliosphere (beyond ∼ 250 AU), which are affected predominantly by the magnetic field of the interstellar medium (ISM) flow past the Sun. We derive analytic models for the production and motion of small particles as a function of their birth location in the Cloud and calculate the particle flux and velocity distribution in the inner Solar System. These models are verified by direct numerical simulations. We show that grains originating in the Oort Cloud have a unique distribution of arrival directions, which should easily distinguish them from both interplanetary and interstellar dust populations. We also demonstrate that the distribution of particle arrival velocities is uniquely determined by the mass distribution and dust production rate in the Cloud. Cometary collisions within the Cloud produce a flux of µm-size grains in the inner Solar System of up to several m −2 yr −1. The next-generation dust detectors may be sensitive enough to detect and constrain this dust population, which will illuminate us about the Oort Cloud's properties. We also show that the recently-detected mysterious population of large (µm-size) unbound particles, which seems to arrive with the ISM flow, is unlikely to be generated by collisions of comets in the Oort Cloud.
Deuterium represents the only bound isotope in the universe with atomic mass number A = 2. Motiva... more Deuterium represents the only bound isotope in the universe with atomic mass number A = 2. Motivated by the possibility of other universes, where the strong force could be stronger, this paper considers the effects of bound diprotons and dineutrons on stars. We find that the existence of additional stable nuclei with A = 2 has relatively modest effects on the universe. Previous work indicates that Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) produces more deuterium, but does not lead to catastrophic heavy element production. This paper revisits BBN considerations and confirms that the universe is left with an ample supply of hydrogen and other light nuclei for typical cosmological parameters. Using the MESA numerical package, we carry out stellar evolution calculations for universes with stable diprotons, with nuclear cross sections enhanced by large factors X. This work focuses on X = 10 15 − 10 18 , but explores the wider range X = 10 −3 − 10 18. For a given stellar mass, the presence of stable diprotons leads to somewhat brighter stars, with the radii and photospheric temperatures roughly comparable to thoese of red giants. The central temperature decreases from the characteristic value of T c ≈ 1.5 × 10 7 K for hydrogen burning down to the value of T c ≈ 10 6 K characteristic of deuterium burning. The stellar lifetimes are smaller for a given mass, but with the extended possible mass range, the smallest stars live for trillions of years, far longer than the current cosmic age. Finally, the enhanced cross sections allow for small, partially degenerate objects with mass M * = 1 − 10M J to produce significant steady-state luminosity and thereby function as stars.
We present retrieved atmospheric properties for the very low mass companion, HD 106906b, which is... more We present retrieved atmospheric properties for the very low mass companion, HD 106906b, which is spatially resolved from its host star, using APOLLO, a spectral retrieval code designed for flexibility of atmosphere models. APOLLO allows retrieval on both transit and emission spectra of planets to determine molecular abundances as well as comparison of different parameterizations of the thermal structure and cloud properties. We compare fits of our models to high signal-to-noise spectra of HD 106906b, a 10-20 Jupiter mass early L-type companion orbiting a 10-15 Myr old binary system at 730 AU projected separation, obtained with SINFONI on the ESO VLT (Daemgen et al. 2017). Using these models, we measure molecular abundances and present constraints on cloud properties. Comparing the retrieved abundances of volatile species (e.g. C/O) to those of the host star, we can speculate on whether this object may have formed much closer to its host star through a core accretion-like mechanism ...
The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose th... more The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose that its properties can be constrained by detecting and studying from space a population of dust grains produced in collisions of comets in the outer Solar System. We explore the dynamics of µm-size grains outside the heliosphere (beyond ∼ 250 AU), which are affected predominantly by the magnetic field of the interstellar medium (ISM) flow past the Sun. We derive analytic models for the production and motion of small particles as a function of their birth location in the Cloud and calculate particle flux and velocity distribution in the inner Solar System. These models are verified by direct numerical simulations. We show that grains originating in the Oort Cloud have a unique distribution of arrival directions (mainly perpendicular to both the ISM wind velocity and the ISM magnetic field), which should easily distinguish them from both interplanetary and interstellar dust populations. We also demonstrate that the distribution of particle arrival velocities is uniquely related to the spatial distribution of the dust production inside the Cloud. The latter is, in turn, determined both by the mass distribution in the Cloud and the physical properties of comets. Cometary collisions within the Oort Cloud are expected to produce a flux of µm-size grains in the inner Solar System of up to several m −2 yr −1. The next-generation dust detectors may be sensitive enough to detect and constrain this dust population, which will illuminate us about the Oort Cloud's properties. We also show that the recently-detected mysterious population of large (µm-size) unbound particles, which seems to arrive with the ISM flow is unlikely to be of a cometary origin.
We present new calculations of transit spectra of super-Earths that allow for atmospheres with ar... more We present new calculations of transit spectra of super-Earths that allow for atmospheres with arbitrary proportions of common molecular species and haze. We test this method with generic spectra, reproducing the expected systematics and absorption features, then apply it to the nearby super-Earth GJ 1214b, which has produced conflicting observational data, leaving the questions of a hydrogen-rich versus hydrogen-poor atmosphere and the water content of the atmosphere ambiguous. We present representative transit spectra for a range of classes of atmosphere models for GJ 1214b. Our analysis supports a hydrogen-rich atmosphere with a cloud or haze layer, although a hydrogen-poor model with .10% water is not ruled out. Several classes of models are ruled out, however, including hydrogen-rich atmospheres with no haze, hydrogen-rich atmospheres with a haze of ∼0.01-micron tholin particles, and hydrogen-poor atmospheres with major sources of absorption other than water. We propose an obse...
We present self-consistent three-dimensional climate simulations of possible habitable states for... more We present self-consistent three-dimensional climate simulations of possible habitable states for the newly discovered Habitable Zone Earth-sized planet, TOI-700 d. We explore a variety of atmospheric compositions, pressures, and rotation states for both ocean-covered and completely desiccated planets in order to assess the planet's potential for habitability. For all 20 of our simulated cases, we use our climate model outputs to synthesize transmission spectra, combined-light spectra, and integrated broadband phase curves. These climatologically-informed observables will help the community assess the technological capabilities necessary for future characterization of this planet, as well as distinguish possible climate states if one day we do obtain sensitive spectral observations. We find that TOI-700 d is a robust candidate for a habitable world and can potentially maintain temperate surface conditions under a wide variety of atmospheric compositions. Unfortunately, the spectral feature depths from the resulting transmission spectra and the peak flux and variations from our synthesized phase curves do not exceed 10 ppm. This will likely prohibit the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) from characterizing its atmosphere; however, this motivates the community to invest in future instrumentation that perhaps can one day reveal the true nature of TOI-700 d.
The most widely-studied mechanism of mass loss from extrasolar planets is photoevaporation via XU... more The most widely-studied mechanism of mass loss from extrasolar planets is photoevaporation via XUV ionization, primarily in the context of highly irradiated planets. However, the EUV dissociation of hydrogen molecules can also theoretically drive atmospheric evaporation on low-mass planets. For temperate planets such as the early Earth, impact erosion is expected to dominate in the traditional planetesimal accretion model, but it would be greatly reduced in pebble accretion scenarios, allowing other mass loss processes to be major contributors. We apply the same prescription for photoionization to this photodissociation mechanism and compare it to an analysis of other possible sources of mass loss in pebble accretion scenarios. We find that there is not a clear path to evaporating the primordial atmosphere accreted by an early Earth analog in a pebble accretion scenario. Impact erosion could remove ∼2,300 bars of hydrogen if 1% of the planet's mass is accreted as planetesimals, while the combined photoevaporation processes could evaporate ∼750 bars of hydrogen. Photodissociation is likely a subdominant, but significant component of mass loss. Similar results apply to super-Earths and mini-Neptunes. This mechanism could also preferentially remove hydrogen from a planet's primordial atmosphere, thereby leaving a larger abundance of primordial water compared to standard dry formation models. We discuss the implications of these results for models of rocky planet formation including Earth's formation and the possible application of this analysis to mass loss from observed exoplanets.
We investigate a class of universes in which the weak interaction is not in operation. We conside... more We investigate a class of universes in which the weak interaction is not in operation. We consider how astrophysical processes are altered in the absence of weak forces, including Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), galaxy formation, molecular cloud assembly, star formation, and stellar evolution. Without weak interactions, neutrons no longer decay, and the universe emerges from its early epochs with a mixture of protons, neutrons, deuterium, and helium. The baryon-to-photon ratio must be smaller than the canonical value in our universe to allow free nucleons to survive the BBN epoch without being incorporated into heavier nuclei. At later times, the free neutrons readily combine with protons to make deuterium in sufficiently dense parts of the interstellar medium, and provide a power source before they are incorporated into stars. Almost all of the neutrons are incorporated into deuterium nuclei before stars are formed. As a result, stellar evolution proceeds primarily through strong interactions, with deuterium first burning into helium, and then helium fusing into carbon. Low-mass deuterium-burning stars can be long-lived, and higher mass stars can synthesize the heavier elements necessary for life. Although somewhat different from our own, such universes remain potentially habitable.
Motivated by the possibility that the laws of physics could be different in other regions of spac... more Motivated by the possibility that the laws of physics could be different in other regions of spacetime, we consider nuclear processes in universes where the weak interaction is either stronger or weaker than observed. We focus on the physics of both Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and stellar evolution. For sufficiently ineffective weak interactions, neutrons do not decay during BBN, and the baryon-to-photon ratio η must be smaller in order for protons to survive without becoming incorporated into larger nuclei. For stronger weak interactions, neutrons decay before the onset of BBN, and the early universe is left with nearly a pure hydrogen composition. We then consider stellar structure and evolution for the different nuclear compositions resulting from BBN, a wide range of weak force strengths, and the full range of stellar masses for a given universe. We delineate the range of this parameter space that supports working stars, along with a determination of the dominant nuclear reactions over the different regimes. Deuterium burning dominates the energy generation in stars when the weak force is sufficiently weak, whereas proton-proton burning into helium-3 dominates for the regime where the weak force is much stronger than in our universe. Although stars in these universes are somewhat different, they have comparable surface temperatures, luminosities, radii, and lifetimes, so that a wide range of such universes remain potentially habitable.
We provide an example of an analysis to explore the optimization of observations of transiting ho... more We provide an example of an analysis to explore the optimization of observations of transiting hot jupiters with JWST to characterize their atmospheres, based on a simple three-parameter forward model. We construct expansive forward model sets for eleven hot jupiters, ten of which are relatively well-characterized, exploring a range of parameters such as equilibrium temperature and metallicity, as well as considering host stars over a wide range in brightness. We compute posterior distributions of our model parameters for each planet with all of the available JWST spectroscopic modes and several programs of combined observations and compute their effectiveness using the metric of estimated mutual information per degree of freedom. From these simulations, clear trends emerge that provide guidelines for designing a JWST observing program. We demonstrate that these guidelines apply over a wide range of planet parameters and target brightnesses for our simple forward model.
The station at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) of the Carnegie Institute is operated by PU in conj... more The station at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) of the Carnegie Institute is operated by PU in conjunction with PUC, the station at the High Energy Spectroscopic Survey (H.E.S.S.) site is operated in conjunction with MPIA, and the station at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) is operated jointly with ANU. This paper includes data gathered with the 10 m Keck-I telescope at Mauna Kea, the MPG 2.2 m and ESO 3.6 m telescopes at the ESO Observatory in La Silla. This paper uses observations obtained with facilities of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope.
Super-Earths transiting nearby bright stars are key objects that simultaneously allow for accurat... more Super-Earths transiting nearby bright stars are key objects that simultaneously allow for accurate measurements of both their mass and radius, providing essential constraints on their internal composition. We present the confirmation, based on Spitzer observations, that the super-Earth HD 97658 b transits its host star. HD 97658 is a lowmass (M * = 0.77 ± 0.05 M) K1 dwarf, as determined from the Hipparcos parallax and stellar evolution modeling. To constrain the planet parameters, we carry out Bayesian global analyses of Keck-HIRES radial velocities, and MOST and Spitzer photometry. HD 97658 b is a massive (M P = 7.55 +0.83 −0.79 M ⊕) and large (R P = 2.247 +0.098 −0.095 R ⊕ at 4.5 μm) super-Earth. We investigate the possible internal compositions for HD 97658 b. Our results indicate a large rocky component, by at least 60% by mass, and very little H-He components, at most 2% by mass. We also discuss how future asteroseismic observations can improve the knowledge of the HD 97658 system, in particular by constraining its age.
We present JWST Early Release Science (ERS) coronagraphic observations of the super-Jupiter exopl... more We present JWST Early Release Science (ERS) coronagraphic observations of the super-Jupiter exoplanet, HIP 65426 b, with the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) from 2−5 µm, and with the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) from 11−16 µm. At a separation of ∼0.82 (87 +108 −31 au), HIP 65426 b is clearly detected in all seven of our observational filters, representing the first images of an exoplanet to be obtained by JWST, and the first ever direct detection of an exoplanet beyond 5 µm. These observations demonstrate that JWST is exceeding its nominal predicted performance by up to a factor of 10, with measured 5σ contrast limits of ∼4×10 −6 (∼2.4 µJy) and ∼2×10 −4 (∼10 µJy) at 1 for NIRCam at 3.6 µm and MIRI at 11.3 µm, respectively. These contrast limits provide sensitivity to sub-Jupiter companions with masses as low as 0.3M Jup beyond separations of ∼100 au. Together with existing ground-based near-infrared data, the JWST photometry are well fit by a BT-SETTL atmospheric model from 1−16 µm, and span ∼97% of HIP 65426 b's luminous range. Independent of the choice of forward model atmosphere we measure an empirical bolometric luminosity that is tightly constrained between log(L bol /L)=−4.35 to −4.21, which in turn provides a robust mass constraint of 7.1±1.1 M Jup. In totality, these observations confirm that JWST presents a powerful and exciting opportunity to characterise the population of exoplanets amenable to direct imaging in greater detail.
GJ 229B was the first T dwarf to be discovered in 1995, and its spectrum has been more thoroughly... more GJ 229B was the first T dwarf to be discovered in 1995, and its spectrum has been more thoroughly observed than that of most other brown dwarfs. Yet a full spectroscopic analysis of its atmosphere has not been done with modern techniques. This spectrum has several peculiar features, and recent dynamical estimates of GJ 229B’s mass and orbit have disagreed widely, both of which warrant closer investigation. With a separation of tens of astronomical units from its host star, GJ 229B falls near the border of the planet and stellar population formation regimes, so its atmosphere could provide clues to formation processes for intermediate objects of this type. In an effort to resolve these questions, we performed retrievals on published spectra of GJ 229B over a wide range of wavelengths (0.5–5.1 μm) using the open-source APOLLO code. Based on these retrievals, we present a more precise mass estimate of 41.6 ± 3.3 M J and an effective temperature estimate of 869 − 7 + 5 K, which are more...
The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose th... more The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose that its properties can be constrained by studying a population of dust grains produced in collisions of comets in the outer Solar System. We explore the dynamics of µm-size grains outside the heliosphere (beyond ∼ 250 AU), which are affected predominantly by the magnetic field of the interstellar medium (ISM) flow past the Sun. We derive analytic models for the production and motion of small particles as a function of their birth location in the Cloud and calculate the particle flux and velocity distribution in the inner Solar System. These models are verified by direct numerical simulations. We show that grains originating in the Oort Cloud have a unique distribution of arrival directions, which should easily distinguish them from both interplanetary and interstellar dust populations. We also demonstrate that the distribution of particle arrival velocities is uniquely determined by the mass distribution and dust production rate in the Cloud. Cometary collisions within the Cloud produce a flux of µm-size grains in the inner Solar System of up to several m −2 yr −1. The next-generation dust detectors may be sensitive enough to detect and constrain this dust population, which will illuminate us about the Oort Cloud's properties. We also show that the recently-detected mysterious population of large (µm-size) unbound particles, which seems to arrive with the ISM flow, is unlikely to be generated by collisions of comets in the Oort Cloud.
Deuterium represents the only bound isotope in the universe with atomic mass number A = 2. Motiva... more Deuterium represents the only bound isotope in the universe with atomic mass number A = 2. Motivated by the possibility of other universes, where the strong force could be stronger, this paper considers the effects of bound diprotons and dineutrons on stars. We find that the existence of additional stable nuclei with A = 2 has relatively modest effects on the universe. Previous work indicates that Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) produces more deuterium, but does not lead to catastrophic heavy element production. This paper revisits BBN considerations and confirms that the universe is left with an ample supply of hydrogen and other light nuclei for typical cosmological parameters. Using the MESA numerical package, we carry out stellar evolution calculations for universes with stable diprotons, with nuclear cross sections enhanced by large factors X. This work focuses on X = 10 15 − 10 18 , but explores the wider range X = 10 −3 − 10 18. For a given stellar mass, the presence of stable diprotons leads to somewhat brighter stars, with the radii and photospheric temperatures roughly comparable to thoese of red giants. The central temperature decreases from the characteristic value of T c ≈ 1.5 × 10 7 K for hydrogen burning down to the value of T c ≈ 10 6 K characteristic of deuterium burning. The stellar lifetimes are smaller for a given mass, but with the extended possible mass range, the smallest stars live for trillions of years, far longer than the current cosmic age. Finally, the enhanced cross sections allow for small, partially degenerate objects with mass M * = 1 − 10M J to produce significant steady-state luminosity and thereby function as stars.
We present retrieved atmospheric properties for the very low mass companion, HD 106906b, which is... more We present retrieved atmospheric properties for the very low mass companion, HD 106906b, which is spatially resolved from its host star, using APOLLO, a spectral retrieval code designed for flexibility of atmosphere models. APOLLO allows retrieval on both transit and emission spectra of planets to determine molecular abundances as well as comparison of different parameterizations of the thermal structure and cloud properties. We compare fits of our models to high signal-to-noise spectra of HD 106906b, a 10-20 Jupiter mass early L-type companion orbiting a 10-15 Myr old binary system at 730 AU projected separation, obtained with SINFONI on the ESO VLT (Daemgen et al. 2017). Using these models, we measure molecular abundances and present constraints on cloud properties. Comparing the retrieved abundances of volatile species (e.g. C/O) to those of the host star, we can speculate on whether this object may have formed much closer to its host star through a core accretion-like mechanism ...
The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose th... more The Oort Cloud remains one of the most poorly explored regions of the Solar System. We propose that its properties can be constrained by detecting and studying from space a population of dust grains produced in collisions of comets in the outer Solar System. We explore the dynamics of µm-size grains outside the heliosphere (beyond ∼ 250 AU), which are affected predominantly by the magnetic field of the interstellar medium (ISM) flow past the Sun. We derive analytic models for the production and motion of small particles as a function of their birth location in the Cloud and calculate particle flux and velocity distribution in the inner Solar System. These models are verified by direct numerical simulations. We show that grains originating in the Oort Cloud have a unique distribution of arrival directions (mainly perpendicular to both the ISM wind velocity and the ISM magnetic field), which should easily distinguish them from both interplanetary and interstellar dust populations. We also demonstrate that the distribution of particle arrival velocities is uniquely related to the spatial distribution of the dust production inside the Cloud. The latter is, in turn, determined both by the mass distribution in the Cloud and the physical properties of comets. Cometary collisions within the Oort Cloud are expected to produce a flux of µm-size grains in the inner Solar System of up to several m −2 yr −1. The next-generation dust detectors may be sensitive enough to detect and constrain this dust population, which will illuminate us about the Oort Cloud's properties. We also show that the recently-detected mysterious population of large (µm-size) unbound particles, which seems to arrive with the ISM flow is unlikely to be of a cometary origin.
We present new calculations of transit spectra of super-Earths that allow for atmospheres with ar... more We present new calculations of transit spectra of super-Earths that allow for atmospheres with arbitrary proportions of common molecular species and haze. We test this method with generic spectra, reproducing the expected systematics and absorption features, then apply it to the nearby super-Earth GJ 1214b, which has produced conflicting observational data, leaving the questions of a hydrogen-rich versus hydrogen-poor atmosphere and the water content of the atmosphere ambiguous. We present representative transit spectra for a range of classes of atmosphere models for GJ 1214b. Our analysis supports a hydrogen-rich atmosphere with a cloud or haze layer, although a hydrogen-poor model with .10% water is not ruled out. Several classes of models are ruled out, however, including hydrogen-rich atmospheres with no haze, hydrogen-rich atmospheres with a haze of ∼0.01-micron tholin particles, and hydrogen-poor atmospheres with major sources of absorption other than water. We propose an obse...
We present self-consistent three-dimensional climate simulations of possible habitable states for... more We present self-consistent three-dimensional climate simulations of possible habitable states for the newly discovered Habitable Zone Earth-sized planet, TOI-700 d. We explore a variety of atmospheric compositions, pressures, and rotation states for both ocean-covered and completely desiccated planets in order to assess the planet's potential for habitability. For all 20 of our simulated cases, we use our climate model outputs to synthesize transmission spectra, combined-light spectra, and integrated broadband phase curves. These climatologically-informed observables will help the community assess the technological capabilities necessary for future characterization of this planet, as well as distinguish possible climate states if one day we do obtain sensitive spectral observations. We find that TOI-700 d is a robust candidate for a habitable world and can potentially maintain temperate surface conditions under a wide variety of atmospheric compositions. Unfortunately, the spectral feature depths from the resulting transmission spectra and the peak flux and variations from our synthesized phase curves do not exceed 10 ppm. This will likely prohibit the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) from characterizing its atmosphere; however, this motivates the community to invest in future instrumentation that perhaps can one day reveal the true nature of TOI-700 d.
The most widely-studied mechanism of mass loss from extrasolar planets is photoevaporation via XU... more The most widely-studied mechanism of mass loss from extrasolar planets is photoevaporation via XUV ionization, primarily in the context of highly irradiated planets. However, the EUV dissociation of hydrogen molecules can also theoretically drive atmospheric evaporation on low-mass planets. For temperate planets such as the early Earth, impact erosion is expected to dominate in the traditional planetesimal accretion model, but it would be greatly reduced in pebble accretion scenarios, allowing other mass loss processes to be major contributors. We apply the same prescription for photoionization to this photodissociation mechanism and compare it to an analysis of other possible sources of mass loss in pebble accretion scenarios. We find that there is not a clear path to evaporating the primordial atmosphere accreted by an early Earth analog in a pebble accretion scenario. Impact erosion could remove ∼2,300 bars of hydrogen if 1% of the planet's mass is accreted as planetesimals, while the combined photoevaporation processes could evaporate ∼750 bars of hydrogen. Photodissociation is likely a subdominant, but significant component of mass loss. Similar results apply to super-Earths and mini-Neptunes. This mechanism could also preferentially remove hydrogen from a planet's primordial atmosphere, thereby leaving a larger abundance of primordial water compared to standard dry formation models. We discuss the implications of these results for models of rocky planet formation including Earth's formation and the possible application of this analysis to mass loss from observed exoplanets.
We investigate a class of universes in which the weak interaction is not in operation. We conside... more We investigate a class of universes in which the weak interaction is not in operation. We consider how astrophysical processes are altered in the absence of weak forces, including Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), galaxy formation, molecular cloud assembly, star formation, and stellar evolution. Without weak interactions, neutrons no longer decay, and the universe emerges from its early epochs with a mixture of protons, neutrons, deuterium, and helium. The baryon-to-photon ratio must be smaller than the canonical value in our universe to allow free nucleons to survive the BBN epoch without being incorporated into heavier nuclei. At later times, the free neutrons readily combine with protons to make deuterium in sufficiently dense parts of the interstellar medium, and provide a power source before they are incorporated into stars. Almost all of the neutrons are incorporated into deuterium nuclei before stars are formed. As a result, stellar evolution proceeds primarily through strong interactions, with deuterium first burning into helium, and then helium fusing into carbon. Low-mass deuterium-burning stars can be long-lived, and higher mass stars can synthesize the heavier elements necessary for life. Although somewhat different from our own, such universes remain potentially habitable.
Motivated by the possibility that the laws of physics could be different in other regions of spac... more Motivated by the possibility that the laws of physics could be different in other regions of spacetime, we consider nuclear processes in universes where the weak interaction is either stronger or weaker than observed. We focus on the physics of both Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and stellar evolution. For sufficiently ineffective weak interactions, neutrons do not decay during BBN, and the baryon-to-photon ratio η must be smaller in order for protons to survive without becoming incorporated into larger nuclei. For stronger weak interactions, neutrons decay before the onset of BBN, and the early universe is left with nearly a pure hydrogen composition. We then consider stellar structure and evolution for the different nuclear compositions resulting from BBN, a wide range of weak force strengths, and the full range of stellar masses for a given universe. We delineate the range of this parameter space that supports working stars, along with a determination of the dominant nuclear reactions over the different regimes. Deuterium burning dominates the energy generation in stars when the weak force is sufficiently weak, whereas proton-proton burning into helium-3 dominates for the regime where the weak force is much stronger than in our universe. Although stars in these universes are somewhat different, they have comparable surface temperatures, luminosities, radii, and lifetimes, so that a wide range of such universes remain potentially habitable.
We provide an example of an analysis to explore the optimization of observations of transiting ho... more We provide an example of an analysis to explore the optimization of observations of transiting hot jupiters with JWST to characterize their atmospheres, based on a simple three-parameter forward model. We construct expansive forward model sets for eleven hot jupiters, ten of which are relatively well-characterized, exploring a range of parameters such as equilibrium temperature and metallicity, as well as considering host stars over a wide range in brightness. We compute posterior distributions of our model parameters for each planet with all of the available JWST spectroscopic modes and several programs of combined observations and compute their effectiveness using the metric of estimated mutual information per degree of freedom. From these simulations, clear trends emerge that provide guidelines for designing a JWST observing program. We demonstrate that these guidelines apply over a wide range of planet parameters and target brightnesses for our simple forward model.
The station at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) of the Carnegie Institute is operated by PU in conj... more The station at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) of the Carnegie Institute is operated by PU in conjunction with PUC, the station at the High Energy Spectroscopic Survey (H.E.S.S.) site is operated in conjunction with MPIA, and the station at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) is operated jointly with ANU. This paper includes data gathered with the 10 m Keck-I telescope at Mauna Kea, the MPG 2.2 m and ESO 3.6 m telescopes at the ESO Observatory in La Silla. This paper uses observations obtained with facilities of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope.
Super-Earths transiting nearby bright stars are key objects that simultaneously allow for accurat... more Super-Earths transiting nearby bright stars are key objects that simultaneously allow for accurate measurements of both their mass and radius, providing essential constraints on their internal composition. We present the confirmation, based on Spitzer observations, that the super-Earth HD 97658 b transits its host star. HD 97658 is a lowmass (M * = 0.77 ± 0.05 M) K1 dwarf, as determined from the Hipparcos parallax and stellar evolution modeling. To constrain the planet parameters, we carry out Bayesian global analyses of Keck-HIRES radial velocities, and MOST and Spitzer photometry. HD 97658 b is a massive (M P = 7.55 +0.83 −0.79 M ⊕) and large (R P = 2.247 +0.098 −0.095 R ⊕ at 4.5 μm) super-Earth. We investigate the possible internal compositions for HD 97658 b. Our results indicate a large rocky component, by at least 60% by mass, and very little H-He components, at most 2% by mass. We also discuss how future asteroseismic observations can improve the knowledge of the HD 97658 system, in particular by constraining its age.
Papers by ALEX HOWE