Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, Sep 12, 2019
Today's consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf ... more Today's consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf life. Particularly, interest in fresh fruits and vegetables, which are ready for consumption due to their healthy and nutritious nature, is increasing. However, biological activities such as respiration and transpiration cause loss of water and soluble substances in fruits and vegetables and change the gas concentration in the environment during storage and this situation greatly affects critical quality parameters such as mass loss, nutritional value and shelf life. Minimal processing, such as peeling, cutting or shredding increases the surface area of fresh fruits and vegetables, reduces the shelf life by triggering a variety of enzymatic reactions. The edible film coating is a novel packaging method that is natural, environmental friendly, economic and easily applicable. This innovative technique can be used to produce a product that is closest to fresh fruits and vegetables, maintain the desired quality characteristics, control microbiological spoilage and extend the shelf life. In addition, the use of plant-based materials in film coating applied to minimally processed fruits and vegetables attracts the consumers and increases the confidence in products. In this review, the information about the current applications of edible coating to the minimally processed fruits and vegetables and the effect of this application on some physical, chemical, sensory and microbial changes occurring in the products during the storage period has been presented.
Dünya nüfusunda meydana gelen hızlı artış, mevcut gıda ihtiyacının günden güne artmasına neden ol... more Dünya nüfusunda meydana gelen hızlı artış, mevcut gıda ihtiyacının günden güne artmasına neden olmaktadır. Hayvansal kaynaklı protein üretiminin zaman, enerji, maliyet ve çevre gibi faktörler üzerine olumsuz etkileri bulunabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla hızla artan küresel nüfusa yeterli gıda kaynağının sağlanması ve hayvansal bazlı protein üretimi süresince meydana gelebilecek söz konusu olumsuzlukların azaltılması gibi gereklilikler, geleneksel et ve et ürünleri gibi alışılagelmiş protein kaynaklarının alternatif içeriklerle değiştirilmesi yaklaşımını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Mikoproteinler tek hücre proteini olarak da bilinen mikrobiyal protein grubunda yer almakta; kısmen veya tamamen hayvansal bazlı proteinlerin yerini alabilmektedir. Aynı zamanda bunların üretiminde tarımsal endüstriyel atık maddelerinin substrat olarak kullanılabilmesi çevresel açıdan çok yönlü bir katkı sağlamaktadır. Mikoproteinler elzem amino asitler, karbonhidratlar ve vitaminler açısından zengin bir içeriğe sahipti...
Bu çalışmada ayva meyvesinin çekirdeklerinden ekstraksiyon ile elde edilen müsilaj materyalinin y... more Bu çalışmada ayva meyvesinin çekirdeklerinden ekstraksiyon ile elde edilen müsilaj materyalinin yenilebilir film formuna getirilmesi ve bazı spesifik meyvelerin (armut, çilek, elma, mandalina ve nektarin) oluşturulan filmler ile kaplanması ve 10 günlük depolama süresince kalite değişimlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, elde edilen ayva çekirdeği yenilebilir filmlerinin (AÇYF) bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmiştir. AÇYF'nin kalınlığı 0.0059 mm, çözünürlüğü %48.57, su buharı geçirgenliği 12.56x10-12 g/m.s.Pa, nem içeriği %18.90, antioksidan aktivite (% inhibisyon) %21.86 ve toplam fenolik madde miktarı (gallik asit eşdeğeri) 7.77 μg/g olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında AÇYF ile kaplanan meyvelerin depolama süresince kalite özellikleri incelenmiştir. AÇYF seçilen meyvelere kaplama olarak uygulanmış ve kaplamanın meyvelerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal karakteristikleri üzerine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla depola...
Received : 30/11/2020 Accepted : 22/03/2021 Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the incre... more Received : 30/11/2020 Accepted : 22/03/2021 Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the increase in world population and ecological problems, nowadays. For this reason, it is very important to protect and improve the durability of foods as well as to produce them. Since meat and fish products are sensitive foods, they can deteriorate very quickly under inappropriate storage conditions. Various quality losses can occur as a result of biochemical and microbiological degradation during storage of fresh or processed meat and fish products. Edible film and coating applications are noted as an interesting approach among packaging methods used to preserve desirable sensory properties of meat and fish products and to delay biological, chemical and microbiological spoilage in these food products. Edible film and coatings are low cost and easy to apply packaging methods that use environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials obtained from natural sources such as protein, lipid or po...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, 2019
Today’s consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf ... more Today’s consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf life. Particularly, interest in fresh fruits and vegetables, which are ready for consumption due to their healthy and nutritious nature, is increasing. However, biological activities such as respiration and transpiration cause loss of water and soluble substances in fruits and vegetables and change the gas concentration in the environment during storage and this situation greatly affects critical quality parameters such as mass loss, nutritional value and shelf life. Minimal processing, such as peeling, cutting or shredding increases the surface area of fresh fruits and vegetables, reduces the shelf life by triggering a variety of enzymatic reactions. The edible film coating is a novel packaging method that is natural, environmental friendly, economic and easily applicable. This innovative technique can be used to produce a product that is closest to fresh fruits and vegetables, maintain...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the increase in world population and ecological probl... more Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the increase in world population and ecological problems, nowadays. For this reason, it is very important to protect and improve the durability of foods as well as to produce them. Since meat and fish products are sensitive foods, they can deteriorate very quickly under inappropriate storage conditions. Various quality losses can occur as a result of biochemical and microbiological degradation during storage of fresh or processed meat and fish products. Edible film and coating applications are noted as an interesting approach among packaging methods used to preserve desirable sensory properties of meat and fish products and to delay biological, chemical and microbiological spoilage in these food products. Edible film and coatings are low cost and easy to apply packaging methods that use environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials obtained from natural sources such as protein, lipid or polysaccharide. In addition, edible film and c...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, Sep 12, 2019
Today's consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf ... more Today's consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf life. Particularly, interest in fresh fruits and vegetables, which are ready for consumption due to their healthy and nutritious nature, is increasing. However, biological activities such as respiration and transpiration cause loss of water and soluble substances in fruits and vegetables and change the gas concentration in the environment during storage and this situation greatly affects critical quality parameters such as mass loss, nutritional value and shelf life. Minimal processing, such as peeling, cutting or shredding increases the surface area of fresh fruits and vegetables, reduces the shelf life by triggering a variety of enzymatic reactions. The edible film coating is a novel packaging method that is natural, environmental friendly, economic and easily applicable. This innovative technique can be used to produce a product that is closest to fresh fruits and vegetables, maintain the desired quality characteristics, control microbiological spoilage and extend the shelf life. In addition, the use of plant-based materials in film coating applied to minimally processed fruits and vegetables attracts the consumers and increases the confidence in products. In this review, the information about the current applications of edible coating to the minimally processed fruits and vegetables and the effect of this application on some physical, chemical, sensory and microbial changes occurring in the products during the storage period has been presented.
Dünya nüfusunda meydana gelen hızlı artış, mevcut gıda ihtiyacının günden güne artmasına neden ol... more Dünya nüfusunda meydana gelen hızlı artış, mevcut gıda ihtiyacının günden güne artmasına neden olmaktadır. Hayvansal kaynaklı protein üretiminin zaman, enerji, maliyet ve çevre gibi faktörler üzerine olumsuz etkileri bulunabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla hızla artan küresel nüfusa yeterli gıda kaynağının sağlanması ve hayvansal bazlı protein üretimi süresince meydana gelebilecek söz konusu olumsuzlukların azaltılması gibi gereklilikler, geleneksel et ve et ürünleri gibi alışılagelmiş protein kaynaklarının alternatif içeriklerle değiştirilmesi yaklaşımını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Mikoproteinler tek hücre proteini olarak da bilinen mikrobiyal protein grubunda yer almakta; kısmen veya tamamen hayvansal bazlı proteinlerin yerini alabilmektedir. Aynı zamanda bunların üretiminde tarımsal endüstriyel atık maddelerinin substrat olarak kullanılabilmesi çevresel açıdan çok yönlü bir katkı sağlamaktadır. Mikoproteinler elzem amino asitler, karbonhidratlar ve vitaminler açısından zengin bir içeriğe sahipti...
Bu çalışmada ayva meyvesinin çekirdeklerinden ekstraksiyon ile elde edilen müsilaj materyalinin y... more Bu çalışmada ayva meyvesinin çekirdeklerinden ekstraksiyon ile elde edilen müsilaj materyalinin yenilebilir film formuna getirilmesi ve bazı spesifik meyvelerin (armut, çilek, elma, mandalina ve nektarin) oluşturulan filmler ile kaplanması ve 10 günlük depolama süresince kalite değişimlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, elde edilen ayva çekirdeği yenilebilir filmlerinin (AÇYF) bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmiştir. AÇYF'nin kalınlığı 0.0059 mm, çözünürlüğü %48.57, su buharı geçirgenliği 12.56x10-12 g/m.s.Pa, nem içeriği %18.90, antioksidan aktivite (% inhibisyon) %21.86 ve toplam fenolik madde miktarı (gallik asit eşdeğeri) 7.77 μg/g olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında AÇYF ile kaplanan meyvelerin depolama süresince kalite özellikleri incelenmiştir. AÇYF seçilen meyvelere kaplama olarak uygulanmış ve kaplamanın meyvelerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal karakteristikleri üzerine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla depola...
Received : 30/11/2020 Accepted : 22/03/2021 Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the incre... more Received : 30/11/2020 Accepted : 22/03/2021 Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the increase in world population and ecological problems, nowadays. For this reason, it is very important to protect and improve the durability of foods as well as to produce them. Since meat and fish products are sensitive foods, they can deteriorate very quickly under inappropriate storage conditions. Various quality losses can occur as a result of biochemical and microbiological degradation during storage of fresh or processed meat and fish products. Edible film and coating applications are noted as an interesting approach among packaging methods used to preserve desirable sensory properties of meat and fish products and to delay biological, chemical and microbiological spoilage in these food products. Edible film and coatings are low cost and easy to apply packaging methods that use environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials obtained from natural sources such as protein, lipid or po...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, 2019
Today’s consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf ... more Today’s consumers prefer foods with high nutritional value, functional properties and long shelf life. Particularly, interest in fresh fruits and vegetables, which are ready for consumption due to their healthy and nutritious nature, is increasing. However, biological activities such as respiration and transpiration cause loss of water and soluble substances in fruits and vegetables and change the gas concentration in the environment during storage and this situation greatly affects critical quality parameters such as mass loss, nutritional value and shelf life. Minimal processing, such as peeling, cutting or shredding increases the surface area of fresh fruits and vegetables, reduces the shelf life by triggering a variety of enzymatic reactions. The edible film coating is a novel packaging method that is natural, environmental friendly, economic and easily applicable. This innovative technique can be used to produce a product that is closest to fresh fruits and vegetables, maintain...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the increase in world population and ecological probl... more Food resources are rapidly depleting due to the increase in world population and ecological problems, nowadays. For this reason, it is very important to protect and improve the durability of foods as well as to produce them. Since meat and fish products are sensitive foods, they can deteriorate very quickly under inappropriate storage conditions. Various quality losses can occur as a result of biochemical and microbiological degradation during storage of fresh or processed meat and fish products. Edible film and coating applications are noted as an interesting approach among packaging methods used to preserve desirable sensory properties of meat and fish products and to delay biological, chemical and microbiological spoilage in these food products. Edible film and coatings are low cost and easy to apply packaging methods that use environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials obtained from natural sources such as protein, lipid or polysaccharide. In addition, edible film and c...
Papers by Ali Kozlu