Papers by AKINOSO Sabainah Oyebola
Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Feb 14, 2022

Educaţia 21, Dec 20, 2023
The widespread use of the internet has led to a growing concern about the impact of internet addi... more The widespread use of the internet has led to a growing concern about the impact of internet addiction on preservice Mathematics teachers' learning. This paper investigates the impacts of internet addiction on the learning and professional development of pre-service Mathematics teachers. The population covers the undergraduate Mathematics education students from public universities in south-west Nigeria. The sample was randomly selected from 100 to 400 levels while the sample size was 200 pre-service teachers across the levels from one selected university. A well-structured questionnaire was used to get data from pre-service Mathematics teachers on internet addiction. This study employed a descriptive and inferential research design to create responses to the research questions. The data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation for the two research questions while Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to test the hypothesis raised. There is a significant relationship between internet addiction and Mathematics learning. This yields a positive result that, the students who access the internet more frequently learn more effectively and highly motivated in learning Mathematics. It was suggested that the internet can be a useful tool for learning but must be used responsibly. However, addressing internet addiction through education, prevention, and intervention efforts should be integrated into the teacher education program to support pre-service mathematics teachers in developing healthy internet use habits and maintaining high levels of motivation to learn.

International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Mar 27, 2024
Mathematics plays a crucial role in human lives in terms of calculation with the use of numbers a... more Mathematics plays a crucial role in human lives in terms of calculation with the use of numbers and different operations. Human health needs proper attention and error-free calculations. It is imperative for the people in the health sector to have the knowledge and skills required by the health workers based on a different area to carry out the job properly. The application of various skills in Mathematics is needed during the outbreak of any strange disease to protect people's lives and reduce the rapid spread of such disease. In this article, the history of the past pandemic, and COVID-19 were discussed. The Post COVID-19, and the skills needed were explained. The roles of Mathematics knowledge in the COVID-19 were highlighted, and the roles of Mathematics knowledge and skills in the Health sector were explained. It was therefore concluded, that, Mathematics serves as an important tool in health, and the health workers must possess basic knowledge of the skills required in different health fields. It was recommended that the healthcare professionals must undergo in-service training in the required Mathematics skills relevant to their specific area of specialization to avoid the error that can increase the mortality rate. Regular training is needed in the technology used to carry out successfully the test and practical aspects of their work with zero or minimal error.

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif
An Assessment of Google Classroom Reception and Usage among Pre-service Science, Technology and M... more An Assessment of Google Classroom Reception and Usage among Pre-service Science, Technology and Mathematics Teachers in South-West Nigeria. Objectives: The present study assessed google classroom reception and usage among preservice Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STM) teachers in south-west Nigeria. Methods: The participants were 480 preservice STM teachers purposively selected from four universities in south-west Nigeria within the blueprint of a correlational survey research design. Data analysis was carried out using mean, standard deviation, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis at 5% level of significance. Findings: Results showed that 94.1% of the variance in preservice STM teachers' actual use of google classroom was accounted for by a combination of attitude towards use, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and behavioural intention to use google classroom. Conclusion: Conclusively, STM teachers' educator should promote the adoption and utilization of google classroom among the preservice STM teachers to increase their reception of google classroom for instructional purposes.

Journal of Animal Science, 2020
Animal welfare is becoming an interesting global issue which must be given the best of attention ... more Animal welfare is becoming an interesting global issue which must be given the best of attention by researchers, producers, consumers and the governments. The need to ensure the general well-being of the wild and domestic animals in every aspect of their husbandry is mandatory now in many developed countries of the world, and poultry industries are responding positively to this new dimension of husbandry. Species of animal are sensitive to the way they are being managed in terms of housing and other handlings. Meanwhile, there is little or no concern on subjects of of applied ethology in developing areas of the world such as Africa and Asia, and particular in countries like Nigeria, where livestock production and wildlife conservation is currently experiencing tremendous growth. Unlike developing countries, issue of animal welfare are being promoted by researches, sponsored information, legislation and enforcement by relevant agencies in developed nations of the world. Factors such ...

Test developments are critical in the measurement of learning and education attainments. Its prec... more Test developments are critical in the measurement of learning and education attainments. Its precision and accuracy is a major task in an academic setting in Nigeria and beyond. The scales employed for achievement tests are often based on classical test theory (CTT) approach with a drawback of the variability of results in different samples of the same population or from the same pool of items in some Africa countries like Nigeria. This work explores the method of the Rasch model and the 2-PL model of Item Response Theory (IRT) to examine the relationship between the models used on a constructed Mathematics Aptitude Test (MAT) items. A 120 items instrument with a reliability value of 0.86 was developed by the researcher. Mean Square (MNSQ) and ZSTD of fitness of Winsteps and Two-Parameter Model (2-PL) of Bilog-Mg3 were used to investigate how well the Mathematics fit the Models. Eventually, thirty-three (33) items whose parameters are known scaled through the Rasch model and were co...
A Thesis in the Department of Teacher Education, Submitted to the Faculty of Education, in partia... more A Thesis in the Department of Teacher Education, Submitted to the Faculty of Education, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) Mathematics Education University of Ibadan
The research investigates effectiveness of multimedia on students’ performance in mathematics. Tw... more The research investigates effectiveness of multimedia on students’ performance in mathematics. Two schools were randomly selected from Educational District V. Intact classes were purposely assigned into experimental and control. Quasi experimental design was adopted. Mathematics Achievement Test with reliability coefficient of 0.81 using KR-20 was used. Data collected were analyzed using ANCOVA. No significant effect exists between the Treatment and achievement in mathematics, the mean achievement score of experimental group was higher than that of control. Also, significant effect did not exist on treatment and gender, but, male have higher achievement mean score (i?½ = 57.50) than female counterparts(i?½ = 54.13). Multimedia positively influenced the academic performance of students in mathematics.

Acta Didactica Napocensia, 2017
The study investigated attitudes towards computer and computer self-efficacy as predictors of com... more The study investigated attitudes towards computer and computer self-efficacy as predictors of computer anxiety among 310 preservice mathematics teachers from five higher institutions of learning in Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria using the quantitative research method within the blueprint of the descriptive survey design. Data collected were analysed using the descriptive statistics of percentages, mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics of factor analysis, independent samples t-test, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Finding revealed that attitude toward computer assessed by the attitudes towards computer scale was a multi-dimensional construct (affective, perceived usefulness, behavioural intention and perceived control component). Gender differences in attitude toward computer and computer anxiety among preservice mathematics teachers were significant. Affective component, computer self-efficacy, perceived control component, and perceived usefulness component made statistically significant contributions to the variance in preservice mathematics teachers' computer anxiety. The study recommended among others that academic institutions should pay more attention to this computer anxiety and adopt proper ways of reducing the computer anxiety, so that positive e-learning experiences can be created for preservice teachers.

Some Nigerian universities have adopted computer-based test (CBT) for their courses/examinations ... more Some Nigerian universities have adopted computer-based test (CBT) for their courses/examinations and means of testing students. The perceptions of students on CBT in Nigerian universities have not been established and very few studies have focused on determining students’ perceptions of CBT. Thus, there was a need for this study to investigate students’ perceptions of CBT. The objective of this study was to investigate students’ perceptions of the usefulness; ease of use and credibility of CBT in Nigerian universities. The study adopted survey method of descriptive research. Sample was drawn from students from four Nigerian universities: Covenant University; Kogi State University; University of Ibadan; and University of Ilorin. A total of 1506 students’ represent the sample for the study. Data was analysed using percentage and mean to answer the research questions. The study revealed that students also had positive rating on perceived usefulness (64.3%), ease of use (66.1%), and cre...

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science
The effect of collaborative strategy on secondary school student's academic achievement and attit... more The effect of collaborative strategy on secondary school student's academic achievement and attitude towards mathematics in Lagos state was investigated in this study. It was an experimental study, and the design was pre-test, control group quasi-experimental. All secondary schools in educational district II picked randomly from six educational districts in Lagos state constitute the population for the study. The selection of two local government areas was done with simple random, one school was selected from each local government using random sampling, and one intact class of junior secondary school II selected from the two schools represents the study sample. The sample size was 60 junior secondary school II students. The instruments used for collecting data are Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and Students Mathematics Attitude Questionnaire (SMAQ). The instruments were validated, trialtested. The reliability coefficients of the two instruments were 0.88 and 0.89 respectively. Analysis of Covariance was used to analyse the collected data and to measure the two stated null hypotheses. From the results of the study, the effect of the treatment is not significant on student achievement in mathematics but, a significant difference exists in students' attitude to mathematics with the use of collaborative strategy. Mathematics teachers should ensure proper enhancement of collaborative strategy with thorough monitoring of the students in different groups while teaching mathematics.

Requirement for basic knowledge of some subjects has been considered as prerequisite for students... more Requirement for basic knowledge of some subjects has been considered as prerequisite for students in depth knowledge in other subjects and subsequent performance in the examinations among secondary school students. Mathematics is being considered as the bedrock of art and science subjects. However, there is need to establish the extent to which this claim is true especially between Mathematics and Chemistry hence this investigation. This study investigated the attitude of students to Mathematics in correlation to its relationship and influence in Chemistry, using multiple regressions. The study is a descriptive research of survey type. The instruments for data collection include, Student Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ), Mathematics and Chemistry Relationship (MCR) and Student Influence Questionnaire (SIQ). 475 students were randomly selected from 10 Secondary Schools in Oyo State, while one intact class was selected randomly from each school. The test items (SAQ), (MCR) and SIQ were ad...

This paper presents the teaching of mathematics in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous w... more This paper presents the teaching of mathematics in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world with the use of concrete – representational – abstract instructional strategy (CRAIS). The CRAIS involves active participation of students in learning. The study adopted the pretest-posttest, control group, quasi experimental design. 191 senior secondary II students from four public schools purposively selected from two local government areas in Ibadan municipality were randomly grouped into one experimental and one control group. The experimental group was exposed to CRAIS and the control to modified conventional teaching strategy for 6 weeks. Instrument used was Students’ Mathematics Achievement Test (r = 0.83). Two instructional guides on CRAIS and modified conventional teaching strategy were also used. Data were subjected to analysis of covariance. It was found out that the performance of the students taught with CRAIS improved significantly. Therefore, the teachers of mathemati...

Globalized Curriculum Methods for Modern Mathematics Education, 2019
In the Nigerian system of education, there is need for introducing modern technology of learning ... more In the Nigerian system of education, there is need for introducing modern technology of learning mathematics so as to ease the learning of mathematics and allow students to learn anywhere. In other to suit the features globalization, Edmodo, which is one of the learning management system packages, was considered in this study. In Edmodo class, normal teaching processes can be carried out such as teaching, immediate response from students, classwork and assignment, marking and grading, while both students and parents have access to the score of the students. In this study, emphasis is being placed on integration, benefits, and how to use Edmodo in teaching and learning of mathematics. The study concluded that the use of different technological packages in teaching will extend learning of mathematics from the four walls of the classroom to learning outside the classroom, which allows students to learn anywhere and at any time.

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science
The effect of collaborative strategy on secondary school student's academic achievement and attit... more The effect of collaborative strategy on secondary school student's academic achievement and attitude towards mathematics in Lagos state was investigated in this study. It was an experimental study, and the design was pre-test, control group quasi-experimental. All secondary schools in educational district II picked randomly from six educational districts in Lagos state constitute the population for the study. The selection of two local government areas was done with simple random, one school was selected from each local government using random sampling, and one intact class of junior secondary school II selected from the two schools represents the study sample. The sample size was 60 junior secondary school II students. The instruments used for collecting data are Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and Students Mathematics Attitude Questionnaire (SMAQ). The instruments were validated, trialtested. The reliability coefficients of the two instruments were 0.88 and 0.89 respectively. Analysis of Covariance was used to analyse the collected data and to measure the two stated null hypotheses. From the results of the study, the effect of the treatment is not significant on student achievement in mathematics but, a significant difference exists in students' attitude to mathematics with the use of collaborative strategy. Mathematics teachers should ensure proper enhancement of collaborative strategy with thorough monitoring of the students in different groups while teaching mathematics.

The study investigated attitudes towards computer and computer self-efficacy as predictors of com... more The study investigated attitudes towards computer and computer self-efficacy as predictors of computer anxiety among 310 preservice mathematics teachers from five higher institutions of learning in Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria using the quantitative research method within the blueprint of the descriptive survey design. Data collected were analysed using the descriptive statistics of percentages, mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics of factor analysis, independent samples t-test, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Finding revealed that attitude toward computer assessed by the attitudes towards computer scale was a multi-dimensional construct (affective, perceived usefulness, behavioural intention and perceived control component). Gender differences in attitude toward computer and computer anxiety among preservice mathematics teachers were significant. Affective component, computer self-efficacy, perceived control co...

Knowledge is power, adequate knowledge of a certain subject will be a gate way to great performan... more Knowledge is power, adequate knowledge of a certain subject will be a gate way to great performance in other subjects. Mathematics which is about problem solving, both in mathematics and real life, was found difficult to learn due to one reason or another. Poor performance in this subject is continuously leading to unsolved problem which is affecting so many other fields of study and every aspect of human lives. Things keep changing, so also the way of learning. Years back researchers focused on teaching strategies which yielded little result in learning. Presently attention is put on learning strategies which involve learning from students' mathematical thinking, this allow all students from different categories of learning difficulties to learn mathematics , which is the major focus of this book. Learning strategies considered in this work will help students to participate actively when learning any concepts in mathematics. Using technology and collaborative ways of learning m...
Papers by AKINOSO Sabainah Oyebola