Papers by A. Hudson-smith

Electronic Workshops in Computing, 2018
In the last decade significant resources have been invested for the digitisation of the collectio... more In the last decade significant resources have been invested for the digitisation of the collections of a large number of museums and galleries worldwide. In Europe alone, 10 million EUR is annually invested in Europeana (Europeana 2014). However, as we gradually move on from "the start-up phase" of digitisation (Hughes 2004), revenue generation and sustainability must be considered (Hughes 2004). Even beyond digitisation, generating revenue through innovation and in particular "finding new business models to sustain funding" (Simon 2011) ranks amongst museums' top challenges (Simon 2011). More importantly, despite the significant wealth of digitised assets museums now own, little has been done to investigate ways these institutions could financially benefit from their digitised collections. For art institutions in particular, this has been largely limited to the sale of image licenses, with the fear of losing this revenue posing as one of the key reasons art museums are reluctant to join the Open Content movement (Kapsalis 2016). This paper examines how recent technological advancements, such as image recognition and Print-on-Demand automation, can be utilised to take advantage of the wealth of digitised artworks museums and galleries have in their possession. A pilot study of the proposed solution at the State Museum of Contemporary Art (SMCA) in Thessaloniki, Greece, is covered and the findings are examined. Early feedback indicates that there is a significant potential in the utilisation of the aforementioned technologies for the monetisation of digitised collections. However, challenges such as blending the real-world experience with the digital experience, as well as flattening the learning curve of the technological solution for museum visitors, need to be addressed. Based on the pilot study at SMCA, this paper investigates how emerging technologies can be utilised to facilitate revenue generation for all museums and galleries with digitised collections.

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2016
In recent years, public engagement is increasingly viewed as more than an 'additional extra' in a... more In recent years, public engagement is increasingly viewed as more than an 'additional extra' in academia. In the UK, it is becoming more common for research projects to embrace public engagement with the belief that it informs research, enhances teaching and learning, and increases research impact on society. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to consider ways of incorporating public engagement activities into digital humanities research. This article discusses public engagement and digital humanities in practice, highlighting how museums are utilizing digital technology to engage the public. This article describes the development and presents the results of a case study: The QRator project, an application for digital interpretation in the museum and cultural heritage sector. The QRator project took an innovative, multidisciplinary approach to creating new ways for museum visitors to engage with museum objects and discussions. The objective was to understand how digital technologies, such as interactive labels and smartphones, create new ways for users to engage with museum objects; investigate the value and constraints of digital sources and methods involving cultural content; and demonstrate how crowdsourced digital interpretation may be utilized as a research source. This article will use the QRator project as a case study to explore how mobile devices and interactive digital labels can create new models for public engagement, visitor meaning-making (Silverman 1995,161-70), and the construction of multiple interpretations inside museum spaces. This article will also put emphasis on how public engagement can and should be a core consideration of digital humanities projects. 1 Introduction There has been an increasing focus on the role that universities can play in contributing to engaging the public in academic research (NCCPE 2015). This is emphasized by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, UK 1 , which adopted impact assessment as part of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework 2 , of which engagement was an integral part. Public engagement in academia is often described as a 'cluster' of activities including, but not restricted to, learning, programmes, and research that address specific social, economic, and political needs (Hall, 2010). Since the early 2000s, the term 'public engagement' has emerged as a widely used and highly flexible umbrella term to encapsulate the increasingly wide range of public-facing objectives, approaches, and activities that have become prominent in UK scholarly practice, particularly within science communication. Since this time, academic commitment to public engagement has deepened, and public engagement activities have become more institutionalized and professionalized across a range of academic disciplines. Although official definitions of public engagement have evolved over time and are varied, the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) offers a more general definition of public engagement that is applied across academia or higher education: 'Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public. Engagement is by definition a twoway process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit.' (NCCPE, 2015). University College London's (UCL) founding ethos provides a unique motivation to engage with people outside academia; UCL has a radical tradition of being open to all, and of responding to new ideas, challenges, and perspectives. The University continues to see
Mobile augmented reality has been introduced rapidly through various mobile applications ever sin... more Mobile augmented reality has been introduced rapidly through various mobile applications ever since smart phones became widespread. Geographic information system applications, especially those using location based service, have adapted this new computer vision technology, but current mobile AR applications which contain POI data only display location information. This forces the user to switch from an AR view to a conventional 2-dimensional view in order to receive continuous spatial information that covers a user's entire route. This paper will use a scenario-based approach and propose a solution that will provide linear spatial data, particularly route information, in mobile augmented reality applications.
Proceedings of the 18th International Academic MindTrek Conference on Media Business, Management, Content & Services - AcademicMindTrek '14, 2014
Whilst empathy is considered an essential component of what makes us human, it is arguably absent... more Whilst empathy is considered an essential component of what makes us human, it is arguably absent as a specific design element when creating modern communications. As such, this paper presents an approach to designing for empathy. We consider how design interventions related to a personal ritual within a church community may be extended and augmented in order to allow the concerns of individuals to be shared more widely between community members. It is intended that these interventions will promote conversation and support within the community, thus generating empathy.
Tales of things
Proceedings of the 2011 international workshop on Networking and object memories for the internet of things - NoME-IoT '11, 2011
In this position paper we provide an overview of the Tales of Things and Electronic Memory (TOTeM... more In this position paper we provide an overview of the Tales of Things and Electronic Memory (TOTeM) project - an 'Internet of Things' initiative concerned with the memory and value of everyday objects. Tales of Things provides a platform for any object, with a focus on old objects, to be augmented with information about its history and people's interactions with
Proceedings of the 2014 companion publication on Designing interactive systems - DIS Companion '14, 2014
Whilst empathy is considered an essential component of what makes us human, it is arguably absent... more Whilst empathy is considered an essential component of what makes us human, it is arguably absent as a specific design element when creating modern communications. As such, this paper presents an approach to designing for empathy. We consider how design interventions related to a personal ritual within a church community may be extended and augmented in order to allow the concerns of individuals to be shared more widely between community members. It is intended that these interventions will promote conversation and support within the community, thus generating empathy.

Social Science Computer Review, 2009
The authors describe how we are harnessing the power of web 2.0 technologies to create new approa... more The authors describe how we are harnessing the power of web 2.0 technologies to create new approaches to collecting, mapping, and sharing geocoded data. The authors begin with GMapCreator that lets users fashion new maps using Google Maps as a base. The authors then describe MapTube that enables users to archive maps and demonstrate how it can be used in a variety of contexts to share map information, to put existing maps into a form that can be shared, and to create new maps from the bottom-up using a combination of crowdcasting, crowdsourcing, and traditional broadcasting. The authors conclude by arguing that such tools are helping to define a neogeography that is essentially ‘‘mapping for the masses,’’ while noting that there are many issues of quality, accuracy, copyright, and trust that will influence the impact of these tools on map-based communication.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction - TEI '14, 2015
Whilst empathy is considered an essential component of what it means to be human, it is arguably ... more Whilst empathy is considered an essential component of what it means to be human, it is arguably absent as a design objective when creating modern communication systems. This paper presents an approach to designing for, as opposed to with, empathy using the example of two design interventions to create embodied rituals reflecting prayers and worries of individuals within a church community. The aim of these interventions is to facilitate conversation and support within the community, thus generating empathy between community members, and inciting prosocial behaviour through embodied cognition.
Tagging is Connecting: Shared Object Memories As Channels for Sociocultural Cohesion
M/C …, 2010
The Web, however, is a place (or many places) where the boundaries of space, time, and presence a... more The Web, however, is a place (or many places) where the boundaries of space, time, and presence are being reworked. Further, since we built this virtual world ourselves and are constantly involved in its evolution, the Web can tell us much about who we are and how we relate to others. ...

In this paper we outline the methodological development of current research into urban community ... more In this paper we outline the methodological development of current research into urban community formations based on combinations of qualitative (volunteered) and quantitative (spatial analytical and geo-statistical) data. We outline a research design that addresses problems of data quality relating to credibility in volunteered geographic information (VGI) intended for Web-enabled participatory planning. Here we have drawn on a dual notion of credibility in VGI data, and propose a methodological workflow to address its criteria. We propose a 'super-positional' model of urban community formations, and report on the combination of quantitative and participatory methods employed to underpin its integration. The objective of this methodological phase of study is to enhance confidence in the quality of data for Web-enabled participatory planning. Our participatory method has been supported by rigorous quantification of area characteristics, including participant communities' demographic and socioeconomic contexts. This participatory method provided participants with a ready and accessible format for observing and mark-making, which allowed the investigators to iterate rapidly a system design based on participants' responses to the workshop tasks. Participatory workshops have involved secondary school-age children in socioeconomically contrasting areas of Liverpool (Merseyside, UK), which offers a test-bed for comparing communities' formations in comparative contexts, while bringing an under-represented section of the population into a planning domain, whose experience may stem from public and non-motorised transport modalities. Data has been gathered through one-day participatory workshops, featuring questionnaire surveys, local site analysis, perception mapping and brief, textual descriptions. This innovative approach will support Web-based participation among stakeholding planners, who may benefit from well-structured, community-volunteered, geo-located definitions of local spaces.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2010
GISRUK 2015 Proceedings, Jul 22, 2015
This paper explores the use of mobile Electroencephalography (EEG) in the study of environmental
... more This paper explores the use of mobile Electroencephalography (EEG) in the study of environmental
perception and the ways the perception of physical measurements of a space may affect individual
walking behaviour. So far, the factor of an individual’s affective state has not been taken into account
in perceiving space. The hypothesis of this study is that that people perceive physical measurements
differently. The question posed is to what extend distance and route length perceptions are affected by
the psychological state, and whether these perceptions play a role on route planning. We propose the
use of mobile EEG, a technology that permits such insights, to augment the traditional arsenal of
questionnaires and selfreported measures of experience and mental representations of space.
Journal Articles by A. Hudson-smith
Recent advances in technology have moved the construction of virtual cities and Mirror Worlds out... more Recent advances in technology have moved the construction of virtual cities and Mirror Worlds out of the research lab and into the hands of the general user. In this paper we explore tools to create digital cities providing examples from Google Earth through to Second Life and into Crysis. Finally we explore the merging of worlds such as Second Life and Google Earth into Second Earth and look into the potential of these emerging ParaVerses.
Mashups, composed of mixing different types of software and data, first appeared in 2004 and 'map... more Mashups, composed of mixing different types of software and data, first appeared in 2004 and 'map mashups' quickly became the most popular forms of this software blending. This heralded a new kind of geography called 'Neogeography'in which non-expert users were able to exploit the power of maps without requiring the expertise traditionally associated, in the geographic world, with cartography and geographic information science, and, in computer science, with data structures and graphics programming.

Urban models can be seen on a continuum between iconic and symbolic. Generally speaking, iconic m... more Urban models can be seen on a continuum between iconic and symbolic. Generally speaking, iconic models are physical versions of the real world at some scaled down representation, while symbolic models represent the system in terms of the way they function replacing the physical or material system by some logical and/or mathematical formulae. Traditionally iconic and symbolic models were distinct classes of model but due to the rise of digital computing the distinction between the two is becoming blurred, with symbolic models being embedded into iconic models. However, such models tend to be single user. This paper demonstrates how 3D symbolic models in the form of agent-based simulations can be embedded into iconic models using the multi-user virtual world of Second Life. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates Second Life's potential for social science simulation. To demonstrate this, we first introduce Second Life and provide two exemplar models; Conway's Game of Life, and Schelling's Segregation Model which highlight how symbolic models can be viewed in an iconic environment. We then present a simple pedestrian evacuation model which merges the iconic and symbolic together and extends the model to directly incorporate avatars and agents in the same environment illustrating how 'real' participants can influence simulation outcomes. Such examples demonstrate the potential for creating highly visual, immersive, interactive agent-based models for social scientists in multi-user real time virtual worlds. The paper concludes with some final comments on problems with representing models in current virtual worlds and future avenues of research.

In this article, we explore the concepts and applications of Web 2.0 through the new media of Neo... more In this article, we explore the concepts and applications of Web 2.0 through the new media of NeoGeography and its impact on how we collect, interact and search for spatial information. We argue that location and space are
becoming increasingly important in the information technology revolution. To this end, we present a series of software tools which we have designed to facilitate the non-expert user to develop online visualisations which are essentially map-based. These are based on Google Map Creator, which can produce any number of thematic maps which can be overlaid on Google Maps. We then introduce MapTube, a technology to generate an archive of shared maps, before introducing Google Earth Creator, Image Cutter and PhotoOverlay Creator. All these tools allow users to display and share information over the web. Finally, we present how Second Life has the potential to combine all aspects of Web 2.0, visualisation and NeoGeography in a single multi-user three-dimensional collaborative environment.
Book Chapters by A. Hudson-smith
Advanced Geosimulation Models, 2011
Abstract: There is a growing interest in relating agent-based models to real-world locations by c... more Abstract: There is a growing interest in relating agent-based models to real-world locations by combining them with geographical information systems (GIS) which can be seen with the increase of geosimulation models in recent years. This coincides with the proliferation of digital data both in the two and three dimensions allowing one to construct detailed and extensive feature-rich and highly visual 3D city models.

The Internet and its World Wide Web (WWW) have revolutionised many aspects of our daily lives fro... more The Internet and its World Wide Web (WWW) have revolutionised many aspects of our daily lives from how we access and retrieve information to how we communicate with friends and peers. Over the past two decades, the Web has evolved from a system aimed primarily towards data access to a medium that fosters information contribution and interaction within large, globally distributed communities. Just as the Web evolved, so too did Web-based GeoComputation (GC), which we refer to here as the Geographic World Wide Web or the GeoWeb for short. Whereas the generation and viewing of geographical information was initially limited to the purview of specialists and dedicated workstations, it has now become of interest to the general public and is accessed using a variety of devices such as GPS-enabled smartphones and tablets. Accordingly, in order to meet the needs of this expanded constituency, the GeoWeb has evolved from displaying static maps to a dynamic environment where diverse datasets can be accessed, exchanged and mashed together. Within this chapter, we trace this evolution and corresponding paradigm shifts within the GeoWeb with a particular focus on Web 2.0 technologies. Furthermore, we explore the role of the crowd in consuming and producing geographical information and how this is influencing GeoWeb developments. Specifically, we are interested in how location provides a means to index and access information over the Internet. Next, we discuss the role of Digital Earth and virtual world paradigms for storing, manipulating and displaying geographical information in an immersive environment. We then discuss how GIS software is changing towards GIS services and the rise in location-based services (LBS) and lightweight software applications (so-called apps). Finally, we conclude with a summary of this chapter and discuss how the GeoWeb might evolve with the rise in massive amounts of locational data being generated through social media and the growth of augmented reality (AR) applications tied to specific locations.
Working Papers by A. Hudson-smith
Executive Summary The term'mash-up'refers to websites that weave data from different sources into... more Executive Summary The term'mash-up'refers to websites that weave data from different sources into new Web services. The key to a successful Web service is to gather and use large datasets and harness the scale of the Internet through what is known as network effects. This means that data sources are just as important as the software that'mashes' them, and one of the most profound pieces of data that a user has at any one time is his or her location.
Papers by A. Hudson-smith
perception and the ways the perception of physical measurements of a space may affect individual
walking behaviour. So far, the factor of an individual’s affective state has not been taken into account
in perceiving space. The hypothesis of this study is that that people perceive physical measurements
differently. The question posed is to what extend distance and route length perceptions are affected by
the psychological state, and whether these perceptions play a role on route planning. We propose the
use of mobile EEG, a technology that permits such insights, to augment the traditional arsenal of
questionnaires and selfreported measures of experience and mental representations of space.
Journal Articles by A. Hudson-smith
becoming increasingly important in the information technology revolution. To this end, we present a series of software tools which we have designed to facilitate the non-expert user to develop online visualisations which are essentially map-based. These are based on Google Map Creator, which can produce any number of thematic maps which can be overlaid on Google Maps. We then introduce MapTube, a technology to generate an archive of shared maps, before introducing Google Earth Creator, Image Cutter and PhotoOverlay Creator. All these tools allow users to display and share information over the web. Finally, we present how Second Life has the potential to combine all aspects of Web 2.0, visualisation and NeoGeography in a single multi-user three-dimensional collaborative environment.
Book Chapters by A. Hudson-smith
Working Papers by A. Hudson-smith
perception and the ways the perception of physical measurements of a space may affect individual
walking behaviour. So far, the factor of an individual’s affective state has not been taken into account
in perceiving space. The hypothesis of this study is that that people perceive physical measurements
differently. The question posed is to what extend distance and route length perceptions are affected by
the psychological state, and whether these perceptions play a role on route planning. We propose the
use of mobile EEG, a technology that permits such insights, to augment the traditional arsenal of
questionnaires and selfreported measures of experience and mental representations of space.
becoming increasingly important in the information technology revolution. To this end, we present a series of software tools which we have designed to facilitate the non-expert user to develop online visualisations which are essentially map-based. These are based on Google Map Creator, which can produce any number of thematic maps which can be overlaid on Google Maps. We then introduce MapTube, a technology to generate an archive of shared maps, before introducing Google Earth Creator, Image Cutter and PhotoOverlay Creator. All these tools allow users to display and share information over the web. Finally, we present how Second Life has the potential to combine all aspects of Web 2.0, visualisation and NeoGeography in a single multi-user three-dimensional collaborative environment.