Conference Presentations by Anne Habermehl
Archaeoacoustics III: The Archaeology of Sound, 2017
The conquest of the Canaanite city of Jericho by Joshua's forces, as famously narrated in the Heb... more The conquest of the Canaanite city of Jericho by Joshua's forces, as famously narrated in the Hebrew Bible, was a fascinating archaeoacoustic event. There were horns blowing, feet marching, shouts, the sounds of the wall falling, a fierce battle, and a great fire. Bible believers do not doubt that the conquest of Jericho took place as described in the historical account, and that the wall fell by Divine action. Skeptics say that archaeology proves there was no destruction of Jericho at the time in history when it should have occurred. Discussion of these issues shows that one's worldview will ultimately determine acceptance or rejection of the Jericho event as real history.
Archaeoacoustics II: The Archaeology of Sound, 2015
Published dates for ancient musical instruments are based on the standard historical timeline. Bu... more Published dates for ancient musical instruments are based on the standard historical timeline. But there is an alternative timeline calculated from historical information in the Bible that gives much younger dates. In this paper I will develop the two timelines, show common historical points that form bridges between them, and determine both dates for various ancient musical instruments. The two timelines have implications for the creation/evolution debate because evolution of the universe requires extremely long periods of time to have elapsed, while literal creationists accept that God created the entire universe in only six days. This also involves the question of whether musical instruments evolved over long periods of time, or whether they were part of the earliest cultures after Creation and Noah's Flood.
Archaeoacoustics: The Archaeology of Sound, 2014
The Divje Babe I Neanderthal bone flute has been a “bone of contention” ever since its discovery ... more The Divje Babe I Neanderthal bone flute has been a “bone of contention” ever since its discovery in Slovenia in 1995. At the heart of the controversy as to whether this object is a flute or not have been two opposing views of Neanderthals: the belief that these ancient people were primitive and dimwitted, based on the theory of evolution; or, alternatively, that they were far more culturally and intellectually superior than first thought, based on a biblical creationist worldview. Creationists believe that Neanderthals could have made and played flutes, among many other achievements. It is also shown that skull growth science points to the Neanderthals as the early long-lived people in the biblical genealogies.
Proceedings of the International Noah and Cudi Mountain Symposium, 2014
The unsuccessful search for Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat (Turkish Agri Dagh) has been driven largel... more The unsuccessful search for Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat (Turkish Agri Dagh) has been driven largely by traditions, claimed sightings, and strong belief. Surprisingly, there has been little scientific input into the question of the mountain where the Ark came to rest. This lack of attention to science has greatly hampered the search because science has an important role to play. Application of science shows that Mount Ararat cannot be the place where the Ark rested; however, science does not preclude Mount Cudi.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Creationism, 2008
There have been many alleged sightings of the Ark and numerous attempts to find it, mainly on Mou... more There have been many alleged sightings of the Ark and numerous attempts to find it, mainly on Mount Ararat, but search attempts so far have been without success. In the light of history, geology, and archaeology, we need to consider that the Ark probably landed elsewhere, and that there may be little of it left.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism, 2013
The necessity of revising the standard secular chronology of Egypt is widely accepted, but effort... more The necessity of revising the standard secular chronology of Egypt is widely accepted, but efforts to achieve this so far have been inadequate. By recognizing Joseph of the Bible as the famous Imhotep of Egyptian history, and 12th-Dynasty Amenemhat IV as the pharaoh of the Exodus, a drastic shortening and rearranging of the 3 rd to 12 th Dynasties is indicated, making the chronology of Egypt accord with that of the Bible.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism, 2013
The history, archaeology, geography, and geology of ancient Egypt are examined with respect to th... more The history, archaeology, geography, and geology of ancient Egypt are examined with respect to the post-Flood Ice Age. It is shown that the Ice Age must have ended before the formation of the Nile Delta, and therefore well before the beginnings of Egyptian civilization and Abraham’s visit to Egypt. It is shown that more time for events between the Flood and Abraham is needed than the Masoretic timeline allows; the longer chronology of the Septuagint is therefore most likely correct.

Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism , 2018
Controversy surrounds the Ipuwer Papyrus, an Egyptian manuscript residing in the Dutch National M... more Controversy surrounds the Ipuwer Papyrus, an Egyptian manuscript residing in the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, Netherlands. On the one side are those who claim that this manuscript describes chaotic conditions in Egypt at the time of the biblical Exodus. On the other side are those who deny this on the basis of disbelief that the Exodus ever took place, or who claim that the date of the events described in the manuscript is wrong for the Exodus. In this paper we show that this ancient document most likely describes Exodus conditions; and that the Ipuwer Papyrus therefore offers strong extra-biblical evidence for a historical Exodus. With respect to dating the events in this papyrus, it needs to be understood that the secular historical timeline diverges from the biblical timeline, and furthermore, that the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom of Egypt ended at the same time (contrary to the standard history). This puts the manuscript’s original date (as determined by scholars) exactly where it should be. The question of divergence of the secular and biblical timelines is a matter of enormous importance for biblical apologetics. Often secular scholars declare that biblical events like the Exodus cannot have taken place because there are no evidences of these at the time in history where the Bible places them. The Ipuwer papyrus therefore supports a divergence of several hundred years between the biblical and secular timelines at the time of the Exodus.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism, 2018
Gӧbekli Tepe is a prehistoric archaeological site in SE Turkey that has captured the attention of... more Gӧbekli Tepe is a prehistoric archaeological site in SE Turkey that has captured the attention of the world by how advanced it is for its age, an astounding 12,000 years old on the conventional timeline. This has required conventional scholars to readjust their thinking about the capabilities of ancient people because, according to their worldview, humans should not have been able to produce carved stone monuments like these that far back in time. Creationists
Papers by Anne Habermehl

Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2024
Although the best-known feature of Babel in the Biblical narrative was the tower that Noah's desc... more Although the best-known feature of Babel in the Biblical narrative was the tower that Noah's descendants began to build in Shinar, the Bible says that they were constructing a "city" there as well. No details are included of either the Babel city or tower. However, as this paper will show, the Tower of Babel was likely a ziggurat (stepped pyramid), and the city that accompanied the Tower was most likely composed of temples and various other religious structures. We infer this because around the world we see many ancient pagan religious complexes consisting of ziggurats together with temples and other buildings. The archaeological similarity of these far-flung ziggurats has been noted by many scholars, both Biblical and secular. It appears that after the Babel dispersion, far from learning their lesson when God intervened by stopping the work and confusing their language, men went on to build ziggurats and temple complexes wherever they settled all over the world. It is proposed here that these complexes were patterned after the original one that they had started to build back in Babel. These worldwide pyramid complexes constitute witness to the truth of the Biblical account and are compelling archaeological support for the authenticity of the Biblical story of Babel. The rebellion against God by Noah's descendants at Babel cannot be overestimated in its profound effects on mankind. In showing evidence for taking the Babel story literally, as in this paper, the creationist worldview is supported.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism, 2008
There have been many alleged sightings of the Ark and numerous attempts to find it, mainly on Mou... more There have been many alleged sightings of the Ark and numerous attempts to find it, mainly on Mount Ararat, but search attempts so far have been without success. In the light of history, geology, and archaeology, we need to consider that the Ark probably landed elsewhere, and that there may be little of it left.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism, 2013
The necessity of revising the standard secular chronology of Egypt is widely accepted, but effort... more The necessity of revising the standard secular chronology of Egypt is widely accepted, but efforts to achieve this so far have been inadequate. By recognizing Joseph of the Bible as the famous Imhotep of Egyptian history, and 12 th-Dynasty Amenemhat IV as the pharaoh of the Exodus, a drastic shortening and rearranging of the 3 rd to 12 th Dynasties is indicated, making the chronology of Egypt accord with that of the Bible.

Answers Research Journal, 2023
In this paper we will show that the biblical and Egyptian chronologies produce timelines that div... more In this paper we will show that the biblical and Egyptian chronologies produce timelines that diverge greatly back before about 600 B.C. This has important implications for interpreting archaeological findings, which are usually published with Egyptian dates, and no indication is given that the biblical dates might be different. The result is claims that the Bible is wrong, or even that events like the Exodus never happened at all, because scholars are looking for these events in the wrong place in time. This produces widespread disbelief in the authority of the Bible, making chronology a crucial branch of biblical apologetics. We therefore need to apply solid scholarship to the subject of synchronizing the biblical and Egyptian timelines, because there is a lot at stake—the very foundations of our belief system are in question. The synchronization of the two timelines laid out here will show where scholars should look for biblical events on the Egyptian timeline and, conversely, Egyptian events on the biblical timeline.

Answers Research Journal, 2023
Determining when Jericho was overthrown by Joshua's army is significant because it not only suppo... more Determining when Jericho was overthrown by Joshua's army is significant because it not only supports the date of the Exodus, but it also dates the conquest of Canaan. This date must also synchronize with the destruction of Ai and Hazor, two Canaanite cities destroyed at about the same time. Biblical archaeologists have disagreed over which Jericho wall fell for Joshua, and which was the later wall built by Hiel in the time of Ahab. In this paper it will be shown that Joshua's wall was the one destroyed at the end of the Early Bronze IIIB period and Hiel's wall dates to the Middle Bronze I. In addition, the great Middle Bronze II-III embankment fortification that is widely and erroneously considered to be Joshua's wall was built sometime after Hiel's wall. Some scholars have pointed to the wrong Jericho walls because they do not recognize divergence of the biblical and standard timelines, or they disregard factors such as culture changes before and after Joshua's destruction. Others do not recognize the authority of the Bible, but express doubt that Joshua's conquest of Jericho ever happened at all; their conventional dating of the event is usually the reason for this disbelief.
The history, archaeology, geography, and geology of ancient Egypt are examined with respect to th... more The history, archaeology, geography, and geology of ancient Egypt are examined with respect to the post-Flood Ice Age. It is shown that the Ice Age must have ended before the formation of the Nile Delta, and therefore well before the beginnings of Egyptian civilization and Abraham's visit to Egypt. It is shown that more time for events between the Flood and Abraham is needed than the Masoretic timeline allows; the longer chronology of the Septuagint is therefore most likely correct.
It is believed by many that Job lived during the Ice Age and that The Book of Job is the oldest b... more It is believed by many that Job lived during the Ice Age and that The Book of Job is the oldest book in the Bible. However, it is shown in this first installment of a three-part series that these traditional beliefs about Job most likely are not true. It is shown that Job lived some centuries after Abraham, long after the end of the Ice Age. We will look at who Job was, as he appears in the Masoretic Bible; how his friends fit into the story; and in what language The Book of Job may have been originally written. The role of the LXX will be examined in Part 2 of this series.
In this second part on Job, we look at additional information from ancient sources. The Septuagin... more In this second part on Job, we look at additional information from ancient sources. The Septuagint coda to The Book of Job is shown to be historical, telling us details of Job's lineage from Abraham and when Job lived. Job also appears in Egyptian and Near Eastern sources. Arguments from the concept of probability show that Job must have been Jobab, the second king of Edom, and a descendant of Abraham.
In this third part of our series on Job, we look at Job's country of Edom: its name, its geograph... more In this third part of our series on Job, we look at Job's country of Edom: its name, its geographical extent, its connection to Seir, who the King of Edom might have been when Moses wanted to cross his territory, where Teman (home of Eliphaz) was, and whether there really was a country of Edom as early as the third millennium BC on the secular timeline.
Young-earth creationists rightly consider that Neanderthals were human, but are divided on variou... more Young-earth creationists rightly consider that Neanderthals were human, but are divided on various issues, mainly because of the opposing views of Jack Cuozzo, author of Buried Alive! and Marvin Lubenow, author of Bones of Contention. These differences include Neanderthal lifespan, causes of the Neanderthal distinctive morphology, why the Neanderthals disappeared, length of Neanderthal children’s maturation time, whether we can place Neanderthals in biblical history, and the related issue of whether Homo erectus was human. In addition, Neanderthals are implicated in matters that include the Babel dispersion, earth’s breakup, DNA, patterns of world population, the Ice Age, archaeology and historical timeline.
Journal of Creation, 2018
Solomon's father-in-law is shown to have been 18 th-Dynasty Thutmose III, who captured and burned... more Solomon's father-in-law is shown to have been 18 th-Dynasty Thutmose III, who captured and burned Gezer and presented it to his daughter, Solomon's bride, as a wedding present. The reign of Hatshepsut, aunt/stepmother to Thutmose III, possibly overlapped with Solomon's early reign for a few years (although she was not the Queen of Sheba). Arguments that Shishak was Rameses II are shown to be flawed. A difference of about 470 years between the biblical and secular chronologies at the time of Solomon is therefore postulated. This moves all post-Thutmose III history forward into the first millennium bc.
Conference Presentations by Anne Habermehl
Papers by Anne Habermehl