Papers by Andrea Gross-Bošković

Ochratoxin A is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by the fungi of the Aspergillus and Penicil... more Ochratoxin A is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by the fungi of the Aspergillus and Penicillium species. The data indicate to frequent ochratoxin A contamination of cereals and cereal products and consequently to possible contamination of meat and meat products. The aim of this study was to determine the possible level of consumer exposure to ochratoxin A through consumption of traditional meat products contaminated with this toxin. Taking into account the dietary habits and concentration of ochratoxin A in various meat products derived from raw material of treated animals the potential exposure to ochratoxin A was estimated. The results showed that the probability of exposure to ochratoxin A in a dose that is above the TWI (120 ng/kg BW per week) is very low. The data showed that through the consumption of pancetta alone 0.8% of the population could be exposed to ochratoxin A in a dose which is above the TWI value de ned by the EFSA. The data for kulen, Slavonian sausage, smoked ham and smoked ribs indicated that it is unlikely for the population (average body weight 70 kg) to be exposed to ochratoxin A in doses greater than TWI if consuming contaminated meat products.
Food Control, 2017
consideration, such as generating data on the issue, starting a full risk assessment and/or consu... more consideration, such as generating data on the issue, starting a full risk assessment and/or consultation of other bodies. According to the emerging risks identification process set in place at EFSA, the issues discussed and found of relevance by EREN were sent to the EFSA's Scientific Committee Standing Working Group on Emerging Risks for final evaluation. With four case studies, i.e the zoonotic potential of Usutu virus, risk of ciguatera fish poisoning in EU, zoonotic aspects of illegally imported wildlife products and benefits and risks of 3D food printing, the method developed to preliminary assess signals of potential emerging issues is presented and discussed.

Many classes of pathogens excreted in faeces and resistant in the water environment are able to i... more Many classes of pathogens excreted in faeces and resistant in the water environment are able to initiate waterborne infections. Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. are most important water borne parasites. Protozoa of the genus Cryptosporidium, a group of 27 species and more than 60 genotypes, have been identified worldwide as leading cause of gastrointestinal illness in a variety of vertebrate hosts. More than 15 species of Cryptosporidium have been reported to cause human infections, especially in immunosuppressed population, and the most of them have been related to Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum. Another water-borne heterogeneous protozoan parasite G. duodenalis has been divided in potentially zoonotic Assemblages A and B and host specific (C-H). The primary mode of transmission is through oral routes ; infections spread with the ingestion of cysts and oocysts by susceptible animals or humans. Shellfish can be used as indicators of pathogen pollution ...

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2015
Concentrations of heavy metals: Cd, Pb, As and Hg, were measured using atomic absorption spectrop... more Concentrations of heavy metals: Cd, Pb, As and Hg, were measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the muscle tissue, kidney and liver of free-living wild boars. Samples were taken from 126 animals, hunted in December 2008 and January 2009, in ten selected hunting grounds in three counties of eastern Croatia: Virovitica-Podravina, Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem Counties. The accumulation of Cd and Hg in the kidney and liver was higher than those found in the liver and muscle tissue. Mean concentrations of Cd (1.4077-2.8214 mg kg-1) and Hg (0.1441-0.2990 mg kg-1) in the kidney, as well as Pb level in the muscle tissue (0.1425-0.1799 mg kg-1) in all three counties exceeded the maximum allowable values according to food safety standards. Mean As concentration (0.0130-0.0190 mg kg-1) was below the maximum allowable values in all analysed tissues. Accumulation of As was higher in Osijek-Baranja County, which is related to increased concentration in groundwater. Considering ...
Raw milk selling from vending machines appeared in Croatia 4-5 years before. Until then milk was ... more Raw milk selling from vending machines appeared in Croatia 4-5 years before. Until then milk was bought in the original packaging with declared chemical composition after pasteurization or sterilization process. For milk from vending machines, there is no obligation to declaring the chemical composition of milk. Therefore, this study attempted to determine chemical quality of raw milk (hereinafter milk) from vending machines. The results indicate a large range of monitored chemical parameters.
Zbog sve veceg oneciscenja prirode, prisutna je povecana koncentracija teskih metala (olovo, kadm... more Zbog sve veceg oneciscenja prirode, prisutna je povecana koncentracija teskih metala (olovo, kadmij, arsen, živa) u prirodi. Poznati su mehanizmi djelovanja teskih metala, no nisu svi do kraja istraženi. Divljac obitava u prirodi i ondje se hrani, stoga je izložena povecanim koncentracijama teskih metala, koji putem lanca ishrane, ulaze u njihov organizam i talože se u razlicitim tkivima, sto u konacnici ima utjecaj na kvalitetu mesa i zdravlje samoga covjeka. Kako bi se povecala kvaliteta mesa divljaci, koje je izuzetnih nutritivnih vrijednosti, potrebno je usmjeriti daljnja istraživanja prema pojedinoj vrsti divljaci kako bi se eliminirali teski metali iz organizma i tako povecala sigurnost i kvaliteta mesa namijenjenog ljudskoj uporabi.
Composición mineral del músculo longissimus crudo derivado de canales bovinas producidas y clasif... more Composición mineral del músculo longissimus crudo derivado de canales bovinas producidas y clasifi cadas en Venezuela. Arch. Latinoam. Nutric. 53, 96-101. Ikem, A., N. O. Egiebor (2006): Assessment of trace elements in canned fi shes (mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines and herrings) marketed in Georgia and Alabama (United States of America). J. Food Compos. Anal. 18, 771-787. Institute of Medicine (2001): Dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc. A Report of the Panel of Micronutrients, Subcommittees on Upper Reference Levels of Nutrients and of Interpretation and Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes and the Standing Committee on the Scientifi c

Prirucnik Utjecaj poljoprivrede na kakvocu hrane u pogranicnome podrucju interdisciplinarni je pr... more Prirucnik Utjecaj poljoprivrede na kakvocu hrane u pogranicnome podrucju interdisciplinarni je prikaz utjecaja poljoprivrednih tehnologija na kakvocu hrane u okviru IPA projekta Doprinos poljoprivrede cistom okolisu i zdravoj hrani (Agriculture Contribution Towards Clean Environment and Healthy Food). U prirucniku je u sest dijelova prikazan sustav kontrole kakvoce hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj, stauts esencijalnih i stetnih teskih metala u tlima Osjecko-baranjske i Vukovarsko-srijemske županije, antiokisdativna svojstva povrca, zastita uskladistenih proizvoda od stetocina, tehnologija obogacivanja animalnih proizvoda i utjecaj pesticida na kakvocu hrane. U prvom je poglavlju citatelju prikazana zakonska osnova sigurnosti hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj i uloga Hrvatske agencije za hranu u povezivanju institucija koje se bave zdravstvenom ispravnoscu hrane. Krajnji je cilj povezana i standardizirana kontrola hrane po nacelima analize rizika. Teski metali s aspekta neophodnosti, korisnosti...
Papers by Andrea Gross-Bošković