Papers by A. Enrique Salvo Tierra
Millars. Espai i Història, 2024
The conceptual iconographic types of the Madonna of Humility and the Madonna of the Rose Garden p... more The conceptual iconographic types of the Madonna of Humility and the Madonna of the Rose Garden present a wide variety of plant species with religious significance. This study aims to identify and analyse the predominant flowers in each of them in order to carry out an iconographic interpretation. This is based on medieval theological and literary sources, as well as floriculture and garden design in the late Middle Ages. Additionally, a brief history of both types will be provided.
Millars, 2024
The conceptual iconographic types of the Madonna of Humility and the Madonna of the Rose Garden p... more The conceptual iconographic types of the Madonna of Humility and the Madonna of the Rose Garden present a wide variety of plant species with religious significance. This study aims to identify and analyse the predominant flowers in each of them in order to carry out an iconographic interpretation. This is based on medieval theological and literary sources, as well as floriculture and garden design in the late Middle Ages. Additionally, a brief history of both types will be provided.
Key words: Madonna, Humility, Rose Garden, garden, Middle Ages, Modern Times.

Land, Feb 8, 2024
This in-depth floristic study, conducted from 2019 to 2023 in nine temporary wetlands in the Guel... more This in-depth floristic study, conducted from 2019 to 2023 in nine temporary wetlands in the Guelma and Souk Ahras provinces, northeastern Algeria, aims to highlight the natural heritage of the region by analyzing the floristic composition in relation to environmental conditions. To achieve this goal, comprehensive inventories were conducted, revealing the presence of 317 species belonging to 64 botanical families and distributed across 204 genera. The plant diversity at each site was assessed using various biological indices, with a particular focus on the Taxonomic Distinctiveness Index (TDI) to determine the influence of environmental factors such as fires, altitude, overgrazing and agropastoral activities on biodiversity. The results highlighted the dominance of therophytes (43.22%) and the prevalence of the Mediterranean assemblage (66.25%). Moreover, 8.83% of the species were endemic, 1.89% were protected by Algerian legislation and 1.26% were listed on the IUCN Red List. The study identified Priority Conservation Zones (PCA) where the preservation of ponds, particularly MTG, TRC, BTH, and GZE, is crucial. Additionally, floristic and ecological boundaries between ponds were identified, highlighting marked biological similarities between certain pairs and notable isolations, particularly evident in the case of BTH with a significantly high TDI. These results underscore the critical importance of the studied region, emphasizing the need to integrate its floristic biodiversity into conservation efforts to enhance overall ecological integrity.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Durante la pasada primavera tuvimos oportunidad de herborizar y realizar algunos inventarios fit... more Durante la pasada primavera tuvimos oportunidad de herborizar y realizar algunos inventarios fito-sociologicos en las islas Chafarinas, territorio espanol situado en las proximidades de la costa norteafricana donde, hasta donde llegan nuestras noticias, ningun botanico ha realizado estudios de este tipo. En el presente trabajo damos a conocer el catalogo floristico de dichas islas a excepcion de los liquenes, que son todavia objeto de estudio.

Frontiers in Plant Science, Dec 23, 2022
Acute and early symptoms of forest dieback linked to climate warming and drought episodes have be... more Acute and early symptoms of forest dieback linked to climate warming and drought episodes have been reported for relict Abies pinsapo Boiss. fir forests from Southern Spain, particularly at their lower ecotone. Satellite, orthoimages, and field data were used to assess forest decline, tree mortality, and gap formation and recolonization in the lower half of the altitudinal range of A. pinsapo forests (850-1550 m) for the last 36 years (1985-2020). Field surveys were carried out in 2003 and in 2020 to characterize changes in stand canopy structure and mortality rates across the altitudinal range. Time series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at the end of the dry season (derived from Landsat 5 and 7 imagery) were used for a Dynamic Factor Analysis to detect common trends across altitudinal bands and topographic solar incidence gradients (SI). Historical canopy cover changes were analyzed through aerial orthoimages classification. Here we show that extensive decline and mortality contrast to the almost steady alive basal area for 17 years, as well as the rising photosynthetic activity derived from NDVI since the mid-2000s and an increase in the forest canopy cover in the late years at mid and high altitudes. We hypothesized that these results suggest an unexpected resilience in A. pinsapo forests to climate change-induced dieback, that might be promoted by compensation mechanisms such as (i) recruitment of new A. pinsapo individuals; (ii) facilitative effects on such recruitment mediated by revegetation with other species; and (iii) a 'release effect' in which surviving trees can thrive with fewer resource competition. Future research is needed to understand these compensation mechanisms and their scope in future climate change scenarios.

The classification system of plant communities using phytosociological methods can be applied to ... more The classification system of plant communities using phytosociological methods can be applied to their conservation in protected areas, as well as in establishing adequate protections and granting legal status to such areas. A new integrative index is developed to classify plant communities for the evaluation of the conservation status of protected areas, obtained from the product of three statistical indices of diversity: Syntaxonomic Distinctness, Rarefaction and Areas Prioritisation, which has been named DRA (acronym of the three indices used). The DRA is used to assess whether the status granted to Protected Areas matches the values provided by the plant communities within them and which were the basis for the identification and description of the Habitats of Community Interest (Habitats Directive—92/43/CEE). The proposed method was applied to the network of protected natural areas on the Andalusian coast, including 14 areas with different protection status, where, once the plan...

Plants, 2023
The classification system of plant communities using phytosociological methods can be
applied to... more The classification system of plant communities using phytosociological methods can be
applied to their conservation in protected areas, as well as in establishing adequate protections and
granting legal status to such areas. A new integrative index is developed to classify plant communities
for the evaluation of the conservation status of protected areas, obtained from the product of three
statistical indices of diversity: Syntaxonomic Distinctness, Rarefaction and Areas Prioritisation, which
has been named DRA (acronym of the three indices used). The DRA is used to assess whether the
status granted to Protected Areas matches the values provided by the plant communities within
them and which were the basis for the identification and description of the Habitats of Community
Interest (Habitats Directive—92/43/CEE). The proposed method was applied to the network of
protected natural areas on the Andalusian coast, including 14 areas with different protection status,
where, once the plant communities they contain were identified, the DRA index was applied to
each of them and compared with the Legal Protection Index, i.e., the current protection regime; it
becomes clear, objectively, that not all the statuses assigned, whether the IUCN criteria or those of the
Andalusian government, correspond to the real levels of protection they should have on the basis of
their plant communities.
Mediterranean Botany
The identification of priority conservation areas (PCA) plays an important role in biodiversity c... more The identification of priority conservation areas (PCA) plays an important role in biodiversity conservation, but uncertainties create challenges for conservation planning. The objective was to test a method based on 'taxonomic distinctness' (TD) and to identify PCA to quantify the heritage value of a territory and establish the most appropriate conservation measures. The researchers performed a systematic and phytogeographical analysis of ten islands in northeastern Algeria, a biological hotspot with heterogeneous ecosystem types and subject to socio-economic pressures. The biological diversity represented by 223 species in these environments reflects a high rate of endemicity (13%).

Acute and early symptoms of forest dieback linked to climate warming and drought episodes have be... more Acute and early symptoms of forest dieback linked to climate warming and drought episodes have been reported for relict Abies pinsapo Boiss. fir forests from Southern Spain, particularly at their lower ecotone. Satellite, orthoimages, and field data were used to assess forest decline, tree mortality, and gap formation and recolonization in the lower half of the altitudinal range of A. pinsapo forests (850-1550 m) for the last 36 years (1985-2020). Field surveys were carried out in 2003 and in 2020 to characterize changes in stand canopy structure and mortality rates across the altitudinal range. Time series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at the end of the dry season (derived from Landsat 5 and 7 imagery) were used for a Dynamic Factor Analysis to detect common trends across altitudinal bands and topographic solar incidence gradients (SI). Historical canopy cover changes were analyzed through aerial orthoimages classification. Here we show that extensive decline and mortality contrast to the almost steady alive basal area for 17 years, as well as the rising photosynthetic activity derived from NDVI since the mid-2000s and an increase in the forest canopy cover in the late years at mid and high altitudes. We hypothesized that these results suggest an unexpected resilience in A. pinsapo forests to climate change-induced dieback, that might be promoted by compensation mechanisms such as (i) recruitment of new A. pinsapo individuals; (ii) facilitative effects on such recruitment mediated by revegetation with other species; and (iii) a 'release effect' in which surviving trees can thrive with fewer resource competition. Future research is needed to understand these compensation mechanisms and their scope in future climate change scenarios.

The identification of priority conservation areas (PCA) plays an important role in biodiversity c... more The identification of priority conservation areas (PCA) plays an important role in biodiversity conservation, but uncertainties create challenges for conservation planning. The objective was to test a method based on 'taxonomic distinctness' (TD) and to identify PCA to quantify the heritage value of a territory and establish the most appropriate conservation measures. The researchers performed a systematic and phytogeographical analysis of ten islands in northeastern Algeria, a biological hotspot with heterogeneous ecosystem types and subject to socioeconomic pressures. The biological diversity represented by 223 species in these environments reflects a high rate of endemicity (13%). The floristic similarity between the islands is estimated at 89.9%. Additionally, four distinct plant groups have been identified by the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). These groupings are linked to the edaphic characteristics and the degree of insularity.

The coastal environments of Andalusia have been subjected to strong pressures of anthropic origin... more The coastal environments of Andalusia have been subjected to strong pressures of anthropic origin: tourism, urbanizations, recreational activities, invasions of alien species , etc., which have fragmented and altered, in the last 60 years, their structure, composition and functionality from a phytocenological point of view, which implies a threat to the conservation status of Natural habitats of Community interest, endangered species and, in sum, of plant biodiversity. From the study of 14 coastal protected areas (PAs), different conservation and anthropic interaction analyzes have been performed and, finally, the consistency of the nodes and the integral degree of effectiveness of the network have been estimated. It is observed that the intense artificialization of the Andalusian coast has produced a fragmentation of habitats and a loss of connectivity between focal habitats in coastal PAs, being especially important between the Mediterranean and Atlantic PAs blocks, separated by t...
En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio morfologico, ecologico y corologico del genero Pleur... more En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio morfologico, ecologico y corologico del genero Pleurosorus en la Peninsula Iberica, en el que se discute sobre su validez y se da a conocer una nueva especie: Pleurosorus nevadensis .
Acta Botanica Malacitana, 2019
Se realiza una recensión de los 38 volúmenes de Acta Botanica Malacitana, así como de los dos núm... more Se realiza una recensión de los 38 volúmenes de Acta Botanica Malacitana, así como de los dos números de Trabajos y Monografías del Departamento de Botánica. Así mismo se realiza un análisis bibliométrico y se construyen varios índices de autores, temáticas y novedades corológicas, taxonómicas y sintaxonómicas.
RESUMEN: Se valora el estado de conservación de las poblaciones de 43 especies de heléchos en el ... more RESUMEN: Se valora el estado de conservación de las poblaciones de 43 especies de heléchos en el ámbito de la Comunidad Valenciana, aplicando el sistema de categorías de la U.I.C.N., destacándose los táxones más amenazados de dicho territorio.
Papers by A. Enrique Salvo Tierra
Key words: Madonna, Humility, Rose Garden, garden, Middle Ages, Modern Times.
applied to their conservation in protected areas, as well as in establishing adequate protections and
granting legal status to such areas. A new integrative index is developed to classify plant communities
for the evaluation of the conservation status of protected areas, obtained from the product of three
statistical indices of diversity: Syntaxonomic Distinctness, Rarefaction and Areas Prioritisation, which
has been named DRA (acronym of the three indices used). The DRA is used to assess whether the
status granted to Protected Areas matches the values provided by the plant communities within
them and which were the basis for the identification and description of the Habitats of Community
Interest (Habitats Directive—92/43/CEE). The proposed method was applied to the network of
protected natural areas on the Andalusian coast, including 14 areas with different protection status,
where, once the plant communities they contain were identified, the DRA index was applied to
each of them and compared with the Legal Protection Index, i.e., the current protection regime; it
becomes clear, objectively, that not all the statuses assigned, whether the IUCN criteria or those of the
Andalusian government, correspond to the real levels of protection they should have on the basis of
their plant communities.
Key words: Madonna, Humility, Rose Garden, garden, Middle Ages, Modern Times.
applied to their conservation in protected areas, as well as in establishing adequate protections and
granting legal status to such areas. A new integrative index is developed to classify plant communities
for the evaluation of the conservation status of protected areas, obtained from the product of three
statistical indices of diversity: Syntaxonomic Distinctness, Rarefaction and Areas Prioritisation, which
has been named DRA (acronym of the three indices used). The DRA is used to assess whether the
status granted to Protected Areas matches the values provided by the plant communities within
them and which were the basis for the identification and description of the Habitats of Community
Interest (Habitats Directive—92/43/CEE). The proposed method was applied to the network of
protected natural areas on the Andalusian coast, including 14 areas with different protection status,
where, once the plant communities they contain were identified, the DRA index was applied to
each of them and compared with the Legal Protection Index, i.e., the current protection regime; it
becomes clear, objectively, that not all the statuses assigned, whether the IUCN criteria or those of the
Andalusian government, correspond to the real levels of protection they should have on the basis of
their plant communities.