Papers by ADELIA DE MIGUEL NEGREDO, Oct 29, 2012
El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer los valores actuales de estudiantes de centros educat... more El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer los valores actuales de estudiantes de centros educativos de Almería. Participaron 351 estudiantes de educación secundaria y bachiller y otros 252 estudiantes universitarios. Se evaluaron 21 valores según la importancia que les asignaban y la satisfacción que sentían respecto a las acciones que tenían en dirección a esos valores. Se ha realizado un análisis descriptivo (media, desviación típica, significación) y correlacional (r de Pearson y rho de Spearman). Los resultados muestran, a nivel global, que los tres valores más importantes son la familia, tener un buen trabajo y tener buenos amigos. Esta valoración presenta algunas variaciones inter-género y según la edad. Igualmente, se analiza la satisfacción percibida con los valores, siendo la familia, la tolerancia y el respeto los que mayor puntuación alcanzan. La concordancia entre la importancia concedida y los niveles de satisfacción en cada valor es mayor cuando se considera a ambas variables como cuantitativas que como ordinales.
Análisis y modificación de conducta, 2000

International journal of psychology and psychological therapy, 2010
Ageist Stereotypes by Aging People: Real Factor Structures and Psychometric Properties of Two Que... more Ageist Stereotypes by Aging People: Real Factor Structures and Psychometric Properties of Two Questionnaires. Today, ageism study doesn't use tests that assessed this attitude 30 years ago, and there is not any definition for this-ism. 112 older adults (94 female and 18 male), who were living in the community, were asked to complete two of these tests assessing aging perceptions. The present study shows real factor structures for both instruments, comparing them with original structures. Reliability, temporal stability and convergent validity data are included. Ageism have positive and negative cognitive factors, like Jano, with 63% of variance and Cronbach's alpha of 0.63 for positive attitude big factor and 0.46 for negative attitude big factor. Gender differences appeared for last factor (female scored higher than male). These results support the viability of two old instruments to assess real attitudes, and give evidence for duality and multifactorial composition of ageism.
Análisis y modificación de conducta, 1994
2.4. Una hipótesis justificativa (relación entre estrés y salud) y una carencia de base (las dife... more 2.4. Una hipótesis justificativa (relación entre estrés y salud) y una carencia de base (las diferencias itidividuales

International journal of psychology and psychological therapy, 2005
Este estudio presenta datos que avalan la necesidad de elaborar nuevos baremos en función del gén... more Este estudio presenta datos que avalan la necesidad de elaborar nuevos baremos en función del género, la edad y el nivel académico para el instrumento NEO-PI-R, cuyo manual adaptado para España se publicó en TEA en 1999. La muestra evaluada estaba formada por 200 estudiantes universitarios y 560 adultos. Los resultados indican claras diferencias intergénero intramuestra, diferencias entre grupos de edad (cinco grupos desde 18 hasta 70 años para adultos y dos grupos desde 19 hasta 30 para estudiantes) intramuestra y diferencias intermuestrales. No aparece un patrón único diferencial aplicable a los rasgos y a las facetas. Estos datos indican que los procesos de maduración intrínseca que defienden Costa y McCrae para las cinco tendencias básicas son suficientemente importantes como para considerarlos en la realización de baremos diferenciales adecuados a cada cultura donde se utilice, teniendo en consideración las variables de edad, género y nivel académica.

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, May 31, 2020
Assessing the relevance of temperament traits to predict sexual fluidity, taking into account gen... more Assessing the relevance of temperament traits to predict sexual fluidity, taking into account gender and sexual orientation, was the main goal of this paper. Participants (435 Spanish young-adults students, 310 females and 125 males) completed an online questionnaire, which included measures of sexual fluidity, the short version of the Big Five Inventory, two factors of Sensation Seeking Scale, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Analyses showed gender differences in sexual fluidity, anxiety and sensation seeking. Sexually fluid individuals also reported higher scores than no-sexually fluid individuals in these factors. Bisexual orientation, anxiety-trait and sensation seeking were good predictors of female sexual fluidity. Anxiety state was relevant to male sexual fluidity. We concluded that sexual fluidity can be related to emotional and biological personality traits, but it is not clear if the origin of this relationship is only biologically caused or depends on experience moderator effects. Again, the controversy nature-nurture is needed to be considered when assessing sexual fluidity across lifespan .
Análisis y modificación de conducta, 1993
tlidnd. Eviiliincióii y Tr;itniiiistitos Psicológicos LrNIVERSID.XD DE LA L.4GLwA (Teiierife) RES... more tlidnd. Eviiliincióii y Tr;itniiiistitos Psicológicos LrNIVERSID.XD DE LA L.4GLwA (Teiierife) RESUMEN ,Sobre ~~n a i),uestra de 347 a11riiri~o.s de EGB represei7tatii~a de la pohlnciói~ escolar.izacla eii canaria.^ se llevó a cabo un analisis factorial e.\-ploraiorio en priiirer /irpar y, postei.ior.iirente. se aplico u17 anhlisis jirc/ori¿d coi~firrriatorio (LISREL) co~rrpara~~do las estructuras facioriales nlcaiizndas e17 1979 .i: ésta de 1989. Los resirltados con$r~iiari hrjsicoitrente la esti-uci~.irn e.stadísticarriet~te br~actorial alcanrah en la priiitern ocnsicíii. Los resrrltahs se tJiscute17 tleiitro de tti7 iirodelo ge-/?eral tke socializacicji7, así coirro con relación al procecliiirie~ito eirrpleatlo.
Análisis y modificación de conducta, 2002
Manual de tratamientos psicológicos: infancia y adolescencia, 2021, ISBN 978-84-368-4470-2, págs. 699-730, 2021

International journal of psychology and psychological therapy, 2012
Assessing affective component of ageist attitudes in the elder people: Scale on the Prejudice tow... more Assessing affective component of ageist attitudes in the elder people: Scale on the Prejudice towards the Oldness and the Aging (PREJ-ENV). The study of the attitudes towards the oldness and the aging is important due to its repercussion in the behavior of the aged people and their physical and psychological health. In this study an instrument adapted to the old population is elaborated to measure the ageist attitudes that have the old people about their own process of the oldness and the aging. The sample composes 117 resident greater people in the island of Tenerife, with an average age of 68 years, without cognitive deterioration and with functional autonomy in their daily life. The results indicate a bifactorial structure for the Scale on the Prejudice Towards the Oldness and the Aging (PREJ-ENV), as well as a positive significant relation between the index of well-being and the factors of positive prejudice, and between the malaise and the negative factors of prejudice. The clinical utility for the evaluation of the ageist attitudes in its affective component is discussed.
Análisis y modificación de conducta, 2000
Magister: Revista miscelánea de investigación, 1989
![Research paper thumbnail of [Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments for Children and Adolescents: State of the Art]](
PubMed, Aug 1, 2021
Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments for Children and Adolescents: State of the Art. Ba... more Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments for Children and Adolescents: State of the Art. Background: The empirical evidence accumulated on the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of psychotherapeutic treatments in children and adolescents calls for an update. The main goal of this paper objective was to carry out a selective review of empirically supported psychological treatments for a variety of common psychological disorders and problems in childhood and adolescence. Method: A review was carried out of the psychological treatments for different psychological disorders and problems in social-emotional or behavioral adjustment in the child-adolescent population according to the Spanish National Health System (Clinical Practice Guidelines) levels of evidence and degrees of recommendation. Results: The findings suggest that psychological treatments have empirical support for addressing a wide range of psychological problems in these developmental stages. The degree of empirical support ranges from low to high depending on the phenomenon analyzed. The review suggests unequal progress in the different fields of intervention. Conclusions: From this update, psychologists will be able to make informed decisions when implementing those empirically supported treatments to address the problems that occur in childhood and adolescence.