Performance evaluation of external compound parabolic concentrator integrated with thermal storage tank for domestic solar refrigeration system
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Optical absorptivity and thermal conductivity analysis of silver nanoparticle dispersed salt hydrate PCM
2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon)
Thermal Characteristic Investigation of 2-Propanol Using Graphene Silver Nano Particles
2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon)
Tetrapods Based Engineering of Organic Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage
SSRN Electronic Journal
Development and Laboratory Scale Characterization of a New Hybrid Nano‐enhanced Phase Change Material for Solar Thermal Energy Storage

Low thermal conductivity is the major obstacle for the wide range utilization of phase change mat... more Low thermal conductivity is the major obstacle for the wide range utilization of phase change materials (PCMs), especially organic PCMs, for most practical applications in thermal engineering. This study investigates the potential of enhancing the charging and discharging rates of organic PCM (RT44HC) by introducing polyethylene glycol (PEG) and activated carbon macroparticles (ACMPs). Different concentrations of PEG and ACMPs ranging from 0.3 wt% to 2 wt% were tested separately. The optimized concentrations found were used as dual reinforcements to attain the highest possible thermal conductivity. The specimens were tested for a complete charging–discharging cycle using an improvised thermal apparatus. Use of ACMP alone resulted in a minimal reduction in complete charging–discharging time due to the settlement of ACMPs at the bottom after 2–3 heating–cooling cycles. However, the addition of PEG with ACMPs exhibited a reduction in charging–discharging time due to the formation of a ...
Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning (Health Buddy)
2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)

Solar water heating is the most promising way to effectively use solar energy among all other sol... more Solar water heating is the most promising way to effectively use solar energy among all other solar energy applications. In this study, an innovative way of incorporatingphase change material (PCM) between the annulusspace of the heat pipe and the evacuated tubes for solar water heaters (SWHs) is used. The proposed system can deliver hot water when demand is high/solar radiation is insufficient by using palmitic acid as PCM. The energetic and exergetic analysis of the developed systemintegrated with PCM is studied on both clear and cloudy days. The results revealed that the maximum daily collected useful energyfor the clear and cloudy days was10.65 MJ & 8.52MJ respectively, whereas the maximum storage tank temperature was found to be 46.2°C and 41.4°C for the corresponding days. The daily average energetic and exergetic efficiencies of the proposed system were found to be 76.57% and 79.64%, and 2.37% and 1.38%, respectively at a fixed mass flow ratefor clear and cloudy days conditio...

34 DOI: 10.37398/JSR.2021.650905 Abstract: Since early 1900’s Indians depended on the local Kiran... more 34 DOI: 10.37398/JSR.2021.650905 Abstract: Since early 1900’s Indians depended on the local Kirana shops for fulfilling their grocery needs but in early 2000’s with the emergence of supermarket stores like Dmart there was a shift in the consumer preference and this led to a decrease in the popularity of local Kirana stores. Lucrative offers, huge discounts and availability of a variety of range of products in a single store led to the increase in popularity of the Supermarket stores. However, in the pandemic due to easy returns, cashless payment options, convenient and safe home delivery e-commerce giants like Amazon and others have gained more popularity than ever before over these conventional methods of grocery shopping. The main aim of the research is to analyze the factors responsible for the popularity of ecommerce giants and shift in preference of consumers from supermarkets to online grocery stores, its impact on the local Kirana shops and a prediction of future consumer pre...
Improved cycling stability of V 2 O 5 modified spinel LiMn 2 O 4 cathode at high cut‐off voltage for lithium‐ion batteries
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2022

The analysis and modeling of the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) consists of the planning of ... more The analysis and modeling of the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) consists of the planning of the system and the optimization of the FMS objectives. The flexible programming problems of the FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) become extremely complex when it comes to taking into account frequent deviations in the design of the pieces of incoming jobs. This research focuses on efficiently programming the various incoming jobs in the system and maximizing the utilization and performance of the system, with machines equipped with different tools and tool magazines, but with multiple machines that can be assigned to a single operation. Jobs have been scheduled according to the shortest processing time (SPT) rule. The shortest time programming rule (SPT) is simple, fast and generally a superior rule in terms of minimizing the completion time through the system to minimize the average number of jobs in the system, generally lower stocks in process (less load congestion) and downstream ...
Exergy analysis and exergoeconomic evaluation of renewable energy conversion systems

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2021
This study attempts to provide a statistical evaluation of the effect of Cu wt.% and infill patte... more This study attempts to provide a statistical evaluation of the effect of Cu wt.% and infill pattern on the FDM-based 3D printed parts' impact properties. The developed model is based on the acquired experimental data accompanied by response surface methodology (RSM) analysis. The confidence level for RSM is set to 95% (? = 0.05), where P-value lower than 0.05 shows a significant effect by the parameter. Besides determining significant parameters, this analysis also provides modeling of impact properties and optimizes the desired mechanical performance parameter. ANOVA analysis includes data of standard deviation (S), coefficient of determination (R2), adjusted and predicted (R2). Infill pattern and Cu wt.% show a significant effect on both factors, including energy absorbed and impact strength. The model created for the energy absorbed and impact strength has an error of 7.23 % and 6.60 %. The maximum energy absorbed and impact strength obtained through optimization is 2.5180 J ...

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2021
3D printing is an emerging technology to construct complex geometry by adapting layer-by-layer ad... more 3D printing is an emerging technology to construct complex geometry by adapting layer-by-layer addition technique from a 3-dimensional CAD model. Mass customization, freedom of design, and wastage minimization are the main advantages of Additive Manufacturing (AM) based 3D printing. 3D printing is currently used in many sectors worldwide, such as automotive, aerospace, agriculture, medical, electronics, and other household products. However, the usage of the AM technique is limited in large production sectors due to the limitation of the materials and properties of the produced parts. In this review, the different methods of 3D printing, the materials used in different processes, various fields of applications, and the properties of the different approaches are discussed. Also, the effect of process parameters such as layer thickness, nozzle temperature, platform temperature, printing speed, extruding rate, and layer height in 3d printing was reviewed. This will be helpful for furth...
Solar energy: direct and indirect methods to harvest usable energy
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, 2022

High-Rate and Long-Life Cycle of Nano-LiMn2O4 Under High Cut-Off Potential
Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 2021
Nano-LiMn2O4 was successfully synthesized by a low-temperature hydrothermal route with the absenc... more Nano-LiMn2O4 was successfully synthesized by a low-temperature hydrothermal route with the absence of post-calcination treatment. Employing ethanol as an organic reagent triggers the formation of nanostructured particles approximately 30.39 nm in diameter, associated with 0.007 lattice strain. The pure phase of nano-LiMn2O4/Li displays outstanding electrochemical performances. Under 4.6 V versus Li+/Li cut-off potential, 74.3% of capacity is reserved when C-rate is increased by 50 times, while excellent capacity restoration of 96.9% after cycled again at 1 C. After 331 cycles, a capacity retention of 84.3% is harvested by nano-LiMn2O4/Li, implying the absence of phase transformations in spinel structures under such abuse conditions. This remarkable structural stability can be attributed to the small lattice strain, associated with high Li+ diffusion coefficient, which is estimated to be 10−9.76 cm2 s−1 by the EIS technique. Additionally, Li+ extraction is more favorable when nano-Li...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020
International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, 2015
As crowd-sourcing is becoming popular for problem solving and completing a task, it is now very i... more As crowd-sourcing is becoming popular for problem solving and completing a task, it is now very important to use this concept in an advance manner. It can also be used as a distributed and vast source of information. This concept is now evolving in world of mobile systems. This will be a little different from that of computer systems. In this paper, we have discussed some new technologies and challenges before us to implement these advancements in crowd-sourcing. We are going to talk about cheat-detection techniques, handling multimedia databases and how to trade off between cost and accuracy by considering the redundant data as well.
Advancements in PV-thermal systems with and without phase change materials as a sustainable energy solution: energy, exergy and exergoeconomic (3E) analytic approach
Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2020
Photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems are increasingly becoming an essential part of the solar appli... more Photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems are increasingly becoming an essential part of the solar application systems integrating the photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal collectors into a single unit to produce heat and electrical energy from the intermittent solar irradiation.
Role of nitrogen, phosphorus and bio-fertilizer in improving performance of fodder sorghum-A Review
Journal of Hill Agriculture, 2018