В статье дан логический и исторический анализ электродинамики. Показана связь между квазистатичес... more В статье дан логический и исторический анализ электродинамики. Показана связь между квазистатической электродинамикой и классической механикой. Показано, что Максвелл неосознанно ввел мгновенные потенциалы в свои уравнения. Незнание этого факта привело к фатальной ошибке, которая в дальнейшем положила начало кризису физики (XIX – XX в.). Этот факт был обнаружен недавно. Исправление ошибки позволяет разделить электродинамику на две независимые ветви. Первая ветвь есть квазистатическая электродинамика. Показано, что решение проблемы электромагнитной массы существует только в квазистатической электродинамике. Вторая ветвь есть волновая электродинамика. Показано, что в общем случае решение может содержать продольные и поперечные волны. Найдено условие, при котором продольные волны в решениях не возникают. Из условия следует, что электромагнитные волны излучаются виртуальными зарядами. Масса покоя виртуальных зарядов равна нулю. Ставится проблема взаимодействия инерциальных зарядов с электромагнитной волной в рамках классических теорий.
It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null cha... more It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null charge density at every point of the whole space) describe a free electromagnetic field for which flux lines neither begin nor end in a charge). In order to avoid ambiguities and unacceptable approximation which have place in the conventional approach in respect to the free field concept, we explicitly consider three possible types of space regions: (i) “isolated charge-free” region, where a resultant electric field with the flux lines which either begin or end in a charge is zero in every point, for example, inside a hollow conductor of any shape or in a free-charge universe; (ii) “non-isolated charge-free” region, where this electric [see (i)] field is not zero in every point; and (iii) “charge-neutral” region, where point charges exist but their algebraic sum is zero. According to these definitions a strict mathematical interpretation of Maxwell's equations gives following conclusions: (1) In “isolated charge-free” regions electric free field cannot be unconditionally understood neither as a direct consequence of Maxwell's equations nor as a valid approximation: it may be introduced only as a postulate; nevertheless, this case is compatible is the existence of a time-independent background magnetic field. (2) In both “charge-neutral” and “non-isolated charge-free” regions, where the condition ? = d function or ? = 0 respectively holds, Maxwell's equation for the total electric field have non-zero solutions, as in the conventional approach. However, these solution cannot be strictly identified with the electric free field. This analysis gives rise to the reconsideration of the free-electromagnetic field concept and leads to the simplest implications in respect to charge-neutral universe.
In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector pote... more In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector potentials of an electromagnetic field, and show that a wave equation with an arbitrary velocity (including a velocity higher than the velocity of light in vacuum) for the scalar potential exists in the framework of classical electrodynamics. Some consequences of this fact are considered.
In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector pote... more In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector potentials of an electromagnetic field, and show that a wave equation with an arbitrary velocity (including a velocity higher than the velocity of light in vacuum) for the scalar potential exists in the framework of classical electrodynamics. Some consequences of this fact are considered.
2001 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Sympsoium Digest (Cat. No.01CH37157), 2001
It is investigated penetration of the EM wave with the frequency 14 MHz, which E vector is direct... more It is investigated penetration of the EM wave with the frequency 14 MHz, which E vector is directed along the wave vector [5, 6], through metallic shields of different design in near zone of the antenna. Despite the fact that in a normally incident transversal wave, the theory predicts the decay of the signal E out /E in < 0.01 (i.e. less than 40dBWt) for the shields used in the experiments, the decay of the measured signal was no less than 1.2 dB, i.e. anomalously large penetration of the signal through the metallic layer was detected. This effect can be caused by the type of penetrating EM wave, i.e. its 'longitudinality'.
We present an analysis of multiple production of the CP-even (h0,H0) and CP-odd (A0) Higgs bosons... more We present an analysis of multiple production of the CP-even (h0,H0) and CP-odd (A0) Higgs bosons as well as of the trilinear self-couplings in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) at the Future International Linear e+e- Collider (ILC). The analysis is based in the reactions e+e--->bbhihi with hi = h,H,A. We evaluate the total cross section of bbhihi and calculate the total number of events considering the complete set of Feynman diagrams at tree-level. The numerical computation is done for the energy which is expected to be available at the ILC with a center-of-mass energy varies in the range 500<=s<=1600 GeV and a luminosity 1000 fb-1.
We study long-wavelength polar optical modes at semiconductor interfaces of GaAs|Al_{(x)}Ga_{(1-x... more We study long-wavelength polar optical modes at semiconductor interfaces of GaAs|Al_{(x)}Ga_{(1-x)}As and take into account influence of the Al concentration. We have considered two cases in which the interface is kept at unfixed and fixed electrostatic potential. The spectrum of excitation then shows existence of localized and resonant modes to depend on the concentration of Al. For the case of
Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are g... more Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are given in the PDF.
In this brief note we show that the usual Lorentz gauge is not satisfied by the Lienard-Wiechert ... more In this brief note we show that the usual Lorentz gauge is not satisfied by the Lienard-Wiechert potentials, then, using Brownstein's concept of "whole-partial" derivatives we introduce the generalized expression for the Lorentz gauge showing that it is satisfied by the LW-potentials.
ABSTRACT Using as an input the data obtained by the L3 and OPAL Collaborations for the reaction a... more ABSTRACT Using as an input the data obtained by the L3 and OPAL Collaborations for the reaction at the -pole, we obtained bounds on the electromagnetic and weak dipole moments of the tau-lepton in the context of a 331 model. Our bounds on the electromagnetic moments are consistent with the bounds obtained by the L3 and OPAL Collaborations for the reaction . We also obtained bounds on the tau weak dipole moments which are consistent with the bounds obtained recently by the DELPHI, ALEPH and BELLE Collaborations from the reaction . Our work complements other studies on the electromagnetic and weak dipole moments of the tau-lepton.
The experiment is described which shows that Coulomb interaction spreads with a limit velocity an... more The experiment is described which shows that Coulomb interaction spreads with a limit velocity and thus this kind of interaction cannot be considered as so called "instantaneous action at a distance".
Foundations of Physics Letters - FOUND PHYS LETT, 1998
It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null cha... more It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null charge density at every point of the whole space) describe a free electromagnetic field for which flux lines neither begin nor end in a charge). In order to avoid ambiguities and unacceptable approximation which have place in the conventional approach in respect to the free field concept, we explicitly consider three possible types of space regions: (i) “isolated charge-free” region, where a resultant electric field with the flux lines which either begin or end in a charge is zero in every point, for example, inside a hollow conductor of any shape or in a free-charge universe; (ii) “non-isolated charge-free” region, where this electric [see (i)] field is not zero in every point; and (iii) “charge-neutral” region, where point charges exist but their algebraic sum is zero. According to these definitions a strict mathematical interpretation of Maxwell's equations gives following conclusio...
In this paper, we show that the use of the Helmholtz theorem enables the derivation of uniquely d... more In this paper, we show that the use of the Helmholtz theorem enables the derivation of uniquely determined electromagnetic potentials without the necessity of using gauge transformation. We show that the electromagnetic field comprises two components, one of which is characterized by instantaneous action at a distance, whereas the other propagates in retarded form with the velocity of light. In our attempt to show the superiority of the new proposed method to the standard one, we argue that the action-at-a-distance components cannot be considered as a drawback of our method, because the recommended procedure for eliminating the action at a distance in the Coulomb gauge leads to theoretical subtleties that allow us to say that the needed gauge transformation is not guaranteed. One of the theoretical consequences of this new definition is that, in addition to the electric E and magnetic B fields, the electromagnetic potentials are real physical quantities. We show that this property of the electromagnetic potentials in quantum mechanics is also a property of the electromagnetic potentials in classical electrodynamics.
Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are g... more Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are given in the PDF.
In this work we made an analysis of the current status of velocity dependent (bound) field compon... more In this work we made an analysis of the current status of velocity dependent (bound) field components in the framework of the standard electromagnetic theory. Preliminary discussions of the structure of the magnetic field due to an idealized oscillating magnetic dipole provided us with the quantitative insights on the relative contribution of velocity dependent (bound) and acceleration dependent (radiation) terms into the resultant magnetic field. According to this analysis we defined the methodological scheme based on a generalized (time-dependent) Biot-Savart law capable to test the applicability of the standard retardation condition on bound field components. In the second part of this work we made the theoretical analysis of the finite size multi-section antennas, confirming the validity of the methodological scheme conceived for an idealized magnetic dipole. The use of multi-section antennas is fully justified by a substantial rise of the ratio of bound-to-radiation field stren...
We start with the fact that the actual consensus on the empirical verification of the standard re... more We start with the fact that the actual consensus on the empirical verification of the standard retardation condition does not take into account the complex structure of the whole electromagnetic field in the near zone. The most rigorous and methodologically consistent way to the empirical test of the causal behavior of the whole EM field should be based on testing causal properties for each component-velocity dependent ͑bound͒ and acceleration dependent ͑radiation͒-taken separately. Preliminary discussions on the relative contribution of bound and radiation terms for an idealized magnetic dipole provided us with a methodological approach to causal characteristics of bound fields. In view of practical implementation of this method, we made an analysis of the finite size loop antennas. The use of multisection loop antennas was fully justified by a substantial rise of the ratio of bound-to-radiation field strength. Finally, we effected numerical calculations, taking into account particular experimental settings. Comparison with the experimentally obtained data showed considerable discrepancy with the predictions of the standard electromagnetic theory. A possible interpretation in terms of nonlocal properties of bound fields in near zone is proposed.
In this work we substantiate the applying of the Helmholtz vector decomposition theorem (H-theore... more In this work we substantiate the applying of the Helmholtz vector decomposition theorem (H-theorem) to vector fields in classical electrodynamics. Using the H-theorem, within the framework of the two-parameter Lorentz-like gauge (so called v-gauge), we show that two kinds of magnetic vector potentials exist: one of them (solenoidal) can act exclusively with the velocity of light c and the other one (irrotational) with an arbitrary finite velocity v (including a velocity more than c) . We show also that the irrotational component of the electric field has a physical meaning and can propagate exclusively instantaneously.
Keywords Helmholtz theorem · V-gauge · Electromagnetic potentials · Electromagnetic waves José A.... more Keywords Helmholtz theorem · V-gauge · Electromagnetic potentials · Electromagnetic waves José A. Heras has recently raised interesting criticism [1] regarding the conclusions to our paper . His main point is his assertion that the equations we derived for the solenoidal (E s ) and the irrotational (E i ) components of the electric field E are a pair of coupled equations that can be reduced to one equation. If this is the case, our claim that there exists two mechanisms of energy and momentum propagation is incorrect and our example using a bounded oscillating charge on the x-axis must be incorrect and Heras attempts to find contradictions in our focus. Therefore in this paper we will show that the equations for E i and E s are not coupled equations. We indicate the kind of problems that classical electrodynamics in its standard form cannot explain or predict, however, such problems can be solved using Helmholtz' theorem and our interpretation of its use. Hence our claim that there exist two mechanisms of energy and momentum transfer, is, to our knowledge and according to our interpretation, correct.
В статье дан логический и исторический анализ электродинамики. Показана связь между квазистатичес... more В статье дан логический и исторический анализ электродинамики. Показана связь между квазистатической электродинамикой и классической механикой. Показано, что Максвелл неосознанно ввел мгновенные потенциалы в свои уравнения. Незнание этого факта привело к фатальной ошибке, которая в дальнейшем положила начало кризису физики (XIX – XX в.). Этот факт был обнаружен недавно. Исправление ошибки позволяет разделить электродинамику на две независимые ветви. Первая ветвь есть квазистатическая электродинамика. Показано, что решение проблемы электромагнитной массы существует только в квазистатической электродинамике. Вторая ветвь есть волновая электродинамика. Показано, что в общем случае решение может содержать продольные и поперечные волны. Найдено условие, при котором продольные волны в решениях не возникают. Из условия следует, что электромагнитные волны излучаются виртуальными зарядами. Масса покоя виртуальных зарядов равна нулю. Ставится проблема взаимодействия инерциальных зарядов с электромагнитной волной в рамках классических теорий.
It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null cha... more It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null charge density at every point of the whole space) describe a free electromagnetic field for which flux lines neither begin nor end in a charge). In order to avoid ambiguities and unacceptable approximation which have place in the conventional approach in respect to the free field concept, we explicitly consider three possible types of space regions: (i) “isolated charge-free” region, where a resultant electric field with the flux lines which either begin or end in a charge is zero in every point, for example, inside a hollow conductor of any shape or in a free-charge universe; (ii) “non-isolated charge-free” region, where this electric [see (i)] field is not zero in every point; and (iii) “charge-neutral” region, where point charges exist but their algebraic sum is zero. According to these definitions a strict mathematical interpretation of Maxwell's equations gives following conclusions: (1) In “isolated charge-free” regions electric free field cannot be unconditionally understood neither as a direct consequence of Maxwell's equations nor as a valid approximation: it may be introduced only as a postulate; nevertheless, this case is compatible is the existence of a time-independent background magnetic field. (2) In both “charge-neutral” and “non-isolated charge-free” regions, where the condition ? = d function or ? = 0 respectively holds, Maxwell's equation for the total electric field have non-zero solutions, as in the conventional approach. However, these solution cannot be strictly identified with the electric free field. This analysis gives rise to the reconsideration of the free-electromagnetic field concept and leads to the simplest implications in respect to charge-neutral universe.
In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector pote... more In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector potentials of an electromagnetic field, and show that a wave equation with an arbitrary velocity (including a velocity higher than the velocity of light in vacuum) for the scalar potential exists in the framework of classical electrodynamics. Some consequences of this fact are considered.
In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector pote... more In this work we revisit the process of constructing wave equations for the scalar and vector potentials of an electromagnetic field, and show that a wave equation with an arbitrary velocity (including a velocity higher than the velocity of light in vacuum) for the scalar potential exists in the framework of classical electrodynamics. Some consequences of this fact are considered.
2001 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Sympsoium Digest (Cat. No.01CH37157), 2001
It is investigated penetration of the EM wave with the frequency 14 MHz, which E vector is direct... more It is investigated penetration of the EM wave with the frequency 14 MHz, which E vector is directed along the wave vector [5, 6], through metallic shields of different design in near zone of the antenna. Despite the fact that in a normally incident transversal wave, the theory predicts the decay of the signal E out /E in < 0.01 (i.e. less than 40dBWt) for the shields used in the experiments, the decay of the measured signal was no less than 1.2 dB, i.e. anomalously large penetration of the signal through the metallic layer was detected. This effect can be caused by the type of penetrating EM wave, i.e. its 'longitudinality'.
We present an analysis of multiple production of the CP-even (h0,H0) and CP-odd (A0) Higgs bosons... more We present an analysis of multiple production of the CP-even (h0,H0) and CP-odd (A0) Higgs bosons as well as of the trilinear self-couplings in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) at the Future International Linear e+e- Collider (ILC). The analysis is based in the reactions e+e--->bbhihi with hi = h,H,A. We evaluate the total cross section of bbhihi and calculate the total number of events considering the complete set of Feynman diagrams at tree-level. The numerical computation is done for the energy which is expected to be available at the ILC with a center-of-mass energy varies in the range 500<=s<=1600 GeV and a luminosity 1000 fb-1.
We study long-wavelength polar optical modes at semiconductor interfaces of GaAs|Al_{(x)}Ga_{(1-x... more We study long-wavelength polar optical modes at semiconductor interfaces of GaAs|Al_{(x)}Ga_{(1-x)}As and take into account influence of the Al concentration. We have considered two cases in which the interface is kept at unfixed and fixed electrostatic potential. The spectrum of excitation then shows existence of localized and resonant modes to depend on the concentration of Al. For the case of
Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are g... more Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are given in the PDF.
In this brief note we show that the usual Lorentz gauge is not satisfied by the Lienard-Wiechert ... more In this brief note we show that the usual Lorentz gauge is not satisfied by the Lienard-Wiechert potentials, then, using Brownstein's concept of "whole-partial" derivatives we introduce the generalized expression for the Lorentz gauge showing that it is satisfied by the LW-potentials.
ABSTRACT Using as an input the data obtained by the L3 and OPAL Collaborations for the reaction a... more ABSTRACT Using as an input the data obtained by the L3 and OPAL Collaborations for the reaction at the -pole, we obtained bounds on the electromagnetic and weak dipole moments of the tau-lepton in the context of a 331 model. Our bounds on the electromagnetic moments are consistent with the bounds obtained by the L3 and OPAL Collaborations for the reaction . We also obtained bounds on the tau weak dipole moments which are consistent with the bounds obtained recently by the DELPHI, ALEPH and BELLE Collaborations from the reaction . Our work complements other studies on the electromagnetic and weak dipole moments of the tau-lepton.
The experiment is described which shows that Coulomb interaction spreads with a limit velocity an... more The experiment is described which shows that Coulomb interaction spreads with a limit velocity and thus this kind of interaction cannot be considered as so called "instantaneous action at a distance".
Foundations of Physics Letters - FOUND PHYS LETT, 1998
It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null cha... more It is generally accepted that solutions of so called “free” Maxwell equations for ? = 0 (null charge density at every point of the whole space) describe a free electromagnetic field for which flux lines neither begin nor end in a charge). In order to avoid ambiguities and unacceptable approximation which have place in the conventional approach in respect to the free field concept, we explicitly consider three possible types of space regions: (i) “isolated charge-free” region, where a resultant electric field with the flux lines which either begin or end in a charge is zero in every point, for example, inside a hollow conductor of any shape or in a free-charge universe; (ii) “non-isolated charge-free” region, where this electric [see (i)] field is not zero in every point; and (iii) “charge-neutral” region, where point charges exist but their algebraic sum is zero. According to these definitions a strict mathematical interpretation of Maxwell's equations gives following conclusio...
In this paper, we show that the use of the Helmholtz theorem enables the derivation of uniquely d... more In this paper, we show that the use of the Helmholtz theorem enables the derivation of uniquely determined electromagnetic potentials without the necessity of using gauge transformation. We show that the electromagnetic field comprises two components, one of which is characterized by instantaneous action at a distance, whereas the other propagates in retarded form with the velocity of light. In our attempt to show the superiority of the new proposed method to the standard one, we argue that the action-at-a-distance components cannot be considered as a drawback of our method, because the recommended procedure for eliminating the action at a distance in the Coulomb gauge leads to theoretical subtleties that allow us to say that the needed gauge transformation is not guaranteed. One of the theoretical consequences of this new definition is that, in addition to the electric E and magnetic B fields, the electromagnetic potentials are real physical quantities. We show that this property of the electromagnetic potentials in quantum mechanics is also a property of the electromagnetic potentials in classical electrodynamics.
Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are g... more Several equations were written incorrectly in the original article. The corrected equations are given in the PDF.
In this work we made an analysis of the current status of velocity dependent (bound) field compon... more In this work we made an analysis of the current status of velocity dependent (bound) field components in the framework of the standard electromagnetic theory. Preliminary discussions of the structure of the magnetic field due to an idealized oscillating magnetic dipole provided us with the quantitative insights on the relative contribution of velocity dependent (bound) and acceleration dependent (radiation) terms into the resultant magnetic field. According to this analysis we defined the methodological scheme based on a generalized (time-dependent) Biot-Savart law capable to test the applicability of the standard retardation condition on bound field components. In the second part of this work we made the theoretical analysis of the finite size multi-section antennas, confirming the validity of the methodological scheme conceived for an idealized magnetic dipole. The use of multi-section antennas is fully justified by a substantial rise of the ratio of bound-to-radiation field stren...
We start with the fact that the actual consensus on the empirical verification of the standard re... more We start with the fact that the actual consensus on the empirical verification of the standard retardation condition does not take into account the complex structure of the whole electromagnetic field in the near zone. The most rigorous and methodologically consistent way to the empirical test of the causal behavior of the whole EM field should be based on testing causal properties for each component-velocity dependent ͑bound͒ and acceleration dependent ͑radiation͒-taken separately. Preliminary discussions on the relative contribution of bound and radiation terms for an idealized magnetic dipole provided us with a methodological approach to causal characteristics of bound fields. In view of practical implementation of this method, we made an analysis of the finite size loop antennas. The use of multisection loop antennas was fully justified by a substantial rise of the ratio of bound-to-radiation field strength. Finally, we effected numerical calculations, taking into account particular experimental settings. Comparison with the experimentally obtained data showed considerable discrepancy with the predictions of the standard electromagnetic theory. A possible interpretation in terms of nonlocal properties of bound fields in near zone is proposed.
In this work we substantiate the applying of the Helmholtz vector decomposition theorem (H-theore... more In this work we substantiate the applying of the Helmholtz vector decomposition theorem (H-theorem) to vector fields in classical electrodynamics. Using the H-theorem, within the framework of the two-parameter Lorentz-like gauge (so called v-gauge), we show that two kinds of magnetic vector potentials exist: one of them (solenoidal) can act exclusively with the velocity of light c and the other one (irrotational) with an arbitrary finite velocity v (including a velocity more than c) . We show also that the irrotational component of the electric field has a physical meaning and can propagate exclusively instantaneously.
Keywords Helmholtz theorem · V-gauge · Electromagnetic potentials · Electromagnetic waves José A.... more Keywords Helmholtz theorem · V-gauge · Electromagnetic potentials · Electromagnetic waves José A. Heras has recently raised interesting criticism [1] regarding the conclusions to our paper . His main point is his assertion that the equations we derived for the solenoidal (E s ) and the irrotational (E i ) components of the electric field E are a pair of coupled equations that can be reduced to one equation. If this is the case, our claim that there exists two mechanisms of energy and momentum propagation is incorrect and our example using a bounded oscillating charge on the x-axis must be incorrect and Heras attempts to find contradictions in our focus. Therefore in this paper we will show that the equations for E i and E s are not coupled equations. We indicate the kind of problems that classical electrodynamics in its standard form cannot explain or predict, however, such problems can be solved using Helmholtz' theorem and our interpretation of its use. Hence our claim that there exist two mechanisms of energy and momentum transfer, is, to our knowledge and according to our interpretation, correct.
Papers by A. Chubykalo