Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows the use of outsourced infrastructures in a “pay-as-you... more Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows the use of outsourced infrastructures in a “pay-as-you-go” basis, thanks to which scalable and customizable infrastructures can be built on demand. The ability to infer the number and type of the Virtual Machines (VM) needed determines the final budget, thus it represents a key in order to efficiently manage a cloud infrastructure. In
Resumen—Las tecnologıas Grid han hecho posible la agregación de recursos geográficamente distribu... more Resumen—Las tecnologıas Grid han hecho posible la agregación de recursos geográficamente distribuidos en el contexto de una aplicación particular. Siendo los Grids sistemas extremadamente distribuidos, los requerimientos en la red de interconexión se deberıan tener en cuenta cuando se realicen tareas como por ejemplo la planificación, migración o monitorización de trabajos. Hay que notar que las entidades que forman un Grid (como usuarios, servicios y datos) necesitan comunicarse por medio de una red de ...
Network links, as the communication media for Grid transmissions, should be considered as a param... more Network links, as the communication media for Grid transmissions, should be considered as a parameter to decide about the convenience of using other different resources, such as CPU. This is achieved by means of a scheduling algorithm, which decides which computing resource will execute each users' jobs. This task (the scheduling of jobs to computing resources) is done by taking into account the quality of the network links and their level of utilization. The purpose of this paper is to present an scheduling algorithm aimed at improving the network Quality of Service (QoS) in a Grid system, and demonstrate its usefulness by means of realistic Grid network simulations.
2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2011
... April 4 - 6, 2010, Amman, Jordan Page 395 Page 5. / [6] M. Martínez and S. Bracho, Design of... more ... April 4 - 6, 2010, Amman, Jordan Page 395 Page 5. / [6] M. Martínez and S. Bracho, Design of a microelectronic circuits course using interactive methods, in International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Educcation (MSE), 2005, pp. 2324. ...
ABSTRACT Simulation techniques have become a powerful tool for deciding the best starting conditi... more ABSTRACT Simulation techniques have become a powerful tool for deciding the best starting conditions on pay-as-you-go scenarios. This is the case of public cloud infrastructures, where a given number and type of virtual machines (in short VMs) are instantiated during a specified time, being this reflected in the final budget. With this in mind, this paper introduces and validates iCanCloud, a novel simulator of cloud infrastructures with remarkable features such as flexibility, scalability, performance and usability. Furthermore, the iCanCloud simulator has been built on the following design principles: (1) it's targeted to conduct large experiments, as opposed to others simulators from literature; (2) it provides a flexible and fully customizable global hypervisor for integrating any cloud brokering policy; (3) it reproduces the instance types provided by a given cloud infrastructure; and finally, (4) it contains a user-friendly GUI for configuring and launching simulations, that goes from a single VM to large cloud computing systems composed of thousands of machines.
... Agustın Caminero, Carmen Carrión and Blanca Caminero ... {agustin, carmen, blanca}@dsi.uclm .... more ... Agustın Caminero, Carmen Carrión and Blanca Caminero ... {agustin, carmen, blanca}@dsi.uclm ... funds by project CICYT TIN2006-15516-C04-02, and by the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha, under projects PBC-05-007-01, PBC-05-005-01 and a José Castillejo grant. ...
Resumen—La meta-planificación eficiente se ha demostrado que es esencial para proporcionar Calida... more Resumen—La meta-planificación eficiente se ha demostrado que es esencial para proporcionar Calidad de Servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) en Grids. Por esto, varias propuestas se han presentado con este fin. Este trabajo presenta una evaluación de prestaciones de un meta-planificador autónomo consciente de la red (Autonomic Network-aware Meta-scheduler, ANM), comparado con otro meta-planificador consciente de la red (Gridbus Broker). Experimentos realizados por medio de simulaciones demuestran la ...
Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows a flexi- ble and dynamic provision of resources in ord... more Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows a flexi- ble and dynamic provision of resources in order to solve problems pertaining to a great variety of domains. When considering public cloud infrastructures, those which follow a pay-as-you- go philosophy, it is clear that optimizing usage costs results in the main problem to solve. For this reason, simulation tools have become
Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows the use of outsourced infrastructures in a “pay-as-you... more Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows the use of outsourced infrastructures in a “pay-as-you-go” basis, thanks to which scalable and customizable infrastructures can be built on demand. The ability to infer the number and type of the Virtual Machines (VM) needed determines the final budget, thus it represents a key in order to efficiently manage a cloud infrastructure. In
Resumen—Las tecnologıas Grid han hecho posible la agregación de recursos geográficamente distribu... more Resumen—Las tecnologıas Grid han hecho posible la agregación de recursos geográficamente distribuidos en el contexto de una aplicación particular. Siendo los Grids sistemas extremadamente distribuidos, los requerimientos en la red de interconexión se deberıan tener en cuenta cuando se realicen tareas como por ejemplo la planificación, migración o monitorización de trabajos. Hay que notar que las entidades que forman un Grid (como usuarios, servicios y datos) necesitan comunicarse por medio de una red de ...
Network links, as the communication media for Grid transmissions, should be considered as a param... more Network links, as the communication media for Grid transmissions, should be considered as a parameter to decide about the convenience of using other different resources, such as CPU. This is achieved by means of a scheduling algorithm, which decides which computing resource will execute each users' jobs. This task (the scheduling of jobs to computing resources) is done by taking into account the quality of the network links and their level of utilization. The purpose of this paper is to present an scheduling algorithm aimed at improving the network Quality of Service (QoS) in a Grid system, and demonstrate its usefulness by means of realistic Grid network simulations.
2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2011
... April 4 - 6, 2010, Amman, Jordan Page 395 Page 5. / [6] M. Martínez and S. Bracho, Design of... more ... April 4 - 6, 2010, Amman, Jordan Page 395 Page 5. / [6] M. Martínez and S. Bracho, Design of a microelectronic circuits course using interactive methods, in International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Educcation (MSE), 2005, pp. 2324. ...
ABSTRACT Simulation techniques have become a powerful tool for deciding the best starting conditi... more ABSTRACT Simulation techniques have become a powerful tool for deciding the best starting conditions on pay-as-you-go scenarios. This is the case of public cloud infrastructures, where a given number and type of virtual machines (in short VMs) are instantiated during a specified time, being this reflected in the final budget. With this in mind, this paper introduces and validates iCanCloud, a novel simulator of cloud infrastructures with remarkable features such as flexibility, scalability, performance and usability. Furthermore, the iCanCloud simulator has been built on the following design principles: (1) it's targeted to conduct large experiments, as opposed to others simulators from literature; (2) it provides a flexible and fully customizable global hypervisor for integrating any cloud brokering policy; (3) it reproduces the instance types provided by a given cloud infrastructure; and finally, (4) it contains a user-friendly GUI for configuring and launching simulations, that goes from a single VM to large cloud computing systems composed of thousands of machines.
... Agustın Caminero, Carmen Carrión and Blanca Caminero ... {agustin, carmen, blanca}@dsi.uclm .... more ... Agustın Caminero, Carmen Carrión and Blanca Caminero ... {agustin, carmen, blanca}@dsi.uclm ... funds by project CICYT TIN2006-15516-C04-02, and by the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha, under projects PBC-05-007-01, PBC-05-005-01 and a José Castillejo grant. ...
Resumen—La meta-planificación eficiente se ha demostrado que es esencial para proporcionar Calida... more Resumen—La meta-planificación eficiente se ha demostrado que es esencial para proporcionar Calidad de Servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) en Grids. Por esto, varias propuestas se han presentado con este fin. Este trabajo presenta una evaluación de prestaciones de un meta-planificador autónomo consciente de la red (Autonomic Network-aware Meta-scheduler, ANM), comparado con otro meta-planificador consciente de la red (Gridbus Broker). Experimentos realizados por medio de simulaciones demuestran la ...
Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows a flexi- ble and dynamic provision of resources in ord... more Cloud computing is a paradigm which allows a flexi- ble and dynamic provision of resources in order to solve problems pertaining to a great variety of domains. When considering public cloud infrastructures, those which follow a pay-as-you- go philosophy, it is clear that optimizing usage costs results in the main problem to solve. For this reason, simulation tools have become
Papers by A. Caminero