Papers by Abdulbaki Bilgic
Authorea (Authorea), Jan 31, 2024
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 2005
African Review of Economics and Finance, Jun 1, 2021
Journal of Applied Entomology, 2004
... Adana: Kemal Matbaası, 119 pp. ... J. Econ. Entomol. 89, 175182. Rashad, AM; Ammar, ED, 1984... more ... Adana: Kemal Matbaası, 119 pp. ... J. Econ. Entomol. 89, 175182. Rashad, AM; Ammar, ED, 1984: Mass rearing of the spiny bollworm, Earias insulana (Boisd.) on semi artificial diet. Bull. Soc. Entomol. d'Egypte 65, 239244. ...
Irrigation and Drainage, 2009
... an approximately 50 000 ha area of the plain (State Hydraulic Works, 2004). As the basin is c... more ... an approximately 50 000 ha area of the plain (State Hydraulic Works, 2004). As the basin is closed, discharge of the drainage water is currently the biggest problem in the Harran Plain (Bahçeci et al., 2008). METHODOLOGY. ...
... KAYNAKLAR Andiç, S., Şahin, K., Koç, Ş., 2002. Ayar A, Demirulus H, (2000): Benli, E. 2004. D... more ... KAYNAKLAR Andiç, S., Şahin, K., Koç, Ş., 2002. Ayar A, Demirulus H, (2000): Benli, E. 2004. DİE, 2003. Erkuş, A., Bülbül, M., Kıral, T., Açıl, F., Demirci, R. 1995. Gönç, S. Oysun, G. Ve Ergüllü, E. 1993. Karagözlü, C. ve Kavas, G. 1998. Özcan, TF, Erbil ve E., Kurdal, 1998. ...
The Poznań University of Economics Review, Jun 29, 2006
... Table 2 shows the results of nested and non-nested tests of model performance as a series of ... more ... Table 2 shows the results of nested and non-nested tests of model performance as a series of pair-wise comparisons. A careful indiction for the preferred model shows that the ZIP II model is of the choice for milk, tea and spirits beverages. ...

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Bu araştırma TRA1 bölgesindeki hane halklarının sütü ve süt ürünleri talebinin belirlenmesi amacı... more Bu araştırma TRA1 bölgesindeki hane halklarının sütü ve süt ürünleri talebinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Örnek hacminin hesaplanmasında oransal örnekleme yöntemi, verilerin analizinde ise Yaklaşık İdeal Talep Sistemi (AIDS) modeli kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, sistem eşitliklerinin çözümünde Görünüşte İlişkisiz Regresyon (GİR) yöntemine yer verilmiştir. Araştırmada ortalama aile fert sayısı 3 kişi olarak belirlenmiştir. Aile başına haftada ortalama 5.1 litre süt, 2.4 kg peynir, 4.4 kg yoğurt ve 1 kg tereyağı tüketildiği tespit edilmiştir. Süt, peynir, yoğurt ve tereyağı ortalama fiyatları sırasıyla, 3.5, 20.1, 5.7 ve 35.7 TL olarak ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca süt, peynir, yoğurt ve tereyağına ait ortalama harcama ise haftalık olarak 114.1 TL olarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen tahmin sonuçları, Marshalcı fiyat esnekliklerinin homojenlik ve simetri kısıtlı olan modelde yer alan ve incelenen süt ve süt ürünleri için esnek olmadıklarını göstermiştir. Hicksçi fiyat esnekliği bakımından d...

The aim of this study was to analyze the sociodemographic and economic characteristics of familie... more The aim of this study was to analyze the sociodemographic and economic characteristics of families or individuals that can affect the normal weight, overweight, obesity, and severe obesity of the individual determined by the body mass index using the panel random-effect ordered probit model in Turkey. Methods: The analysis used the survey data from the 2016 Turkey Health Research created by the Turkish Statistical Institute. The choice of the random-effect model was confirmed by a statistical test. Results: We found that many sociodemographic and economic factors of family members or family significantly affect the probability of obesity groups. For example, considering the change in the age scale of obesity, the probability of being at normal weight decreases as the ages of family members increase, and this condition triggers being overweight, obese, and severe obese as the age progresses. As the family income increases, the individuals become more obese, while the education level of the individuals and the time devoted to walking for more than an hour a day show that the individuals are successful in their maintaining a normal weight. Conclusion: Obesity is an important problem in Turkey and should be tackled effectively. It has been determined that the sociodemographic and economic factors of the individual significantly affect the probability of obesity. Social risk groups that are positively associated with obesity should be identified, and awareness training should be given to each group with appropriate methods.
2006 Annual Meeting, February 5-8, 2006, Orlando, Florida, 2006
The Poznań University of Economics Review, 2006

International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Apr 1, 2022
This study identifies the driving forces that contribute to the probabilities of incidence of out... more This study identifies the driving forces that contribute to the probabilities of incidence of out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditures by households in Turkey. Factors affecting the probability of OOP expenditures on medical products/devices/supplies (MP), outpatient services (OTS), and inpatient services (ITS) are examined using the Household Budget Survey data gathered by the Turkish Statistical Institute in 2018. The study applies the multivariate probit model. The incidence of OOP spending varied with 48.9% of the households reporting OOP expenditure on MP, 22.4% on OTS, and 25.4% on ITS. The largest probability changes were associated with household disposable annual income, household type and size, age category, and having private health insurance. Gender and marital status also influenced expenditures in some categories. Lifestyle choices had small and mixed effects, with smoking and alcohol consumption lowering the probability of OOP spending. From a policy standpoint, households with the lowest incomes, large households, and those where the household head was 'others' (retiree, student, housewife, not actively working, etc.) or had a condition preventing employment seemed to report OOP expenditures less frequently and may have chosen not to receive healthcare services, leading to the need for more healthcare services later.

PLOS ONE, Mar 13, 2023
This study examines the volatility of beef and lamb prices in Tü rkiye, as food price inflation c... more This study examines the volatility of beef and lamb prices in Tü rkiye, as food price inflation compromises the food security of low-and middle-income households. The inflation is the result of a rise in energy (gasoline) prices leading to an increase in production costs, together with a disruption of the supply chain by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is the first to comprehensively explore the effects of multiple price series on meat prices in Tü rkiye. Using price records from April 2006 through February 2022, the study applies rigorous testing and selects the VAR(1)-asymmetric BEKK bivariate GARCH model for empirical analysis. The beef and lamb returns were affected by periods of livestock imports, energy prices, and the COVID-19 pandemic, but those factors influenced the short-and long-term uncertainties differently. Uncertainty was increased by the COVID-19 pandemic, but livestock imports offset some of the negative effects on meat prices. To improve price stability and assure access to beef and lamb, it is recommended that livestock farmers be supported through tax exemptions to control production costs, government assistance through the introduction of highly productive livestock breeds, and improving processing flexibility. Additionally, conducting livestock sales through the livestock exchange will create a price information source allowing stakeholders to follow price movements in a digital format and their decision-making.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2003
A two stage model describes the behavior of anglers who fish with or without a license. The propo... more A two stage model describes the behavior of anglers who fish with or without a license. The proposed multinomial logit-count data model examines characteristics influencing those who fish for recreation and those who may choose to fish to supplement their food budgets. The model is estimated using data from the national survey. Results show, among others, that anglers who fish to supplement their diet are more likely to come from households run by women, with less income and were less educated than those who fished for recreational purposes.

Estimating the Conditional Variance Volatilities of Beef Carcass, Lamb Carcass, and Fodder Wheat ... more Estimating the Conditional Variance Volatilities of Beef Carcass, Lamb Carcass, and Fodder Wheat Markets in the Context of Exchange Rate Using VAR(2)-Asymmetric BEKK-GARCH (1,1) Model ÖZ Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de dana ve kuzu karkas piyasaları ile yemlik buğay piyasası arasındaki uzun dönem belirsizlik geçişkenliklerinin ortaya çıkarılması ve bu geçişkenliğin simetrik olup olmadığı ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmada 2005:01-2019:06 dönemi günlük verileri ile VAR(2)-Asymmetric BEKK-GARCH(1,1) modeli kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada dana karkas, kuzu karkas ve yemlik buğday getirilerinin koşullu varyanslarının döviz kurundaki artışlarından ve ithalatın yapılmadığı dönemlere göre ithalatın yapıldığı dönemlerden anlamlı bir şekilde etkilendikleri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada kuzu karkasın dana karkasa göre daha fazla risk taşıdığı belirlenmiştir. Dana karkas, kuzu karkas ve yemlik buğday getirilerinin koşullu varyansları hem kısa dönemde doğrudan ve dolaylı şoklardan hem de getiri serilerinin koşullu varyansları doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak diğer getiri serilerinin uzun dönem kalıcı oynaklığından istatistiki olarak anlamlı düzeyde etkilendiği gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular neticesinde, politika yapıcılara üretici fiyat belirsizliklerini azaltacak tarım politikalarına yönelmesi gerektiği ifade edilebilir.

Background The 2002 World Health Report documented that low fruit and vegetable intake are among ... more Background The 2002 World Health Report documented that low fruit and vegetable intake are among the top ten risk factors contributing to attributable mortality and up to three million lives could be saved each year by adequate consumption of F&V across the globe, leading an examination of behavioral preferences of the individual and family social, environmental, and behavioral factors that constitute perceived barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption. ObjectiveThe study examines factors affecting the choice of eating fruits and vegetables by household members and calculates eating frequency probabilities of different population-origin associated with personal attributes and behavior. Method Turkish Health Survey (THS) 2019 data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI) national representative household panel is applied. Estimating a random-effect bivariate probit model of fruit and vegetable choice, we calculated marginal probabilities of choosing fruits and vegetables, the j...

Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Having spread all over the world and become effective in a very short period, COVID-19 has brough... more Having spread all over the world and become effective in a very short period, COVID-19 has brought about negative effects on food supply and demand by breaking all supply chains. This study aims to determine the long-term volatility spillovers between egg and feed wheat markets in Turkey by using an exchange rate and COVID-19 as exogenous variables as well as to investigate whether these spillovers are asymmetric. The daily market data between 2010:01 and 2022:03 and the Asymmetric BEKK-GARCH (1, 1) model were used for the study . We determined that the conditional variances of egg and feed wheat return series are positively affected by both their shocks in the short run and their uncertainties in the long run. The conditional variances of egg and feed wheat return series were observed to have been positively affected by the uncertainties arising from the exchange rate in the long run, while they were negatively affected by the volatility caused by COVID-19. The depreciation of the ...

Tourism Economics, 2022
Censoring, extreme values, and non-normal distribution are common features in microdata. These da... more Censoring, extreme values, and non-normal distribution are common features in microdata. These data features can compromise the statistical distributions of the estimators when an appropriate model is not used. We use an inverse hyperbolic sine (IHS) transformation in the double-hurdle (DH) model to accommodate extreme values and skewness in censored accommodation spending among Turkish households. The full-parameterized model nests many restricted specifications which do not accommodate dependence, heteroscedasticity, and non-normality in the error terms. Statistical test results support the use of the fully parameterized dependent IHS-DH specification. The statistically significant correlation between the binary and level decisions of accommodation precludes the use of a model with a two-step structure. Some of the findings in our study have a determining or driving force in expressing causality relationship in monthly accommodation probability and level decisions. The study made ...
Papers by Abdulbaki Bilgic