Hydrological, sedimentary and isotopic (6 "C) anaIyses indicate the distribution and origin oC or... more Hydrological, sedimentary and isotopic (6 "C) anaIyses indicate the distribution and origin oC organic carbon within estuarine systems. The A1varado Lagoon system hasfive areas: Southeast A1varado Lagoon, Internal Margin oC !he Bar oC A1varado, Camaronera Lagoon, Transition Zone and Lotic Zone. Water is oligohaline in the rivers and to the southeast oC A1varado Lagoon during the rains and northers and becomes polyhaline in Camaronera Lagoon during the dry season. There is silty-clay sediment -rich in organic matter-to the Car northwest oC Camaronera Lagoon and along the Bar oC A1varado, and sandy sediment poor in organic matter throughout the rest oCthe system. Carbonate content in the sediment is generally low, with the exception oC Punta Grande, where oyster sheIls are abundant. Sediment 6 1 3 C varies from -24.8 to -20.5%0. The more negative values are related to organic carbon from surr ounding and terrestrial vegetation, and the less negative values correspond to organic carbon from submerged ve,etation within the system. Detritus values oC -25.7 to -28.3 %o are characteristic oC terrestrial vegetation enriched in 2 c. Vegetation forms two isotopic groups: (1).re¡i algae, Eichhornia crassipes and Rhizophora mangle (-24.6 to -29. 4 %0) which photosynthesize by means oCthe C 3 pathway, and (2) filamentous algae andRuppia maritima (-15.8 to -22.1 %o) which·possibly use the C 4 pathway.