Organometallics, Sep 10, 2014
The synthesis and characterization of a series of nickel(II) pincer complexes of the meta-phenyle... more The synthesis and characterization of a series of nickel(II) pincer complexes of the meta-phenylene-bridged bis-N-heterocyclic DIPP CCC ligand framework are reported. Characterization of the Ni(II)Cl complex revealed a square planar species with Cl − and the anionic carbon trans to one another. Formation of Ni(II) alkyl complexes derived from complex 1 was accomplished by addition of LiR [R = CH 3 (2); CH 2 SiMe 3 (3)]. Furthermore, we report a synthetic pathway to access the catalytically relevant Ni(II)H species (DIPP CCC)-NiH (4), by direct oxidative addition of an aryl C−H bond across a Ni(0) center. Complexes 1−4 have been characterized by 1 H and 13 C NMR and electronic absorption spectroscopies as well as X-ray crystallography.

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Science, Jun 25, 2023
Many oil and gas projects have been subjected to significant cost overruns and schedule delays, w... more Many oil and gas projects have been subjected to significant cost overruns and schedule delays, which is a major concern for the decision-makers in the oil industry. This paper aims to develop three mathematical models to estimate earned value indicators, the Schedule Performance Index (SPI), Cost Performance Index (CPI), and To-Complete Cost Performance Indicator (TCPI), to reduce the cost and time estimation error in Iraqi oil projects. The research methodology adopted artificial intelligence techniques using Multiple Linear Regression technology (MLR) to predict Earned Value (EV) Indexes to get standard local equations to measure the performance of Iraqi oil projects. The data is based on (83) monthly reports from 26 June 2015 to 25 August 2022 collected from the Karbala Refinery Project, selected as a case study. It is one of the Oil Projects Company (SCOP)-the Iraqi Ministry of Oil's massive and modern projects, and it combines several projects into one project. The results showed numerous significant points, such as the average accuracy (AA%) for the CPI, SPI, and TCPI was 95.194%, 92.195%, and 83.706%, respectively, while the correlation coefficients (R) were 92.4%, 98.4%, and 93.7%. It was shown that there were relatively few differences between the theoretical and actual results. Therefore, the MLR technique was utilized in this paper to derive the prediction models for its more correct earned value predictions.

In this paper, the finite element simplification of a standard bolted joint configuration is inve... more In this paper, the finite element simplification of a standard bolted joint configuration is investigated. Static and modal analyses of a 3D model are used for benchmarking three different simplified finite element models using Siemens NX software. More specifically, the three simplified finite element models utilize beam elements, spring elements and a coupled shell-beamspring elements model. Four margin of safety criteria with respect to slipping, gapping, yield strength and ultimate strength were evaluated. Results show comparable values in the yield and ultimate margins of safety of all three simplified finite element models. Additionally, a parametric analysis relative to bolt size is performed to check the validity of the different simplifications with respect to bolt slenderness ratio. Results indicate minimal errors for larger slenderness ratio bolts. This is attributed to the minimal contribution of shear and out of plane stresses. For optimal results, it is recommended for the slenderness ratio to be at least 1.5 for an accurate 1D representation of the overall join behavior. Moreover, all three simplifies models are observed to accurately capture modal frequencies, with the exception of the torsional modes due to restricted degrees of freedom. Finally, effects of beam discretization and computational time is highlighted in the work presented in this manuscript.
ACS Catalysis, May 5, 2016
The hydrosilylation of alkene substrates bearing additional functionalities is difficult to achie... more The hydrosilylation of alkene substrates bearing additional functionalities is difficult to achieve using earth-abundant catalysts and has not been extensively realized with both earth-abundant transition metals and tertiary silanes or hydrosiloxanes. Reported herein is a well-defined bis(carbene) cobalt(I)-dinitrogen complex for the efficient, catalytic anti-Markovnikov hydrosilylation of terminal alkenes, featuring a broad substrate scope. Alkenes containing hydroxyl, amino, ester, epoxide, ketone, formyl, and nitrile groups are selectively hydrosilylated in this reaction sequence. Multinuclear NMR studies of reactive intermediates gave insights into the mechanism.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2022
Diagnostics, Jan 7, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Jun 22, 2023
Though most factors that trigger droughts cannot be prevented, accurate, relevant and timely fore... more Though most factors that trigger droughts cannot be prevented, accurate, relevant and timely forecasts can be used to mitigate their impacts. Drought forecasts must define the droughts severity, onset, cessation, duration and spatial distribution. Given the high probability of droughts occurrence in Kenya, her heavy reliance on rain-fed agriculture and lack of effective drought mitigation strategies, the country is highly vulnerable to impacts of droughts. Current drought forecasting approaches used in Kenya are not able to provide short and long term forecasts and they fall short of providing the severity of the drought. In this paper, a combination of Artificial Neural Networks and Effective Drought Index is presented as a potential candidate for addressing these drawbacks. This is demonstrated using forecasting models that were built using weather data for thirty years for four weather stations (representing 3 agro-ecological zones) in Kenya. Experiments varying various input/output combinations were carried out and drought forecasting network models were implemented in Matrix Laboratory's (MATLAB) Neural Network Toolbox. The models incorporate forecasted rainfall values in order to mitigate for unexpected extreme climate variations. With accuracies as high as 98 %, the solution is a great enhancement to the solutions currently in use in Kenya. Keywords Drought Forecasts. Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs). Effective Drought Index(EDI). Available Water Resource Index(AWRI). Rainfall Variations. Kenya 1 Introduction Droughts are among the most expensive disasters in the world and their negative impacts span economic, social and environmental aspects of the affected society. It is for this reason Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Dec 23, 2022
Extracellular vesicles (EVs), entities transporting a variety of cargo, are directly involved in ... more Extracellular vesicles (EVs), entities transporting a variety of cargo, are directly involved in many biological processes and intercellular communication, the characterization of which .

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Science, Jun 8, 2022
As for maintenance important role had to be take practical measures to implement the maintenance ... more As for maintenance important role had to be take practical measures to implement the maintenance work to ensure all the way continuing operations efficiently and prevent interruptions sudden and at the lowest possible cost, for the purpose of achieving this goal must adopt sophisticated methods guarantee us the perfect application for maintenance work and that the manner in Quality Management. In this research study the reality of the Division maintenance at the university (how the assignment of work, administrative structure, how the decision-making, documentation, .... etc.) and through theoretical study of quality management and maintenance and through field visits and interviews and look at how Division maintenance was reached a new administrative regime can be applied to achieve better performance through conversion administrative system from the Division of maintenance to the maintenance department and the distribution of tasks and the establishment of unit quality and other units new help to organize and develop the performance and was also

Lapai Journal of Economics
Poverty, a deteriorating healthcare system and insufficient educational standards are among the m... more Poverty, a deteriorating healthcare system and insufficient educational standards are among the major macroeconomic problems facing African countries. Foreign aid from Western countries to African countries has been hailed as one of the solutions to these problems. Thus, this study investigated the impact of foreign aid on poverty using a panel data set of 14 West African nations. Foreign aid was disaggregated according to the reason for which it was given while poverty was measured with three variables namely; poverty headcount, infant mortality, and literacy rate. Annual data was sourced from the WDI (2022), WGI (2022) and OECD (2022), scoped 2008-2020. Using a two-step system GMM, the study found that total aid insignificantly reduces poverty headcount in the presence of reduced corrupt practices. Furthermore, foreign aid allocated to health and education was found to lower infant mortality and improve literacy rates, respectively; however, these effects were only significan...

Applied Sciences
The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world focus on providing effective and fair online learning sy... more The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world focus on providing effective and fair online learning systems. As a consequence, this paper proposed a new intelligent, fair assessment of online examinations for virtual and remotely controlled laboratory experiments running through Laboratory Learning Systems. The main idea is to provide students with an environment similar to being physically present in a Laboratory while conducting practical experiments and exams and detecting cheating with high accuracy at a minimal cost. Therefore, an intelligent assessment module is designed to detect cheating students by analyzing their mouse dynamics using Artificial Intelligence. The mouse interaction behavior method was chosen because it does not require any additional resources, such as a camera and eye tribe tracker, to detect cheating. Various AI algorithms, such as KNN, SVC, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, XGBoost, and LightGBM have been used to classify student mouse behavior to detect che...
International journal of engineering research and technology, Jan 16, 2021
This study investigated the quality of groundwater from shallow hand dug wells in Mubi. Physicoch... more This study investigated the quality of groundwater from shallow hand dug wells in Mubi. Physicochemical analysis of some important water quality parameters was done and the results obtained compared to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ). Results obtained show that Iron failed by both standards adopted for checking the compliance while manganese failed to meet the NSDWQ standard for well 2 and well 6 (DW2 and DW6). Furthermore, results of Total Hardness for well 4 (DW4) well 6 (DW6), well 7 (DW7), well 10 (DW10) and well 11 (DW11) failed. The water quality of all locations sampled could be considered safe for domestic use with regard to their physicochemical character as determined by this study.
BCDR International Arbitration Review, Sep 1, 2014

Clinical Medicine and Diagnostics, 2016
Background: Psoriasis is a common chronic dermatological disease that has a negative impact on th... more Background: Psoriasis is a common chronic dermatological disease that has a negative impact on the psychological status and the social interaction of the patient and their overall quality of life (QoL). Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the QoL of patients with psoriasis in Makkah using the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), and to evaluate the correlation between the DLQI and clinical severity of psoriasis. Materials and Methods: This observational, cross-sectional study took place over a three-month period, from January to March 2015, at Hera General Hospital in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. All patients with psoriasis attending the dermatology clinic during this period were included in the study. Results: A total of 79 patients who attended Hera general hospital were enrolled in the study, with male patients representing 48.1% of the psoriatic patients and female patients representing 51.9% (sex ratio 1:1.1). The mean age is 35.27 and the mean psoriasis area and severit...

International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, 2021
Field trials were conducted at two locations during the 2019/2020 dry season to investigate the r... more Field trials were conducted at two locations during the 2019/2020 dry season to investigate the response of groundnut varieties as affected by intra-row spacing and irrigation interval on growth and yield at Teaching and Research Farm of Federal University Dutsin-Ma and Kugado site. Treatments consisted of three varieties of groundnut (SAMNUT 24, SAMNUT 25 and SAMNUT 26), 3 intra-row spacing (15, 20 and 25cm) and three irrigation intervals (3, 6 and 9days). The treatments were factorized and laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times. Results from the study revealed that groundnut variety had significant (P≤0.05) effect on growth and yield parameters at the two locations. SAMNUT 24 significantly (P≤0.05) outperformed SAMNUT 26 and SAMNUT 25 respectively in terms of number of leaves per plant, number of days to 50% flowering and kernel weight of (14.87 and 10.67 g) per plant at the two locations. Intra-row spacing of 15cm significantly (P≤0.05) outperformed 20 and 25cm on days to 50% flowering, number of leaves at 3 WAS at Kugado and kernel yield of (11.3 g) per plant at Badole. Irrigation interval of 6days on Kernel weight of (14.69 and 11.10 g) per plant recorded a significant (P≤0.05) effect at the two locations. However, 3days irrigation interval of (46.93 g) also recorded a significant effect on total dry matter at Badole. The study revealed that SAMNUT 24, intra-row spacing of 15cm, and 3days on yield parameters at Badole and 6days irrigation interval at Kugado proved to be most appropriate.

Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
Quality assurance practices are input, process, and output systems that are put in place by schoo... more Quality assurance practices are input, process, and output systems that are put in place by school administrators in order to ensure academic standards. It is on this premise that this study examined quality assurance practices as determinants of academic staff effectiveness. The study population consists of 6,577 academic staff in South-west Nigerian Polytechnics. Stratified and random sampling techniques were used to select 327 academic staff. An adapted instrument titled “Quality Assurance Practices Questionnaire’’ (QAPQ) and “Academic Staff Effectiveness Questionnaire’’ (ASEQ) were used to collect relevant data. Data collected were analysed using percentage and correlation methods. Findings indicate several quality assurance practices, which include quality assurance in the recruitment of lecturers, staff supervision, capacity building, and library services. Also, the study revealed a significant relationship between quality assurance practices and academic staff effectiveness. ...

Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021
Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive disease for which no curative treatment exists. We have previ... more Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive disease for which no curative treatment exists. We have previously engineered dermal fibroblasts to produce extracellular vesicles with tissue reparative properties dubbed activated specialized tissue effector extracellular vesicles (ASTEX). Here, we investigate the therapeutic utility of ASTEX in vitro and in a mouse model of bleomycin-induced lung injury. RNA sequencing demonstrates that ASTEX are enriched in micro-RNAs (miRs) cargo compared with EVs from untransduced dermal fibroblast EVs (DF-EVs). Treating primary macrophages with ASTEX reduced interleukin (IL)6 expression and increased IL10 expression compared with DF-EV-exposed macrophages. Furthermore, exposure of human lung fibroblasts or vascular endothelial cells to ASTEX reduced expression of smooth muscle actin, a hallmark of myofibroblast differentiation (respectively). In vivo, intratracheal administration of ASTEX in naïve healthy mice demonstrated a favorable safety profile with no...

Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 2020
Aim: Milicia excelsa stem bark is used as sedative and for treating mental illnesses among the Ha... more Aim: Milicia excelsa stem bark is used as sedative and for treating mental illnesses among the Hausa tribe of Northern Nigeria, but there is no scientific rationale for its use. Hence, this study investigated the oral acute toxicity and sedative potential of ethanol stem bark extract, n-hexane, ethylacetate, n-butanol and aqueous fractions of the stem bark extract in mice. The phytoconstituents in the extract and fractions were quantified. Methodology: The acute toxicity of the extract and fractions were investigated using OECD guidelines 425 of 2008. The sedative effects of the extract and fractions were investigated using pentobarbital-, and ketamine-induced sleep tests. Results and discussion: The results obtained showed that the acute toxicity of the extract and fractions were > 5000 mg/kg, suggesting that the extract and fractions may be safe. The extract, n-hexane, ethylacetate and aqueous fractions significantly (p<0.05) reduced sleep latencies, indicative of sedative effects, effective for sleep induction, while the extract and all the fractions significantly (p<0.05) prolonged the sleep durations, suggesting sedative effects, effective for sleep maintenance. Conclusion: This study therefore, concluded that the extract and fractions may be safe. The study further concluded that the sedative effect of the extract and fractions may be due to the abundance of flavonoids in the extract and fractions. Thus, providing scientific rationale for its ethnomedicinal use. However, further study may be warranted to isolate and characterize the sleep promoting bioactive principles as well as carry out GABA binding assay of the isolated compound(s) in ESB and its various fractions.