Papers by Ajtene Avdullahi

Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review
By reviewing the existing literature, this paper aims to investigate linear economy and recycling... more By reviewing the existing literature, this paper aims to investigate linear economy and recycling as a necessary component of a circular economy in a transition economy such as the Kosovo case. Initially, the paper investigates the legal framework for the environment, waste management, recycling industry, circular economy, and green entrepreneurship in Kosovo. This paper is a qualitative research based on a single case study approach aiming to investigate the motivations and obstacles of the first Kosovan entrant firm in the recycling industry, as well as the variety of the products and future plans. The research reveals that the company has implemented a plastic waste recycling initiative, utilizing it for the manufacturing of plastic products. This strategic move aims to minimize costs in comparison to relying solely on imported plastic raw materials. Furthermore, the company’s shift towards recycling has significant positive implications for the environment. Among the main obstac...

Southeast European Review of Business and Economics, Dec 1, 2022
The introduction of the digital euro will have an impact on the implementation of the financial p... more The introduction of the digital euro will have an impact on the implementation of the financial policy of North Macedonia. Based on an assessment of its own interests and capabilities, North Macedonia can decide on a model for compatibility with the digital euro. The paper analyses three possible models for cross-border system compatibility. Assuming that a digital euro provides a new channel for the transmission of domestic monetary policy shocks, the basic crossborder effects of the introduction of the digital euro can be summarised as an increase in euroisation, a reduction in monetary policy independence and a reduction in the creditor function of last resort. These effects need to be countered with integrated smart features such as automatic remuneration and bilateral cooperation with the ECB or a combination of these models. According to the analysis, this functionality can be achieved through the model, which is a technological bridge between the systems, as opposed to the model, which is a separate system, or the model, which is integrated. Although the proposed model is the most desirable in terms of potential gains and addressing potential risks, this model involves the development of an own digital currency (digital denar).

Population and Economics
Using the secondary data from Eurostat, World Bank, SEE Jobs Gateway Database and Kosovo Agency o... more Using the secondary data from Eurostat, World Bank, SEE Jobs Gateway Database and Kosovo Agency of Statistics labour source survey results the authors investigate female and youth unemployment as well as the level of inactivity in the labour market of Western Balkans with a particular focus on Kosovo. The results indicate that in Kosovo the unemployment rate remains the highest among Western Balkan countries. Whereas the unemployment rate of women and youth in Kosovo is even higher, presenting one of the main challenges and concerns for the country. The authors conclude by providing recommendations, which include implementing appropriate policies in order to decrease the unemployment rate, and the share of economically inactive women and youth by encouraging them to register as active job seekers or attend entrepreneurship training to gain the knowledge and skills needed to start a business.

Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah, 2020
This paper attempts to investigate the ownership and usability of debit and credit cards in Kosov... more This paper attempts to investigate the ownership and usability of debit and credit cards in Kosovo focusing on two demographic variables: the gender and age of the bank's clients. For research purposes, the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) data are used for two consecutive years: 2015 and 2016. The comparative method is used to compare the clients' behavior on the choice of the method to conduct payment and the usage of credit and debit cards in Kosovo banks for two consecutive years 2015 and 2016 based on the gender and age of bank clients. The results show that there is a gender gap, as debit and credit cards are owned and used more by males than females in all age groups and payment types. Whereas, for the variable age, the results show that both debit and credit cards are mostly used by customers aged 25-35 years followed by those 18-25 years. Based on the results of the paper, conclusions were drawn and some suggestions were given. We suggest that banks should do more to enhance the ownership and usage of debit and credit cards by females and elderly clients. Regarding the variable gender, we suggest that banks should offer credit and bonus cards with preferential rates to female entrepreneurs considering the very small number of female entrepreneurs to boost female entrepreneurship and decrease female unemployment in Kosovo.

Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, 2015
We are living in a period of intense domestic and foreign competition. Companies are facing very ... more We are living in a period of intense domestic and foreign competition. Companies are facing very strong competition. Therefore, they are having no choice but to be “competitive”. This paper aims to investigate the competitive strategies that a local construction company implement in a developing country such as Kosova scenario. For the purpose of this paper we have reviewed existing literature, related publications and other secondary data aiming to fundamentally understand and present the role and importance of developing competitive strategies that strongly position the company against competitors and provide to the company the strongest possible competitive advantage. The main objective of this paper is to explore competitive strategies of a local construction company and identify how this company creates a strong competition advantage in the market. In this paper, we have analyzed a particular case study of a local Constructing Company “LINPROJEKT” and presented the competitive ...

Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, 2018
This paper contributes to the understanding of the wages gap from a transition economy. The paper... more This paper contributes to the understanding of the wages gap from a transition economy. The paper aims to provide an extensive overview of the recent research on the public-private wage gap in Kosovo for the period 2012-2016 and to explore its effect on labor market efficiency and some macroeconomic indicators. As other countries that went through the transition phase, the public-sector wages at the beginning of transition phase were lower compared to the private sector in Kosovo, later this gap shifts in the advantage of the public sector at the maturity stages of transition in Kosovo thus making the public sector the desirable employer. Therefore, recruitment, retention and motivation of highly qualified human resources nowadays represent the toughest challenge for the private sector. Hence, this paper provides the employer's efforts in the private sector to attract and retain highly professional staff in Kosovo.

Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics, 2021
In today’s industrial working environment, too many responsibilities of employees have forced the... more In today’s industrial working environment, too many responsibilities of employees have forced them to extend their working hours and thus affect their individual moods. Having to work overtime may cause individuals to gradually engage in workaholic work. Excessive work obligations or habits can disrupt the emotional balance of individuals or make it difficult for them to regulate their emotional state. From another point of view, the emotional balance of individuals in industrial life is considered an important skill. This research aims to explore the mediating role of emotional stability between emotion regulation and overwork. The research data were collected by applying a questionnaire with the convenience sampling method with 320 participants from the health sector. All participants work in health institutions in Istanbul and voluntarily agreed to participate in the survey. A research questionnaire was structured by using the expressions of overwork, emotional balance, and regulation of emotions scales from the literature. The results regarding the relationship between emotion regulation and overwork show that the emotional stability of individuals has an important effect. With the findings of the research model established with the research hypotheses, it was aimed to draw the attention of the researchers to overwork as a concerning issue that may affect the emotional state of the individuals.

International Journal of Economic Sciences, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to identify determinants of SMEs performance, followed by the i... more The main purpose of this study is to identify determinants of SMEs performance, followed by the impact of Information Technology on SMEs profitability. By reviewing the existing literature and using the secondary data, this paper empirically investigates the determinants of SMEs growth in Kosovo; the fundamental obstacles faced by SMEs in Kosovo; the impact of Information Technology on SMEs performance and, it proposes strategies and measures to maximise Information Technology adoption from Kosovan SMEs. For the research purpose in this paper are used the secondary data gathered from Business Support Center Kosovo, who developed a survey from 500 SMEs in Kosovo. The combination of the variables related to entrepreneur, firm, business environment and IT adoption in a logit regression model suggest that entrepreneurs age, business age, introduction of any new method of marketing other than existing in the market for products/services during last three years from the firm are significant, whereas Internet use from SMEs resulted the most significant variable for SMEs profitability.

IJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development), 2020
Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effort of financial institutions th... more Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effort of financial institutions that support female entrepreneurship in a developing economy as well as the marketing strategies that those financial institutions utilize to increase the awareness of the female entrepreneurs concerning their preferential lending conditions and terms. Design/methodology/approach: For our research purpose the secondary data are used such as research papers, books and reports. The comparative method is used to compare the financial institutions lending conditions as well as the marketing and promotional strategies of those institutions. Findings: Access to finance presents one of the main barriers for female entrepreneurs in developing countries. Our results indicate that not so many financial institutions are constantly offering preferential lending conditions and terms for female-owned enterprises. Practical implications: We propose that financial institutions need to increase the number ...

International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, 2020
In nowadays economy, the role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is continually increasing as... more In nowadays economy, the role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is continually increasing as they represent the primary source of employment, economic development, poverty alleviation, new product development, and innovations. The SMEs' growth depends mostly upon its internal factors like the entrepreneur related factors and firm related factors. The main objective of this research is to explore how these internal factors influence SMEs' sales growth. Design/methodology/approach: For our research purpose, we have used a sample of 600 business owners of SMEs across Kosovo, and the multivariate regression analysis is developed to test the four hypotheses that we have set. Findings: In our research, we did not find any significant statistical relation for the positive effect of the entrepreneur's education on SMEs' sales growth. We found negative support to our hypothesis: Female Entrepreneurs will be positively related to SMEs' sales growth. Our research results indicate that variable Business age have an impact on the firm's sales, whereas, regarding the firm size, our results indicate that the bigger is the number of employees within a firm, the firm will experience the higher sales growth. Research implications: Based on our research results, we suggest that entrepreneurs should attend long-term and high quality training considering their positive effects on the firms' growth, whereas female entrepreneurs and managers should improve their management and business skills, cash flow and, technical skills and create sustainable networks. Originality/value: This paper will contribute to existing theory by filling the gap in the literature on the impact of the entrepreneur and firm related factors on small and medium enterprise growth with empirical evidence from a unique transitional country.

Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2021
Pricing strategies differ for each stage of the product life cycle. Although each stage of prod... more Pricing strategies differ for each stage of the product life cycle. Although each stage of product life has its own peculiarities and challenges, the most difficult and challenging stage is setting prices for new products. Therefore, this was the reason which aroused our curiosity to do a research which is based on the theoretical and practical plane on this issue. Initially, the literature of various authors who have contributed in the field of pricing policy for products and services in general was reviewed. Based on this analysis, a very good foundation has been laid to understand the role and importance of pricing for new products, and the most used pricing strategies for this category of products have described and analyzed. From the theoretical analysis, conclusions have been drawn which have served as a supporting basis of the practical part of the paper. To make this research more thorough, we reviewed a special case study of the local manufacturing company Pestova l.l.c, ...
Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldis” Arad – Economics Series
This research paper aims to investigate the competition in the banking sector in Kosovo. For the ... more This research paper aims to investigate the competition in the banking sector in Kosovo. For the research purpose, the secondary data from the Central Bank and commercial banks of Kosovo are used. Besides, the comparison methodology is used to analyse the banking sector for the years 2013-2017. The participation of commercial banks in the banking sector in Kosovo was compared and described, and the competitiveness of the banking sector was measured, using the HHI index and Concentration Ratio (CR4). Based on the research results, we can conclude that the competitiveness in 2017 was at a moderate level, in 2016 at a low level. Whereas, in the previous years, there was no real competition in this sector.

International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (2147-4486), 2019
Non-performing loans (NPLs) present one of the most controversial issues in both developed and de... more Non-performing loans (NPLs) present one of the most controversial issues in both developed and developing countries. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare the loan portfolio and NPLs in the Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia for the period 2008-2015. Besides, this research aims to make a comparative analysis of some other macroeconomic indicators and industry factors that affect them such as GDP, banking sector assets, loan portfolio, asset participation in GDP, credit participation in GDP, deposit credit ratio, the NPL report on total loans. The results show that the NPL have had a growing trend in the post-global financial crisis, with different variations. In this regard, the highest rate of NPL reflects Serbia, Albania, followed by Montenegro, B&H, and Macedonia, while the lowest rate is in Kosovo.

ILIRIA International Review, 2015
Financial institutions in today’s economy have no longer the luxury to improve profit simply by i... more Financial institutions in today’s economy have no longer the luxury to improve profit simply by increasing revenue. These firms, due to the significant measuring reductions in the financial services industry needed to improve operational efficiencies and merely support existing processes with fewer resources. This paper explains the benefits of Lean, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma that have improved organization's performance, by cutting costs and waste, improving their products or services, increasing profitability as well as enhancing customer satisfaction. The applicability of quality management practices in financial institutions in Kosovo is presented and also their efficiency and effectiveness. By analyzing data from Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo, this paper highlights the benefits of Individual and Micro companies customer segment as the result of organizational change and successful application of quality initiatives from financial institutions in Kosovo.
Papers by Ajtene Avdullahi