Papers by Abdulsalam Alkholidi

PeerJ. Computer science, May 31, 2024
This research conducts a comparative analysis of Faster R-CNN and YOLOv8 for real-time detection ... more This research conducts a comparative analysis of Faster R-CNN and YOLOv8 for real-time detection of fishing vessels and fish in maritime surveillance. The study underscores the significance of this investigation in advancing fisheries monitoring and object detection using deep learning. With a clear focus on comparing the performance of Faster R-CNN and YOLOv8, the research aims to elucidate their effectiveness in realtime detection, emphasizing the relevance of such capabilities in fisheries management. By conducting a thorough literature review, the study establishes the current state-ofthe-art in object detection, particularly within the context of fisheries monitoring, while discussing existing methods, challenges, and limitations. The findings of this study not only shed light on the superiority of YOLOv8 in precise detection but also highlight its potential impact on maritime surveillance and the protection of marine resources.
2023 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService)
2023 International Conference on Smart Computing and Application (ICSCA), Feb 5, 2023

Energjia rrezatuese nga Dielli përbën burimin kryesor të energjisë së tokës. Kjo energji matet në... more Energjia rrezatuese nga Dielli përbën burimin kryesor të energjisë së tokës. Kjo energji matet në rrezatim, që është sasia e energjisë së dritës të marrë nga një sipërfaqe për zonën e njësisë. E thënë ndryshe, rrezatimi mund të përkufizohet si prodhim i energjisë së dritës nga dielli, ndërsa matet në tokë. Me gjatësi vale fotonike që variojnë nga rrezet X dhe rrezet gama, kjo energji e dritës bëhet e dukshme me anë të teknologjisë infra të kuqe dhe radio. Sot, teknologjia fotovoltaike është bërë një nga burimet më të rëndësishme të botës për të gjeneruar energji të pafundme Ky punim përqendrohet në potencialin e energjisë diellore, të mirat dhe të metat e tij. Zhvillimi i teknologjisë moderne fotovoltaike konsiderohet si një nga zgjidhjet për të përmbushur kërkesën në rritje për prodhimin e energjisë elektrike. Studiuesit hulumtuan rritjen e shpejtë të teknologjisë diellore dhe të disa pengesave teknike që vazhdojnë, kryesisht një efikasitet të ulët të qelizave PV, një ekuilibër të ...
2023 International Conference on Smart Computing and Application (ICSCA)
The Linear Canonical Transform (LCT) describes the effect of any Quadratic Phase System (QPS) on ... more The Linear Canonical Transform (LCT) describes the effect of any Quadratic Phase System (QPS) on an input optical wavefield. Special cases of the LCT include the fractional Fourier transform (FRT), the Fourier transform (FT) and the Fresnel Transform (FST) describing free space propagation. We have recently published theory for the Discrete Linear Canonical Transform (DLCT), which is to the LCT what the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is to the FT and we have derived the Fast Linear Canonical Transform (FLCT), a NlogN, algorithm for ...
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 2008
In image processing, the Wavelet Transform (WT) is largely used. However, time requirements for l... more In image processing, the Wavelet Transform (WT) is largely used. However, time requirements for large two-dimensional image transforms are hard to meet with sequential implementations. Parallel implementation decreases the processing time and allows to reach a real-time operation in image coding. Unfortunately, this parallel coding increases the hardware complexity. We propose an optical implementation of the JPEG2000 compression using a special implementation of the WT. Special attention is paid to propose a simple all optical setup carrying out the optical implementation of JPEG2000 compression for gray-level images. Finally, an adaptation of our technique to colored images is proposed.

ABSTRACT In case of transmission of fast and protected information, it is important to carry out ... more ABSTRACT In case of transmission of fast and protected information, it is important to carry out two operations distinctly. The first, is an operation of encryption, which aims to modify the compressed information to make them unreadable to whoever does not have the necessary authorization to see them (in this paper, we propose give this authorization by using a fingerprint image). The second is an operation of compression which consists in reducing the size of information to be transmitted, by removing redundant information of them. However, these two operations are often carried out separately, although they are strongly bound and one influences on the other. We propose, in this article, to carry out these two operations (compression and encryption) together with a new system able to amalgamate spectral information. This nondestructive spectral fusion, allowing at the same time the compression and the encryption of this information. This system is based on one hand on the rarity of similitude in two different fingerprints and on the second hand on the Discrete Cosine Transformation "DCT", a transformation used for a long time in JPEG compression.
Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2007), 2007
... BREST Laboratory L@BISEN 20 rue cuirasse Bretagne CS 42807, 29228 Brest cedex 2 France ayman.... more ... BREST Laboratory L@BISEN 20 rue cuirasse Bretagne CS 42807, 29228 Brest cedex 2 France [email protected], alain.loussert@isen ... mathematically defined by the equation (1). One of the properties of this transformation (which particularly interests us in this arti-cle) is ...
Signal Processing, 2007
Image compression consists in reducing information volume representing an image. Elimination of r... more Image compression consists in reducing information volume representing an image. Elimination of redundancies and non-pertinent information enables memory space minimization and thus faster data transmission. The present work aims to improve the quality of the compressed image while minimizing the time required for compression by using the principle of coherent optics. We present an optical adaptation of the method of JPEG compression technique for binary, gray-level and color images. Illustrative simulations will be given at the end to validate our architecture and to evaluate the performance on different types of images (binary, gray and color). An optical implementation setup is proposed and validated experimentally.
2021 International Conference of Modern Trends in Information and Communication Technology Industry (MTICTI)

International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2013
Yemen is one of the least developed countries in the Middle East. Since more than 23 years, Repub... more Yemen is one of the least developed countries in the Middle East. Since more than 23 years, Republic of Yemen is going from darkness to darkness in the field of electricity power sector. It is considered as one of chronic problem in the country since 1990 up to now. The next 10 years Yemen meets a huge and serious problem in electrical power sector more than ever. Renewable Energy is considered as one of optimal solutions for power sector in Yemen which is called Solar, Wind and Geothermal energies. The objective of this work is to study and analyse existing status of power sector in Yemen and introduce the advantages of renewable energy resources. In depth study about solar and wind energy is presented in this paper. Renewable energy could enhance electrical grid system in Yemen and generate the green energy for Yemeni rural areas to serve: education sector, lightening homes, and medical clinics, etc. The importance of this paper is to illustrate the features of clean energy to enh...
Inthis paper weadvance anoptical JPEGcolor imagecompression algorithm anddiscuss itsperformance. ... more Inthis paper weadvance anoptical JPEGcolor imagecompression algorithm anddiscuss itsperformance. Statistical metrics suchasMeanSquare Error (MSE)andPeakSignalto-Noise Ratio (PSNR) areused. Thesequality criteria quantify thedifference between theoriginal andreconstructed image.Thetimerequired forcompression/decompression using ouroptical methodisoneoftheconsidered performancefactors. Simulation results arepresented toillustrate theeffect ofthecompression ratio onthereconstructed imagequality.

L’accroissement tres rapide de l’utilisation des images de tres bonne qualite dans les domaines d... more L’accroissement tres rapide de l’utilisation des images de tres bonne qualite dans les domaines des multimedias, des jeux, des transmissions satellites et de l’imagerie medicale, pose deux grands problemes: la transmission et le stockage de donnees. Pour gagner aussi bien en temps qu’en memoire, il est necessaire de compresser ces images tout en gardant une bonne qualite. Cependant, malgre l’origine optique de l’image, le traitement se fait souvent numeriquement. Ce qui entraine une perte de temps lie a la numerisation de cette image avant de pouvoir appliquer l’algorithme de compression souhaitee. De plus, comprimer numeriquement des informations de plus en plus complexes (images hautes resolutions par exemple) exige des temps de calcul tres couteux, malgre les progres de l’informatique. Cette these traite le probleme de la compression des images fixes, mais d’un point de vue de l’implantation optique afin de reduire la taille de l’information en eliminant les informations redondan...
SoftCOM 2010, 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2010
Collision is considered as one of the most important issues to be in mind in RFID system designin... more Collision is considered as one of the most important issues to be in mind in RFID system designing. Although, there are many algorithms that all of them are aiming - at the end - to decrease collision state numbers or to process such states that help achieve an accurate identification process in an acceptable period of time. In this paper, we intend to propose an algorithm offering balanced performance in general and excellent performance in environments with low or medium tags population. It gives the ability to reduce the number of collisions, in the first stage, and to identify tags that failed to be identified due to the occurred collisions, in the next stage. For illustration, we present simulation showing our algorithm performance against some commonly used algorithms.

Radiofrequency radiation consists in radiating of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving to... more Radiofrequency radiation consists in radiating of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together through space at the speed of the light.This paper illustrates the measurements of radiofrequency radiation of some mobile base stations in the capital of Yemen, Sana'a as long-term measurements. Yemeni towns in general are considered as non-urban cities. However, it is difficult for telecommunication engineers to find many options for the distribution of cellular base stations.The aims of this paper is to measure the radiofrequency radiation near of the schools, hospitals, universities, and crowded populated areas.Theimportance of this studyis to focus on invisible pollution in Yemen because noone cares about this topic even ministry of telecommunication and information technology. Accordingly, there is a mandated radiofrequency radiation from cellular base stations unmatched worldwide. Experimental results of long term during specific points and 24 hours at fixed points, and...

The climate in Southeastern European countries is relatively similar to that of the Middle East a... more The climate in Southeastern European countries is relatively similar to that of the Middle East and North Africa, where the annual sun irradiation is theoretically high according to SolarGIS data. Today, the photovoltaic systems technology sector is exponentially expanding in the international energy market. The aim of this paper is to study, compare, and analyze this important field in related countries and propose solutions to develop and encourage a solar energy market in Albania, where the economy has been gradually increasing in the last ten years. The potential for a renewable energy sector in Albania is promising, mainly because of the important presence of wind and solar energy resources. An additional objective of this study is to try to apply the results obtained in similar countries in the Balkans to increase the socioeconomic benefits and the creation of job opportunities in the country, as well as contributing to the protection of the environment and economic growth. In...
Papers by Abdulsalam Alkholidi