Papers by 202210215090 ARON MICAEL TAMBUNAN
Honey juice business is a business in the field of making fruit juices that requires fresh fruit ... more Honey juice business is a business in the field of making fruit juices that requires fresh fruit as the main ingredient in making fruit juice, this honey juice business is located in the beautiful garden of Jati Sari Bekasi. In this Honey juice business, there are 4 activities, namely purchasing fresh fruit from fruit farmers, washing fruit, peeling fruit skin, and mashing fruit by means of a blender. However, this honey juice business is not clean, especially in the disposal of fruit skins, therefore it is necessary to hold training on the application of handling fruit and vegetable peel waste so that fruit peel waste in this Honey juice business can be reused by fermentation or what we call eco-enzyme.

Honey juice business is a business in the field of making fruit juices that requires fresh fruit ... more Honey juice business is a business in the field of making fruit juices that requires fresh fruit as the main ingredient in making fruit juice, this honey juice business is located in the beautiful garden of Jati Sari Bekasi. In this Honey juice business, there are 4 activities, namely purchasing fresh fruit from fruit farmers, washing fruit, peeling fruit skin, and mashing fruit by means of a blender. However, this honey juice business is not clean, especially in the disposal of fruit skins, therefore it is necessary to hold training on the application of handling fruit and vegetable peel waste so that fruit peel waste in this Honey juice business can be reused by fermentation or what we call eco-enzyme. Abstrak Usaha Honey juise adalah usaha di bidang pembuatan jus buah yang membutuhkan buah-buahan segar sebagai bahan utama dalam pembuatan jus buah, usaha honey juice ini berlokasi di Taman indah permai Jati sari Bekasi. Dalam usaha Honey juise ini memiliki 4 kegiatan yakni pembelian buah segar dari petani buah, pencucian buah ,pengupasan kulit buah, dan penghalusan buah dengan cara di blender. akan tetapi usaha honey juise ini kurang bersih terutama dalam pembuangan kulit buah oleh karena itu perlu diadakan pelatihan penerapan penanggulanagan limbah kullit buah dan sayuran supaya limbah kulit buah di usaha Honey juise ini bisa digunakan kembali dengan cara di fermentasi atau kita sebut dengan eco-enzyme.
Jurnal Sains Teknologi dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Dec 14, 2022
Honey juice business is a business in the field of making fruit juices that requires fresh fruit ... more Honey juice business is a business in the field of making fruit juices that requires fresh fruit as the main ingredient in making fruit juice, this honey juice business is located in the beautiful garden of Jati Sari Bekasi. In this Honey juice business, there are 4 activities, namely purchasing fresh fruit from fruit farmers, washing fruit, peeling fruit skin, and mashing fruit by means of a blender. However, this honey juice business is not clean, especially in the disposal of fruit skins, therefore it is necessary to hold training on the application of handling fruit and vegetable peel waste so that fruit peel waste in this Honey juice business can be reused by fermentation or what we call eco-enzyme.
Papers by 202210215090 ARON MICAEL TAMBUNAN