Papers by I Gede Jenendra Suryana

Personal Project, 2020
In the context of Bali tourism, the development of tourism villages has become an inseparable par... more In the context of Bali tourism, the development of tourism villages has become an inseparable part of the ups and downs of tourism activities. The development of a tourism village gives new hope for Bali tourism in carrying out a sustainable tourism activity. In this case, Belimbing Tourism Village becomes the object of research in supporting the existence of sustainable tourism in Bali. But the reality is happening, the management and tourism programs in the village, have not been sufficient in supporting the utilization of local tourism potential. So that the influence of tourism on the economy of local communities has not been significant. Therefore, this study aims to identify internal and external factors through a SWOT analysis using the Global Sustainable Tourism Council criteria as a reference, designing alternative strategies through IFAS / EFAS calculations to produce priority sustainable development strategies through AHP. The technique of determining informants in this study uses purposive techniques, snowball, and quota sampling. Data in this study were collected through observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that the internal factors of Belimbing Tourism Village are greater than the external factors. The resulting alternative strategies, namely Strength-Opportunities include: optimizing the use of digital-based promotions, creating a cultural studio as a forum for community participation, developing tourism innovations by packaging tourist attractions, local products and local culture to initiating communities in providing homestays for tourists. After determining alternative strategies, through weighting and the results of in-depth interviews using the Expert Choice 11 (AHP) application, the results of strategic priorities include: creating a cultural studio as a forum for community participation (34.8%), developing tourism innovation by packaging attractions tourism, local products and local culture (34%), initiates the community in providing homestays for tourists (16.1%) and optimizes the use of digital-based promotions (15.1%).
Keywords: Belimbing Tourism Village, Sustainable Tourism, SWOT Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process.

Group Project, 2019
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a conservation area in East Java Province that has diverse ... more Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a conservation area in East Java Province that has diverse tourism potential that is in demand by tourists. However, the development of tourism which is not always in line with the principles of conservation, raises a dilemma where on the one hand tourism can bring economic growth benefits, but on the other hand it can threaten the conservation activities of the national park area. This study aims to determine the implementation of sustainable tourism refers to the criteria of GSTC in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park followed by analyzing internal and external factors using the SWOT method to formulate priorities of alternative strategies through the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. The informan selection were purposive, snowball and quota sampling. Data was collected by observation, in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion. The research shows that the implementation of sustainable tourism criteria of GSTC ini Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is not optimal. This is due to the fact that they are still in the development stage and the community does not fully understand the tourism potential they have. Based on the SWOT analysis results in weighting of IFAS and EFAS include S-O (4.41), S-T (3.76), W-O (3.44) and W-T (2.79). S-O obtained the highest weight value so that it can be continued into Analytic Hierarchy Process. The order of priority of SO strategy alternatives based on the Analythic Hierarchy Process method in the Focus Group Discussion that has been carried out is as follows: Maintain the unique potential of nature and culture (38.8%), develop innovation and tourist attractions (25.4%), create digital applications based on community tourism (16.9%), making creative advertisements in packaging and marketing tourism products (9.8%), and optimizing the use of social media in promoting tourism products (9.1%).
Keywords : Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, sustainable tourism, SWOT analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process

Community Based Tourism, 2018
Indonesia khususnya Provinsi Bali mulai mengarahkan pengembangan pariwisata , menuju pariwisata b... more Indonesia khususnya Provinsi Bali mulai mengarahkan pengembangan pariwisata , menuju pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Bali yang merupakan daerah tujuan favorit wisatawan mancanegara dan domestik telah mengembangkan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di beberapa daerah dan desa. Salah satu pengembangan CBT terdapat di Ubud Kabupaten Gianyar , tepatnya Desa Padang Tegal. Pada tahap penganalisisan data pada penelitian ini, penulis melakukan pengujian instrumen dengan menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) untuk mengetahui tingkat validitas dan realibilitas dari indikator pernyataan dari variabel kuesioner yang telah disusun dan disebar kepada responden. Dari instrument yang telah tersebar, didapatkan perhitungan secara global bahwa masyarakat Desa Padang Tegal Belum sepenuhnya berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan daya tarik wisata Monkey Forest. Hal ini dapat dilihat secara general perbandingan persetase 70% setuju akan tahap partisipasi sedangkan 30 % kurang menyetujui dengan alasan merantau serta kurangnya pemahaman terhadap community based tourism.
Papers by I Gede Jenendra Suryana
Keywords: Belimbing Tourism Village, Sustainable Tourism, SWOT Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process.
Keywords : Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, sustainable tourism, SWOT analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process
Keywords: Belimbing Tourism Village, Sustainable Tourism, SWOT Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process.
Keywords : Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, sustainable tourism, SWOT analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process