Papers by Татьяна Владимировна Цареградская
Секвенция Nо 5 для тромбона:Берио и Грок
когда я слышу звук, может быть, из-за того, что я человек визуальный, я всегда что-то вижу. И ког... more когда я слышу звук, может быть, из-за того, что я человек визуальный, я всегда что-то вижу. И когда я смотрю, я всегда слышу. Это не изолированные области опыта, они всегда одновременны, будоражат воображение. У людей взаимодействие между видимым и слышимым очень тесное» Toru Takemitsu. Confronting Silence
ЮРАЙТ, 2019
From the Organizers of the Discussion
Muzykalʹnaâ akademiâ, Nov 29, 2021

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2019
British composer Harrison Birtwistle (b. 1934) is considered to be one of the most striking figur... more British composer Harrison Birtwistle (b. 1934) is considered to be one of the most striking figures of contemporary classical music. The most important idea which crosses many of his pieces is the multiple embodiment of the Orpheus myth. Orpheus is interpreted not only as a person with his own tragedy, but also becomes an umbrella phenomenon embracing his mythic brother Linos, his wife Euridice, and different aspects of the voyage to the Underworld: wandering in the kingdom of Hades, conducting a dialog with the King of the Dead, as well as various-level reflections on the whole myth (allegoric, metaphoric, symbolic). Embodying all these aspects, the composer takes a wide range of texts (from Ausonius and Boethius, to Christopher Logue and Sir Thomas Wyatt, to Rainer Maria Rilke and Peter Zinoviev) and produces a number of works of different genres: instrumental pieces (Linoi), cantatas (The Death of Orpheus, Meridian), choral compositions (Fields of Sorrow, On the Threshold of the Night), operas (The Mask of Orpheus, The Corridor), and song cycles (Orpheus Elegies). Thus, Birtwistle's reflections on Orpheus form a series of works that display the whole range of images and situations contained in the myth, taken from different angles that can be compared to Picasso's famous series of reinterpretations of Las Meninas. One feature common to all these compositions is:that they are emotionally charged with a deep melancholy characteristic of a composer who recognizes in himself this kind of temperament as his peculiarity, and inspired by his famous predecessor, Dürer and Dowland.

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2021
Nowadays Kaija Saariaho is one of the most successful composers in the field of contemporary clas... more Nowadays Kaija Saariaho is one of the most successful composers in the field of contemporary classical music. A former student of Tristan Murail, she works in the direction initiated by socalled spectral composition, composing extremely colourful and poetic pieces that are highly appreciated by music critics. One of her orchestra compositions, Laterna Magica, based on the memoirs by Ingmar Bergman and commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker Orchestra, premiered in 2009 and became a hit — it was performed more than thirty times after the premiere. This successful piece is the main object of the analysis which is performed according to ideas of Saariaho expressed in her theoretical articles. One of the most interesting ideas about music form proposed by the composer is the idea of “polyphony of processes”, which means that different parameters of composition are realized in different schemes that do not intersect but act as separate phenomena creating an impression of both indepen...
From the Organizers of the Discussion
Музыкальная академия, 2021
Composers of the 21 Century and Their Melancholy
Музыкальная академия, 2021
Секвенция Nо 5 для тромбона:Берио и Грок
Тору Такемицу: между живописьюи музыкой
Papers by Татьяна Владимировна Цареградская