Саенко Валерий
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Papers by Саенко Валерий
генеалогічні, меморіалізаційні, етнографічні, фольклорні, діалектні, краєзнавчі, мистецькі, географічні, соціально-економічні та міграційні деталі біографічних оповідей. Матеріали збирали впродовж останніх десятиліть під час комплексних експедицій переважно співробітники ІМФЕ; долучалися викладачі й студенти з вишів України, представники наукових та культурно-освітніх установ, а також окремі записувачі.
Видання призначене для широкого кола читачів, шанувальників української культури та фахівців із царини етнології та суміжних галузей гуманітаристики.
On the eve of the 11th Archaeological Congress (1899) in Kyiv, a preliminary committee worked on its preparation. He was engaged, in particular, in organizing the exhibition. Based on the then compiled list of museums and collectors who were planned to be involved in its organization, the intellectual community that developed in the cultural environment of the Ukrainian provinces at the end of the 19th century was considered.
The discovery of letters written by I. V. Fabritsius to M. I. Viazmitina provides an opportunity to draw once again the attention of the scientific community to the achievements of the researchers and their life’s destiny. This publication will allow us to learn about the events of the last 15 years of I. V. Fabritsius’s life after her retirement and departure from Kyiv, a period that is practically not covered in publications. Among the large amount of correspondence accumulated in Mariia Ivanovna Viazmitina’s personal archive (more than five thousand), eleven letters received
from Iryna Vasyliivna Fabritsius and one letter from her daughter Kateryna survived. The correspondence covers the period from the early 1950s to April 1961. The activities of both Ukrainian scholars are connected with Kyiv. M. I. Viazmitina (1896—1994) was born here and lived here entire long life. I. V. Fabritsius (1882—1966) was also born in Kyiv. In 1891—1900, she studied at the Kherson Women’s Gymnasium. Since childhood, Iryna participated in the archaeological excavations and explorations of V. I. Hoshkevych. In 1913, she began working at the Kherson Historical
and Archaeological Museum as an assistant curator, in 1923—1925 she was the curator, and then until 1931 she was the director. In November 1931, she moved to Leningrad, where she spent her student years, and
lived there until early 1937.
In the postwar years, the researcheress returned to Kyiv and continued to develop her work on Cimmerian and Scythian archaeology and history, in particular on the ethnogeography of Scythia. She also prepared
a catalog of archaeological sites in the Northern Pontic region for publication. Due to the conflict situation, Iryna Vasylivna stopped her work at the Institute of Archaeology and retired in 1951. After her release, she
moved to Leningrad, where she lived for the last fifteen years. This period of I. V. Fabritsius’s biography remains completely unknown, which makes the published epistolary more valuable.
This work is a tribute of deep respect and endless gratitude to my teacher, Oleksandr Vsevolodovych Bodyansky, an archaeologist and a person. Author met him in 1974 during the expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and stood
together until his last days. My memories of Oleksandr Vsevolodovych are a mosaic panel consisting of colorful shots of joint work in expeditions, personal communication, conversations, observations, delight and «solid admiration». From 1929 until his passing away, O. V. Bodyansky was engaged in archaeology. From 1931 he was a close and creative friend of D. I. Yavornytskyi. In 1934—1936, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Dniprobud Museum (Zaporizhia). In 1943—1945 he participated in the
ІІ World War. In 1946, he was an employe of the Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum. From 1946 to 1976, he was a senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, from 1977 to 1992 he was an employee of the Zaporizhia Regional
Museum of Local History. O. V. Bodianskyi is the author of about 40 publications on archaeology and early history. During the 60 years of his conscious life, О. V. Bodyansky discovered hundreds of archaeological sites: parking lots, settlements, burial grounds of different ages and cultures, which were included in the cadastre of archeological objects of Dnipro Rapids region. He discovered prehistoric sites of the Stone Age, settlements and burial grounds of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age, the Middle Ages, and the Cossacks. He collected and handed over to the Zaporizhia Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Dnipropetrovsk
Historical Museum, the Khortytsia Historical and Cultural Reserve, the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, collections of objects from different ages and cultures. The monuments discovered by Bodyansky became the basis of scientific papers, dissertations, and monographs of many archaeologists. The
personal file of O. V. Bodyansky, which consists of orders, personnel records, three versions of his autobiography, characteristics, a list of publications, etc. is kept in the Scientific archive of the Institute of Archaeology.
Ця робота — данина глибокої поваги, нескінченної вдячності моєму Вчителю — Олександру Всеволодовичу Бодянському — археологу і людині. Знайомство з ним відбулося у 1974 р. в експедиції
Інституту археології НАН України та тривало до останніх його днів. Мої спогади про Олександра Всеволодовича — це мозаїчне панно, що складається з різнокольорових кадрів спільної роботи в експедиціях, особистого спілкування, розмов, спостережень, захвату і «суцільного милування». За 60 років свого свідомого життя А. В. Бодянський відкрив сотні археологічних пам’яток: стоянок, поселень, могильників різних епох та культур, які увійшли до кадастру об’єктів археології Надпорожжя.
Она полностью отдавала себя науке, охотно делилась своими знаниями с коллегами и молодыми специалистами.
Это был разносторонний, высокообразованный, интеллигентный и высоко порядочный человек.
А. М. Смирнов, выпускник истфака ЛГУ, один из лучших учеников проф. Л. С. Клейна, блестящий раскопщик с огромным опытом спасательных и научных археологических работ. Его знали и
ценили коллеги как отличного полевика, великолепного знатока мегалитов, мастера раскопочного ремесла, эрудированного и невероятно одарённого.
and 1903.
Procedure and methods. On the basis of comparative and typological methods with the use of mathematical statistics, the paper reveals the path the researcher followed.
Results. Without diminishing the role and denying the importance of the discovery, the author critically approaches to the assessment of methods and results of archaeological excavations conducted by V. A. Gorodtsov in the early XX century.
Research implications. In the process of studying the available materials, it was possible to show that the general level of development of archaeological science of that time limited the researcher
and did not allow him to achieve even more important results. Therefore, V. A. Gorodtsov, being close to isolating a special group of funeral monuments in wooden frame structures, eventually combined them with burials in wooden log houses. And only 70 years later, this special group was defined as belonging to Multi-cordoned ware culture, which occupied an intermediate place between the Catacomb and Timber-grave cultures in the “triad” of V. A. Gorodtsov.
The sculpture of the medieval Turkic-speaking nomads of Euroasian steppes is one of the many sources that can provide
information about culture, history, ethnic and social structure of the societies which left them. However, any knowledge of the primary
location of these statues being lost, receiving this information is made difficult, as the statues were subjected to secondary use and
were moved from their primary places. The geological-petrographic method used for determination of rock of which the statues were
manufactured helped restore the lost knowledge. Owing to the peculiarities of these rocks, the major number of statues were “linked”
to their analogous outcrops. The materials used to manufacture the statues found “in situ” compared with their analogous outcrops
showed that sculptures were not brought far from the place of their manufacture in antiquity. Mapping of the abruptions used in
manufacture of the statues helped localise the places of possible quarries and workshops of sculpture manufacture. As a result, 6 areas
in East-European steppes and 6 areas in Asian ones were distinguished.
The results obtained based on geological-petrographic analysis were checked then by means of traditional archaeological
methods, which confirmed the conclusions. The distinguished geological areas turned out to be represented by statues with explicit
ethnographic peculiarities allowing seeing in them a reflection of actual ethnic processes in Middle Ages.
East-European steppes allowed to distinguish two vast areas: the Black and the White Cumania, the two areas very well traced
by sculptures material. Thus, the Black Cumania localised in the Donbass region and Caucasus foothills is chiefly represented by the
statues of sitting persons without any “background”, their clothes ornamented with round lines or without any ornament.
The White Cumania, with its centre in the Black Sea – Dnieper region, is mainly represented by statues of standing persons with
the “background”. Their clothes are normally ornamented with broken lines. The statues of this group often have images of animals
and horsemen.
Asian steppes revealed peculiar features determining the sculpture of the Western and Eastern Turkic Khaganates (Nomadic
Empires), as well as a region that by the percentage of various iconographic types of statues turned out to be very similar to the EastEuropean region where the statues of Ancient Turkic type were spread.
Use of geological-petrographic analysis allowed restoring partly the lost knowledge about the statues and obtaining conclusions
that do not contradict the known historical facts.
To this day, about the appointment of a monumental sculpture of medieval Turkic-speaking nomads and its role in their spiritual lives are discussions. Almost all researchers agree that the sculpture had a religious significance, but this meaning is debated by scientists. Who is depicted on the statue: a hero, a leader, an aristocrat, a warrior, an ancestor or god?
In this paper, the authors have suggested that part of the monumental sculpture depicts deities of the Buddhist pantheon. Comparison of ancient Turkic and Polovtsian monuments with Buddhist images shows them a certain similarity, which allows authors to see the influence of Buddhism on the monumental art of the ancient Turks and Cumans. The authors hope that the monumental art of the medieval Turkic-speaking nomads will attract new researchers, including researchers of ancient art.
Гераськова Л.С., Пыслару И.А. Буддийские черты в монументальной скульптуре средневековых тюрко-язычных кочевников // Археологическое наследие Центрального Казахстана: изучение и сохранение. Сборник научных статей, посвященный 70-летию организации Центрально-Казахстанской археологической экспедиции Академии наук Казахстана. – Алматы: Научно-исследовательский центр истории и археологии «Бегазы-Тасмола», 2017. – Т. 2. - С. 114-124.
After opening first unique Polovtsian statues “Madonna” with the baby on the breast we was have a happy occasion that brought us together with the Kazakh academician Alikei Khakan Margulan. The monumental
sculpture of the medieval Turkic-speaking nomads was among the scientific interests of researcher. The scientific heritage by A. Kh. Margulan has today seek many professionals involved in the study of medieval statues and monuments of the earlier time. However, in the study of sculpture, until this time exist some problems: semantics,
materials, artistic features, availability of schools and workshops. Their solution requires an integrated approach specialists from different fields of knowledge. In this paper, we proposed to pay special attention to exist of the Buddhist influence in monumental sculpture.
Гераськова Л.С., Пыслару И.А. Х. Маргулан и проблемы изучения монументальной скульптуры древних тюрков, кыпчаков и половцев // Археологическое наследие Центрального Казахстана: изучение и сохранение. Сборник научных статей, посвященный 70-летию организации Центрально-Казахстанской археологической экспедиции Академии наук Казахстана. – Алматы: Научно-исследовательский центр истории и археологии «Бегазы-Тасмола», 2017. – Т. 2. - С. 103-113.
Більшість його представників були священниками, або навчалися в духовних навчальних закладах. У статті зроблений огляд наукових праць, створених кількома поколіннями Гошкевичів. Найбільш відомими постатями є Осип Гошкевич — сходознавець, місіонер, дипломат у Китаї і Японії; та Віктор Гошкевич — археолог, засновник Херсонського краєзнавчого музею, в МКДУ зберігаються дві книги його авторства.
Ukrainian by origin, the Goshkevych family has been known since the 18th
century. Most of its representatives were priests or studied in spiritual educational institutions. The article reviews scientific works created by several generations of Hoshkevychs. The most famous figures are Osyp Goshkevich — Orientalist, missionary, diplomat in China and Japan; and Viktor Goshkevich — archaeologist, founder of the Kherson Museum of Local Lore, two books of his authorship are preserved in the Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine.
In the paper under consideration it is told about production of glass items (vitrics) controlled by Kyivo - Pecherskii Monastery at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century, evidenced by written and archaeological sources. The article author found and identified a workshop of vitrics production not far from the village of Packul, Chernihiv Region, on the River Khotylovka. Kyivo - Pecherskii Monastery was its beneficiary. This workshop was called "Khotylovskaia" in written sources. But its real location was unknown till the excavations by the author. Masters of the Desnovs family were the production arendators. They produced various glass dishes, window glass, toys to an order of the monastery. This production was permanently found in fragments and in the whole species as a result of excavations on the territory of Kyivo - Pecherskii Monastery.
В данной работе идет речь о производстве стеклянных изделий под контролем Киево-Печерского монастыря в конце 17 – начале 18 веков, о чем свидетельствуют письменные и археологические источники. Автор статьи обнаружил и идентифицировал у села Пакуль Черниговской области на реке Хотиловке одну мастерскую по производству стеклянной продукции, бенефициарием которой выступал Киево-Печерский монастырь. В письменных источниках эта мастерская называлась Хотиловская. Но до раскопок автора ее точное местонахождение известно не было. Арендаторами производства были мастера из династии Десновых. На заказ монастыря они производили характерных типов различную стеклянную посуду, оконное стекло, игрушки. Эта продукция во фрагментированном и целом виде была неоднократно выявлена в результате раскопок на территории Киево-Печерского монастыря.
In the given article a new inscription found in the Western Pontic Town of Kallatis is published. A gymnasium and one saved construction with the last letter of its title are mentioned in the given inscription. Both constructions mentioned in this inscription were devoted to Caesar Augustus on behalf of Kallatian people. "Caesar Augustus" stands for "Emperor Augustus". An absense of designation that Caesar Augustus was an autocrator permits us to date the mentioned document to the 20s B.C., when a worship of Augustus formed in the Roman Empire and its satellites. A gymnasium in Kallatis and one more construction were located on the town's agora that was reconstructed relatively at this period and where temenos of Augustus, sanctuary (altar), temple and gymnasium were built. These constructions had an aim to become a center of veneration of the Roman Emperor.
В статье публикуется новая надпись, обнаруженная в западнопонтийском городе Каллатисе, в которой упоминается гимнасий и еще какая-то постройка, от названия которой сохранилась, к сожалению, только одна последняя буква. Оба сооружения, названные в надписи, были посвящены от имени Народа каллатийцев Цезарю Августу, т.е. императору Августу. Отсутствие в надписи указания на то, что Цезарь Август являлся автократором, позволяет датировать документ началом 20-х годов до н.э., когда в Римской империи и в союзных ей государствах начал складываться культ Августа. Гимнасий в Каллатисе и еще какая-то постройка находились на агоре города, которую начали реконструировать около этого времени и где возвели теменос Августа, алтарь, храм и гимнасий, отныне призванные стать центром почитания римского императора.
In the west and north area of the Black Sea, at the end of the Bronze Age-beginning of the Iron Age, had taken place some important historical changes that marked the start of 1 st millennium B.C. Then, on the ancient history arena, appeared the Cimmerians and Scythians, nomadic peoples. The problem of the Cimmerians presence in the Carpathian-Danubian space was already approached in numerous papers of researchers from different countries, but being far from clarified. Here we will identify some characteristic particulates of the Cimmerian culture which we found in the Carpathian-Danubian area. The “Cimmerian” culture it’s represented by a group of funerary discoveries, collections of harness parts and weapons without a context and a few “deposits”, like the anthropomorphic stone stars. These, mostly, aren’t taken by researchers in considerations when analyzing the Cimmerian problem. The author reached the conclusion that the “dear stones” statuettes mark the territory occupied by the “pre-Scythian”/Cimmerian population. Accepting this idea, the existence of a big “Cimmerian-Scythian” historic-cultural community, we will be able to define a first chronological period linked by the Cimmerians and a second one by Scythians.
Пыслару И. Феномен евразийских степей в раннем железном веке и о киммерийцах в Карпатско-Дунайском регионе // Сакская культура Сарыарки в контексте изучения этносоциокультурных процессов Cтепной Евразии. Сборник научных статей, посвященный памяти археолога К. А. Акишева. – Алматы: НИЦИА «Бегазы-Тасмола», 2015. – С. 132-145.
Ivan Pislarii. A Pass to the Past // "Prapor Peremohy" (A newspaper of Voroshilovgrad Region), August, 5, 1972. In this newspaper article the author, a Head of Archaeology Department of Voroshilovgrad Regional Museum of Local Lore Ivan Pislarii tells us about excavations by Siversko-Donetsk Archaeological Expedition of the Ukrainian SSR Sciences Academy Archaeology Institute. The works are devoted to the research of the ancient barrows and settlements in the district of an irrigation system building in Luhanka River Valley not far from Olexandrivsk Town (Voroshilovgrad Region) in summer 1972.
генеалогічні, меморіалізаційні, етнографічні, фольклорні, діалектні, краєзнавчі, мистецькі, географічні, соціально-економічні та міграційні деталі біографічних оповідей. Матеріали збирали впродовж останніх десятиліть під час комплексних експедицій переважно співробітники ІМФЕ; долучалися викладачі й студенти з вишів України, представники наукових та культурно-освітніх установ, а також окремі записувачі.
Видання призначене для широкого кола читачів, шанувальників української культури та фахівців із царини етнології та суміжних галузей гуманітаристики.
On the eve of the 11th Archaeological Congress (1899) in Kyiv, a preliminary committee worked on its preparation. He was engaged, in particular, in organizing the exhibition. Based on the then compiled list of museums and collectors who were planned to be involved in its organization, the intellectual community that developed in the cultural environment of the Ukrainian provinces at the end of the 19th century was considered.
The discovery of letters written by I. V. Fabritsius to M. I. Viazmitina provides an opportunity to draw once again the attention of the scientific community to the achievements of the researchers and their life’s destiny. This publication will allow us to learn about the events of the last 15 years of I. V. Fabritsius’s life after her retirement and departure from Kyiv, a period that is practically not covered in publications. Among the large amount of correspondence accumulated in Mariia Ivanovna Viazmitina’s personal archive (more than five thousand), eleven letters received
from Iryna Vasyliivna Fabritsius and one letter from her daughter Kateryna survived. The correspondence covers the period from the early 1950s to April 1961. The activities of both Ukrainian scholars are connected with Kyiv. M. I. Viazmitina (1896—1994) was born here and lived here entire long life. I. V. Fabritsius (1882—1966) was also born in Kyiv. In 1891—1900, she studied at the Kherson Women’s Gymnasium. Since childhood, Iryna participated in the archaeological excavations and explorations of V. I. Hoshkevych. In 1913, she began working at the Kherson Historical
and Archaeological Museum as an assistant curator, in 1923—1925 she was the curator, and then until 1931 she was the director. In November 1931, she moved to Leningrad, where she spent her student years, and
lived there until early 1937.
In the postwar years, the researcheress returned to Kyiv and continued to develop her work on Cimmerian and Scythian archaeology and history, in particular on the ethnogeography of Scythia. She also prepared
a catalog of archaeological sites in the Northern Pontic region for publication. Due to the conflict situation, Iryna Vasylivna stopped her work at the Institute of Archaeology and retired in 1951. After her release, she
moved to Leningrad, where she lived for the last fifteen years. This period of I. V. Fabritsius’s biography remains completely unknown, which makes the published epistolary more valuable.
This work is a tribute of deep respect and endless gratitude to my teacher, Oleksandr Vsevolodovych Bodyansky, an archaeologist and a person. Author met him in 1974 during the expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and stood
together until his last days. My memories of Oleksandr Vsevolodovych are a mosaic panel consisting of colorful shots of joint work in expeditions, personal communication, conversations, observations, delight and «solid admiration». From 1929 until his passing away, O. V. Bodyansky was engaged in archaeology. From 1931 he was a close and creative friend of D. I. Yavornytskyi. In 1934—1936, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Dniprobud Museum (Zaporizhia). In 1943—1945 he participated in the
ІІ World War. In 1946, he was an employe of the Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum. From 1946 to 1976, he was a senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, from 1977 to 1992 he was an employee of the Zaporizhia Regional
Museum of Local History. O. V. Bodianskyi is the author of about 40 publications on archaeology and early history. During the 60 years of his conscious life, О. V. Bodyansky discovered hundreds of archaeological sites: parking lots, settlements, burial grounds of different ages and cultures, which were included in the cadastre of archeological objects of Dnipro Rapids region. He discovered prehistoric sites of the Stone Age, settlements and burial grounds of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age, the Middle Ages, and the Cossacks. He collected and handed over to the Zaporizhia Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Dnipropetrovsk
Historical Museum, the Khortytsia Historical and Cultural Reserve, the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, collections of objects from different ages and cultures. The monuments discovered by Bodyansky became the basis of scientific papers, dissertations, and monographs of many archaeologists. The
personal file of O. V. Bodyansky, which consists of orders, personnel records, three versions of his autobiography, characteristics, a list of publications, etc. is kept in the Scientific archive of the Institute of Archaeology.
Ця робота — данина глибокої поваги, нескінченної вдячності моєму Вчителю — Олександру Всеволодовичу Бодянському — археологу і людині. Знайомство з ним відбулося у 1974 р. в експедиції
Інституту археології НАН України та тривало до останніх його днів. Мої спогади про Олександра Всеволодовича — це мозаїчне панно, що складається з різнокольорових кадрів спільної роботи в експедиціях, особистого спілкування, розмов, спостережень, захвату і «суцільного милування». За 60 років свого свідомого життя А. В. Бодянський відкрив сотні археологічних пам’яток: стоянок, поселень, могильників різних епох та культур, які увійшли до кадастру об’єктів археології Надпорожжя.
Она полностью отдавала себя науке, охотно делилась своими знаниями с коллегами и молодыми специалистами.
Это был разносторонний, высокообразованный, интеллигентный и высоко порядочный человек.
А. М. Смирнов, выпускник истфака ЛГУ, один из лучших учеников проф. Л. С. Клейна, блестящий раскопщик с огромным опытом спасательных и научных археологических работ. Его знали и
ценили коллеги как отличного полевика, великолепного знатока мегалитов, мастера раскопочного ремесла, эрудированного и невероятно одарённого.
and 1903.
Procedure and methods. On the basis of comparative and typological methods with the use of mathematical statistics, the paper reveals the path the researcher followed.
Results. Without diminishing the role and denying the importance of the discovery, the author critically approaches to the assessment of methods and results of archaeological excavations conducted by V. A. Gorodtsov in the early XX century.
Research implications. In the process of studying the available materials, it was possible to show that the general level of development of archaeological science of that time limited the researcher
and did not allow him to achieve even more important results. Therefore, V. A. Gorodtsov, being close to isolating a special group of funeral monuments in wooden frame structures, eventually combined them with burials in wooden log houses. And only 70 years later, this special group was defined as belonging to Multi-cordoned ware culture, which occupied an intermediate place between the Catacomb and Timber-grave cultures in the “triad” of V. A. Gorodtsov.
The sculpture of the medieval Turkic-speaking nomads of Euroasian steppes is one of the many sources that can provide
information about culture, history, ethnic and social structure of the societies which left them. However, any knowledge of the primary
location of these statues being lost, receiving this information is made difficult, as the statues were subjected to secondary use and
were moved from their primary places. The geological-petrographic method used for determination of rock of which the statues were
manufactured helped restore the lost knowledge. Owing to the peculiarities of these rocks, the major number of statues were “linked”
to their analogous outcrops. The materials used to manufacture the statues found “in situ” compared with their analogous outcrops
showed that sculptures were not brought far from the place of their manufacture in antiquity. Mapping of the abruptions used in
manufacture of the statues helped localise the places of possible quarries and workshops of sculpture manufacture. As a result, 6 areas
in East-European steppes and 6 areas in Asian ones were distinguished.
The results obtained based on geological-petrographic analysis were checked then by means of traditional archaeological
methods, which confirmed the conclusions. The distinguished geological areas turned out to be represented by statues with explicit
ethnographic peculiarities allowing seeing in them a reflection of actual ethnic processes in Middle Ages.
East-European steppes allowed to distinguish two vast areas: the Black and the White Cumania, the two areas very well traced
by sculptures material. Thus, the Black Cumania localised in the Donbass region and Caucasus foothills is chiefly represented by the
statues of sitting persons without any “background”, their clothes ornamented with round lines or without any ornament.
The White Cumania, with its centre in the Black Sea – Dnieper region, is mainly represented by statues of standing persons with
the “background”. Their clothes are normally ornamented with broken lines. The statues of this group often have images of animals
and horsemen.
Asian steppes revealed peculiar features determining the sculpture of the Western and Eastern Turkic Khaganates (Nomadic
Empires), as well as a region that by the percentage of various iconographic types of statues turned out to be very similar to the EastEuropean region where the statues of Ancient Turkic type were spread.
Use of geological-petrographic analysis allowed restoring partly the lost knowledge about the statues and obtaining conclusions
that do not contradict the known historical facts.
To this day, about the appointment of a monumental sculpture of medieval Turkic-speaking nomads and its role in their spiritual lives are discussions. Almost all researchers agree that the sculpture had a religious significance, but this meaning is debated by scientists. Who is depicted on the statue: a hero, a leader, an aristocrat, a warrior, an ancestor or god?
In this paper, the authors have suggested that part of the monumental sculpture depicts deities of the Buddhist pantheon. Comparison of ancient Turkic and Polovtsian monuments with Buddhist images shows them a certain similarity, which allows authors to see the influence of Buddhism on the monumental art of the ancient Turks and Cumans. The authors hope that the monumental art of the medieval Turkic-speaking nomads will attract new researchers, including researchers of ancient art.
Гераськова Л.С., Пыслару И.А. Буддийские черты в монументальной скульптуре средневековых тюрко-язычных кочевников // Археологическое наследие Центрального Казахстана: изучение и сохранение. Сборник научных статей, посвященный 70-летию организации Центрально-Казахстанской археологической экспедиции Академии наук Казахстана. – Алматы: Научно-исследовательский центр истории и археологии «Бегазы-Тасмола», 2017. – Т. 2. - С. 114-124.
After opening first unique Polovtsian statues “Madonna” with the baby on the breast we was have a happy occasion that brought us together with the Kazakh academician Alikei Khakan Margulan. The monumental
sculpture of the medieval Turkic-speaking nomads was among the scientific interests of researcher. The scientific heritage by A. Kh. Margulan has today seek many professionals involved in the study of medieval statues and monuments of the earlier time. However, in the study of sculpture, until this time exist some problems: semantics,
materials, artistic features, availability of schools and workshops. Their solution requires an integrated approach specialists from different fields of knowledge. In this paper, we proposed to pay special attention to exist of the Buddhist influence in monumental sculpture.
Гераськова Л.С., Пыслару И.А. Х. Маргулан и проблемы изучения монументальной скульптуры древних тюрков, кыпчаков и половцев // Археологическое наследие Центрального Казахстана: изучение и сохранение. Сборник научных статей, посвященный 70-летию организации Центрально-Казахстанской археологической экспедиции Академии наук Казахстана. – Алматы: Научно-исследовательский центр истории и археологии «Бегазы-Тасмола», 2017. – Т. 2. - С. 103-113.
Більшість його представників були священниками, або навчалися в духовних навчальних закладах. У статті зроблений огляд наукових праць, створених кількома поколіннями Гошкевичів. Найбільш відомими постатями є Осип Гошкевич — сходознавець, місіонер, дипломат у Китаї і Японії; та Віктор Гошкевич — археолог, засновник Херсонського краєзнавчого музею, в МКДУ зберігаються дві книги його авторства.
Ukrainian by origin, the Goshkevych family has been known since the 18th
century. Most of its representatives were priests or studied in spiritual educational institutions. The article reviews scientific works created by several generations of Hoshkevychs. The most famous figures are Osyp Goshkevich — Orientalist, missionary, diplomat in China and Japan; and Viktor Goshkevich — archaeologist, founder of the Kherson Museum of Local Lore, two books of his authorship are preserved in the Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine.
In the paper under consideration it is told about production of glass items (vitrics) controlled by Kyivo - Pecherskii Monastery at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century, evidenced by written and archaeological sources. The article author found and identified a workshop of vitrics production not far from the village of Packul, Chernihiv Region, on the River Khotylovka. Kyivo - Pecherskii Monastery was its beneficiary. This workshop was called "Khotylovskaia" in written sources. But its real location was unknown till the excavations by the author. Masters of the Desnovs family were the production arendators. They produced various glass dishes, window glass, toys to an order of the monastery. This production was permanently found in fragments and in the whole species as a result of excavations on the territory of Kyivo - Pecherskii Monastery.
В данной работе идет речь о производстве стеклянных изделий под контролем Киево-Печерского монастыря в конце 17 – начале 18 веков, о чем свидетельствуют письменные и археологические источники. Автор статьи обнаружил и идентифицировал у села Пакуль Черниговской области на реке Хотиловке одну мастерскую по производству стеклянной продукции, бенефициарием которой выступал Киево-Печерский монастырь. В письменных источниках эта мастерская называлась Хотиловская. Но до раскопок автора ее точное местонахождение известно не было. Арендаторами производства были мастера из династии Десновых. На заказ монастыря они производили характерных типов различную стеклянную посуду, оконное стекло, игрушки. Эта продукция во фрагментированном и целом виде была неоднократно выявлена в результате раскопок на территории Киево-Печерского монастыря.
In the given article a new inscription found in the Western Pontic Town of Kallatis is published. A gymnasium and one saved construction with the last letter of its title are mentioned in the given inscription. Both constructions mentioned in this inscription were devoted to Caesar Augustus on behalf of Kallatian people. "Caesar Augustus" stands for "Emperor Augustus". An absense of designation that Caesar Augustus was an autocrator permits us to date the mentioned document to the 20s B.C., when a worship of Augustus formed in the Roman Empire and its satellites. A gymnasium in Kallatis and one more construction were located on the town's agora that was reconstructed relatively at this period and where temenos of Augustus, sanctuary (altar), temple and gymnasium were built. These constructions had an aim to become a center of veneration of the Roman Emperor.
В статье публикуется новая надпись, обнаруженная в западнопонтийском городе Каллатисе, в которой упоминается гимнасий и еще какая-то постройка, от названия которой сохранилась, к сожалению, только одна последняя буква. Оба сооружения, названные в надписи, были посвящены от имени Народа каллатийцев Цезарю Августу, т.е. императору Августу. Отсутствие в надписи указания на то, что Цезарь Август являлся автократором, позволяет датировать документ началом 20-х годов до н.э., когда в Римской империи и в союзных ей государствах начал складываться культ Августа. Гимнасий в Каллатисе и еще какая-то постройка находились на агоре города, которую начали реконструировать около этого времени и где возвели теменос Августа, алтарь, храм и гимнасий, отныне призванные стать центром почитания римского императора.
In the west and north area of the Black Sea, at the end of the Bronze Age-beginning of the Iron Age, had taken place some important historical changes that marked the start of 1 st millennium B.C. Then, on the ancient history arena, appeared the Cimmerians and Scythians, nomadic peoples. The problem of the Cimmerians presence in the Carpathian-Danubian space was already approached in numerous papers of researchers from different countries, but being far from clarified. Here we will identify some characteristic particulates of the Cimmerian culture which we found in the Carpathian-Danubian area. The “Cimmerian” culture it’s represented by a group of funerary discoveries, collections of harness parts and weapons without a context and a few “deposits”, like the anthropomorphic stone stars. These, mostly, aren’t taken by researchers in considerations when analyzing the Cimmerian problem. The author reached the conclusion that the “dear stones” statuettes mark the territory occupied by the “pre-Scythian”/Cimmerian population. Accepting this idea, the existence of a big “Cimmerian-Scythian” historic-cultural community, we will be able to define a first chronological period linked by the Cimmerians and a second one by Scythians.
Пыслару И. Феномен евразийских степей в раннем железном веке и о киммерийцах в Карпатско-Дунайском регионе // Сакская культура Сарыарки в контексте изучения этносоциокультурных процессов Cтепной Евразии. Сборник научных статей, посвященный памяти археолога К. А. Акишева. – Алматы: НИЦИА «Бегазы-Тасмола», 2015. – С. 132-145.
Ivan Pislarii. A Pass to the Past // "Prapor Peremohy" (A newspaper of Voroshilovgrad Region), August, 5, 1972. In this newspaper article the author, a Head of Archaeology Department of Voroshilovgrad Regional Museum of Local Lore Ivan Pislarii tells us about excavations by Siversko-Donetsk Archaeological Expedition of the Ukrainian SSR Sciences Academy Archaeology Institute. The works are devoted to the research of the ancient barrows and settlements in the district of an irrigation system building in Luhanka River Valley not far from Olexandrivsk Town (Voroshilovgrad Region) in summer 1972.
Excavations in recent years have yielded a lot of new interesting archaeological material for studying the ancient history of Donbass. The book uses materials obtained in pre-revolutionary and Soviet times by various researchers. Some are published for the first time.
Територія Донбасу в порівняні з іншими областями України найменш вивчена в археологічному відношенні, незважаючи на те, що саме тут було відкрито та вперше досліджено пам'ятки епохи бронзи, які стали еталоном для всієї Східної Європи.
Розкопки останніх років дали багато нового цікавого археологічного матеріалу для вивчення найдавнішої історії Донбасу. У книзі використані матеріали, здобуті у дореволюційний та радянський часи різними дослідниками.
Збірник індексується в міжнародних базах даних: “Index Copernicus” (ICV 2016 50.70), Cite Factor, Research Bible, Scientific Indexing Services, Journal Factor (JF)Статті збірника прирівнюються до публікацій у виданнях України, які включені до міжнародних науко-во-метричних баз відповідно до вимог наказу МОН України від 17 жовтня 2012 р. No 1112 (зі змінами, внесеними наказом МОН України від 03.12.2012 р. No 1380).
Електронний історичний журнал. Заснований 2014 р. (ухвала вченої ради Херсонського державного університету, протокол № 13 від 26.06.2014). Виходить 3 рази на рік. Головний редактор В. Андрєєв.
Electronic History Journal. Founded 2014 (the resolution of the Academic Council of Kherson state university, protocol №13 from 26.06.2014). It is published 3 times a year. The chief editor V. Andreev.
V. Andreev.
(the resolution of the Academic Council of Kherson state university, protocol №13 from 26.06.2014). It is published 3 times a year. The chief editor
V. Andreev.
Електронний історичний журнал. Заснований 2014 р. (ухвала вченої ради Херсонського
державного університету, протокол № 13 від 26.06.2014). Виходить 3 рази на рік. Головний
редактор В. Андрєєв.
Electronic History Journal. Founded 2014 (the resolution of the Academic Council of Kherson
state university, protocol №13 from 26.06.2014). It is published 3 times a year. The chief editor
V. Andreev.
Лесков А. М., Полин С. В, Дараган М. Н., Белан Ю. А. Скифские курганы левобережной Херсонщины (раскопки А.М. Лескова в 1968–1972 гг.). Том 1. / ответственный редактор А. Наглер ; научные рецензенты А. Ю. Алексеев, С.Ю. Монахов ; обложка: С. В. Полин ; Университет высшая антропологическая школа. – Кишинеу ;
Киев : «Видавець Олег Філюк 2023». – 778 р., il., fot.
Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства
ім. М.С. Грушевського. За матеріалами конференції видано збірник наукових праць “Наш Крим”.