Papers by Наталья Минкина

South of Russia: ecology, development, 2020
Aim.To study the state of the marine ecosystem of the recreational‐tourist zone of the Caucasian ... more Aim.To study the state of the marine ecosystem of the recreational‐tourist zone of the Caucasian sector of the Black Sea through the example of a beach near the mouth of the Agoy River.Material and Methods. Phytoplankton, heterotrophic bacterioplankton, infusoria, holoplankton, meroplankton, ichthyoplankton, zoobenthos of loose bottom sediments and hydrochemistry samples of the water and bottom sediments were collected in June 2012 on three sections from the mouth of the Agoy River to the coastal runoff zone (depths 2.5–7.5 m). The identification of species of plankton and of the zoobenthos and of the chemical parameters of water and sediments was carried out according to standard methods. Results.It was revealed that most of the beach area, where psammophilic biocenoses of Lucinella divaricate and Chamelea gallina (Bivalvia) were located, was in satisfactory condition. An increase in the density of Lucinella divaricate, a rare species in the late 1990s, was noted. In the runoff zon...

Marine Biological Journal
В северной части Керченского пролива (район морского порта Кавказ) был проведён мониторинг видово... more В северной части Керченского пролива (район морского порта Кавказ) был проведён мониторинг видового состава меропланктона, распределения его обилия и сезонной динамики численности. Материалом для исследования послужили сборы зоопланктона в разные сезоны 2017–2019 гг. в портовом районе и за его пределами. Тотальные ловы зоопланктона производили большой сетью Джеди (диаметр входного отверстия — 37 см, размер ячеи — 120 мкм) на глубинах от 5 до 8 м. Пробы фиксировали 2–4%-ным раствором нейтрального формальдегида и обрабатывали в лабораторных условиях по стандартной методике. Обнаружено 32 таксона меропланктона. Отмечено, что по плотности меропланктон загрязнённого района не уступает меропланктону относительно чистого участка и обеспечивает в них достаточный репродуктивный потенциал. В портовом районе массовыми были личинки усоногих раков и моллюсков, за пределами порта — личинки усоногих раков и двустворчатых моллюсков. Основу пула меропланктона составляли виды, толерантные к эвтрофика...

Исходными данными для работы послужили результаты трех комплексных сезонных съемок в 1992 году на... more Исходными данными для работы послужили результаты трех комплексных сезонных съемок в 1992 году на судах Украинского научного центра экологии моря (УкрНЦЭМ, Одесса) в северной половине Черного моря. Выявлены основные поллютанты, вносящие наибольший вклад в уровень интегрального загрязнения моря. Превалирующими поллютантами донных отложений моря на глубинах от 9 до 2195 м, концентрации которых превышала ПДК, были нефтепродукты НП, ДДТ и его метаболиты и ГХЦГ. Это обстоятельство должно учитываться при выборе стратегии токсикологического мониторинга Черного моря с целью его оптимизации.In 1992 the Ukrainian Research Centre of Marine Ecology (UkrRCME) organized several marine expeditions to the northern Black Sea; materials collected during three complex seasonal surveys are used in this work. It was revealed the main pollutants that make the impotent contribute to the integral level of contamination of the sea. At depths ranged from 9 to 2195 m pollutants deposited in the sea bed were m...
Морской биологический журнал, 2017
This year the famous marine ecologist, D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Chief Researcher, head of Marin... more This year the famous marine ecologist, D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Chief Researcher, head of Marine Ecosystems Functioning Department of the Institute of Marine Biological Research RAS Ernest Samyshev celebrates the anniversary. The sphere of his scientific interests lies in ecology, hydrobiology, biocenology, the study of anthropogenic impact on aquatic ecosystems, fish and invertebrate mariculture, invertebrate products of the World Ocean.

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2019
Our earlier investigations around the Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Academician Vernadsky” have de... more Our earlier investigations around the Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Academician Vernadsky” have detected an abnormal increase of heavy metal content in bottom sediments and grounds of the Argentine Archipelago, and in mass species of hydrobionts. High cadmium and zinc concentrations found in the environmental samples and in living organism’s evidence natural origin of the contamination: the heavy metals enter the area with/in melt water streaming from the glaciers on the dry land because of climate warming. The earlier registered dramatic decline of the krill stock in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica could have been due to inhibited reproduction of these small crustaceans eggs of which normally develop on the formerly safe and now largely contaminated shallow sea floor; hence the population reduction indicated some environmental abnormalities. Larvae of Euphausia superba Dana were absent in the samples of zooplankton throughout the observation period (2002–2009) thereby evidencing the ongoing washing-out of the pollutants made the glaciers melt. Therefore, we decided that the grade to which organisms having short life cycle, e.g. phytoand zooplankton, are contaminated by heavy metals and the abundance of larval E. superba in the ocean shelf zone can serve useful indices of temporal changes of climate.
Environment and Ecology Research, 2017
Monitoring of the annual cycle of main components of ecosystem of the Black Sea was carried out i... more Monitoring of the annual cycle of main components of ecosystem of the Black Sea was carried out in the economic area of the ex-USSR during 1992-1993. As a part of the programme, suspended matter content, organic fractions and sedimentation rates in photic zone of the sea were investigated with the involvement of research vessels of the Ukrainian Research Centre of Ecology of Sea (UkrRCME). The investigation has shown that at known prevailing of particulate organic matter over abundance of structural elements of seston, seasonal changes in its content in the open sea agreed with seasonal changes in the abundance of plankton organisms; sedimentation rate of organic particles in photic zone was high and is driven by the hydrodynamic activity.

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
For the first time the integral scene of the toxicological field in the northern Black Sea as it ... more For the first time the integral scene of the toxicological field in the northern Black Sea as it was in the 1990s, with characteristic seasonal and spatial variations, was obtained by means of the integral indices. Priority pollutants during the investigation time were iron, chrome and copper, the registered concentrations of which exceeded maximum allowable concentrations (MAC). In the surface micro layer of the sea total petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorine organic compounds (PCB, HCCH and DDT and its products) were also found in quantities exceeding MAC. Most probably, the spring (March, May) peak of pollution observed in the pelagic zone developed as a result of the spring flood. In July, the relative well-being of the sea was owing to that spring-summer phase of plankton succession completed in a mass descent of dead plankton to the sea floor that, together with intensive sedimentation of pollutants by suspended matter, favored natural purification.

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1997
Field surveys were conducted in the open ocean regions of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans and the ... more Field surveys were conducted in the open ocean regions of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans and the Mediterranean (Adnatlc) Sea. Continuous records were taken along transects of several hundreds of km over the area. Zooplankton and chlorophyll a (chl a) samples were collected from the surface layer using a high capacity pump while the shlp was underway. The quantitative trends of occurrence of zooplankton biomass of different patch sizes over the studied areas were quite similar. From the averaged trend and non-linear regression analysis, it was demonstrated that on a scale of tens to hundreds of km the number of patches exponentially diminishes with patch size. The power spectra of temperature, chl a and zooplankton biomass in the surface layer were similar They monotonically decrease with the decrease of the spatial wavelength of osc~llations of the above parameters. The typical slope of the spectra of temperature, phytoplankton and zooplankton fields are within the range of-3 to-2 in a band of wavelengths from 200 to 10 km. In the western subtropical Atlantic where the internal waves are well developed in the seasonal thermocline layer, the variability of zooplankton biomass was characterised by a power spectra having several local peaks of spatial spectral density on a background of a declining curve. Nevertheless, the average spectra slope exhibits the same trend, that is, it diminishes with the slope of the curve within the range-3 to-2. Temperature and zooplankton biomass spectra exhibited coherent local peaks of spectral density at similar wavelengths.

In 1992 the Ukrainian Research Centre of Marine Ecology (UkrRCME) organized several marine expedi... more In 1992 the Ukrainian Research Centre of Marine Ecology (UkrRCME) organized several marine expeditions to the northern Black Sea; materials collected during three complex seasonal surveys are used in this work. It was revealed the main pollutants that make the impotent contribute to the integral level of contamination of the sea. At depths ranged from 9 to 2195 m pollutants deposited in the sea bed were mainly total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), DDT and its metabolites, and HCCH, the quantities of which were greater than maximum allowable concentrations (MAC). This fact should be considered when choosing a strategy of toxicological monitoring of the Black Sea for the purpose to optimize it. A large variety of pollutants endanger marine ecosystems; impacts they produce on an integral ecosystem and on its components should be assessed with involvement of integral environmental charac-teristics because water, bottom sediment, particulate matter and hydrobionts can reliably indicate env...

ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИЙ ОБМЕН ИКРЫ, ЛИЧИНОК И МАЛЬКОВ ЧЕРНОМОРСКОЙ КАМБАЛЫ КАЛКАН И ЕГО ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЯ Rate of energetic exchange of eggs, larvae and young fishes of the Black sea turbot and its variations under conditions of pollution, 2006
Впервые экспериментально установлено, что тенденции онтогенетических изменений интенсивности энер... more Впервые экспериментально установлено, что тенденции онтогенетических изменений интенсивности энергетического обмена камбалы калкан (от икры до мальков) в нормальных условиях и при загрязнении среды (Севастопольская бухта) соответствуют известным критическим фазам на ранних стадиях развития рыб. Негативное влияние загрязнения проявляется в стрессовом повышении и понижении обмена у икры, более позднем выклеве личинок и в существенно повышенном обмене у постличинок.
At first experimentally is established, that the tendencies of an ontogenetic variations of weight specific rate of energetic exchange of the Black sea turbot (from eggs up to young fishes) in normal conditions and under pollution of the environment (the Sevastopol bay) correspond to known critical phases on early stages of development of fish. The negative influence of contamination is exhibited in a stressing raise and lowering of values of specific rate of energetic metabolism at eggs, later hatching of larvae and in essentially increased energetic exchange at postlarvae
Papers by Наталья Минкина
At first experimentally is established, that the tendencies of an ontogenetic variations of weight specific rate of energetic exchange of the Black sea turbot (from eggs up to young fishes) in normal conditions and under pollution of the environment (the Sevastopol bay) correspond to known critical phases on early stages of development of fish. The negative influence of contamination is exhibited in a stressing raise and lowering of values of specific rate of energetic metabolism at eggs, later hatching of larvae and in essentially increased energetic exchange at postlarvae
At first experimentally is established, that the tendencies of an ontogenetic variations of weight specific rate of energetic exchange of the Black sea turbot (from eggs up to young fishes) in normal conditions and under pollution of the environment (the Sevastopol bay) correspond to known critical phases on early stages of development of fish. The negative influence of contamination is exhibited in a stressing raise and lowering of values of specific rate of energetic metabolism at eggs, later hatching of larvae and in essentially increased energetic exchange at postlarvae