Papers by Константин Окороков

Археология Евразийских степей
В статье публикуется комплекс предметов импортного происхождения, найденных при исследовании кург... more В статье публикуется комплекс предметов импортного происхождения, найденных при исследовании кургана 1 группы «Студеникин Мар» некрополя «Студеникин Мар – Высокая Могила» в Южном Приуралье. Исследованный курган относится к категории крупных сооружений кочевой знати. В кургане выявлена специфичная архитектура и погребальная организация подкурганной площадки, которые позволяют отнести его к памятникам филипповского круга. Помимо дромосной могилы в центре кургана исследовано еще 5 погребений на периферии. Погребальный обряд и вещевые комплексы имеют широкие аналогии среди древностей южноуральских номадов IV в. до н.э. Особый интерес вызывает комплекс предметов импортного происхождения. Железный меч, отдельные элементы узды имеют аналогии в комплексах Предкавказья, Прикубанья, Нижнего и Среднего Дона. Все эти вещи были получены результате связей южноуральских кочевников с населением скифского мира. Вьючная гончарная фляга имеет азиатское происхождение и была изготовлена в мастерских Хор...

Anikeeva O.V., Kolganova G.Yu.
Jewellery from Burial 2 Kurgan 1 Filippovka 1 Cemetery:... more ARTICLES
Anikeeva O.V., Kolganova G.Yu.
Jewellery from Burial 2 Kurgan 1 Filippovka 1 Cemetery: Manufacturing Techniques, Purpose and Semantics of Images
Okorokov K.S., Perevodchikova E.V.
The 2013 Finds in the Context of the Animal Style of the Kurgan 1 of the Necropolis Filippovka 1
Kuznetsova T.M. To the Question of the So Called Sauromatic Mirror from the Oguz Kurgan
Sinika V.S., Lysenko S.D., Razumov S.N., Telnov N.P., Łukasik S.
Barrow 11 of the “Garden” Group in the Lower Dniester Region and Contemporary “Mythmaking” About Scythian “Amazons”
Sirotin S.V.
Arched Objects (Noseband) as Part of a Horse Harness of the Early Nomads of the Southern Urals
Plekhanova L.N., Kashirskaya N.N., Syrovatko A.S.
Cellulosolitic Microorganisms Activity as an Indicator of Details Funeral Ceremony
Kitov E.P., Grigorev A.P.
Paleoanthropological Characteristics of the Early Sarmatian Population of Emba Basin River According to the Data from Mortyk I Cemetery
Savelev N.S., Nikolaev S.Yu.
Sarmatian Dagger Complex from the Surrounding Area the Village Tolbazy in the Southern Urals
Remizov S.O.
Investigation of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Sites in the Don Basin on the Territory of Volgograd Region
Khomutova T.E., Dushchanova K.S., Borisov A.V.
Microbiological Approach to Reconstruction of the Original Content of Pots from the Burials
Yavorskaya L.V.
New Data on the Role of Madzhar in Golden Horde Trade of Skin and Leather Products Archeozoological Aspect
Boldyreva E.M., Vasilyev D.V., Zilivinskaya E.D.
Yurta-Shaped Dwellings and Buildings of the X-XII Centuries in Samosdelka Hillfort
Otcherednoy A.K., Remizov S.O., Stepanova K.N., Eltsov M.V., Voskresenskaya E.V., Vishnyatsky L.B., Nehoroshev P.E., Bloсhin E.K., Titov V.V., Kolesnik A.V.
Middle Paleolithic Site Sukhaya Mechёtka: the Renewal of Complex Investigations
Nechvaloda A.I.
Craniological Materials of the Late Bronze Age from the Berezovsky V Kurgan Cemetery in the Trans Urals
Beisenov A.Z., Shashenov D.T.
Tasmola Kurgans in Aiyrtas Valley in Central Kazakhstan
Eltsov M.V.
Pedoarcheological Research of the Zhayyk-1 Kurgan
Papers by Константин Окороков
Anikeeva O.V., Kolganova G.Yu.
Jewellery from Burial 2 Kurgan 1 Filippovka 1 Cemetery: Manufacturing Techniques, Purpose and Semantics of Images
Okorokov K.S., Perevodchikova E.V.
The 2013 Finds in the Context of the Animal Style of the Kurgan 1 of the Necropolis Filippovka 1
Kuznetsova T.M. To the Question of the So Called Sauromatic Mirror from the Oguz Kurgan
Sinika V.S., Lysenko S.D., Razumov S.N., Telnov N.P., Łukasik S.
Barrow 11 of the “Garden” Group in the Lower Dniester Region and Contemporary “Mythmaking” About Scythian “Amazons”
Sirotin S.V.
Arched Objects (Noseband) as Part of a Horse Harness of the Early Nomads of the Southern Urals
Plekhanova L.N., Kashirskaya N.N., Syrovatko A.S.
Cellulosolitic Microorganisms Activity as an Indicator of Details Funeral Ceremony
Kitov E.P., Grigorev A.P.
Paleoanthropological Characteristics of the Early Sarmatian Population of Emba Basin River According to the Data from Mortyk I Cemetery
Savelev N.S., Nikolaev S.Yu.
Sarmatian Dagger Complex from the Surrounding Area the Village Tolbazy in the Southern Urals
Remizov S.O.
Investigation of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Sites in the Don Basin on the Territory of Volgograd Region
Khomutova T.E., Dushchanova K.S., Borisov A.V.
Microbiological Approach to Reconstruction of the Original Content of Pots from the Burials
Yavorskaya L.V.
New Data on the Role of Madzhar in Golden Horde Trade of Skin and Leather Products Archeozoological Aspect
Boldyreva E.M., Vasilyev D.V., Zilivinskaya E.D.
Yurta-Shaped Dwellings and Buildings of the X-XII Centuries in Samosdelka Hillfort
Otcherednoy A.K., Remizov S.O., Stepanova K.N., Eltsov M.V., Voskresenskaya E.V., Vishnyatsky L.B., Nehoroshev P.E., Bloсhin E.K., Titov V.V., Kolesnik A.V.
Middle Paleolithic Site Sukhaya Mechёtka: the Renewal of Complex Investigations
Nechvaloda A.I.
Craniological Materials of the Late Bronze Age from the Berezovsky V Kurgan Cemetery in the Trans Urals
Beisenov A.Z., Shashenov D.T.
Tasmola Kurgans in Aiyrtas Valley in Central Kazakhstan
Eltsov M.V.
Pedoarcheological Research of the Zhayyk-1 Kurgan
Anikeeva O.V., Kolganova G.Yu.
Jewellery from Burial 2 Kurgan 1 Filippovka 1 Cemetery: Manufacturing Techniques, Purpose and Semantics of Images
Okorokov K.S., Perevodchikova E.V.
The 2013 Finds in the Context of the Animal Style of the Kurgan 1 of the Necropolis Filippovka 1
Kuznetsova T.M. To the Question of the So Called Sauromatic Mirror from the Oguz Kurgan
Sinika V.S., Lysenko S.D., Razumov S.N., Telnov N.P., Łukasik S.
Barrow 11 of the “Garden” Group in the Lower Dniester Region and Contemporary “Mythmaking” About Scythian “Amazons”
Sirotin S.V.
Arched Objects (Noseband) as Part of a Horse Harness of the Early Nomads of the Southern Urals
Plekhanova L.N., Kashirskaya N.N., Syrovatko A.S.
Cellulosolitic Microorganisms Activity as an Indicator of Details Funeral Ceremony
Kitov E.P., Grigorev A.P.
Paleoanthropological Characteristics of the Early Sarmatian Population of Emba Basin River According to the Data from Mortyk I Cemetery
Savelev N.S., Nikolaev S.Yu.
Sarmatian Dagger Complex from the Surrounding Area the Village Tolbazy in the Southern Urals
Remizov S.O.
Investigation of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Sites in the Don Basin on the Territory of Volgograd Region
Khomutova T.E., Dushchanova K.S., Borisov A.V.
Microbiological Approach to Reconstruction of the Original Content of Pots from the Burials
Yavorskaya L.V.
New Data on the Role of Madzhar in Golden Horde Trade of Skin and Leather Products Archeozoological Aspect
Boldyreva E.M., Vasilyev D.V., Zilivinskaya E.D.
Yurta-Shaped Dwellings and Buildings of the X-XII Centuries in Samosdelka Hillfort
Otcherednoy A.K., Remizov S.O., Stepanova K.N., Eltsov M.V., Voskresenskaya E.V., Vishnyatsky L.B., Nehoroshev P.E., Bloсhin E.K., Titov V.V., Kolesnik A.V.
Middle Paleolithic Site Sukhaya Mechёtka: the Renewal of Complex Investigations
Nechvaloda A.I.
Craniological Materials of the Late Bronze Age from the Berezovsky V Kurgan Cemetery in the Trans Urals
Beisenov A.Z., Shashenov D.T.
Tasmola Kurgans in Aiyrtas Valley in Central Kazakhstan
Eltsov M.V.
Pedoarcheological Research of the Zhayyk-1 Kurgan