Papers by Десислава Мирослава Георгиеви

This article is dedicated to a burial mound of the Roman period excavated in the area of the vill... more This article is dedicated to a burial mound of the Roman period excavated in the area of the village of Devetak, Karnobat Region. The burial was performed through cremation in a burial pit. The discovered inventory includes a folding iron chair and two bronze vessels-a jug and a bowl with a handle (found in the literature under the name "patera"). The chair is among the few found in Thracian lands that have bronze sculptural decoration consisting of lion heads. The bronze vessels are not characterized by elaborate decoration and precise workmanship. The jug has a round mouth and a vertical handle raised above the mouth, with a preserved bud-shaped sprout. The lower part ends with a leaf-shaped inlay. The other bronze vessel is a bowl with a smooth cylindrical handle, ending in a hanging ring. The discovered objects probably belonged to a relatively rich local landowner of Thracian origin, buried together with his belongings. Based on the overall analysis of the burial ritual and inventory, the grave is dated to the middle of the 2 nd-beginning of the 3 rd century.
Отец Неофит Рилски – духовност, просвета, култура. Сборник с материали от националната научна конференция, посветена на 230 години от рождението на Неофит Рилски, 5 – 7 октомври 2023 г., Благоевград – Рилски манастир. Благоевград, 2024
Приветствие от Негово Светейшество Българския патриарх Н еоф и т.
Отец Неофит Рилски – духовност, просвета, култура. Сборник с материали от националната научна конференция, посветена на 230 години от рождението на Неофит Рилски, 5 – 7 октомври 2023 г., Благоевград – Рилски манастир. Благоевград, 2024
Приветствие от Негово Светейшество Българския патриарх Н еоф и т.

This publication is devoted to the church architecture in Southwestern Bulgaria (now Blagoevgrad ... more This publication is devoted to the church architecture in Southwestern Bulgaria (now Blagoevgrad region) during the First Bulgarian Tsardom, in the period from the end of the 9 th to the beginning of the 11 th century. From the second half of the 9 th century (specifically from 864) the territories of the region under consideration officially entered the borders of the medieval Bulgarian state, which coincided with the conversion to Christianity in Bulgaria (865). The studied region covers the valleys of the rivers of Struma (Middle Struma) and Mesta (Upper and Middle Mesta), which were part of the southwestern borders of the Bulgarian state in the Middle Ages. At present, three churches can be attributed to this period, all excavated through regular archaeological excavations. These are the Basilica of St. Nicholas in the town of Melnik, the single-nave church in the area of Shipotsko at the town of Bansko and the three-conchal church at the village of Kulata, Petrich municipality. In terms of their functional characteristics, these churches include an episcopal (or parish) church ("St. Nicholas" in Melnik), a cemetery church (the church in the area of Shipotsko near the town of Bansko) and a monastery church (the church at the village of Kulata). Characteristic for the first two is their construction on older cult sites-on an ancient sanctuary and an early Christian church (the church "St. Nicholas" in Melnik) and on an early Christian temple (the church in the area of Shipotsko, at the town of Bansko). The small number of excavated church buildings from the First Bulgarian Tsardom is also typical for the rest of the Bulgarian lands. Although the examples from the region are few, they show that almost all major architectural types are found here.
Том XХIII на Известията на Исторически музей-Кюстендил съдържа докладите от осмата Национална кон... more Том XХIII на Известията на Исторически музей-Кюстендил съдържа докладите от осмата Национална конференция с международно участие "Пауталия-Велбъжд-Кюстендил и прилежащите им територии през вековете", проведена на 5-7 октомври 2022 г. и посветена на 125 години от създаването на музея и 150 години от рождението на акад. Йордан Иванов. Авторите носят отговорност за съдържанието на научните доклади, публикувани в сборника РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ: гл. ас. д-р Светослава Филипова (гл. редактор) Валентин Дебочички Венета Генадиева ас. д-р Веска Спасова гл. ас. д-р Явор Митов Превод на английски език (резюмета и съдържание)-Мирослава Таскова Коректор-Милена Йовчева Предпечатна подготовка-Николай Везирски Известия на Исторически музей-Кюстендил Том XХIII
На корицата: Златно съставно мънисто от могилно погребение край село Изворово, община Харманли, Ю... more На корицата: Златно съставно мънисто от могилно погребение край село Изворово, община Харманли, ЮИ България, началото на II хил. пр. Хр.; разкопки на Борислав Бориславов; снимка-Ивайло Левичаров. O n the cover: Golden composite bead from a m ound grave near Izvorovo Village, Harmanli Municipality, S r Bulgaria, first half of the 2nd m illennium BC; excavations by Borislav Borsilavov (NAIM); photo by Ivaylo Levicharov.
This text presents an important type of burial facilities — stone urns of the Roman Age found on ... more This text presents an important type of burial facilities — stone urns of the Roman Age found on Bulgarian lands. They are used for keeping the remnants from cremation and feature the characteristic peculiarity of sepulchral plastic art.
Papers by Десислава Мирослава Георгиеви