Papers by Андрій Кадикало
Гуманітарні візії, Feb 26, 2019

Studies in East European Thought
This article examines the interaction of ideas of Modern Western philosophy, including Polish phi... more This article examines the interaction of ideas of Modern Western philosophy, including Polish philosophy, and Ukrainian philosophy in Eastern Galicia in the late eighteenth century through the early twentieth century. The authors argue that during this period the methodological foundations of Ukrainian philosophy and its history, both in periodization, and the development of philosophical terminology, were intensively elaborated. This is proved by the analyzing works of such Galician thinkers and cultural figures as Klym Hankevych and Ilarion Svientsits’kyi. Both were able to involve Ukrainian philosophy in Central-Eastern philosophical discourse. Such an involvement was fruitful because it contributed to the development of Ukrainian philosophy and its methodology for both historic-philosophical researches and the formation of philosophical terminology.
Scientia et Fides, 2020
The article analyzes aspects of the relationship between evolution and biological complexity and ... more The article analyzes aspects of the relationship between evolution and biological complexity and the attempts made by scholars and theologians to interpret it within the limits of reductionist scientism or theism. For this purpose, firstly, attention is focused on explaining the meaning of the concept of «evolution» and its historical and philosophical transformation in the context of the idea of complexity. Secondly, the notion of complexity in theology is used as evidence to support teleology. This approach is criticized by some scholars who consider evolution as a random prosses. They give it the status of a universal metaphysical assumption in evolution. The scientists and theologists both formulate metaphysical assumptions differently to interpret evolution.

Розглянуто тему можливих меж наукового пізнання та філософського принципу, який маніфестує ці меж... more Розглянуто тему можливих меж наукового пізнання та філософського принципу, який маніфестує ці межі. Вказано, що наукові пошуки мають певні вихідні принципи та установки, які пов’язані із абсолютними поняттями та категоріями незалежними від суб’єкта пізнання. Окреслено появу нового принципу “стіна” Планка, який з’явився як наслідок накладання обмеження на емпіричні спостереження у фундаментальній науці та внаслідок цього може отримати статус агностичного. Modern fundamental science is in very unusual situation. From the first side it uses high technology (similar to Large Hadron Collider), but from the other side it has faced the range of obstacles. This problems probably don`t have any solution and, what is more important, it means existing of reality at the quantum level. In scientist’s world, it is accepted to think that problems of science have temporary nature. However, there are some problems which are not easy to solve on borderlines of classical science knowledge and traditio...

Розглянуто деякі аспекти фундаментальної філософської проблеми свідомості та найбільше увагу звер... more Розглянуто деякі аспекти фундаментальної філософської проблеми свідомості та найбільше увагу звернуто на інформаційну концепцію. Звернено увагу на сучасні концепції, котрі пояснюють свідомість як біокомп’ютер, зокрема нейрофілософії та теорії торсійних полів та розкрито не лише можливу варіативність інтерпретації природи свідомості, але їх неоднозначність, а інколи й суперечливість. Наголошується, що проблема свідомості є не суто філософською проблемою, але у контексті моделювання штучного інтелекту й інженерною проблемою навіть за умов її точної, прикладної інтерпретації. Some aspects of the fundamental philosophical problem of consciousness are examined in the article. The greatest attention is paid to its informational concept. The study of the modern concepts explaining consciousness as biocomputer, in particular neuro-philosophy and torsion field theory, shows not only a possible variety of the interpretations of the nature of consciousness but also their ambiguity and sometime...

Vol.6 Issue 1, 2020
New Issue 1, Vol.6, 2020 The Journal "Humanitarian Vision"
Political Science
Yar... more New Issue 1, Vol.6, 2020 The Journal "Humanitarian Vision"
Political Science
Yaryna Tutchyn, Olha Ivasechko. Energy Security of EU and the Baltic States in the Context of Polyhybression of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Policy
Lesia Dorosh, Yulia Kopey. Pecularities of Involvement of Social Networks in the Activities of State Authorities (On the Case of USA and Ukraine)
Nataliia Steblyna. Azov Crisis and Ukrainian Pre-Election Campaign on Twitter: Formal Analysis of Political Textes (On the Case of Petro Poroshenko’s Account)
Maryan Lopata. Selected Issues of Election Programs of Winning Parties in Parliamentary Elections’ 2011 in the Western Galicia (Poland): Comparative Analysis
Philosophical Sciences
Oksana Onyschuk, Olesia Pankiv. Transformation of Semantic Dimentions of the Concept of Attention in the Contemporary Information Society
Anna Brożek. Thinking vs. Speaking. On the Margin of Kasimir Twardowski’s Papers.
Pavlo Bartusiak. Is the Concept Élan Vital Central in Henri Bergson’s Evolutionary Theory?
Translations. Reviews. Reports.
Ihor Karivets. Whether Metaphysical Conclusions Emerge from Language Researchers? Review of the book Jadacki, J. Juliusz. (2019). Metaphysics and Semiotics. Prototheoretical Researchers. [Ukrainian Edition]. Kamianets-Podilskii: «Limited Company “Drukarnia Ruta”», 352 pp.
Andrii Kadykalo. Can Physics Explain Everything? Review of the Shon Carroll’s Book “The Big Picture” [Ukrainian Edition]. Kharkiv: Publishing House “Ranok”: Fabula, 2019. – 400 pp.
Alla Makarova. The Archetypical Approach to Contemporary Ukrainian Social Activities’ Researches: the Experience of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes
Nataliia Fanenshtel. The Survey of International Symposium “The Legacy of Kazimierz Twardowski” (24th-26th October 2019, Warsaw)
Liubomyr Fedoriv. Interdisciplinary Approach as One of the Most Effective Approaches of Teaching Philosophical Disciplines (Overview of International Internships in the Scientific-Educational Program “Philosophy & Economics” at the University of Bayreuth, Germany).
Papers by Андрій Кадикало
Political Science
Yaryna Tutchyn, Olha Ivasechko. Energy Security of EU and the Baltic States in the Context of Polyhybression of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Policy
Lesia Dorosh, Yulia Kopey. Pecularities of Involvement of Social Networks in the Activities of State Authorities (On the Case of USA and Ukraine)
Nataliia Steblyna. Azov Crisis and Ukrainian Pre-Election Campaign on Twitter: Formal Analysis of Political Textes (On the Case of Petro Poroshenko’s Account)
Maryan Lopata. Selected Issues of Election Programs of Winning Parties in Parliamentary Elections’ 2011 in the Western Galicia (Poland): Comparative Analysis
Philosophical Sciences
Oksana Onyschuk, Olesia Pankiv. Transformation of Semantic Dimentions of the Concept of Attention in the Contemporary Information Society
Anna Brożek. Thinking vs. Speaking. On the Margin of Kasimir Twardowski’s Papers.
Pavlo Bartusiak. Is the Concept Élan Vital Central in Henri Bergson’s Evolutionary Theory?
Translations. Reviews. Reports.
Ihor Karivets. Whether Metaphysical Conclusions Emerge from Language Researchers? Review of the book Jadacki, J. Juliusz. (2019). Metaphysics and Semiotics. Prototheoretical Researchers. [Ukrainian Edition]. Kamianets-Podilskii: «Limited Company “Drukarnia Ruta”», 352 pp.
Andrii Kadykalo. Can Physics Explain Everything? Review of the Shon Carroll’s Book “The Big Picture” [Ukrainian Edition]. Kharkiv: Publishing House “Ranok”: Fabula, 2019. – 400 pp.
Alla Makarova. The Archetypical Approach to Contemporary Ukrainian Social Activities’ Researches: the Experience of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes
Nataliia Fanenshtel. The Survey of International Symposium “The Legacy of Kazimierz Twardowski” (24th-26th October 2019, Warsaw)
Liubomyr Fedoriv. Interdisciplinary Approach as One of the Most Effective Approaches of Teaching Philosophical Disciplines (Overview of International Internships in the Scientific-Educational Program “Philosophy & Economics” at the University of Bayreuth, Germany).
Political Science
Yaryna Tutchyn, Olha Ivasechko. Energy Security of EU and the Baltic States in the Context of Polyhybression of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Policy
Lesia Dorosh, Yulia Kopey. Pecularities of Involvement of Social Networks in the Activities of State Authorities (On the Case of USA and Ukraine)
Nataliia Steblyna. Azov Crisis and Ukrainian Pre-Election Campaign on Twitter: Formal Analysis of Political Textes (On the Case of Petro Poroshenko’s Account)
Maryan Lopata. Selected Issues of Election Programs of Winning Parties in Parliamentary Elections’ 2011 in the Western Galicia (Poland): Comparative Analysis
Philosophical Sciences
Oksana Onyschuk, Olesia Pankiv. Transformation of Semantic Dimentions of the Concept of Attention in the Contemporary Information Society
Anna Brożek. Thinking vs. Speaking. On the Margin of Kasimir Twardowski’s Papers.
Pavlo Bartusiak. Is the Concept Élan Vital Central in Henri Bergson’s Evolutionary Theory?
Translations. Reviews. Reports.
Ihor Karivets. Whether Metaphysical Conclusions Emerge from Language Researchers? Review of the book Jadacki, J. Juliusz. (2019). Metaphysics and Semiotics. Prototheoretical Researchers. [Ukrainian Edition]. Kamianets-Podilskii: «Limited Company “Drukarnia Ruta”», 352 pp.
Andrii Kadykalo. Can Physics Explain Everything? Review of the Shon Carroll’s Book “The Big Picture” [Ukrainian Edition]. Kharkiv: Publishing House “Ranok”: Fabula, 2019. – 400 pp.
Alla Makarova. The Archetypical Approach to Contemporary Ukrainian Social Activities’ Researches: the Experience of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes
Nataliia Fanenshtel. The Survey of International Symposium “The Legacy of Kazimierz Twardowski” (24th-26th October 2019, Warsaw)
Liubomyr Fedoriv. Interdisciplinary Approach as One of the Most Effective Approaches of Teaching Philosophical Disciplines (Overview of International Internships in the Scientific-Educational Program “Philosophy & Economics” at the University of Bayreuth, Germany).