Papers by Κατερίνα Φραντζανά

Curēus, Feb 8, 2024
This review aims to investigate the safety of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) by comparing roboti... more This review aims to investigate the safety of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) by comparing robotic thyroidectomy (RT) versus open thyroidectomy (OT) in Western and Asian populations. Two main outcomes of this review were (1) the safety of RLN comparing the robotic and OT assessing transient and permanent laryngeal nerve (PLN) palsy as a postoperative complication in each surgical procedure and (2) the safety of RLN comparing the robotic and OT assessing transient and permanent laryngeal nerve (PLN) palsy as a postoperative complication between studies conducted in USA/Europe and Asia. We searched relevant literature in electronic databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane CENTRAL, ScienceDirect, and Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL) up to September 2022. Further research was performed during January 2024 in the Scopus database. Two primary outcomes were set: transient RLN palsy and permanent RLN palsy, comparing RT and OT. In this review, 18 non-randomized studies were included. A statistically significant difference between robotic and conventional OT was not observed either in transient RLN or in permanent RLN palsy. The odds ratio (OR) for the overall comparison of transient RLN palsy was 1.18, and the 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was 0.80-1.74. The subgroup analysis for transient RLN palsy between USA/Europe studies was OR 1.28, and the 95% CI was 0.64-2.58. The subgroup analysis for transient RLN palsy between Asian studies was OR 1.14, and the 95% CI was 0.72-1.82. The OR for the overall comparison of permanent RLN palsy was OR 0.90, and the 95% CI was 0.38-2.15. The subgroup analysis for permanent RLN palsy between USA/Europe studies was OR 0.45, and the 95% CI was 0.07-2.97. The subgroup analysis for permanent RLN palsy between Asian studies was OR 1.13, and the 95% CI was 0.42-3.05. Heterogeneity I 2 was 0% in all outcomes. The Mantel-Haenszel method fixed effect was used. First, RT and open conventional thyroidectomy have comparable safety for RLN, although the analysis showed no statistically significant results. Second, no statistically significant results were found for RLN safety in either USA/Europe or Asian studies. Considering that there is not a statistically significant difference between the two approaches for RLN safety, and due to the limited number of studies from Western countries, the results should be considered with caution. Important factors such as the patient's body characteristics, the existing thyroid pathology, and the surgical approach should be kept in mind. More comparable studies are needed on the Western population.

Public health is currently facing several difficulties. The global impact of climate change is in... more Public health is currently facing several difficulties. The global impact of climate change is intensifying. Consequently, several problems have developed regarding human health and water resources. Globally, natural water resources are frequently insufficient and cannot keep up with the rising demand of at least the previous 50 years. Research should choose targets perspicaciously in order to thoroughly detect and examine emerging water resources issues, which have developed owing to both human involvement and climate change. Water management is a matter of great contention. With water resources already universally in jeopardy, their control will have tremendous consequences for public health. In view of the fact that humanity is going through the post-pandemic era, or even the emergence of a new pandemic, it is vital that water resources along with climate change be assessed to determine the magnitude of the threat they pose to public health.

Journal of Healthcare Communications, 2018
Introduction: The phenomenon of occupational burnout has been the field of substantial research. ... more Introduction: The phenomenon of occupational burnout has been the field of substantial research. Initially, the research has been focused on health professionals, for they were considered to be the most prone employees to occupational burnout. Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the health care professionals' feelings and attitudes both during working and after their work. Additionally, their relationships with patients will be investigated. Material and methods: This research paper has the form of a quantitative research using questionnaires with numerically rated items. The questionnaire is one of the most popular techniques for the quantitative research. The sample of this research paper includes both nurses and doctors chosen from the workforce of various hospital departments of a General Hospital in Thessaloniki. Specifically, 180 nurses and 120 doctors were surveyed. Results: Initially, starting with the presentation of the results of our research, demographic characteristics were juxtaposed in order to clarify the sample. Firstly, it is observed that a big percentage of the sample consists of women (66.7%), while the remaining 33.3% of men. Regarding the age distribution of the sample, it is shown that 13.3% of the surveyed are aged 26 to 35 years old, 20.0% are aged 36 to 45 years old, 6.0% are aged 46 to 55 years and 6.7% are over 56 years old. With regard to the educational level of respondents, 16.7% are secondary school graduates, 43.3% tertiary education graduates(technological institution graduates), 6.7% tertiary education (university graduates); the 6.7% hold a master's degree and 26.7% hold a doctorate. Simultaneously, it is seen that 60% of the surveyed are nurses and 40% doctors. Finally, regarding the average work experience of the surveyed, it was found that it equals 20 ± 9.6 years. Conclusion: Occupational Burnout (OB) is a syndrome of physical and psychological exhaustion regarding health care professionals. It has three dimensions relating to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal achievements.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 30, 2023
Introduction: Vaccination is mentioned as a most successful way of intervention in public health.... more Introduction: Vaccination is mentioned as a most successful way of intervention in public health. Vaccination against other diseases is usually recommended for people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS) infection. Purpose: To identify the correlation of vaccines and vaccination in patients suffering from HIV/AIDS infection. Methodology: This narrative review was based on the bibliographic search of reviews and research studies drawn from the international databases. The exclusion criterion of the articles was the language other than English and Greek. Results: HIV infection is characterized by severe immunodeficiency, which is the result of a decrease in the number of CD4+ T-lymphocytes. The right time to vaccinate a HIV patient is not precisely determined, but it is recommended for those with low CD4 values. All HIV patients are recommended to be vaccinated the annual vaccination of Influenza virus vaccination. It also is recommended to be vaccinated with the vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), the vaccination against hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV), the vaccination against herpes zoster or shingles and the vaccination against COVID-19 infection. Conclusion: People with HIV/AIDS are more vulnerable to infections from various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary patients with HIV infection be vaccinated against life-threatening diseases.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 20, 2022
Introduction: Nuclear medicine involves the handling and storing of radioactive materials known t... more Introduction: Nuclear medicine involves the handling and storing of radioactive materials known to pose a risk to human health. The size of the exposure depends on the radionuclide, the person's activity and the type of one's work in a nuclear medicine laboratory. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the contribution of radiation protection and safety measures regarding the protection of professionals' health working in the nuclear medicine laboratory, as well as patients who undergo relevant tests. Methodology: The study material consists of recent articles on the subject mainly found in Greek and international databases as the Medline, Google Scholar and the Hellenic Academic Libraries Association (HEAL-Link). Results: In Greece, the principles of radiation protection are defined by Law 4310/2014. Radiation protection regulations are provided for the procedures as regards the implementation of a radiation protection system in general and regulation of all issues related to the protection of the professionals' health exposed to radiation as well as for the issues arising from ionizing radiation during the activities referred to the protection of the general public by legislation. Conclusion: The control of radiation exposure in nuclear medicine not only for health care professionals, but also for patients and the public, can be achieved effectively through many actions being crucial to this direction.

Nursing & primary care, Oct 30, 2019
Introduction: Adult education in Greece appeared during the 20th century and its evolution to dat... more Introduction: Adult education in Greece appeared during the 20th century and its evolution to date is related to social, financial, technological and cultural occasions. Aim: The purpose of this review is to delve into the positive impact on nurses and, in particular, on active working nurses by monitoring their continuing education programs or by monitoring lifelong learning programs. Materials & Methods: It was conducted a review of Greek and international scientific studies, focusing on views about continuing nursing education and lifelong learning. The material of the study consists of articles on the topic found in Greek and international databases such as: Google Scholar, Mednet, Pubmed, Medline and the Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries (HEAL-Link). Results: The term "Continuing Nursing Education" describes lifelong learning programs exclusively for nursing professionals while they aim at providing a trained workforce with education in innovative and specialized practices to provide better health services to both patients and the wider population. Conclusion: Continuing nursing education includes planned learning experiences that improve nursing behavior, skills and knowledge, and therefore, it promotes the functioning and nurses' care plan in society.

Springer eBooks, 2021
INTRODUCTION Alzheimer's disease is one of the irreversible dementias and leads to death. Abo... more INTRODUCTION Alzheimer's disease is one of the irreversible dementias and leads to death. About 10% of people over 60 years and 20% of people over 80 will have Alzheimer's sometime in their lives. In the case of Alzheimer's disease, care can turn into an extremely large and unevenly distributed burden. The burden that caregivers are called upon to lift is particularly high at the physical, psychological, and social levels. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics and needs of caregivers and even informal ones, that is, patients in the patient's family or friendly environment who voluntarily or unintentionally offer unpaid care to patients with Alzheimer's disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present study was conducted using the Carer Well-Being and Support Questionnaire (CWSv2) at Thessaloniki Psychiatric Hospital between October and December 2019. For the statistical analysis, the SPSS package 23 was used. RESULTS Alzheimer-type dementia is a condition with gradual, inevitable, and uncontrollable deterioration. So, it was expected that those involved in the care of these patients would be afraid of what their patient future care would be. Consequently, there is a high correlation coefficient between the two relevant variables (Fisher's Exact Test: 31,426; Sig: 0.007). Caregivers need to be alert at all times in order to fulfill their role and care for their loved one. There is a strong correlation index between the two variables (Fisher's Exact Test: 32,761; Sig: 0.003). The situation of a lack or distorted form of communication between patients and caregivers may also create or exacerbate caregivers' anxiety, causing them feelings of depression and deadlock that is also reflected in the relevant correlation index (Fisher's Exact Test: 30,053; Sig: 0.001). Women were more in need for additional help, with the two variables being marginally statistically significant (Fisher's Exact Test: 5.373; Sig: 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Taking into account the results, as reflected through the elaboration of the closed and open questions of this tool, new structures and services should be created in order to facilitate caregivers' job.

Journal of healthcare communications, 2019
Introduction: Stuttering is a communication difficulty that creates problems in speech freedom. I... more Introduction: Stuttering is a communication difficulty that creates problems in speech freedom. It contains uncontrollable, reflexive stuffs, elongations, repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words. At the same time, it is accompanied by feelings of frustration, fear, shame and low self-esteem. Aim: The aim of this review was the investigation the treatment of stuttering in children. Material-Methods: Extensive review of the recent literature was conducted in electronic databases (Medline, Scopus and Google Scholar) through the Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries (HEAL-Link) using the appropriate key words: stuttering, health, disease as well as a combination of them. Results: Symptoms of stuttering are accompanied by non-verbal behavior, such as lack of eye contact and blinking; these symptoms are not observed in children with normal speech difficulties. It is particularly important the general level of child's speech development be assessed throughout the diagnostic process in order to ascertain whether there are additional difficulties such as articulation or phonological difficulties. The existence and degree of severity of such speech difficulties is usually taken into account so as therapeutic interventions to be ranked and classified when designing any treatment. Conclusion: The stuttering child makes an effort to stop or avoid stuttering; it causes the child an intense psychological stress and affects his whole life. Each and every person who stutters has to cope, to a greater or lesser extent, with a symptomatological ensemble.
American journal of biomedical science & research, Aug 29, 2019
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License AJBSR.MS.ID.000861.
American journal of biomedical science & research, Aug 28, 2019
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License AJBSR.MS.ID.000858.

Nursing & primary care, Aug 30, 2020
Introduction: Education is an organized learning process aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills ... more Introduction: Education is an organized learning process aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills for a specific purpose as well as transferring knowledge and skills from the instructor to the learner through teaching one or more subjects. Aim: The purpose of this review is to investigate the contribution of continuing nursing education programs regarding continuous development of skills and abilities of those involved with the possibility of obtaining certified qualifications that ensure their adequacy in the Field of Health. Material and Methods: The study was conducted based on reviewing Greek and international scientific studies, focusing on contribution of continuing nursing education courses to continuous development of skills of employees in the Field of Health. The material of the study consists of articles on the topic found in Greek and international databases such as: Google Scholar, Medline, Pubmed, Scopus and the Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries Association (HEAL-Link). Results: Education and training of employees in all Organizations, and especially in Health Care Field, is a key element so as quality services to be delivered at a time when developments are constantly rapidly progressed and technology leads towards the same direction, in order that services can meet the requirements of quality management. Conclusion: It is necessary to make the appropriate arrangements and develop systems of human resources training, especially for nurses, in order the challenges of knowledge and technological developments to be met in society in the context of the policy for planning and development of the human resources in the health sector.

Progress in Health Sciences, Dec 30, 2022
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the resilience of health systems to a signific... more Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the resilience of health systems to a significant extent at a global level, highlighting many times inherent and acquired weaknesses, such as understaffing, insufficient up-to-date knowledge for crisis management. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to descriptively review the continuing education of nurses for COVID-19. Materials and Methods: A narrative mini review of the published literature over the last 15-years in Greek and English was carried out via Medline, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases. The study includes articles delving into continuing nursing education as well as nursing care for patients with COVID-19. Results: Nurses, in the context of their continuing education regarding COVID-19, are to be able, and knowing the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of the disease, to diagnose the active and potential problems of patients. Therefore, they can solve them by applying appropriate interventions. Continuing nursing education could help mitigate this global upheaval and the impact on patients, health staff and the health system in general. Conclusions: Ongoing nursing education programs regarding COVID-19 help nurses develop appropriate up-to-date scientific skills, enabling them to provide more effective health care.

Progress in Health Sciences, Dec 31, 2021
Introduction: Education for diabetes mellitus is not only acceptable, but it is now recognized as... more Introduction: Education for diabetes mellitus is not only acceptable, but it is now recognized as an urgent need for modern citizens, and especially for the elderly, as the dimensions of the disease are enormous. Education is a comprehensive process of reassessing the attitude and culture of society towards the acceptance of diversity and the better treatment of sick people. Purpose: To assess the knowledge of older adults of Open Care Centers for the elderly (KAPI) for diabetes mellitus, which is then evaluated with the help of an appropriate questionnaire. The questionnaire is likely to be used as a teaching tool, to increase the knowledge of diabetes mellitus in the elderly. Materials and Methods: The collection of numerical data was conducted through a structured questionnaire based on Greenhalgh, Helman and Chowdhury (1998). The questionnaire was approved in Greek after translation and appropriate adaptation. The questionnaires were collected in two phases, the pilot and the primary phase. In both cases, the responses were recorded on a MS excel Computer Sheet and then transferred to the IBM SPSS v.21 database (Windows environment version) for processing. Results: In the sample survey for the 1st record, men were 31 (36.5%), significantly less than women who were 45 (52.9%). In the second phase, the percentages of men and women appear significantly lower, as many of the participants did not record their gender. However, women are still more than men (43.5% versus 28.6%). Conclusions: The training course, combined with the short and clearly formulated questionnaire, made it easy to correct the mistakes made by the participants during the first recording.

Journal of healthcare communications, 2018
Introduction: A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. According to scientists, reading of... more Introduction: A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. According to scientists, reading offers very tangible benefits for our health except for life cultivation, formation of a person's soul and broadeningof our horizons. Purpose: This reviewaims at delvinginto the effects of reading and studying in order to promote health and quality of life. Review methods: The material of the study has been recent articles concerning the subject. They have been mainly found via electronic databases Medline, Google Scholar and the Hellenic academic libraries Link (HEAL-Link). 30 reference sources were included. Results: Reading is a most beneficial exercise for our brain and mind as it could help the human brain perform all its functions as properly as possible. When people read on a regular basis, they force their minds to think more; as a result, it enables reader to be more insightful. It should be noted that reading is a complex process during which, we use both hemispheres of the brain. At the same time, the Corpus Callosum, which is the tissue that connects the two hemispheres, is activated. Thereby, it contributes to a better exchange of information between them. Reading can be beneficial even for the respiratory or cardiovascular system owing to the fact that it activates the frontal lobe, from which all the automatic functions of the body, such as breathing or the heart function, depend on. Conclusion: Generally, a book seeks nothing,in return, from the reader, as it patiently waits to offer its information, take a person out of a predicament and transport a reader to magical worlds.

Materia Socio Medica
Background: C HIV/AIDS infection is characterized by a very low number of T lymphocytes (CD4), wh... more Background: C HIV/AIDS infection is characterized by a very low number of T lymphocytes (CD4), which makes sufferers vulnerable to various infections, and so they seek continuous care in Special Infections Units. Objective: The purpose of the survey is to investigate the factors that contribute to the satisfaction derived from the health services provided to people living with the human immunodeficiency virus; and they are monitored at the Special Infections Unit of the University General Hospital of Alexandroupoli. Methods: All patients who came to the Special Infections Unit of the University General Hospital of Alexandroupoli during the period June – July 2021 were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire on satisfaction derived from the health services provided (E – PQ – SPCSS) and satisfaction derived from their work and quality of life (Occupational Stress Questionnaire, JCQ). The statistical package SPSS 19.0 was used for the statistical analysis of the data. With the hel...

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 seems to be a natural virus that may have originated in some animals, bu... more Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 seems to be a natural virus that may have originated in some animals, but the initial human infection has not been known yet. It causes a chain reaction in the human body, such as the constriction of blood vessels in the pulmonary circulation, which inevitably results in reduced oxygenation along with viral pneumonia. Purpose: The purpose of this narrative review is to delve into the effects of SARS-CoV-19 infection on the cardiovascular system and its treatment. Methodology: The research method followed was based on the bibliographic search of review and research studies drawn from the international databases Medline, Pubmed, Cinahl and from the Greek database Iatrotek. The exclusion criterion of articles was the language other than English and Greek. Results: Covid-19 is very likely to affect the cardiovascular system as well as other systems. Regarding the mechanisms that lead to such damage, they are related to the immune mechanisms, the toxicity of SARS-CoV-2, endothelium injury and inflammation, and finally blood vessel thrombosis. Increase, or generally, disturbances in the normal values of some specific laboratory tests of the patient may indicate myocardial injury, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, etc. Conclusions: The holistic treatment of patients who show cardiovascular signs and symptoms after COVID-19 disease, by a team of health scientists is imperative, constituting a modern challenge for public health.

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2021
Introduction: Mass disasters can be provoked from many reasons and manifest in many variations. O... more Introduction: Mass disasters can be provoked from many reasons and manifest in many variations. Objective: This review aims to demonstrate the role of Nursing and nurses in mass disasters treatment. Methodology: The material of the review is constituted from articles that were found from the research in Google Scholar and Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link). Results: In mass disasters that are caused from earthquakes, floods, landslides and fires the consequences exceed the capacity of the affected area or community to respond to provide medical treatment. It is of great value the existence of coping plan and organogram for every variety of mass disaster that the members of the rescue team can rely on. Conclusions: To cope loses and for the avoidance of chaotic conditions in the place of disaster is required the knowledge of coping with such disasters by readiness exercises executed from all organizations that participate.

Progress in Health Sciences, 2020
Introduction: Anorexia nervosa is a food intake disorder characterized by acute weight loss that ... more Introduction: Anorexia nervosa is a food intake disorder characterized by acute weight loss that it could cause severe psychosomatic problems. Purpose: To present the data and information as well as the treatment related to Anorexia nervosa. Materials and methods: The study material consisted of reviewed articles on the topic found in Greek and globally accepted electronic databases, Pubmed, Scopus, Medline, Google Scholar, regarding the effects of Anorexia nervosa on health and its treatment. Results: Initial symptoms of Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa may be characterised by bodyrelated negative interpretation bias, distorted body image and pronounced body dissatisfaction. Anorexic patients refuse to eat with their family or in public places. They lose weight by drastically reducing their total food intake, with a disproportionate reduction in the amount of meals containing carbohydrates and fats. The term Anorexia is unfortunate, because a decrease in appetite does not occur...
Papers by Κατερίνα Φραντζανά