Papers by Ľubomíra Kaminská

Anthropologie, 2004
The new excavations at the Dzerava skala cave opened a complex stratigraphic section, showing com... more The new excavations at the Dzerava skala cave opened a complex stratigraphic section, showing combination of in situ developed sediments, in-blown loess, and clays, paleosols and clasts removed from elswhere, most probably from the above cave chimneys. In terms of paleobotany and paleontology, this sequence illustrates the climatic record from the Holocene over the Last Glacial Maximum to the more temperate oscillations of the Interpleniglacial, and, possibly, even before that. Two aspects are of importance: the almost constant presence of cave bears throughout the Pleistocene layers, and the repeated human visits. The archaeological record comprises the Neolithic, probably Late Paleolithic, Gravettian (25 – 31,7 ka BP), and the Early Upper Paleolithic (34 – 37 ka BP). The isolated human molar (right lower M2), found by Hillebrand in 1913, may be correlated with the EUP layers.

In Eastern Slovakia obsidians were used most extensively during the Late Palaeolithic and Neolith... more In Eastern Slovakia obsidians were used most extensively during the Late Palaeolithic and Neolithic. Natural occurrences of obsidian are linked with products of rhyolite/rhyodacite volcanism, where they associate with perlite. Viničky, Malá Bara and Brehov are the known natural occurrences. Considering the present state of knowledge, the Brehov locality is a primary source of secondary obsidian accumulations in Quaternary deluvial/fluvial deposits, partially covered by eolian sands, in the area of Brehov and Cejkov. Some of the macroscopic attributes, especially surface sculpture, of the obsidian cores from archeological sites resemble more those from the secondary accumulations. Conventional K/Ar dating of obsidians from natural occurrences and archeological sites implies multiple ages of natural sources. However, dating of obsidians at archeological sites points rather to a single source, or yet unknown source in addition to the secondary accumulations. Obsidians from at least two...
Zprava o mezinarodnim výzkumnem projektu paleolitickeho osidleni Trencinske kotliny v roce 2007.

The Dzerava skala cave (Palffybarlang) is located in a short but deep-cut karstic valley in the w... more The Dzerava skala cave (Palffybarlang) is located in a short but deep-cut karstic valley in the western slopes of the Small Carpathian Mountains (Male Karpaty), facing the Morava river plain. The cave entrance is 18 m broad, 22 m long and 10 m high. It is located in elevation of 450 m a.s.l., 37 m above the valley floor, and faces to the east. Still higher, on the opposite slope of the same valley, is located a typical cave bear cave, called Tmava skala. In 1912-1913, the cave was excavated by Jeno Hillebrand (1913;. During his excavations, E. Bachler found a bone point with most probably splintered base at the very base, in the lower gray clays. The above complex of reddish clays yielded asymmetrical lithic leaf points. Wet sieving of the later sediments for microfauna provided a human tooth, a right lower M2, remarkable in size, but with little possibility of additional determination, especially with respect to the Neanderthal or modem human type. In 1950, the excavation was continued by Frantisek . In a stratigraphic position comparable to Hillebrand's reddish clays, he found another series of leaf points, all with heavily worn edges, together with other lithics (endscraper, burin, borer, sidescraper, blades), but also with the 20 bone points of the "Aurignacian" (mainly Mladec) type. Prosek labelled the whole assemblage as Szeletian. However, this author has also shown that these layers were cryoturbated, and, therefore, later researchers doubted the validity of this asso ciation . Recently, the problem of the association of the two projectile typesthe lithic leaf points and the polished bone-and-antler points, became intensively discussed at the Vindija cave, Croatia, where the two types of points were found in the same stratigraphic context of the layer G1 as late Neanderthal fossils (cf. etc.). As in the Dzerava skala cave, the possibility of contamination has also been raised at Vindija . New excavations in the Dzerava skala cave were undertaken in 2002-2003 by the present authors. The Dzerava skala profile is rather complex, showing combination of in situ developed sediments (especially in the Holocene part of the section), in-blown loess (upper part of the Pleistocene sequence), and clays, paleosols and debris removed from elsewhere, most prob ably from the above cave chimneys (middle and lower part of the Pleistocene section). Given the combined character of this deposition, the sections were analysed from the view points of sedimentology and granulometry (L. Sliva), paleopedology (L. Smoliková) and Quaternary geology (P. Havlicek).
Slovenska Archeologia, 2008
New analyses of the archaeological material from the travertine site of Bojnice III revealed, amo... more New analyses of the archaeological material from the travertine site of Bojnice III revealed, among others, that tools made of fine-grained raw materials in layers X, IX, and VIII either are poorly represented or are not recorded at all, although small chips prove that working edges were rejuvenated directly at the site. Through analysis of the taphonomic processes, we concluded that the issue of “missing artifacts” can most likely be explained as a result of exporting final tools at the change of location of the settlement, i.e., the tools were carried as part of the tool kit within residential mobility. These conclusions are consistent with the concept that a high degree of planning depth can be assumed in Neanderthal behaviour.
Paléo. Supplément, 1995
Les pointes foliacees et les racloirs a retouche plate du site de Horka-Ondrej, lieu-dit "Sm... more Les pointes foliacees et les racloirs a retouche plate du site de Horka-Ondrej, lieu-dit "Smirecanyiho skala" de Slovaquie orientale peuvent etre consideres comme les "prototypes" des pointes foliacees du Paleolithique superieur, denommees "szeletiennes". La retouche plate etait appliquee non seulement sur les pointes mais aussi sur les racloirs, les couteaux et les eclats, trouves dans les sediments argileux (couches C.G) du locus A, datant de la fin de l'interglaciaire Riss/Wurm - debut du Wurm.
Slovenská archeológia, 2008
In order to obtain a stratigraphic base for the dating of consecutive settlement phases trial tre... more In order to obtain a stratigraphic base for the dating of consecutive settlement phases trial trenches were made in three sites-Trenčianska Turná-Vrlačka I, II and Trenčianska Turná-Hámre. The trenches enabled us to establish that Late Quaternary sedimentation at these ...
On selecting a constituent part of MU the" Overview of publishing activities" page will... more On selecting a constituent part of MU the" Overview of publishing activities" page will be displayed with information relevant to the selected constituent part. The" Overview of publishing activities" page is not available for non-activated items.
Cet article présente l'état des recherches sur les occupations mésolithiques de Slovaquie. L'attr... more Cet article présente l'état des recherches sur les occupations mésolithiques de Slovaquie. L'attribution culturelle se base sur la typologie des fossiles directeurs lithiques puisque aucun site n'a livré des datations. Les groupes humains s'installaient sur les dunes de sable dans la Slovaquie occidentale (Groupe Sereď, Sauvetterien), sur la terrasse fluviatile à Košice-Barca I (Tardenoisien) ou étaient associés à la chase à l'ours (grotte Medvedia jaskyňa près de Ružín). Les occupations sont associées à des restes végétaux ainsi que de la faune datés du Boréal, du début de l' Atlantique ancien ou de l' Atlantique.
The EGU General Assembly, 2016
Přehled výzkumů
An unstratified random find of a silicite arrowhead was found in the cadastre of the village of B... more An unstratified random find of a silicite arrowhead was found in the cadastre of the village of Bystré. It has a leaf-like shape with a rounded and narrowed base. The flat retouch covering the whole tool was made using the pressure technique. On the basis of an analogy with a similar find from fortified settlement II at Nižná Myšľa, we place it in the Otomani-Füzesabony culture from the Early/Middle Bronze Age.
Papers by Ľubomíra Kaminská