Papers by İrem Güldem KARAR
Batı Balkan Ülkelerinin AB Entegrasyon Sürecinde Çin Etkisi, 2024
Sadržaj: U ovom radu autor predstavlja najznačajnija društvena zbivanja i ekonomske prilike u Rep... more Sadržaj: U ovom radu autor predstavlja najznačajnija društvena zbivanja i ekonomske prilike u Republici Turskoj prema bosanskohercegovačkom časopisu Islamski svijet (1932)(1933)(1934)(1935). Uvidom u tekstove koji se odnose na društvena dešavanja i ekonomsku situaciju, autor u obzir uzima i političke odluke koje su se odrazile na društvenu zbilju i ekonomsku politiku Republike Turske. Radom se ukazuje na činjenicu da javnost u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji, posebno u Bosni i Hercegovini, nije ostala uskraćena za informisanost o navedenim temama u Republici Turskoj. Naprotiv, prikazom sadržaja pojedinih članaka, vijesti i kolumni u 161 broju časopisa Islamski svijet, jasno se uočava postojanje potrebe i interesa bosansko-hercegovčke javnosti za spoznajom o dešavanjima u burnom razdoblju moderne Turske Repulike.

The biggest test of United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations in the 21st century is the genoci... more The biggest test of United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations in the 21st century is the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia. This is because the UN was incapable of preventing the genocide that took place in both countries. Therefore, these two case studies were not chosen by chance. In two case studies, the role of UN peacekeeping operations in Rwanda and Bosnia, as well as the outcome of genocide caused by ethnic hatred, will be addressed. Thus, this study will answer three main questions. Firstly, what is the origin of ethnic hatred in Rwanda and Bosnia and its role in the genocide? Secondly, What is the role of UN in ethnic wars such as Rwanda and Bosnia? Lastly, What are the similarities and differences between Rwanda and Bosnia genocide based on ethnic reasons? In this context, it was concluded that ethnic and racial differences caused genocide in both countries and the UN intervention in Rwanda and Bosnia could not be effective due to the high level of ethnic hatred.
Book Reviews by İrem Güldem KARAR
Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs , 2022
In 2000, Michael W. Doyle and Nicholas Sambanis wrote an article for the American Political Scien... more In 2000, Michael W. Doyle and Nicholas Sambanis wrote an article for the American Political Science Review in which they argued that United Nations (UN) peace operations could make a significant difference in countries facing civil war by bringing and sustaining peace. Later, the two authors expanded their ideas, particularly their theory of the “peacebuilding triangle”, and wrote Making War and Building Peace. It should be particularly noted that Doyle served as former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s special advisor as well as his assistant between 2001 and 2003.
Papers by İrem Güldem KARAR
Book Reviews by İrem Güldem KARAR