Teaching Documents by ömer dursun
Runoff waters from airport areas constitute a serious environmental problem. It is essential to m... more Runoff waters from airport areas constitute a serious environmental problem. It is essential to monitor levels of pollutants emitted into the environment and measure their toxicity on a continuous basis. The authors' aim was to critically review data on pollution from aviation fuel combustion, aviation fuel spillage, the washing and cleaning of aircraft and airport service equipment, and the use of de-/anti-icing agents published in scientific journals. The authors also summarize information on the analytical methodologies available for the determination of pollutants emitted during airport operations and provide data on the toxicity of runoff containing compounds used in de-/anti-icing operations.
Papers by ömer dursun

European Journal of Technic, 2017
In this study, energy performance of a new flat plate solar air collector (SAHs) with different o... more In this study, energy performance of a new flat plate solar air collector (SAHs) with different obstacles at fin shape and rectangle Type I and Type II was investigated. The measured parameters were the inlet and outlet temperatures, the absorbing plate temperatures, the ambient temperature, and the solar radiation. Further, the measurements were performed at different values of mass flow rate of air (0.0074, 0.0052, 0.0016 kg/s). The thermal efficiency was calculated based on the measurements The results obtained were trained and tested with the support vector machine (SVM) which is one of the regression analyse methods. 10-fold cross-validation method was used to evaluate the regression performance. The best regression analysis result was obtained using cubic SVM method in which R 2 was 0.88 in the Type II air collector. Comparison between predicted and experimental results indicates that the proposed SVM model can be used for estimating the efficiency of SAHs with reasonable accuracy.

Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018
In parallel with the rapid advances regarding aviation in the world, Turkey has risen to a signif... more In parallel with the rapid advances regarding aviation in the world, Turkey has risen to a significant position in the international arena in civil aviation with the records broken in air traffic and the number of passenger, exemplary airport investments in the world, developments in the domestic and international flight network and the regulations made on flight safety and aviation security. Despite all of the adversities experienced in 2016, Turkey, which continues to be spoken throughout the world along with the breakthroughs and projects by evaluating its potential, opportunities and risks, offers the comfort of aviation to the world and its country in a fast and safe way by providing quality service with existing government and private businesses. It can be said that Turkey, which has bilateral aviation agreements with 168 countries, is one of the countries with the highest number of flight networks in the world. Turkey, which succeeded to become the member of ICAO Council Member, which sets international aviation rules, in 2016, is among the countries that make contributions in flight safety and aviation security at the international level. The success of Turkish Airlines, which is Turkey's national airline company and most valuable brand, in the world is also a sign of the importance given to civil aviation in the country. It is thought that the 3rd airport investment in Istanbul, which will enable Turkey to become a center for aviation in the world, will make Turkey more powerful in its region and will also provide significant advantages within the context of international strategy as well as economic returns. In this context, the purpose of this study is to summarize Turkey's civil aviation background and to put forward them it in the light of the current data. In addition, it is also aimed to make issues that will make Turkey leader in its region and have a say in the world a current issue and to raise awareness on these issues.
International Journal of Management and Administration, 2017
İnovasyon ya da anlam olarak tam karşılamasa da dilimizdeki karşılığı olan yenilik kavramı son yı... more İnovasyon ya da anlam olarak tam karşılamasa da dilimizdeki karşılığı olan yenilik kavramı son yıllarda birçok alanda araştırma yapan bilim adamlarının en fazla ilgisini çeken kavramlardan biri olmuştur. İnovasyon kısaca farklı, değişik, yeni fikirler geliştirerek değer katan, özgün ürün ve hizmetler ortaya koymaktır. Yoğun rekabet şartlarında işletmelerin ayakta kalabilmeleri ürün ve ya hizmetlerinde inovasyon yapmalarıyla mümkün olmaktadır. Öyle ki günümüzde şirketler ancak yenilik yaparak tüketicilerin hızlı bir şekilde gelişen ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilir ve rakiplerinden her zaman için bir adım öteye geçebilir. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın amacı, inovasyonla ilgili literatür özeti yaparak konuyla ilgili kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturmak ve inovasyon hakkında ilgili çevrelere yönelik farkındalık oluşturmaktır.

Traitement du Signal, 2021
Human emotion recognition with machine learning methods through electroencephalographic (EEG) sig... more Human emotion recognition with machine learning methods through electroencephalographic (EEG) signals has become a highly interesting subject for researchers. Although it is simple to define emotions that can be expressed physically such as speech, facial expressions, and gestures, it is more difficult to define psychological emotions that are expressed internally. The most important stimuli in revealing inner emotions are aural and visual stimuli. In this study, EEG signals using both aural and visual stimuli were examined and emotions were evaluated in both binary and multi-class emotion recognitions models. A general emotion recognition model was proposed for non-subject-based classification. Unlike in previous studies, a subject-based testing was performed for the first time in the literature. Capsule Networks, a new neural network model, has been developed for binary and multi-class emotion recognition. In the proposed method, a novel fusion strategy was introduced for binary-c...
European Journal of Technic, 2017
In this study, a new approach based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machin... more In this study, a new approach based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers has been proposed in the determination of criminal tendency with biochemical data of schizophrenia patients. Classification was performed using the biochemical data of the offender and control group schizophrenic patients. The data were obtained from 100 schizophrenic inpatients in Elazığ mental and Neurological Disorders Hospital. The biochemical data used for the examination and classification of the criminal tendencies of schizophrenic patients were
Journal of Aviation, 2021
Havayolu taşımacılığında uçuş operasyonlarının planlanması önemlidir. Uçuş operasyonları planlanı... more Havayolu taşımacılığında uçuş operasyonlarının planlanması önemlidir. Uçuş operasyonları planlanırken en önemli unsur yolcu sayısıdır. Yolcu sayısını belirli bir zaman dilimi için tahmin etmek, havayolu firmasının planlamalarını daha uygun bir şekilde gerçekleştirmelerine yardımcı olabileceği gibi maliyetten de tasarruf etmelerini sağlayacaktır. Çalışmada, uzun kısa vadeli bellek (LSTM) yöntemi kullanılarak havayolu yolcu sayısı tahmin edilmiştir. Elazığ Havalimanına ait yolcu sayısı Vanilla LSTM yöntemi kullanılarak tahminleme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Önerilen yöntem ile Elazığ Havalimanına ait yolcu sayısı tahminlemesinde ortalama kare hata (MSE) sıfıra yakın ve karekök ortalama karesel hata (RMSE) 0.02 olarak bulunmuştur. Deneysel sonuçlar önerilen yaklaşımın havayolu yolcu tahminine katkı sağlayabileceğini göstermiştir.
Teaching Documents by ömer dursun
Papers by ömer dursun