Papers by Dr. Ummahan Öz

Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2016
This investigation was carried out determine Flora of Kurukumes mountain (Milas-Muğla). by evalua... more This investigation was carried out determine Flora of Kurukumes mountain (Milas-Muğla). by evaluating the collected 1083 plant specimens, 73 families, 275 genera, 522 species, 19 subspecies and 14 variety were identified. In study area, 555 taxa were determined. The number of endemic plants is 47 (8.46 %). The distribution rates of the specimens into phytogeographical regions are as follows: Mediterranean elements 216 (38.91%), Irano-Turanian elements 9 (1.62 %), Euro-Siberian elements 24 (4.32 %), the number of unknown or cosmopolits taxa is 306 (55.13 %).--Kurukümes Dağı (Milas-MUĞLA) florası Özet Bu çalışma, Kurukümes Dağı (Milas-Muğla) Florasını tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma alanımız Davis'in kareleme sistemine göre C1 karesindedir. Bu araştırmada, Kasım 2013-Ekim 2014 yılları arasında yapılan arazi çalışmalarında toplanan 1083 bitki örneği değerlendirilip 73 familya, 275 cins, 522 tür, 19 alttür ve 14 varyete tayin edilmiştir. Çalışma alanında 555 takson tespit edilmiştir. Endemik bitkilerin sayısı 47 (% 8.46)'dir. Taksonların fitocoğrafik bölgelere dağılım oranları şu şekildedir: Akdeniz elementleri 216 (% 38.91), İran-Turan elementleri 9 (% 1.62) ve Avrupa-Sibirya elementleri 24 (% 4.32). Geniş yayılışlı ve yayılış alanları belli olmayan taksonların sayısı 306 (% 55.13).

Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2017
Medical plants are an important part of our lives. Various plant species have been used medically... more Medical plants are an important part of our lives. Various plant species have been used medically since ancient times. Most of the modern drugs are derived from plants. The demand for medical and aromatic plants in the world market is increasing. The main commercial centers of herbal drugs in the world and Spain. Turkey is also in an important position in the medicinal and aromatic plant market. Many plants collected from the nature are used to food, treatment, spices, beverage, and cosmetics etc. fields. In addition to these, researchers are conducting research showing that these crops can also be used in agricultural control. They have been supported by studies that these plants are highly effective against fungi causing harmful effects in plants. For this purpose, antifungal effects of Datura species (Datura stramonium L, D. metel L. ve D. innoxia Mill.) have been reviewed. Researches indicated that Datura sp. have antifungal activity some fungi. However, this effect varies according to concentration and types of solvents, part of plants such as root, seed, leaf, stem etc. The studies carried out show that each of the three Datura species has the potential to be a good fungicide by means of the compounds it contains

bulletin of environment, pharmacology and life sciences, 2018
Mastitis is a common disease in dairy farms and causes serious financial loss. The use of unconsc... more Mastitis is a common disease in dairy farms and causes serious financial loss. The use of unconscious drugs used for the treatment of infections causes the increase of antibiotic resistant bacteria. A major cause of mastitis is microorganisms. For this reason, this research focuses on antibacterial effects of Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Pers. extracts against mastitis pathogens and its antioxidant capacity. In our research, two Staphylococcus aureus and five Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus were used for experiments. Plant material collected from Alaşehir, Manisa in Turkey. The plant extracts were tested by disc diffusion assay for antibacterial activity and antioxidant activity determined by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method. The ethanol extract of plant showed inhibition effect on S. aureus-17 pathogen while the aqueous extracts on S. aureus-17 and CNS-36 pathogens. Minimum inhibitory concentrations values of extracts are 6500 µg/mL. In the antioxidant study, it was determined that the methanol extract had a higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than the ethanol and aqueous extracts and antioxidant activity of this plant was high. As a result, the our studies indicate that the extracts of Cardopatium corymbosum have significant antioxidant activities.

ÖZ: Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki araştırmalardan elde edilen bulguların ışığında Alaşehir bağcılığı... more ÖZ: Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki araştırmalardan elde edilen bulguların ışığında Alaşehir bağcılığında bitki koruma ürünleri kullanımı, yaşanan sorunlar ve bunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri derlenmiştir. Bitki koruma ürünleri öneriler dışında kullanıldıklarında insan ve çevre sağlığı üzerinde olumsuz etkilere neden olabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda bağ üreticilerinin bitki koruma ürünleri ile ilgili davranış biçimleri, bu alanda daha önce yapılmış anket sonuçlarına göre değerlendirilmiş ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. 2011-2015 yılları arasında Alaşehir'den Rusya Federasyonu'na yapılan üzüm dış satımında, gönderilen partilerin %11,6'sında pestisit kalıntısına rastlanmıştır. Bitki koruma ürünlerine bağlı olarak, üzümde ülkelere göre MRL değerleri 0,05 ile 50 mg/kg arasında değişmektedir. Biyolojik kökenli olan bitki koruma ürünlerinde ise MRL değeri aranmamaktadır. Hasat aralıkları da 0 ile 90 gün arasında değişebilmektedir. Kalıntı limitleri ve insan sağlığına uygunluk gibi kriterler hedeflenen ülkenin pazarına göre değiştiği için, üretimden dış satıma dek tüm aşamaların kontrol edilmesi gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Dayanıklılık sorunu özellikle tek yer engelleyici kimyasalların ortaya çıkışından bu yana artmıştır. Bitki koruma ürünlerinin etkililiğini uzatmak ve dayanıklılık oluşması durumunda ürün kayıplarını sınırlamak için etki grubu kodları farklı olan bitki koruma ürünlerinin seçilmesi ve dönüşümlü kullanılması en önemli stratejilerden biri olacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Bağ, asma, Alaşehir, bitki koruma sorunları, pestisit, bağ hastalıkları ve zararlıları. ABSTRACT: The application of plant protection products, problems and recommendations for viticulture in Alaşehir are discussed according to findings of the studies that have been reported in Turkey. Plant protection products may cause advers effects on human and environmental health when used outside of the recommendations. For this reason, the behavior patterns of farmers have been evaluated regarding to plant protection products according to the results of previous surveys in this area and suggestions are made. Between the years of 2011-2015, the export of grapes made from Alaşehir to the Russian Federation was assessed in terms of pesticide residues, and it has been determined that there were pesticide residues in 11.6% of the sending parties. Depending on the crop protection products, the national MRL values in grape range from 0,05 to 50 mg / kg. MRL values are not required for plant protection products of biological origin, and harvest intervals can vary from 0 to 90 days. As the criteria such as pesticide residue limits and suitable for human health are changed according to the market, it is necessary the control of all stages from production to export. The problem of resistance to pesticides has increased since the introduction of the chemicals with one-site inhibitors. In order to prolong the effectiveness of plant protection products, one of the most important strategies will be to choose and use alternately ones with different effect code groups. GİRİŞ Bağcılığın Alaşehir ekonomisine ve ulusal gelire sağladığı pay yadsınamayacak boyuttadır. Alaşehir ovasında sultani üzüm yetiştiriciliği ova yerleşmelerinin tamamında ana geçim kaynağını oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye'de üzüm üretimin % 25 'ini tek başına yapan ilçede üretilen üzümün bir ANADOLU, J. of AARI
International Journal of Nature and Life Sciences (IJNLS), 2018
This study was conducted to determine the effect of different growing media on the growth of Card... more This study was conducted to determine the effect of different growing media on the growth of Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Pers. The pot experiments were carried out with plants which are obtained from germination studies and from field and the effect of different applications on leaf number and leaf size was determined. The maximum leaf number change was observed at 200 ppm GA3 at 90 days and maximum leaf size change was observed in liquid nutrient medium at 60 days on plants which was obtained at germination experiment. The maximum leaf number change was determined in the application of 200 ppm GA3 at 60 days and the maximum change in the leaf size was determined in the field soil + 10% vermicompost experiment at 60 days on plants which was obtained from experiment field.

International Journal of Nature and Life Sciences (IJNLS), 2018
Cardopatium Juss. has only one species. Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Pers. is a perennial herb bel... more Cardopatium Juss. has only one species. Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Pers. is a perennial herb belonging to the Asteraceae. In this study germination of C. corymbosum have been investigated. The germination experiments were carried out in petri dishes and seedling starter trays and effects of different treatments on germination percentage observed. In germination experiments in petri dishes, best germination rate was obtained in the capitula kept in 10 ppm GA3 for 24 hours. In the seedling starter trays, highest germination rate was determined in the seeds kept in water for 12 and 24 hours and sown in 1:1 perlite and peat media. The best results were obtained in GA3 experiments. The rate of germination in the seeds without capitulum is higher than those surrounded by capitulum. The plants which germinate in saline media in petridishes are generally healthier than other applications. It has also been determined that C. corymbosum species also have a high germination percentage in saline environments.

Mugla Journal of Science and Technology , 2019
Cardopatium Juss. is a genus of the Asteraceae family and this genus include only one species cal... more Cardopatium Juss. is a genus of the Asteraceae family and this genus include only one species called Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Pers. There are no studies on the anatomical features of the Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Pers. The purpose of this research is to describe the anatomy and morphology of Cardopatium corymbosum. The plant materials used in the study were collected from the provinces of Alaşehir (Manisa), Nazilli (Aydın), Ilgın (Konya), Çeşme, Bergama, Güzelbahçe, Urla, Karaburun (İzmir) and Milas (Muğla) between 2016-2017. Morphological data obtained in this study showed that there are differences between the findings reported in Flora of Turkey and our results. The best plant measurements were obtained from the locality of Alaşehir. Samples of root, stem and leaves of this species were collected, fixed and dyed using appropriate methods. In addition, anatomical measurements of species were made. The anatomical investigations are similar to the members of Asteraceae family. This species is glabrous perennial herb. Florets are blue and hermaphrodite. The leaf of Cardopatium corymbosum is equifacial. Stomata are in abaxial and adaxial surfaces. Vascular bundles are collateral type.
Thesis Chapters by Dr. Ummahan Öz

Cardopatium Juss. is a genus of Asteraceae family. In this study, morfological and anatomical str... more Cardopatium Juss. is a genus of Asteraceae family. In this study, morfological and anatomical structures, germination and growing conditions, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Pers. which is the only species belonging to genus Cardopatium were investigated.
The plant materials used in the study were collected from provinces of Alaşehir (Manisa), Nazilli (Aydın), Ilgın (Konya), Çeşme, Bergama, Güzelbahçe, Urla, Karaburun (İzmir) and Milas (Muğla) between 2016-2017.
As a result of the morfological investigations, it was observed to species of Cardopatium corymbosum contain different measurements according to Flora of Turkey.
Anatomical studies were carried out with root, stem and leaf sections which taken with hands and microtomes and applied with appropriate dyeing methods. The anatomical investigations are similar to the anatomic structure of members of Asteraceae family.
The germination studies were carried out in petri dishes and viols, and the effect of different applications on germination percentage was observed. In germination experiments in petri dishes, the best germination rate was obtained in the capitulum which was kept at 10 ppm GA3 for 24 hours. In the germination experiment performed in viols, the highest germination rate was determined in the seeds which were kept in water 12 and 24 hours and placed in the perlite and peat media.
The pot experiments were carried out with plants which are obtained from germination studies and from experiment field and the effect of different applications on leaf number and leaf size was determined. The maximum leaf number change was observed at 200 ppm GA3 application at 90 days and maximum leaf size change was observed in liquid nutrient medium at 60 days on plants which was obtained at germination experiment. The maximum leaf number change was determined in the application of 200 ppm GA3 at 60 days and the maximum change in the leaf size was
determined in the field soil + 10 % vermicompost experiment at 60 days on plants which was obtained from experiment field.
Soil and leaf analyzes were carrried out in order to determine the soil properties of field in which our plants grows and to quantify the amount of plant nutrients found in the leaf.
As a result of soil analysis, it was determined that Cardopatium corymbosum expanded in clay and clay loam soil and grew each level of salinity, pH, lime, organic matter and nitrogen. According to leaf analysis results, percentage of plant nutrients in leaf samples in localities are as follows: Nitrogen content 1,488- 2,509 % phosphorus 0,08- 0,034 %, potassium 0,53 - 3,48 % , calcium 0,67- 1,43 % , magnesium varies in the range of 0,15- 0,65. It was determined that in terms of ppm, iron is found in the range of 90,93- 785,1, copper 8,24 – 68,8, manganese 22,94- 217,5, zinc 5,85 – 44,09, boron 0-61 and sodium 15390 – 536614,2.
In our study, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts of Cardopatium corymbosum were also investigated. It was observed that methanol extracts showed no inhibitory effect on any mastisis pathogens ( S. aureus 17, S. aureus 18, CNS 22, CNS 32, CNS 33, CNS 36 ve CNS 37). It was determined that the ethanol extracts have an inhibitory effect on S. aureus 17 pathogen, the aqueous extracts on S. aureus 17 and CNS 36 pathogens. In the antioxidant study, it was determined that the methanol extract had a higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than the ethanol and aqueous extracts and this species’s antioxidant activity was high.
This investigation was carried out determine Flora of Kurukumes mountain (Milas-Muğla). Research ... more This investigation was carried out determine Flora of Kurukumes mountain (Milas-Muğla). Research area is located on C1 square acccording to Davis’s grid system.
In this study, during the period November 2013- October 2014, by evaluating the collected 1083 plant specimens, 73 families, 275 genera, 109 subspecies and 70 variety were identified. In study area, 555 taxa were determined. The number of endemic plants is 47 (8.46 %). The distribution rates of the specimens into phytogeographical regions are as follows: Mediterranean elements 216 (38.91%), Irano-Turanian elements 9 (1.62 %), Euro-Siberian elements 24 (4.32 %), the number of unknown or cosmopolits taxa is 306 (55.13 %).
Conference Presentations by Dr. Ummahan Öz

Calicotome villosa is a drought deciduous spiny shrub, possessing mature, green stems with yellow... more Calicotome villosa is a drought deciduous spiny shrub, possessing mature, green stems with yellow papilionaceous flowers during the spring season, very common in the Mediterranean area, where it grows near the sea (0-1200 m altitude). The aim of the present work was to study in vitro antioxidant activities of ethanolic extracts obtained from the flowers and stems of C. villosa. The parts of the plant were collected during flowering season at Milas, Muğla, Turkey in April 2014. Antioxidant properties of the extracts were determined by DPPH radical scavenging and β-carotene/linoleic acid assays. In addition, total phenolic and flavonoid contents in the extracts were determined. The total phenolic contents in the extracts of C. villosa were expressed as miligram of gallic acid equivalents (GAEs), were determined with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (FCR). The total flavonoids content of the extracts was expressed as mg quercetin equivalents per gram of extract. The flower extracts of C. villosa exhibited higher antioxidant activity than stem extracts. The highest free radical scavenging activity (86.32 ± 0.55%) was recorded on flower extracted with 1 mg/ml concentration. The flower extracts showed the highest phenolic (159.47 mg/g GAEs) and flavonoid contents (66.21 mg/g QEs). These findings suggest that C. villosa flowers could be an antioxidant resource in some industries, such as food, pharmacology.

Calicotome, Fabaceae familyasına ait bir cins olup dünyada 5 türle temsil edilse de Türkiye'de sa... more Calicotome, Fabaceae familyasına ait bir cins olup dünyada 5 türle temsil edilse de Türkiye'de sadece Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link türü bulunmaktadır. Artemia salina L. tuzlu göl sularında yaşayan, tuz karidesi olarak da bilinen bir eklembacaklı türüdür. Ayrıca, biyolojik aktivite yöntemleri arasında yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan bir organizmadır. Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina) Letalite testi, bitki ekstraktlarının biyoaktivitesinin belirlenmesinde basit, güvenilir ve uygun bir metottur. Bu çalışmada, C. villosa türünün, çiçek ve gövde olmak üzere iki kısmının, A. salina kullanılarak sitotoksik aktivitelerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. A. salina yumurtaları (10 mg), 500 ml'lik silindirik cam şişede bulunan deniz suyunda, bol oksijen verilerek ve suyun sıcaklığı 28 • C, pH'ı 7-8 olacak şekilde ışık altında inkübasyona bırakılmıştır. 48 saatlik inkübasyon sonrasında yumurtadan çıkıp olgunlaşan Artemia larvaları (nauplii), pastör pipeti ile 4,5 ml deniz suyu içeren deney tüplerine, her bir tüpte 10'ar adet nauplii olacak şekilde alınıp yerleştirilmiştir. Deney, toplam hacim 5 ml olacak şekilde, beş farklı konsantrasyonda ve kontrol grubu ile birlikte (0 g/ml, 10 g/ml, 50 g/ml, 100 g/ml, 500 g/ml ve 1000 g/ml) üç tekrarlı olarak yapılmıştır. Oda sıcaklığında ki deney tüpleri 24 saat bekletildikten sonra ölen ve yaşayan nauplii'ler tepegöz altında sayılıp, ölü ve yaşayan birey sayıları, konsantrasyonlar dikkate alınarak kaydedilmiştir. Sonrasında LC50 (µg/ml) değerleri, EPA Probit Analysis Program (version 1.5) kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda C. villosa'nın gövde kısmının ekstratındaki LC50 değeri 8.447 μg/ml iken yaprak kısmının ekstrarındaki LC50 değeri 36.361 bulunmuştur. C. villosa'nın gövde ve yaprak kısımlarının ekstratlarının LC50 değerleri karşılaştırıldığında gövde kısmının, yaprak kısmından daha toksik olduğu görülmüştür.

3. Ulusal Humik Madde Kongresi, 2016
Organik tarım sürdürülebilir bir tarım sistemidir ve organik gübrelerin kullanımını içeren (bitki... more Organik tarım sürdürülebilir bir tarım sistemidir ve organik gübrelerin kullanımını içeren (bitki artıkları, hayvansal kökenli gübreler), hastalık ve yabancı ot kontrolü gibi belirli üretim tekniklerine dayanan bir uygulamadır. Topraktaki organik maddelerin ana içeriği humus olup; hümik asit ise en aktif maddesidir ve humik asitler günümüzde tarımda daha etkin bir rol oynamaya başlamışlardır. Bileşimlerinde karbon, oksijen, hidrojen ve azot dışında önemli oranda karboksilik asit grupları, fenolik ve alkolik hidroksil keton ve kinon gibi yapıları barındırırlar. Humik asitin uygun konsantrasyonlarda kullanılması neticesinde bitki büyüme ve gelişmeleri üzerine olumlu etkileri bulunmaktadır. Hümik maddeler pestisitler ve herbisitlerle etkileşerek kararlı yapılar oluştururlar, böylece bitkiler ve yeraltı suları için zararsız hale getirebilme özelliğine sahiptirler. Manisa- Alaşehir yöresinde de fazla pestisit kullanımından dolayı organik tarım faaliyeti azdır, 4596 dekar alanda, ceviz, kestane, elma, zeytin, badem, üzüm, nar ve kirazda organik tarım faaliyeti yürütülmektedir. Alaşehir’de 2015’te organik tarım yapan kişi sayısı 62 iken 2016’da bu sayı 84’e çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada Manisa- Alaşehir yöresinde organik tarımın durumu, organik tarımda kullanılan ilaçlama programları ve humik asitin önemi belirtilmektedir.

I.International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants : '' Natural and Life Science'', 2017
Carthamus tinctorius L. (Safflower) is an industrial plant with a high medical potential. Safflow... more Carthamus tinctorius L. (Safflower) is an industrial plant with a high medical potential. Safflowers give positive Results in the treatment of acute appendicitis, women's period, cardiovascular disease, fever reduction, asthma, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis. The cultivation of the Safflower is important because of its industrial use and pharmacological properties. Cultural practices vary from region to region. Depending on the ecological conditions of each region, types of the cultivation changes. Sowing time and sowing frequency are effective on yield. Generally, the autumn planting is more suitable from spring planting for the development of plant characteristics and seed yield. Nitrogen, phosphorus and humic acid applications were positively effect oil yield. This review was carried out to determine the effect of different cultivation and ecological conditions on yield and quality of Safflower.

I.International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants : '' Natural and Life Science'', 2017
Medical and aromatic plants are generally used in fields such as food, spice, medicine, beverage ... more Medical and aromatic plants are generally used in fields such as food, spice, medicine, beverage and cosmetics. Nowadays, there are numerous studies on the antimicrobial and insecticidal properties of essential oils and extracts from these plants. The investigations indicate that medicinal and aromatic plants can be used to increase the shelf life, especially in fruit preservation. This studies show that the essential oils extracted from medical and aromatic plants such as thyme, caraway and carnation are effective in the suppression of fungi such as Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Penicillium digitatum, Phomopsis viticola and Rhizopus stolonifer which reduce the shelf life in grape preservation, but it does not negatively effect the sensory properties of the grape. This review is intended to reveal the use of certain essential oils in grape storage.
Books by Dr. Ummahan Öz

Salvia fruticosa Mill., Satureja thymbra L. and Thymbra spicata L. are valuable medicinal and aro... more Salvia fruticosa Mill., Satureja thymbra L. and Thymbra spicata L. are valuable medicinal and aromatic plants in Lamiaceae family and these species have low germination rate in nature. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of different pre-treatments on germination performance. This experiment was conducted at Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkey in 2019. The experiment was consisted of twenty seven treatments for per species and treatments were performed based on randomized block design with three replicate. The best germination (40%) was determined at soaking in 10% H202 for five minutes and then soaking in 0,1% KNO3 applications in S. fruticosa. In the control, the germination percentage was recorded as 10% on the 21st day. The best germination (90%) was observed at applications of kept in 80°C (5 mins) and then soaking 10 ppm GA3 and kept in -20°C for 5 minutes and then soaking in 50 ppm GA3 in S. thymbra. In the control, 60% germination were determined. In T. spicata, the maximum germination percentage (90%) was observed at application of kept in -20°C (10 mins) and then soaking in 100 ppm GA3 and in addition to this the minimum germination percentage (10%) was determined at kept in 100°C (10 mins) and -20 °C (5 mins). Furthermore, 30% germination on the 21st day were obtained in the control. In this study, it was determined that hot and cold treatments with gibberellic acid have positive effects on germination percentage and these treatments increase germination activity in S. thymbra and T. spicata.
Papers by Dr. Ummahan Öz
Thesis Chapters by Dr. Ummahan Öz
The plant materials used in the study were collected from provinces of Alaşehir (Manisa), Nazilli (Aydın), Ilgın (Konya), Çeşme, Bergama, Güzelbahçe, Urla, Karaburun (İzmir) and Milas (Muğla) between 2016-2017.
As a result of the morfological investigations, it was observed to species of Cardopatium corymbosum contain different measurements according to Flora of Turkey.
Anatomical studies were carried out with root, stem and leaf sections which taken with hands and microtomes and applied with appropriate dyeing methods. The anatomical investigations are similar to the anatomic structure of members of Asteraceae family.
The germination studies were carried out in petri dishes and viols, and the effect of different applications on germination percentage was observed. In germination experiments in petri dishes, the best germination rate was obtained in the capitulum which was kept at 10 ppm GA3 for 24 hours. In the germination experiment performed in viols, the highest germination rate was determined in the seeds which were kept in water 12 and 24 hours and placed in the perlite and peat media.
The pot experiments were carried out with plants which are obtained from germination studies and from experiment field and the effect of different applications on leaf number and leaf size was determined. The maximum leaf number change was observed at 200 ppm GA3 application at 90 days and maximum leaf size change was observed in liquid nutrient medium at 60 days on plants which was obtained at germination experiment. The maximum leaf number change was determined in the application of 200 ppm GA3 at 60 days and the maximum change in the leaf size was
determined in the field soil + 10 % vermicompost experiment at 60 days on plants which was obtained from experiment field.
Soil and leaf analyzes were carrried out in order to determine the soil properties of field in which our plants grows and to quantify the amount of plant nutrients found in the leaf.
As a result of soil analysis, it was determined that Cardopatium corymbosum expanded in clay and clay loam soil and grew each level of salinity, pH, lime, organic matter and nitrogen. According to leaf analysis results, percentage of plant nutrients in leaf samples in localities are as follows: Nitrogen content 1,488- 2,509 % phosphorus 0,08- 0,034 %, potassium 0,53 - 3,48 % , calcium 0,67- 1,43 % , magnesium varies in the range of 0,15- 0,65. It was determined that in terms of ppm, iron is found in the range of 90,93- 785,1, copper 8,24 – 68,8, manganese 22,94- 217,5, zinc 5,85 – 44,09, boron 0-61 and sodium 15390 – 536614,2.
In our study, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts of Cardopatium corymbosum were also investigated. It was observed that methanol extracts showed no inhibitory effect on any mastisis pathogens ( S. aureus 17, S. aureus 18, CNS 22, CNS 32, CNS 33, CNS 36 ve CNS 37). It was determined that the ethanol extracts have an inhibitory effect on S. aureus 17 pathogen, the aqueous extracts on S. aureus 17 and CNS 36 pathogens. In the antioxidant study, it was determined that the methanol extract had a higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than the ethanol and aqueous extracts and this species’s antioxidant activity was high.
In this study, during the period November 2013- October 2014, by evaluating the collected 1083 plant specimens, 73 families, 275 genera, 109 subspecies and 70 variety were identified. In study area, 555 taxa were determined. The number of endemic plants is 47 (8.46 %). The distribution rates of the specimens into phytogeographical regions are as follows: Mediterranean elements 216 (38.91%), Irano-Turanian elements 9 (1.62 %), Euro-Siberian elements 24 (4.32 %), the number of unknown or cosmopolits taxa is 306 (55.13 %).
Conference Presentations by Dr. Ummahan Öz
Books by Dr. Ummahan Öz
The plant materials used in the study were collected from provinces of Alaşehir (Manisa), Nazilli (Aydın), Ilgın (Konya), Çeşme, Bergama, Güzelbahçe, Urla, Karaburun (İzmir) and Milas (Muğla) between 2016-2017.
As a result of the morfological investigations, it was observed to species of Cardopatium corymbosum contain different measurements according to Flora of Turkey.
Anatomical studies were carried out with root, stem and leaf sections which taken with hands and microtomes and applied with appropriate dyeing methods. The anatomical investigations are similar to the anatomic structure of members of Asteraceae family.
The germination studies were carried out in petri dishes and viols, and the effect of different applications on germination percentage was observed. In germination experiments in petri dishes, the best germination rate was obtained in the capitulum which was kept at 10 ppm GA3 for 24 hours. In the germination experiment performed in viols, the highest germination rate was determined in the seeds which were kept in water 12 and 24 hours and placed in the perlite and peat media.
The pot experiments were carried out with plants which are obtained from germination studies and from experiment field and the effect of different applications on leaf number and leaf size was determined. The maximum leaf number change was observed at 200 ppm GA3 application at 90 days and maximum leaf size change was observed in liquid nutrient medium at 60 days on plants which was obtained at germination experiment. The maximum leaf number change was determined in the application of 200 ppm GA3 at 60 days and the maximum change in the leaf size was
determined in the field soil + 10 % vermicompost experiment at 60 days on plants which was obtained from experiment field.
Soil and leaf analyzes were carrried out in order to determine the soil properties of field in which our plants grows and to quantify the amount of plant nutrients found in the leaf.
As a result of soil analysis, it was determined that Cardopatium corymbosum expanded in clay and clay loam soil and grew each level of salinity, pH, lime, organic matter and nitrogen. According to leaf analysis results, percentage of plant nutrients in leaf samples in localities are as follows: Nitrogen content 1,488- 2,509 % phosphorus 0,08- 0,034 %, potassium 0,53 - 3,48 % , calcium 0,67- 1,43 % , magnesium varies in the range of 0,15- 0,65. It was determined that in terms of ppm, iron is found in the range of 90,93- 785,1, copper 8,24 – 68,8, manganese 22,94- 217,5, zinc 5,85 – 44,09, boron 0-61 and sodium 15390 – 536614,2.
In our study, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts of Cardopatium corymbosum were also investigated. It was observed that methanol extracts showed no inhibitory effect on any mastisis pathogens ( S. aureus 17, S. aureus 18, CNS 22, CNS 32, CNS 33, CNS 36 ve CNS 37). It was determined that the ethanol extracts have an inhibitory effect on S. aureus 17 pathogen, the aqueous extracts on S. aureus 17 and CNS 36 pathogens. In the antioxidant study, it was determined that the methanol extract had a higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than the ethanol and aqueous extracts and this species’s antioxidant activity was high.
In this study, during the period November 2013- October 2014, by evaluating the collected 1083 plant specimens, 73 families, 275 genera, 109 subspecies and 70 variety were identified. In study area, 555 taxa were determined. The number of endemic plants is 47 (8.46 %). The distribution rates of the specimens into phytogeographical regions are as follows: Mediterranean elements 216 (38.91%), Irano-Turanian elements 9 (1.62 %), Euro-Siberian elements 24 (4.32 %), the number of unknown or cosmopolits taxa is 306 (55.13 %).