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In this study that we prepared as a doctoral thesis, we dealed with the subjects like the opinios related to the Maturidism which is one of the main examples of Ehl al Sunnah school of thought that constitute great part of the Islamic Religion, the necessity of Imamete or Caliphate called politics, the possibility of more than one caliph among Muslims, the way that caliph becomes the head, his duty and the duration of the duty, the features wanted for caliph, the situation of dismission of caliph. Before studying this topic, we also dealed with the politics in Qoran and Hz. Prophet’ s Sunnah which are the main sources of Islamic Religion, the concepts and ideas that remind politics and the development process of Muslims, process of Muslims History at the following period of Hz. Prophet. After the comprehenssions of islamic school of thought belong to politics and politics topics are presented mainly.
In this study that we prepared as a doctoral thesis, we dealed with the subjects like the opinios related to the Maturidism which is one of the main examples of Ehl al Sunnah school of thought that constitute great part of the Islamic Religion, the necessity of Imamete or Caliphate called politics, the possibility of more than one caliph among Muslims, the way that caliph becomes the head, his duty and the duration of the duty, the features wanted for caliph, the situation of dismission of caliph. Before studying this topic, we also dealed with the politics in Qoran and Hz. Prophet’ s Sunnah which are the main sources of Islamic Religion, the concepts and ideas that remind politics and the development process of Muslims, process of Muslims History at the following period of Hz. Prophet. After the comprehenssions of islamic school of thought belong to politics and politics topics are presented mainly.