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Allah S.W.T makes it very clear that He forbids interest based transactions and allowing sales. He also rejects the idea of making riba’ and sale transaction as the same as He gives clear distinction among both two transactions. The... more
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This is the proposal for financial facilities designed for Maaruf Development Bhd (MDB). MDB is a designed company as an example to provide Islamic financial solutions. This proposal intends to provide MDB with reliable and specific... more
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The takaful industry is a new industry. The industry is tracked back to 1979, when the concept was launched in Sudan and later in Saudi Arabia.Recently, Shariah scholars have raised a number of concerns about the Shariah permissibility... more
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Islamic Finance has captured a universe of USD 1 trillion dollar in assets under management, and yet growing very fast. The industry has captured the attention of most of the financial professionals worldwide. Acknowledge as the fastest... more
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We investigate the impact of sustainability-performance disclosure (SPD) on firmperformance on a cross-industry sample of 71 firms over the period 2011-2018. Wealso compare the relationship between shariah-compliant firms (SCFs) and... more
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Islam harbours an economic vision that holds the key to a social order capable of providing social justice along with economic prosperity. This vision is deeply inscribed in the objectives of shar¥ c ah, also known as maqOE §id al-shar¥ c... more
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The rapid growth in Islamic finance industry urges us to not only look for alternatives in the Islamic commercial banking, but also focus on the regulator and its role and functions to enable it to work in conformity with Islamic... more
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      FinanceEconomicsMonetary EconomicsPublic Finance
Purpose: This study aims to explore the role of Zakat in addressing development challenges facing Nigeria and its potentiality in achieving sustainable development goals in Nigeria. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopts... more
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      Sukuk & Capital MarketsMega Projects Financing
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      MicrofinanceIslamic BankingIslamic Economy
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      Islamic FinanceBMTKoperasi Syariah
Trade has been practiced before Islam came. After Islam come, Prophet explain rules and policies in doing trade, especially for its permissibility because all transaction that are carried out by Muslim must be halaal. Currently, many... more
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      Social MediaEnvironmental SustainabilityIslamic FinanceHALAL
share their profit or loss of the joint venture. This participatory schemes have great potentials for microfinance purposes as these schemes can satisfy the risk sharing needs of the microentrepreneurs. But in practice,there still lots of... more
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      MicrofinanceIslamic FinanceFinancial InclusionRural Livelihoods
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      Islamic BankingIslamic FinanceIslamic Economics and Financeislamic accounting, zakat, Shariah audit, islamic banking and finance
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational ChangeInternational BusinessLeadership
The development and growth of the Takaful industry consumers in Indonesia have proved public awareness and confidence to use the Islamic insurance. However shariah compliant issue only is not enough to address the particular conventional... more
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    • Takaful
Ethically screened mutual funds have allowed many investors concerned with their beliefs and customs to enter the equity market. Islamic ethical funds (IEF's), being new entrants' in this market, are characterised by their shari'ah... more
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    • Sukuk & Capital Markets
Objective-This paper attempts to discuss the Islamic law of inheritance (Faraid), its existence and its systematic impact to humankind. Faraid plays a fundamental role as an impetus behind the development of science, which has a great... more
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Objective-This paper attempts to discuss the Islamic law of inheritance (Faraid), its existence and its systematic impact to humankind. Faraid plays a fundamental role as an impetus behind the development of science, which has a great... more
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