Natacha Buc
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Papers by Natacha Buc
Although similarities were noted in the bone and lithic assemblages from both areas, it is not clear if they function in the same manner. In this paper, microscopic evidence of bone and lithic tools from Cerro Lutz will be analysed and discussed in the light of the published data from the Riverside shoals. Results confirmed that in both areas artefacts were used on different actions and materials, showing differences in the lithic assemblage. While use-wear in southern sites show bone use, soft materials were recorded in Cerro Lutz, suggesting a differential use of technology that could be related to raw material availability.
Paraná River Basin (known as Guaraní), lithic and bone technology is still poorly understood. Frequently, archaeologists
have centered the debate on pottery decoration and form, mainly to discuss migration routes, but
also to establish certain aspects of the domestic life of such groups. Guaraní technology is only partially known,
as there is scarce information regarding lithic and bone exploitation as raw materials. This paper focuses on lithic
and bone use-wear analysis in order to discuss the technological choices of these groups. To this end, we analyzed
the assemblages coming from Guaraní archaeological sites of two different areas in the Paraná River Basin:
the low Paraná wetland, and the upper Paraná river. Both deposits have radiocarbon dates from the late
Holocene (c. 700 BP), before the Spanish conquest of America, which reinforces the hypothesis that Guaraní
groups arrived at the Río de la Plata area a few centuries before the Spanish conquerors. Results show that,
despite environmental variability, similarities across technological solutions can be discerned. Although lithic
technology shows variability in the raw materials employed as well as a diversity in stone tool classes, artifactual
use in both areas is mainly associated with the processing of vegetables. For bone technology, similarities are
marked by the absence of standardization associated with an expedient use of this raw material in both cases
Bone technology could be used to test and discuss these ideas, as it is well represented in different sectors of the Paraná River, in archaeological contexts from ~2300 to 700 years BP. Although the functional character of bone tools has been largely addressed, decorative and morphological stylistic features have remained outside the scope of traditional literature.
As a result of our analysis, we conclude that there is a differential behaviour in the decorative style of bone tools. In early sites, decoration is rare and highly variable, which could be interpreted as an individual marker. In late contexts, decoration is only present in sites with plain pottery and it shows a standardized pattern that suggests the existence of a common code among certain groups of people.
habitado por diferentes grupos poblacionales, entre ellos los conocidos como “Guaraníes”. En los diversos contextos arqueológicos del área raramente se recuperan objetos metálicos; por lo que estudiar los casos en los que están
presentes permite discutir procesos de poblamiento y ocupación del área. Este trabajo se ocupa particularmente del análisis de las piezas recuperadas en el sitio Arroyo Fredes, datado entre 1262 y 1642 AD. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar
a través del análisis morfológico y composicional de las piezas su posible vinculación con dos centros metalúrgicos que habrían estado disponibles al momento de ocupación del sitio: la esfera hispánica y el Noroeste argentino. En dos casos, la lámina y el disco, la composición de cobre puro permite establecer una conexión con las poblaciones locales. En el tercero, el alfiler o topu, los resultados no son concluyentes. Los datos, en definitiva, muestran la complejidad del proceso de ocupación del área momentos antes de la ocupación europea
habitado por diferentes grupos poblacionales, entre ellos los conocidos como “Guaraníes”. En los diversos contextos arqueológicos del área raramente se recuperan objetos metálicos; por lo que estudiar los casos en los que están
presentes permite discutir procesos de poblamiento y ocupación del área. Este trabajo se ocupa particularmente del análisis de las piezas recuperadas en el sitio Arroyo Fredes, datado entre 1262 y 1642 AD. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar
a través del análisis morfológico y composicional de las piezas su posible vinculación con dos centros metalúrgicos que habrían estado disponibles al momento de ocupación del sitio: la esfera hispánica y el Noroeste argentino. En dos casos, la lámina y el disco, la composición de cobre puro permite establecer una conexión con las poblaciones locales. En el tercero, el alfiler o topu, los resultados no son concluyentes. Los datos, en definitiva, muestran la complejidad del proceso de ocupación del área momentos antes de la ocupación europea
Until now, information of the area came from sites dated to approximately 1000 years BP. In those cases, morphological and functional standardization was interpreted as a moment of a well-defined techno-complex. According to a previous model of bone raw material exploitation, higher variability is expected for the Isla Lechiguanas 1 sample as the result of an early stage
of experimentation.
However, our results show that standardization was already established at 2200 years BP, showing a high correlation between form, function and bone used as raw material.
examines how the selection of bone elements used to make tools limits the percentage of minimum animal units (%MAU) of ungulates established for archaeofaunal assemblages in
the area. For that purpose, we analysed the manufacturing process involved in the creation of archaeological bone tools. This information is evaluated relative to deer anatomical
representation, bone mineral density (BMD) and food utility index (FUI). Results suggest that analysis of anatomical representation of faunal resources requires a careful study of
manufacturing processes.
Although similarities were noted in the bone and lithic assemblages from both areas, it is not clear if they function in the same manner. In this paper, microscopic evidence of bone and lithic tools from Cerro Lutz will be analysed and discussed in the light of the published data from the Riverside shoals. Results confirmed that in both areas artefacts were used on different actions and materials, showing differences in the lithic assemblage. While use-wear in southern sites show bone use, soft materials were recorded in Cerro Lutz, suggesting a differential use of technology that could be related to raw material availability.
Paraná River Basin (known as Guaraní), lithic and bone technology is still poorly understood. Frequently, archaeologists
have centered the debate on pottery decoration and form, mainly to discuss migration routes, but
also to establish certain aspects of the domestic life of such groups. Guaraní technology is only partially known,
as there is scarce information regarding lithic and bone exploitation as raw materials. This paper focuses on lithic
and bone use-wear analysis in order to discuss the technological choices of these groups. To this end, we analyzed
the assemblages coming from Guaraní archaeological sites of two different areas in the Paraná River Basin:
the low Paraná wetland, and the upper Paraná river. Both deposits have radiocarbon dates from the late
Holocene (c. 700 BP), before the Spanish conquest of America, which reinforces the hypothesis that Guaraní
groups arrived at the Río de la Plata area a few centuries before the Spanish conquerors. Results show that,
despite environmental variability, similarities across technological solutions can be discerned. Although lithic
technology shows variability in the raw materials employed as well as a diversity in stone tool classes, artifactual
use in both areas is mainly associated with the processing of vegetables. For bone technology, similarities are
marked by the absence of standardization associated with an expedient use of this raw material in both cases
Bone technology could be used to test and discuss these ideas, as it is well represented in different sectors of the Paraná River, in archaeological contexts from ~2300 to 700 years BP. Although the functional character of bone tools has been largely addressed, decorative and morphological stylistic features have remained outside the scope of traditional literature.
As a result of our analysis, we conclude that there is a differential behaviour in the decorative style of bone tools. In early sites, decoration is rare and highly variable, which could be interpreted as an individual marker. In late contexts, decoration is only present in sites with plain pottery and it shows a standardized pattern that suggests the existence of a common code among certain groups of people.
habitado por diferentes grupos poblacionales, entre ellos los conocidos como “Guaraníes”. En los diversos contextos arqueológicos del área raramente se recuperan objetos metálicos; por lo que estudiar los casos en los que están
presentes permite discutir procesos de poblamiento y ocupación del área. Este trabajo se ocupa particularmente del análisis de las piezas recuperadas en el sitio Arroyo Fredes, datado entre 1262 y 1642 AD. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar
a través del análisis morfológico y composicional de las piezas su posible vinculación con dos centros metalúrgicos que habrían estado disponibles al momento de ocupación del sitio: la esfera hispánica y el Noroeste argentino. En dos casos, la lámina y el disco, la composición de cobre puro permite establecer una conexión con las poblaciones locales. En el tercero, el alfiler o topu, los resultados no son concluyentes. Los datos, en definitiva, muestran la complejidad del proceso de ocupación del área momentos antes de la ocupación europea
habitado por diferentes grupos poblacionales, entre ellos los conocidos como “Guaraníes”. En los diversos contextos arqueológicos del área raramente se recuperan objetos metálicos; por lo que estudiar los casos en los que están
presentes permite discutir procesos de poblamiento y ocupación del área. Este trabajo se ocupa particularmente del análisis de las piezas recuperadas en el sitio Arroyo Fredes, datado entre 1262 y 1642 AD. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar
a través del análisis morfológico y composicional de las piezas su posible vinculación con dos centros metalúrgicos que habrían estado disponibles al momento de ocupación del sitio: la esfera hispánica y el Noroeste argentino. En dos casos, la lámina y el disco, la composición de cobre puro permite establecer una conexión con las poblaciones locales. En el tercero, el alfiler o topu, los resultados no son concluyentes. Los datos, en definitiva, muestran la complejidad del proceso de ocupación del área momentos antes de la ocupación europea
Until now, information of the area came from sites dated to approximately 1000 years BP. In those cases, morphological and functional standardization was interpreted as a moment of a well-defined techno-complex. According to a previous model of bone raw material exploitation, higher variability is expected for the Isla Lechiguanas 1 sample as the result of an early stage
of experimentation.
However, our results show that standardization was already established at 2200 years BP, showing a high correlation between form, function and bone used as raw material.
examines how the selection of bone elements used to make tools limits the percentage of minimum animal units (%MAU) of ungulates established for archaeofaunal assemblages in
the area. For that purpose, we analysed the manufacturing process involved in the creation of archaeological bone tools. This information is evaluated relative to deer anatomical
representation, bone mineral density (BMD) and food utility index (FUI). Results suggest that analysis of anatomical representation of faunal resources requires a careful study of
manufacturing processes.