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    • Automatic Control
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Dentro de los componentes básicos, el SOFTWARE o Equipo Blando, es la otra mitad de la computadora, el alma o la materia gris, ya que las necesida crecimiento y de capacidad han surgido para hacer realidad toda la creatividad, ingenio y... more
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El desarrollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología actuales implican la generación y aplicación del conocimiento en muchas áreas y consecuentemente el estudiante de Ingeniería debe estar al tanto de los mismos, sin embargo, debido a la... more
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La introducción de datos se lleva a cabo en un formulario diseñado para esta tarea. Se accede a él desde el formulario inicial de la aplicación (que es el de los resultados) presionando el botón Diseño (un icono con un lápiz y un... more
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Apunte 03 -MicroMaster Profibus DP OBJETIVOS Comprender el funcionamiento del modulo Profibus DP del convertidor MicroMaster para luego configuarar y/o parametrizar al convertidor atravez de la red Profibus con la ayuda de la programacion... more
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Twelve as-cast alloys of the Al-Cu-Si ternary system were investigated. In all the cases, the microstructural phases observed were: ␣ solid solution of Cu and Si in Al, CuAl 2 ( phase), and silicon crystals. The morphology and... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterials Characterization
High wear resistance and low cost are among the most appreciated properties for the nonalloyed white cast irons. Their toughness levels, however, are poor. An attempt to optimize the compromise between abrasive wear resistance and impact... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructureChromium
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      AlgorithmsVirologyInflammationTreatment Outcome
PURPOSE: To investigate a case of severe wrinkled corneal flap after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) successfully treated by hydrating the flap with deionized water and applying a bandage contact lens. METHODS: A 39-year-old woman... more
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ROBERT MONTÉS-MICÓ , OD, MPHIL, AND JOSÉ I. BELDA, MD, PHD • PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety, effectiveness, predictability, and stability of the combination of anglesupported phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) implantation and laser-assisted... more
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      MyopiaTreatment OutcomeVisual acuitySafety
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      Space perceptionContrast sensitivitySpatial FrequencyClinical Sciences
PURPOSE: To describe the incidence of transient light-sensitivity syndrome (TLSS) after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) with the femtosecond laser and to identify preventive strategies.
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      OphthalmologySurgeryTreatmentFemtosecond Laser
immediately before the treatment. Different surgical instruments, including a lid speculum and spatula, were used in From the Refractive Surgery Department, Instituto Oftalmológico de each eye. Surgery was uneventful, and slitlamp... more
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      Visual acuityContact LensesContact LensCataract
PURPOSE: To contribute toward assessing the effectiveness of polymerase chain reaction as a rapid method in diagnosis of torpid keratitis caused by opportunistic fungi. METHODS: Interventional case report. A 50-year-old man with a corneal... more
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      Sequence AnalysisCase ReportPolymerase Chain ReactionAmerican
We describe a case of bilateral keratectasia after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) in a patient with previous radial keratotomy and astigmatic keratotomy. The best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) was 20/25 in both eyes.... more
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      MyopiaCorneaVisual acuityContact Lenses
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy, predictability, and safety of bitoric laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for the correction of mixed astigmatism.
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      OphthalmologySurgeryTreatmentTreatment Outcome
PURPOSE: To determine whether implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL) with a modified prolate anterior surface (Tecnis Z9000, AMO) results in reduced spherical aberration and improved contrast sensitivity after cataract surgery.
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      OphthalmologySurgeryTreatmentVisual acuity
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine objectively the changes in optical aberrations induced by the progressive tear film irregularity after a blink and their effects on retinal image quality.
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      OphthalmologyCorneaImage QualityProspective studies
To evaluate the optical aberrations in the cornea before and after astigmatic keratotomy (AK) combined with laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) in a group of patients with high myopic astigmatism.
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      MyopiaCorneaHigher Order ThinkingRefractive Error